Ex 1

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EXERCISES for Chapter 1 of Calculus 1 Dr Janet, Sem 1, 2019/20

Write your answers on A4-sized paper. Some weeks your work will be collected for marking.
Questions marked * do not need to be submitted.

1. Consider the function f in Figure 1 (above). State the slope of the graph at a) x = 1, b)
x = 3, c) x = 5.5, d) x = 7.
2. Sketch graphs of the following equations. (Do this not by plotting points but by identifying
the slope and y-intercept.) a) y = x − 2, b) y = 2x + 4, c) x + 3y = 3.
3. Suppose the world population was 5332 million people in 1990 and 7382 million in 2015.
Assume a linear model. a) Find an expression for the world population P as a function of
time t. b) State the slope of the function found in part a), including its units, and interpret
its meaning. c) According to this model, what will the population be in 2020?
4. Each week, a small furniture factory currently produces 50 chairs with a total production
cost of $470. The production cost may be considered to be linearly dependent on the number
of chairs produced. It is estimated that for every 10 extra chairs produced, production costs
will increase by $62. Find an equation for the cost function (that is, the production cost as a
function of number of chairs produced). For $1000, how many chairs can be produced per day?

5. Let f (x) = 1 + 3 x. Find a) f (8), b) f (x + 2), c) f ( x13 ).
6. State the domain
√ and range of the function:
a) f (x) = 4 − x , b) g(x) = ||x|−2| , c) h(x) = ln(x2 − x − 2).
7. Find a formula for the area of an equilateral triangle as a function of the side length, x.
8. Consider a closed rectangular box with a square base of side length x (in meters). If the
volume of the box is 1 m3 , find an expression for the total surface area as a function of x.
9. Sketch an approximate graph of distance as a function of time for your daily journey from
your home to IU.
10.* Check that you can sketch the graphs of the following common√equations (from memory
– without plotting points or other working): y = x2 , y = x3 , y = x, y = |x|,
1 1
y = , y = 2 , y = sin x, y = cos x, y = tan x, y = ex , y = ln x, x2 + y 2 = a2 .
x x
11. Circle C is centred at (1, 3) and has radius 2. Write a function y = f (x) for the upper
half of circle C.
12. A car park charges 40,000 VND for a stay of up to 2 hours, then an additional 10,000
VND for every additional hour or part of an hour. Write a formula for the total cost C (in
VND) as a function of the parking time t (in hours) for 0 < t < 5, and sketch the graph of this
function. [Hint: This is a piecewise function.]
13. Write an equation for the piecewise function f shown in Figure 1 (above) on [0, 8).
14. Is the given function is odd, even or neither? Explain. a) f (x) = xe2−x , b) g(x) = 2x3 +7.
15. Let f (x) = sin x. a) Sketch the graph of f (x). Also find expressions for and sketch graphs
of: b) 3f (x), c) f (πx), d) f (x + π/4).

16-17. Sketch graphs of the following equations. (Do this not by plotting points but by
starting with the graph of a known function and applying appropriate transformations.)
1 1 1
16. a) y = 2 , b) y = 2
, c) y = 2 − 2 . 17. a) y = |x2 − 4|, b) y = e−|x|
x (x + 2) x
18. Figure 2 shows a sinusoidal electrical voltage. Write an expression for V (t) where time t
is measured in milliseconds (ms). [Note: A sinusoidal function is a sine or cosine function.]

19. Given f (x) = 3 + 2 sin x, g(x) = x1 , h(x) = x − 1, a) find f ◦ g ◦ h and state its domain
and range, b) find (g ◦ h ◦ f )( π6 ).
20. For the function f (x) shown in Figure 1, a) Find f (2), f (7) and (f ◦ f )(7); b) Does
function f have an inverse function? explain your answer.
1 − ex
21. Given f (x) = , find the inverse function f −1 .
1 + ex
22. Write down parametric equations: a) for the line segment from (2, 1) to (3, −6),
b) to traverse the circle (x + 1)2 + y 2 = 9 once in an clockwise direction.
23. Using a table of values, sketch the parametric curve x = t2 , y = 2 sin( π2 t), −3 ≤ t ≤ 3.
Mark the direction of travel.
24. A bullet is fired from ground level at time t = 0 and follows a trajectory x = 30t,
y = 40t − 5t2 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 8 where x is horizontal distance and y is vertical height, both measured
in metres, after t seconds. If the ground is flat, how far away does the bullet hit the ground?
25-31. Find the limit or show that it does not exist.
2−u x3 − 1 1 + 3x − 2x3
25. lim cos(x2 + sin x), 26. lim+ , 27. lim √ , 28. lim .
x→0 u→2 |2 − u| x→1 x−1 x→∞ 4 − x2
x2 + 1 t+2 2
29. lim 3 , 30. lim √ , 31. lim x2 ecos x [Hint: use Squeeze theorem]
x→−∞ x − 2 t→∞ 3t2 − t + 1 x→0

sin x sin(3x) 3x + sin(2x)

32. Given lim = 1, use the laws of limits to find a) lim , b) lim .
x→0 x x→0 x x→0 x − 2 sin x
2x − 1
33. Identify all the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of the function f (x) = .
 x x−1
 e if x < 0
34. Consider the function g(x) = 2 − x if 0 ≤ x < 1
 a
− 1 if x ≥ 1
a) Find the limits lim− g(x), lim+ g(x), and lim g(x). Is g(x) continuous at x = 0?
x→0 x→0 x→0
b) Find the value of the constant a such that g(x) is continuous at x = 1.
c) Using the value of a found in part b), identify all the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of
g(x) and sketch the graph of g(x).
35. Sketch the graph and write the formula of a function f (x) such that f has domain [0, 4)
and is discontinuous at x = 2. Also state the range of your function.
36. The gravitational force F of Earth on a unit mass at a distance r (r ≥ 0) from Earth’s
centre is given below. M is the mass of Earth, R is Earth’s radius and G is the gravitational
constant. Is F (r) a continuous function? Justify your answer.
( GM r
if r < R
F (r) = GM
if r ≥ R
37. Use the intermediate value theorem to show that the equation f (x) = x3 + x − 1 has a
root on the interval (0, 1).
38. Prove that the equation 27π ln x − x3 = 7 has at least two roots in the interval (0, ∞).

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