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• Pioneering the first bricks of your very own eCommerce store is thrilling, especially when being online is as

trending as ever! But those thrills come with challenges of gaining a competitive edge to survive and
succeed. So, getting insights for your e-store from a lucrative Analytics Tool is more of a necessity than just
choice. Getting a better idea and making relevant changes about how your audiences are responding to
your offerings help you in coming across as a trusted online entity. The eCommerce Analytics tools work
wonders when it comes to data-driven consumer strategies and an influential online presence.

• The web is brimming with Analytics Tools, but the catch lies in opting one or more that fits your requisites.
The new-in-business eCommerce stores should go for tools which are easy to function. Once you’re fully
aware of the operations, you can go for the tools that provide in-depth analysis. For starters, presenting a
list of handy analytics tools for the eCommerce owners which are cost-effective and crisp. Take a look…
• Any list of Analytics tools is oddly incomplete without mentioning this
giant. Google Analytics (GA) is one of the oldest, trusted, and versatile
insight metrics tool for any business’ every walk of life. Be it a start-up or
an enterprise with huge online visitors, Google Analytics is the perfect tool
you can have.

• Google Analytics can delve deep into the web traffic and tell you
so much more than just the number of visitors checking out your
site on a daily basis. Representing one of the best eCommerce
analytics tools out there, Google Analytics and its Enhanced
eCommerce capabilities can help merchants close the loop for
new and returning customers alike.

• The effectiveness of this tool is undeniable and

well-appreciated. GA is a FREE tool that is
available for everyone; no matter what scale
your business is at.
 Analytics Intelligence  Data Activation
• Proactive Insights • Intelligence and anomaly detection
• Predictive analysis
• User and conversion modeling • App notifications and remote configs
 Data Analysis and Visualization
• Data access • Audience Demographics
• Filtering and manipulation
 Reports • Funnel analysis
• Audience reports • Segmentation
• Advertising reports • Visualization and monitoring
• Acquisition reports
• Behavior reports  Integration
• Conversion reports • Google Ads
• Real-time reporting  Data Collection and Management • Google AdSense
• User flow reporting • Collection APIs • Data studio
• Tag management support • Google search console
• Configuration APIs
• Custom Variables
• Data import
• User access controls
• When you’re establishing your e-store, every customer matters and detailed information of each of your
eCommerce website visitor counts. Clicky Web Analytics is meant for all those and more! GA provides
almost all the essential features for free, but when you’re looking for more, you should turn to an analytics
tool like Clicky. Clicky is specifically designed for tracking accuracy at smaller levels. With the help of which,
retargeting campaigns and understanding the user buying pattern in the initial days of the eCom-store
establishment becomes easy.

• This is a paid but highly utilitarian analytics tool with advanced

features like Heatmaps, accurate bounce rate metrics, and
individualized user information. Another aspect that sets Clicky apart
from its main competitors is the live information made available to
website owners. Clicky charges are probably the lowest as compared
to other tracking tools of similar services. When you’re looking to dig
in deep into the user metrics, Clicky can come handy!
• As mentioned earlier, Google Analytics might be the best, a free ecommerce analytics tool for any business,
but it comes with a complex code implementation structure. Whereas Heap Analytics has the simplest
form of the user interface. In other words, Heap Analytics comes with features that are designed for the
non-technical, common users. So, when you’re a solopreneur, handling your e-store on your own and find
it difficult to derive data from GA, you turn to Heap for the user metrics!

• With almost all the similar features to GA, this paid tool is all set for analyzing
your website usage data. This also comes with a free trial to understand the
functionality better. With almost zero difficulties, you can analyze behavioral
data and have insights for conversion rate optimization, product engagement
& retention, and measure the overall influence.
• The Analytics tools listed above are the best in our information for the new-in-business eCommerce stores.
Apart from these eCommerce Analytics Tools, there are numerous other offerings available to give a try on.
Kissmetrics, Rjmetrics, Woopra, Hubspot, and Piwik are there if we name a few. While wrapping this up,
our final advice for the newbies is, Google Analytics is more of a necessity than a recommendation. Trying
other tools alongside will better your comparison and will give you better insights on how the consumers
are looking at your brand.
If You’re Looking For Savvy Developers Who Can Help To make List of eCommerce
Analytics Tools, Get In Touch With One Of The eCommerce Handymen From Qeretail!


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