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PTE Magazine Telegram Channel: @PTEmagazine

PTE Magazine
Listening: Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers #lmma
Summary of changes:

• Sample questions from official books are compiled into this document.

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1. According to the speaker, how are online news sources making the news industry more competitive?

□ A. There are more media options to choose from.

□ B. More advertising revenue comes from online news articles.
□ C. People care less about the national news.
□ D. The national stations have taken over the online media market.
□ E. It is easier to get the news from outside sources.

2. Which of these countries use electronic voting machines?

□ A. South Africa
□ B. India
□ C. Indonesia
□ D. Holland
□ E. The United Kingdom

3. Which aspects of subway construction will the speaker talk about in this lecture?

□ A. the funding of projects

□ B. the speed of trains
□ C. geological conditions
□ D. employing professionals
□ E. public approval
□ F. passenger movement

4. According to the speaker. Which of the following measures helped reduce community problems in

□ A. allowing residents to patrol the area

□ B. interviewing residents about the problems
□ C. organizing regular community meetings
□ D. giving families financial support
□ E. identifying hotspots for crime
□ F. removing litter from the streets

5. What comments are made about students in the Theatre Studies program?

□ A. They are encouraged to focus their studies on modern productions.

□ B. Past students offer them help.
□ C. Students can work at their own pace.
□ D. They need to be clear from the start about the area they want to work in.
□ E. A high percentage complete the degree and get jobs in their field.

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6. What was significant about the rock art found in the Yunnan province and in Western Europe?

□ A. The skill in the rock art is superior to that found in other parts of the world.
□ B. It suggests that the ancestors of the rock artists may have once lived in the same area.
□ C. Rock art in both places depicted animals of interest to humans.
□ D. It showed the people in each place had very different lifestyles.
□ E. It shows that people in widely separated places thought the same way.

7. The purposes of this talk are to

□ A. explain how humans grade writing.

□ B. present different methods for grading writing.
□ C. criticize the use of technology in grading writing.
□ D. describe the findings of a research project.
□ E. suggest directions for future research.

8. What does the speaker say about sharks?

□ A. They are hunted heavily because their price is high.

□ B. They are a more popular food source than other fish species.
□ C. They reproduce more slowly than other fish do.
□ D. They live for much longer than other species of fish.
□ E. They are more likely to become extinct than other fish.

9. Which of these tips about doing a good translation does the speaker mention~

□ A. Always translate from a second language into your native language.

□ B. Ask a native speaker if you are not sure of the meaning of something.
□ C. Take care to choose the right meaning of a word if you use a dictionary.
□ D. Don’t translate technical texts unless you are familiar with the subject.
□ E. Ask what your translation will be used for.

10. Which of these qualities of a building does the speaker mention as being important~

□ A. how attractive the building is to look at

□ B. how original the design of the building is
□ C. how well the building fits in with surrounding buildings
□ D. how long the building is likely to last
□ E. how well the building suits its purpose

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11. Which of the following are mentioned as influences on the English landscape garden?

□ A. The poet Alexander Pope

□ B. The Romantic Movement
□ C. A person's political affiliations
□ D. Italian classical painting
□ E. Gardens from classical Greece and Rome

12. Which of these countries still use woodblock printing on fabrics?

□ A. Japan
□ B. Peru
□ C. India
□ D. Egypt
□ E. China
□ F. Mexico

13. Which of the countries listed below continue to enforce punishments for failure to vote?

□ A. France
□ B. Bolivia
□ C. the UK
□ D. Australia
□ E. Austria
□ F. Greece

14. Which of the following were the presses adapted for printing originally used for?

□ A. crushing beans
□ B. flattening out boards
□ C. pressing clothes
□ D. crushing seeds and herbs
□ E. pressing grapes
□ F. pressing olives for their oil

15. Which of the following technological advances have had an effect on the economics and distribution of music?
□ A. piano sales
□ B. electronic recording systems
□ C. the Internet
□ D. the introduction of the valve trwnpet
□ E. the popularity of pianos
□ F. the ability to download music

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16. Which of the following statements is true of Rousseau's beliefs in The Social Contract?

□ A. Men form societies to better cope with the dangers in life.

□ B. Society has a corrupting influence on people.
□ C. People were far happier in a "state of nature" before civilization.
□ D. By forming societies, law and morality come into force.
□ E. Children's emotions should be educated before their intellect.

17. Which of the following conditions need to be met by payments who want to have their children educated at

□ A. They must provide lesson plans.

□ B. They must ensure their child plays a sport.
□ C. They must provide regular assessments.
□ D. They must provide book lists.
□ E. They must keep a record of attendance.

18. According to the text, who were originally responsible for popularizing rice in Europe?

□ A. the Chinese
□ B. the Greeks
□ C. the Spanish
□ D. the Indians
□ E. the Italians
□ F. the Arabs

19. Which of the following are suggested as reasons why contemporary writers on politics are less readable and
relevant than the ancient writers?

□ A. They only write about institutions.

□ B. They tend to focus on only one aspect of political systems.
□ C. Being university-based forces them to specialize.
□ D. They ask largely irrelevant questions.
□ E. They follow the example of 19th century writers.

20. Which of the following are mentioned as health problems caused by noise?

□ A. Extreme irritation
□ B. A certain degree on hearing loss
□ C. Problems with speech
□ D. Mental problems
□ E. Behavioral and anger problems

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21. According to the text, which of the following countries has a Poet Laureate?

□ A. the Caribbean
□ B. Ireland
□ C. Saint Lucia
□ D. the USA
□ E. Germany
□ F. France

22. Which of the following are mentioned as being difficult to re-adapt to when returning to your native country
after a long absence?

□ A. Technological change
□ B. More than nine years' absence
□ C. The difference in time zones
□ D. The way people go about their daily lives
□ E. People's terms of reference in conversation
□ F. Changes in government

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01. A, E 11.A, B, D 21. B, C, D
02. B, D 12.B, C, F 22. D, E
03. C, D 13. B, D, E
04. B, F 14. C, D
05. B, E 15. B, C, F
06. C, E 16. A, D
07. B, D 17. A, D
08. C, E 18. C, F
09. B, D 19. B, C
10. A, D 20. B, D, E

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