CamScanner 12-05-2021 10.11

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Program 3.7.6: ~ Write a program to create three buttons “Square”, “Cube” and “Square root” to perform operations accordingly. Keep the background color to “Yellow” and also change the backgrount color to “Red” for clicked button. import java.awt.*; import java.awtevent.*; class EventDemo6 extends Frame { Button btn] btn2,btn3; TextField tf1,tf2; public EventDemo6( ) { setLayout(new FlowLayout( ); bin] = new Button("Square’) btn2 = new Button("Cube"); bin3 = new Button("Sq Root"); fl = new TextField(15); {2 = new TextField(15); 1f2.setEditable false); add(tfl); add(btnl); add(btn2); add(btn3); add(2); bin1.addFocusListener(new InnerFocus(); Scanned with CamScanner yee advanced Java Programming (MSBTE) ao Event Ha inl addActionListener(new hinerSquare())s pin2.addFocusListener(new InnerFocus( )); bin2.add! Listener( pund.acddFos sw InnerFocus( )); bin3.addActionListener(new InnerSqRoot( )); fend of constr {qass InnerFocus implements FocusListener { public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { Object ob = fe.zetSource(); iffob: { binl) binl.setBackground(Color.ted); bin2.setBackground(Color-yellow); bin3.setBackground(Color:yellow); bin2.setBackground(; bin1.setBackground(Color.yellow)s bin3.setBackground(Color.yellow); } iffob==bin3) { btn3,setBackground ( bin2,setBuckground(Color-yellow); btn1 setBackground(Color.yellow)s } Public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) it Scanned with CamScanner ¥ 1% 38 _Advanced Java Programming (MSBTE) at } fiend of inner! Jclass InnerSquate implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { int n = Integer.parselnt(tfL.getText(}}s ints = nj U2.setText(" + 5): } fend of event() } /end of inner2 lclass InnerCube implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { int n = Integer.parselnt(t{l getText( ))s inte = nt U2.setTest(" + os } ifend of event() } fend inner3 class InnerSqRoot implements ActionListener H{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEyent ae) { int n = Integer.parselnt(tfl.getText()}s double sq = Math.sqet(n)s U2setText(" + 54); } //end of event() } i/end of inner public static void main(String arf} { EventDemo6 fr = now EventDemo6( )s fr-setSize(300,300)5 fr.setVisible(true)s feserTitlo(’Demonstrating multiple events"): ee Scanned with CamScanner ¥ Advanced Java Programming (MSBTE) 3-32 Event Handli nd of class Scanned with CamScanner

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