Handout - Announcement - Alifia Deviyanti

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Lesson 1: Announcement Text

Medium : Picture


Topics: Reading announcement & dialogue, Generic Structure, Language features

(Simple Present Tense, Simple Future Tense, Imperative sentence), Differences between
announcement and advertisement.


 Look at the picture. Then, pay attention to your teacher.
 Discuss what is the picture about.

24th school anniversary

To celebrate our 24th school anniversary, then our school will

hold a competition including speech competition and Ranking 1
competition. The events will be held on Monday, April 29th, 2019. The
competitions will be held in the school hall. All students of SMP N 13
Madiun are required to follow and participate.
For the further information you can contact Mrs. Tutik as the
committee in the school office.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Tutik

 Look at the dialogue. Practice it with your chairmate and answer the
following questions:
Ricky: "I've something interesting
to tell you."
Student 1:
Roy: "What is it, Ricky?"
- Who gave the information? Ricky: "You know Judika?"
- Who received the information? Roy: "Yeah, of course. Why?"
- What is the announcement about? Ricky: "He will come to Jember."
Roy: "What?"
Ricky: "Yes. He will come and have a
Student 2:
concert at Notohadinegoro
- Who is the participants in the event? stadium."
- When the event will be held? Roy: "Amazing. When is it?"
- Where the event take place? Ricky: "I heard that he will come at
the beginning of January."
Roy: "I'm going to watch his
Ricky: "Okay. Soon when the ticket
is offered, I will tell you."
 Look at the generic structure of announcement below. Pay attention to
your teacher.

Title of announcement
Receiver Outline
Opening Purpose

Time (day, date, year)

Location or place Detail
Content Etc (steps, dress code, categories, others)

Contact person
Social media or URL (if needed)
Closing Sender
 Look at the random pictures below. Please arrange the pictures based on
the generic structure to become a good announcement.

 Understand the text below and pay attention to your teacher.
A. Simple Present Tense
 The simple present is a verb tense that used when an action is happening
right now, or when it happens regularly.
 How to form:
For subject She, He, It, add s or es
(+) S + V1 (+ s/es) + O (Compliment) in the the end of the verb

We go to school every week

Do Does
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O (Compliment) I She
You He
We don’t go to school every week They It

(-) Do/does + S + V1 + O (Compliment) + ?

Do we go to school every week ?

B. Simple Future Tense

 The simple future tense is a verb tense that used when an action will
happen in the future.
 How to form:
(+) S + will + V1 + O (Compliment)
Lea will take the challange

(-) S + will + not + V1 + O (Compliment)

Lea will not (won’t) take the challange

(-) Do/does + S + V1 + O (Compliment) + ?

Will Lea take the challenge ?

C. Imperative Sentence
 Imperative Sentence gives an order or command. It usually uses an
exclamation mark (!).
 Example:
- Let’s join us!
- Give me the book!
- Register now!

 Look at the picture. Try to analyze the language features with your teacher.

Announcement Advertisement

Public statement giving Persuade you to buy

information about something, or job
something vacancy.

 Look at the picture to decide which one of them is announcement and


1 2


A. Please cross (x) the best answer

Announcement Text 1

Green Miles West

The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an

agreement we reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over
the original use of “California” in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal customers. While this
represent a change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of
products we offer our customers

1. The company assures its customers that they will always maintain the . . . of their
A. price
B. origin
C. quality
D. sale
E. quantity

2. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .

A. a new name was given to Green Miles California
B. a new name of a merger of two company
C. a new name given from The California Gardening Association
D. a name of a new company that deals with gardening
E. a name given to a company formed by the Gardening Association

Announcement Text 2
All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st Desember2008


3. What kind of the text is it ?

A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
E. Memo
4. What is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation to join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.
E. Discussion about holding a class meeting

Announcement Text 3
To : All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school holiday from Thursday
8th to Saturday 10th August 2015.
During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go camping in the
Highlands to a place called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor centre where you can learn to
climb, canoe and fish and do all sorts of exciting things.
Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the Festival too. Don’t worry;
you aren’t going to be bored! The school pays for all students, so you are free of charge.
Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those who want
to go, please meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.

Sincerely Yours

5. What should the students do to join the activity?

A. To pay for the trip
B. To go to the teacher’s office
C. To meet the headmaster
D. To bring the changing clothes
E. To visit principal’s house

6. From the text we know that ….

A. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers
B. The students should bring their own clothes
C. The holiday will last for two days
D. The holidays won’t be excited
E. All student will be examined in the Highlands

7. The text is written to ….

A. To give information about the activity on school holiday
B. To describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
C. To remind students about an outdoor activity
D. To announce the school thursday matter
E. To persuade students on joining sutdent club in the holiday

Announcement Text 4

Our school will celebrate its 17th anniversary on:

Day/ Date: Saturday, 17 February 2018
Place : Sport Hall
Time : 8.00 am – 11.00 am

To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be held together with music show of the
school band featuring a well known singer. All the teachers and students are supposed
to attend this celebration. For this reason all school extracurricular activities at school
such as basketball, Martial art, Football and English Sunday meeting will not be done for
that day.


8. What did the school do to celebrate its anniversary?

A. To hold a special bazaar.
B. To have a martial art competition.
C. To do all extracurricular activities.
D. To highlight all events well.
E. To participate in the marching band competition

9. The school did not have all the extracurricular activities on that day because … .
A. the sport hall would be used for the celebration of the school anniversary
B. all students had to attend the bazaar and buy everything sold in the event
C. there was an attractive music show performed by all students of the school
D. nobody was interested in playing basketball in the sport hall that day
E. All students have played football for 3 days

Announcement Text 5

Pay Attention Please!

This Thursday is August 17th, the Independence day .

Don’t miss the Independence Day festival!
The festival begins at 08.00 in every district In Jakarta.
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
Don’t miss it! And Join many contests at school.
Free registration, full of prizes!
10. What does the text tell about?
A. Independence day festival
B. Gathering in school
C. Parade with the principal
D. School contest
E. Time registration

B. Please give a short answer to the question below.


Our school will conduct a green campaign. We will plant more trees
and recycle our garbage to make our school clean and green. take part in the
Donate one tree to our school. Give your tree to Mr. Stewart. He will
arrange a place for your tree. Do not litter. Put your garbage in the right container.

1. The school will __________ more trees.

2. The students must __________their garbage in the right container.
3. The students can donate __________ to the school.
4. Mr. Stewart will __________ where to plant the trees.
5. The campaign is to make the school __________ and green.

C. Please answer the question based on the announcement.



Come and meet one of your favourite writers, Handy Mukti.

Thursday, 29th July 2017

9 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Main hall of SMP Mazaya Islamic Boarding School

Be the first person to have Handy's newest book!

1. What is the intention of the announcement?

2. How loong will the meeting last?
3. During the meeting Handy Mukti might . . .
D. Please make your own announcement fit to the generic structure, and
language features. Make it in Microsoft Word. You have to design and print it
in form of A4.
Answer Key

A. Please cross (x) the best answer

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A

B. Please give a short answer to the question below.

1. Plant
2. Put
3. One tree / trees
4. Arrange
5. Clean

C. Please answer the question based on the announcement.

1. To give information about the newest book written by Handy Mukti.
2. Three hours
3. give away his new books
Rubric of Assesment

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