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Project Guidelines

As a part of the course, students are expected to develop a case based on an organizational change context which has
an impact on the HR dimension or on the impact of people resourcing strategies on an organizational-level outcome.
The case problem or issue could be based on your prior organizational experience or from the popular press. The
case could focus on the human dimension in an internal organizational change process like restructuring,
outsourcing, ERP implementation, TQM implementation or downsizing. It could also focus on a context like the
human dimension in start-ups, in the M&A context, in HQ-Subsidiary, in organizational decline or IPO. You are
also welcome to develop a case based on the influence of people resourcing strategies on organizational outcomes
such as innovation, customer loyalty, service failures, etc.

The final project report should abide by the following guidelines:

1. Format of the report:

a. Specify the motivation behind the study. Define the background of the issue that you intend to study.

b. Literature review for the study (Can include HBR articles/ journals/ academic and/or practitioner articles; no
Wikipedia/ no Blogs)

c. Examine the stakeholder imperatives.

d. Identify organizational decision making processes and the manner in which the change was implemented or
the problem was resolved.

e. What were the impacts on the people, their behaviors and attitudes?

f. Did the intended outcomes occur?

g. What were the positives and negatives associated with the change?

h. Must include Data Analysis and Findings followed by Conclusions and Recommendations.

i. All references and citations should follow the APA style. Please note that references and citations are to be
included. Please paraphrase statements from papers.

j. The assignment should not exceed 3000 words. Excluding the references.

2. Submit (only one member from a group) the Project report on Moodle by: 6 December 2021 (11:59 PM)

3. All students have to submit the individually filled Peer Evaluation Form on Moodle by: 8 December 2021
(11:59 PM)

Meeting: Groups can schedule a meeting with the Professor with prior appointment to get doubts cleared.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be tolerated and treated as Academic Dishonesty.

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