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In most countries age restrictions on certain activities, products and services are

imposed on young people. Evaluate whether these are always necessary.

In today’s society there is clear line between the youths and the adults.
These are set by the law where there is a specific age that defines
someone as an adult. When the person reaches that phase, they are
introduced to new rights and restrictions that differ from anyone that is
younger. These new rights include allowing them to vote and drive which
on the other hand would not be allowed for young people. These
regulations have now been installed for decades, but is it necessary after
Restrictions are important as it reduces the risk of any danger occurring
from youths. Young people scientifically and mentally are not mature
enough to be able to comprehend the danger of some situations and can
be reckless. Like for example teenagers might loot their parents’ car and
drive illegally without thinking about the consequences which in the worst
case could be a fatal car crash.
Young people’s contribution could lead to corruption within a country.
Young adults might be involved in crucial decisions like choosing a new
leader of a country and they might be influenced by the wrong reasons.
Youths might support someone due to their good appearance and not
because of their intelligence or political motives. This can result in a civil
war mostly in countries with very high fertility rates as these countries have
a higher proportion of youths than middle aged and elder citizens.
Teens are rebellious and impulsive hence they will do it even without
having the right for it. In some cases, young people are even more excited
to do it when they are prohibited from doing. For example, kids might get a
tattoo underage and show it off to other kids to display disappointment of
the laws.
On the other hand, young people are overly restricted modern in society.
Scientist argue that we become adults at end of puberty. They believe we
are conscious and mature

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