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Central Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, BulgarianAcademy of Sciences, Sofia 1040, Bulgaria

(Receioed 6 April 1981; clccepled 6 July 1981)

Abstract-An equation, based on the Kolmogorov-Obukhovtheory of the local structure of turbulent pulsations is
proposed for calculation of the mean drop diameter in pulsed and vibrating plate extraction columns. By means of
this eauation the mean droo diameter could be evaluated for intensive flow pulsation (or plate vibration) within
20% accuracy.

The mean size of drops formed in turbulized liquid- number of simplifying assumptions [4,9]. Nevertheless, an
liquid dispersions is one of the basic characteristics elementar balancing of the capilar and dynamic forces
needed for calculation and design of an extraction indicates that this value is of the order of magnitudeone.
eqitipment. The knowledge of the dispersion parameter Equation (1) could be presented in another form[lo]:
makes it possible to evaluate other process charac-
teristics such as dispersed phase hold-up, interfacial area d,,, = k&_?/~~~p”~. (2)
and mass transfer coefficients.
The average volume-surface diameter (&) could be On introducing the equivalents of the maximal flow
estimated by applying the Kolmogoroff-Obukhov theory velocity c1= 2af/q and the characteristic length I = dJ2,
of local structure of turbulent pulsations[l, 21. The use the energy dissipated, related to the plate area will be:
of this theory, however assumes a priori that certain
conditions are satisfied. When the assumed conditions E = k(pc/d,t~~3(2~f)~. (3)
are not fulfilled, the calculated drop diameters are far
from the correct value and do not agree with the After combining eqns (2) and (3) one obtains:
experimental results. This problem was extensively dis-
cussed earlier in connection with the drop break-up in d,,, = k;(~/lp,)3’5.94’5.d~‘5/(2uf)6’5. (4)
the turbulent two-phase flow [3].
The paper deals with the practical problem of cal- From a practical point view more important than the
culation of the mean drop diameter in the case of pulsed maximum diameter d,,, is the mean volume-surface
or vibrating plate extraction columns and a new equation (Sauter) diameter &. Unfortunately, there is very little
for this purpose is proposed. information about the relation between d,,, and (s,,. Ac-
cording to certain experimental studies of drop formation
in agitated vessels the ratio &/d,,, varies between 0.38
THEORETICAL and 0.67 [8, 11, 121.Therefore the value of k2 in
According to the theory of the local structure of
turbulent pulsations, adapted to the liquid-liquid dis- & = k,(u/pC)“5~ Ip4’5,d:‘5/(2uf)6’5 (5)
persion formation, the drop break-up could be governed
by several mechanisms, depending on the type of forces will be by a factor 1.5-2.5 smaller than kl in eqn (1).
(capillary, viscous etc.) which control this process&71.
In the typical liquid-liquid systems dispergation is con- EXPERIMENTN.
trolled for sufficiently high turbulence intensity, by a The experiments were carried out in a laboratory glass
mechanism based on the capillar and the dynamic forces pulsed column, 0.05 m in dia. and 1.0 m of operational
acting on a single drop[3, 81. Following this mechanism height: provided with 21 perforated plates spaced at
the maximum stable drop diameter is given by the rela- 0.05 m. The plates were made of stainless steel and had
tionship: circular perforations (0.002 m dia. of the holes), arranged
in an equilateral-triangular position. The free area of the
d,,, = k,(cr/p,)3’5 . (oh’)“‘. (0 plate was 19.8% (6 =0.198). The system used was dis-
tilled water-equivolumic mixture of kerosene and carbon
According to the basic concept of the abovementioned tetrachloride (KCT) (density 1I80 kg/m3). The interfacial
theory the characteristics u and I for a vibrating or tension measured by the method of the pendant drop [13]
pulsed plate should be considered as a maximal flow was 0.034 N/m at 20°C.
velocity and an equivalent radius of the plate hole res- The mean drop diameter (&) was obtained using the
pectively. An accurate prediction of the kl is difficult well known photographic method. Special provisions
since the development of eqn (1) is associated with a were taken to provide correct and precise measurement
of this characteristic in the multidrop populations as
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

multilayer depth focusing, thermostating, rectangular The results obtained for &, as well as those reported
antidistortion perplex boxing, etc. Photographs were by other authors [ 14191, including experiments made in a
taken in the region of the 17th plate (counting from the Karr type extractor[ll] and multistage vibrating disk
dispersed phase entry), since the preliminary tests had column[20] are shown in Fig. 1. Table 2 reports the
shown a constant drop size in the last quarter of the essential information about the columns and systems
column lenght. All drops were measured within 2~ used.
low5m accuracy from representative areas of each pho- Selecting from all data presented in Fig. 1 only those,
tograph, each one including V&O-2500drops. The mean obtained for the condition:
diameter was calculated from the expression
e,,,= pC(2&‘/2gZ> 0.48 [kg/s’] (7)
(6) where e,,, is defined as the lowest limit of the maximum
local kinetic energy dissipated into the dispersion passing
The values of d;* for various pulsation amplitudes and through the plate per unite plate area, the validity of the
frequencies are given in Table 1. relationship (5) becomes obvious (see Fig. 2). Data
The phase flowrates were kept constant-Q, = obtained at high turbulent regimes i.e., e,,, > 0,48, follow
5.7 x 10m6m3/s and Q0= 2.95 x 10m6m’/s, since the prel- eqn (5), presented in its final form as:
iminary tests confirmed the assumption that phase
flowrates do not influence the mean drop diameter if the
condition (Q,,. + Qo)/S < 2af is met.

