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Teacher’s Signature:


Grade/Year Level: GRADE 8

Subject Area: ENGLISH

Date: OCTOBER 14, 2021


Facilities Description Will it contribute to the students’

learning and development? Why?

The Principal's office is neat A tidy office can encourage

Office of the Principal / and tidy, with everything in its students to keep their classrooms
place. clean as well, and if their
classrooms are clean, they can
study more effectively.

Library Each classroom has a mini Each classroom has a tiny library,
/ library and they will provide for and they will make up for any
the lack of books. books that are missing.

The counseling room was so Students will love studying if there

Counseling Room / quiet that it seemed like it would is a pleasant atmosphere in which to
be a good place to talk about do so.
certain issues and where kids
might be appropriately counseled.

With the whole student A clean canteen and nutritious

Canteen/Cafeteria / population, the canteen is small meals sold can assist students in
and overcrowded. staying healthy so that they can
focus on their studies.

Although there is no medical If the medical clinic can

Medical Clinic clinic, but they will give accommodate sick students and
x assistance. provide drugs to aid in their
recovery, just a few students will be
unwell, making it easier for them to

There is no Audio Visual or

Audio Visual/Learning x learning resource center, but they
Resource Center will provide

The gymnasium's primary goal is to

/ The gym is spacious and clean and assist pupils in increasing their
Gymnasium under of construction. strength and stamina in terms of
health and other activities. The
construction of the gymnasium will
benefit the kids' overall
development by exposing them to a
variety of activities that will
increase their fitness and endurance.

There is no Auditorium, but they

Auditorium x will provide

The garden is spacious, clean and

Outdoor/Garden / many different types of plants can
be seen

It can assist students in gaining

understanding about industrial
Home Economics Room x There is no, Home Economics processes that will be beneficial to
Room but they will provide them.

Industrial Workshop Area x There is no, Industrial Workshop

Area but they will provide

PTA Office x There is no PTA Office but they

will provide

The comfort room for boys Students will not be distracted if the
Comfort Room for Boys / located outside the room where we facilities are clean and have a
had observed. But there’s need a pleasant odor, and if they are close
proper maintenance to the classroom.

Comfort Room for Girls / The comfort room for girls it If the facilities are clean and have a
was located outside the room good smell and if it is near the
where we had observed. But classroom, the students will not be
there’s need a proper maintenance distracted. Having a good
environment can help students to
study well.

Having a science laboratory may

There is no Science Laboratory, help students learn to address
but they will provide the challenges inherent in directly
Science Laboratory observing and manipulating the
material including troubleshooting
equipment used to make
observations, understanding
measurement error, and interpreting
and aggregating the resulting data
that developing practical skills.
An observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or neighborhood The school is not distant from the town center, about a
where the school is found. 20-minute walk to Victoria's terminal. However, I
must state that the neighborhood in which it resides is
tranquil, with houses spaced 15-20 meters apart.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do Buildings are painted in not-so-bright hues, as you can
you see? What is the condition of the see. The buildings at Junior High School are pink,
buildings? whereas those at Senior High School are bright
orange. According to the resource teacher, the SHS
building has a second floor and the JHS building will
be remodeled.

3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you The teachers and principal's offices appear to be
have of these offices? extremely professional. Those offices are extremely
quiet, yet they are willing to help anyone who asks.

4. Walk through the school halls, library, and When I go through the corridors, I noticed that small
the cafeteria. Look around and find out that the libraries were simply put inside classrooms, with no
school has. distinct library to visit. The canteen is only a few steps
away from the SHS building, and it sells food.

Teacher’s Signature:


Grade/Year Level: GRADE 8

Subject Area: ENGLISH

Date: OCTOBER 14, 2021

1. Looks at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures,
lessons, visual aids; announcements, do you see posted?

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the
tables and chairs/desks arranged?

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

5. Is the room well-lit well-ventilated?

Teacher’s Table Wall displays

Blackboard Learner’s desk

Learning Materials Visual Aids

Book Shelves Lightings

Observation REPORT


Date to Visit: OCTOBER 14, 2021

A calendar of events, announcements, liquidations reports, schedule, school calendar,

educational management information system such division memo, students profile, and school forms

are some of the items that are put on the classroom walls.

The teacher's table is located next to the door, facing the students' chairs, and it is a tiny table.

Some of the learner's desks are very new, and they can seat up to 30 pupils in a single classroom.

