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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 119 No. 15 2018, 1557-1564

ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


S. EsaiPuvanesh
UG Scholar, CSE
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr,Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,

S. Prakasam
UG Scholar, CSE
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr,Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College

S. Vignesh
UG Scholar, CSE
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr,RangarajanDr.Sakunthala Engineering College

G. Madasamy Raja, Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College
Chennai – India 600 062

ABSTRACT - Biometric technology is the identified by his or her inherent physical or

safest technology to implement the security behavioral traits. The physical traits may be
measures to measure a person’s unique in the form of fingerprint recognition, retina
physical and behavioral characteristics. The recognition, facial recognition, iris
main aim of the biometric technology is to recognition, voice recognition, etc. In the
ensure that the authenticated person is using supervised manner, initially biometric
the system and thereby avoiding the features of a particular person is extracted
unauthorized access. The idea behind the and stored in the biometric features database
biometric technology is the concept that and the system is trained with those features.
every human being can be correctly Later that particular person is undergoing for

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

the biometric checking to verify his or her content, that is the biometric features are
authentication. Nowadays the security of encrypted through edge computing that
those biometric features are very very results in improved security and privacy of
important in the sense, if those features are biometric and other critically private
stolen or accessed by the hackers, then the information.
hackers can simulate a person with those
biometric features for the fraudulent
Biometric Technology, Visual Cryptography,
activities. The main aim of this study is Discrete Wavelet Transform, Encryption, Decryption.
related to security and privacy of biometric


The problems related to security and block diagram for the fundamental image
privacy of biometric content is a major processing tasks. The sub task preprocessing
concern in providing security to critically is one of the important tasks in any kind of
private information. Visual cryptography is image processing application. The
an approach to secure data that is to be protection mechanism in the preprocessing
shared through generating multiple shares. should not degrade the visual quality of the
There are numerous cases of individual image so that the difference of the
privacy breaches relating to personal recognition rate before and after the
information and multimedia content due to application of the mechanism should be a
the limited protection. The proposed work minimum. The key function of
deals with the security of biometric content, preprocessing is to improve the image in
specially face images. Fig. 1 shows the ways-that increase the chances for success

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

of the other processes. Preprocessing follows: section 2 deals with the related
typically deals with techniques for works relevant to present visual
enhancing contrast, removing noise, and cryptography technique for hiding the
isolating regions whose texture indicate a biometric images. Section 3 describes about
likelihood of alphanumeric information. the proposed algorithm with block diagram
This study selects wavelet transform for and shows some results. Section 4 throws
preprocessing before the biometric features some light on the future extension of this
are extracted. Fig. 2 shows the architecture study and finally sections 5 conclude this
diagram for the encryption and decryption paper.
process. The organization of this paper is as

Fig. 1 Fundamental steps in digital

image processing

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Input – The face image is captured from the Decryption – When user wants to access the
user. files the sample image is decrypted.
Conversion – The RGB color image is Biometric matching – The captured image
converted to grayscale.
and sample image are verified.
Preprocessing – The image is decomposed
Authorization – In case of face recognition,
using DWT. the faces are matched for a successful
match, else error message will be displayed.
Encryption – The preprocessed image is
encrypted and stored in database.
In the existing method, the
encryption mechanism was used with
watermarking [1-4], to protect biometric
templates. This technique was achieved
through a 2-share mechanism on the
biometric template and watermarking is
done by swapping the Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) coefficients. The major
disadvantage in this method is the lack of
privacy. There is a high risk, where the
biometric templates might be tampered or

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

misused during the transmission. Moreover, technology field in the near future [5, 6].
nowadays we are seeing a rapid Under this scenario, this kind of security
development in the field of IoT which thread is really dangerous. So, this study
almost sneaks into the each and every major focuses the safety storage of the biometric
life applications of people and it is also features for safer transmission or some
expected that IoT and Its applications are important database like adhaar card
going to dominate in the Information database, bank database etc.
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM (VC) method changes the input image into

The proposed system for the many numbers of alternate images which

security of biometric images safety saving are called shares. When we regroup the

is enabled through the Weber Local shares, we can recover he input image

Descriptor (WLD) based zero- back. These shares individually reveal no

watermarking allows for watermarking the information about the contents of the image

unique user identity number into the image. and even if an eavesdropper or attacker is

Weber Local Descriptor (WLD) uses able to access to the images, he/she will not

Weber Discrete Wavelet Transform for able to collect meaningful information by

feature extraction and creating the shares. decrypting the image. The following are

Zero-watermarking allows for the water some important benefits that we are going

marking of multimedia content but without to get form this proposed system:

making any changes to it. This is so called  This method gives us a better
watermarked image using visual chance in preserving the integrity of
cryptography [7, 8]. Visual cryptography the biometric content.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

 Since we have decomposed the entities that have legal access to the images
image, even if a hacker hacks the can access accordingly. The encrypted
transmission and gets the image it image is stored on the cloud database. The
would be impossible to decrypt the visual decryption procedure is then applied
image. to generate the received zero-watermarked
 This increases the privacy of the image. This is the reverse of the DWT
biometric content and improves the process. The user has to give an input
security image. The system gets the input image and
retrieves the sample images from the
Encryption and Decryption Mechanism
database. The decryption process is applied
After the completion of the to the sample images and it is verified with
preprocessing stage, the image comes to the the input image. The received image is then
encryption process. Here the image features decomposed using the Discrete Wavelet
[9] are identified from the processed image. Transform up to level 2. The image
The image is then subjected to visual verification is done through Viola Jones
cryptography, which generates the shares or face detection algorithm. Image matching
visually encrypts the image. After the and image recognition is done to the
shares are generated they are shared on the images to compare the authenticity of the
cloud where further processing for different images. If the image is verified the user can
applications (e.g. face authentication, based access the files, otherwise the user will not
on the same secret key used in the be authorized to view the file.
encryption process) takes place. The

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


The scope of our study is limited only to [1] G. Badshah, S. C. Liew, J. M. Zain, and
M. Ali, ``Watermark compression in
the face recognition biometric system,
medical image watermarking using
which can be further extended to combine Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless
compression technique,'' Journal of Digital
other biometric templates also with face
Imaging, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 216-225, Apr.
template. If so, it will be considered as 2016.
multimodal biometric visual cryptography.
[2] O. Nafea, S. Ghouzali, W. Abdul, and E.
5. CONCLUSION U. H. Qazi, ``Hybrid multi bio-metric
template protection using watermarking,''
We have chosen the Weber Discrete The Computer Journal, vol. 59, no. 9, pp.
Wavelet Transformation and used it to 1392-1407, Sep. 2016.
preserve the privacy of the biometric
contents like finger print template, iris [3] S. Ghouzali, ``Watermarking based
multi-biometric fusion approach,'' in the
templates, facial images that are used for Proceedings of First International
enhancing the security features. We have Conference on Codes, Cryptology and
Information security, Rabat, Morocco, pp.
used a face recognition security method 342-351, May 2015.
which can be used to increase the security
[4] M. A. M. Abdullah, S. S. Dlay, W. L.
of files stored on the cloud database. We Woo, and J. A. Chambers, “A frame work
have increased the privacy of the for iris biometrics protection: A marriage
between watermarking and visual
transmission channel. Our algorithm is cryptography,'' IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp.
mainly used to preserve the integrity of the 10180-10193, Nov. 2016.

facial images, thus using technology to

provide a better security mechanism.


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