Table 1.

3 2a I=Zaf em a,,
HZ m m/s k/s3 m

3 U,UIO 0,030 0,54 O,GOll~

O.Ul4 0,042 0*95 0.00090
o,otg 0,054 2,Ol 0,000d7
0,024 0,072 4,76 O,OOO48

2-5 0,020 0,050 1.59 O,cOO72

0,024 0,060 ZP75 0,00064
0,028 0,070 4,37 0,00051

2 0,026 0,052 I,79 0.0007f

0.030 0,060 2.75 0.00066
0,035 0,070 4937 0,00053


315 (p4/5 &I’

. -
Rg. 2. Correlahon for d32vs E t2af),,,q forfully developed turbulence(e,,, > 0.48).Thenumbers correspond to
those in Table 2.
On the size of drops in pulsed and vibrating plate extraction columns 339

ll”lP *.

,y::tem I$0
G 10’ ‘p dl,lo3 em ,‘,a,66
c- and a- P Ref .NU
kg/m3 s/m - m transfer
p iase kg/s3

1 . Water-carbon
tetmchloride 9% 45,o 0,1t2 2,o 0,015-l ,2 14

2.water-carmn 1000 45.0 0,468 2~0 j,O6-24~4 J2, c-d 15


3. Water-carbon
tetmchlor-ide lUO0 45.0 0,186 2,0 3,06-24,4 J2, d --SC 15

tetracllloride 1000 4510 0,078 2,0 0,13-16,3 c-nitropxnol, 16

5 .Water-kerosene 1000 5990 0,WZ 2,O 0.04-0772 17

6 .Kerosene-water 805 2b.2 0.55 12,7 0.07~2,69 18

7 .#et:~l-i-outil 816 b,7 0955 12,“7 O,Ol-0,27 18

k&on -vmter

8 aWater-i+IBK 1000 877 OS19 3,o o,uz-9.90 19

9. water-MIBK 1000 10,o 0.052 2,o 18,- 2106, 20

IO.Water-toli\ene 1000 3517 0.052 2.0 15,- 1712. 20

11,Water-n-nexane 1000 51r5 0,052 2.0 15,- 2112. 20

2 .Wa+-KCT 1000 34,O 011 w 2,o o,34-4.76 P’d”,“t’,“t

Fig. 2. Correlation
- 0
ford32vs c
t for fully developed turbulence

those in Table 2.
(em> 0.48). The numbers correspond to

This equation predicts the mean drop diameter in a The application of eqn (8) for practical purposes,
pulsed or vibrating plate columns within 20% accuracy however, should be made with care even when restric-
for the systems with different physical properties (805i tion (7) is fulfilled. The basic eqn (1) assumes the, ideal
pc < 1000;816 c pd < 1595;0.008==I u < 0.0515)and plates case, and neglects many inevitable effects as the
with different design characteristic4 ,(O.LKE<d,, C presence of surface active agents or the interphase mass
0.0127;0,052< cp< 0.55). fluxes, modifying the interfacial tension (the latter could
Considering the available information about the ratio be seen directly by comparing the data for systems No.
&,/d, the value of k2(k2= 0.57) confirms the fact that 2 and 3), drop coalescence due to the fact that the
the theoretical coefficient K, in eq. (1) is approximately hold-up has always a finite, nonzero value, time depend-
1. ing equilibrium establishment etc.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the RIWRENCU

concept of lower limit of the dissipated kinetic energy e,,, [ll KolmogorovA. N., C. R. Acad. Set USSR 194130 229.
and the appropriate representation of the characteristics, 121ObnkhovA. M., lzv. Acad.Sci. USSR SerGeogr. Geoph. 1941
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d,t plate perforations diameter, m Oxford (1968).
4 column diameter, m McManameyW. J. Gem. Enana Sci. 197934 432.
maximal local kinetic energy, dissipated in the
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kglsec’ 1381.
pulse or vibration frequency, set‘ ’ US1Khemangkorn V., Molinier J. and Angelino H., Chem.
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WI Tutaeva A. N. and Kagan S. Z., Tr. Mask. lnsf. Khim.
I characteristic length, m Techn. 19674 242.
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p,Zai~(rrlXl4) kglsec Chem. Engng 19655 242.
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