Aside from the blackboard, which is large and modern, there is a large whiteboard in front of

the pupils. There are word visual aids and several charts among the learning resources available.

Every classroom contains four to five fluorescent bulbs, a modest number of book shelves in the rear

of the room, and no books.

Wide windows on both sides of the classroom allow light to readily permeate the inside and air

to flow freely through the cooler. The noise from motorbikes and other vehicles outside will not

interfere with the pupils' ability to learn.


How do school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to
school? what are your conclusions?

The school campus is designed to provide a pleasant learning atmosphere that fosters learning,
growth, and curiosity in a way that differs from what students are used to at home, so that the school site
and classroom are favorable to social interaction among groups and peers. As a result, it is a challenge
for the school campus to establish an environment that encourages social learning growth, challenges
learners for self-development, and gives them something to strive for in the future for the benefit of their
social life and financial progress. It is also important that, as a school, morality and societal standards be
taught, so that students realize that each individual has a social duty to others and must respect the rights
of others and adhere to the appropriate norms.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this relate
to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

For successful and productive learning, a kid need a favorable learning environment. Teenagers are
at a vital time in their emotional and psychological development. At this age, anyone can have a
significant impact on their social, personal, and community development for the rest of their lives.

As a teacher, we can be humble enough to extend our patience longer, to understand their change
physically, emotionally, and psychologically, to provide support and understanding, to teach the
appropriate action and reaction to a situation, to share our experience and emotional maturity that point
to the right direction in a professional teacher, and to share our experience and emotional maturity that
point to the right direction in a professional teacher. As a teacher, we can only teach and inform as
teachers it is up to the student to assimilate and apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-
life situations.

Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Because the cornerstone of teaching is not about choice, I would love to teach at the school that I
just visited. It's about following one's calling to be a teacher. Teaching is a kind of equality. It is always
a right, not a privilege. It's all about pursuing knowledge and sharing it with people who want to learn
and who want to pursue it.

What kind of school campus is conductive to learning?

The school site that is most favorable to learning is the one that provides the finest learning
opportunities. It attracts learning, fosters social and intellectual progress, and may educate society's basic
standards, the rules that everyone must obey, and the social responsibility that comes with it. An
educational institution that instills in students the value of and a thorough grasp of the natural order of

What kind of classroom is conductive to learning?

The school site that is most favorable to learning is the one that provides the finest learning
opportunities. It attracts learning, fosters social and intellectual progress, and may educate society's basic
standards, the rules that everyone must obey, and the social responsibility that comes with it. An
educational institution that instills in students the value of and a thorough grasp of the natural order of

In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

With the support of everyone in the class, I am capable of achieving anything. Willpower and
desire alone will not be enough until the educational system, instructors and staff, parents, and students
all support them. Otherwise, it would require a miracle. I'm just hoping for the best since I know I'll be
heading in that route. However, I'm praying for the best. The mind of a youngster is complicated. Every
kid, as a teacher, deserves a bright future; it is our responsibility to help them exceed us, to assist them
every step of the way so that they can improve; their growth will be societal improvement.
Write your additional learning’s and insights here.

At this time, I can see and appreciate the need of continuing to learn in a variety of methods. One
who is dedicated to self-improvement. As a person's emotional and physical development progresses, so
should their intellectual development. Each and every cell in the body is unique. The entire body should
expand as well. As new ideas arrive, a new generation emerges. You, as a human, must be aware that
"no man is an island." The second factor is societal accountability. It is not enough for you to progress in
every field. You also have a moral and societal obligation to pass on the information that you have
acquired over time by educating others to grow. You go acquire a new skill, method, or location to go
and learn new things so that you may teach others the value of life and key life lessons in the long trip
by recognizing that the value of self-worth seems brighter on my path.



Teacher’s Signature:


Grade/Year Level: GRADE 8

Subject Area: ENGLISH

Date: OCTOBER 14, 2021

An observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and colors do you see? How
are the pieces of information and images arranged?

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

5. Do you notice some errors? (Misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

7. think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

8. Take a photos of the display boards (if allowed)

There are nine displays visible on the grounds of Victoria National High School, where I observe. They
are displayed in areas where viewers may easily see them, including some inside the classroom. The majority
of the display is dedicated to some sort of announcement, liquidation report, or enrollment. Cartolina, printed
bond sheets, Styrofoam, recyclable materials, plastic coverings, and a variety of other materials are
commonly seen on display boards. They are used to enhance the appearance of the display boards and to
communicate the messages on them to the audience. I didn't detect any problems in the display boards based
on my observations. One explanation is because the producers of these boards thoroughly inspect them. If
there are any mistakes, the viewers may not see them. Messages were obvious and easy to understand for
students and teachers, as well as any observers of the display boards, due to fewer or no mistakes.

Topic of the Board Display : School Reminders

Location of the Board Display in School : Inside the Classroom

Check the column that indicates your rating.

Write comments to back up your ratings.

3-Very Satisfactory
2- Satisfactory
1-Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication Because it is near the gate, the message may
It conveys the message / be seen readily by instructors, student, and
quickly and clearly. parents.

Attractiveness / The colors and arrangements slightly catches

Colors and arrangement and hold interest.
catch and hold interest.

Balance / Each bond paper had a limited amount of

Objects are arranged, so area, they were not stacked next to one
stability is perceived. another. The objects, on the other hand, are

Unity / It is good in the eyes because there is only

Repeated shapes or colors one border to the bulletin boards.
or use of borders hold
display together.

Interactivity / Learners are enticed to participate and

The style and approach engage by the style and approach.
entice learners to be
involved and engaged.

Legibility / The letter is not too big so it cannot be easily

Letters and illustrations can seen when you were far.
be seen from a good

Correctness / There are no grammar errors or misspelled

It is free from grammar words.
errors, misspelled words,
Durability / Due to perfect adherence, each paper will not
It is well-constructed, items be able to fall if it is properly positioned.
are securely attached.
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: ANGELICA B. DE CASTRO

Location: Beside the Classroom

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: Bulletin Board is about some announcement,

enrolment and liquidation report.


Strengths Weaknesses

The Bulletin Board's style is highly Some of the texts fonts are too
colorful, it has a basic design that is small.
Description of the Bulletin appealing to the eye, especially in the For the writings to be seen
Board Layout
color used. clearly, the majority of the boards
The bulletin board's finest cover is must be repaired.
made of glass.

Only a few English words are

Some announcements and
written on the board.
information are depicted or shown on
The information on the display
Evaluation of educational the bulletin board.
content and other aspects board is less educational.

Recommendation or
suggestions for improvement

To entice people, use more bright materials.

Make the lettering larger and more readable.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name: ANGELICA B. DE CASTRO


What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

Visual learners benefit from bulletin board displays that vary on a regular basis to reflect
new teachings. They can better comprehend new content, reinforce new terms and concepts, and
push students to engage in new ways. Classroom display boards are a fantastic method to get our
kids involved, interested, and working together, which will help them learn more and develop
their own talents. They not only promote visual learning and interactive courses, but they also
assist youngsters in developing their personal talents and harnessing their creativity by keeping
them informed about important announcements.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?

Yes, there are simple board design that reflect the likes or interest of the audience. Because
the draft fits it to the board wherein the content is all about the achievements of the students at
some announcement.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?

Yes, the language used was clear and straightforward. As a result, the audience could easily
read the writings on the board.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Yes, it was successful for me since there were exhibits that encouraged the audience to
participate. Some boards provide information to the audience and also motivate them to achieve
their best in academics, but I can't say which board display is the most successful since I haven't
interviewed students to learn about their opinions on the board.

What suggestions can you make?

For the purpose of improving the display board. I'd like to propose that the displayed text be
made more legible. In addition, I would like to recommend that additional educational material
be shown on the bulletin board.

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

Creativity is one of the talents that a teacher should have in order to create a successful board
display; she or he must be able to come up with new methods to depict teachings or topics. Elegance
requires her/him to strike a balance between colorful and conservative design in order for the message to
be communicated effectively. In order to be fair, a designer should touch both the content and the type
of display. Resourcefulness that she/he will be able to come up with an effective board display utilizing
the materials at hand, as well as patience, as designing requires patience in order to minimize or
eliminate errors.

2. Which of the skills you names in #1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in
making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

Fairness and patience are two qualities I already possess. I am tasked to seek for information,
based on my previous experiences in creating board presentations. I took a close look at the content and
design of our intended display board. I also learned to be patient, especially after making numerous

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills?

Creativity and elegance are two qualities that I need to improve. I will practice doing it better in
order to progress and gain these talents. If I have to spend money on a project, I'll do everything I can to
complete it without even considering other options. In order for me to be able to build anything like this.
I'll need to look up some ideas on the internet and seek for help from others.

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