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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 08 Desember 2021
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00
Kurikulum : 2013

Petunjuk :

1. Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan soal

2. Tulislah terlebih dahulu : Nama, kelas dan Nomor Peserta Ujian pada lembar jawaban
3. Bacalah soal dengan teliti
4. Periksalah kembali jawaban sebelum dikumpulkan kepada pengawas ujian
5. Bacalah Hamdalah setelah selesai mengerjakan soal

Pilihlahsalahsatujawaban yang paling benar!

1 You have final test next week. You ..... study to get a good mark.
A. should C. must to
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : A
2 It’s a casual event. We ..... not wear formal dress.
A. should to C. must
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : C
3 We .... collect our project tomorrow to get A in English class.
A. should to C. must
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : C
4 You ..... eat fruits and vegetables for your diet menu.
A. should to C. must not to
B. should not D. must
Kunci : D
5 You look pale. You .... go to  hospital.
A. should C. must to
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : A
6 If you go to Paris. You ..... visit Eiffel Tower.
A. should C. must to
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : A
7 We ... believe everything we read in online article with unclear sources.
A. should C. must
B. should not to D. must not
Kunci : D
8 We ....... have driving license to drive car.
A. should to C. must
B. should not D. must not
Kunci : C
9 The students ..... pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.
A. Should to C. Must
B. Should not D. Must not
Kunci : C

10 My bestie, Nuriah

You finally made it! I always knew you will be accepted. Al-Azhar High School is the
best school in our town! I hope you can achieve your dream. I also hope this is the
beginning of your bright future. Good luck.

Your best friend,


 The purpose of the text is ….

A. To entertain someone C. To offer someone
B. To invite someone to D. To congratulate someone
Kunci : D
11 What has Nuriah done?
A. Accepted in favorite school C. Join a contest

B. Win a competition D. Graduated from school

Kunci : A
12  According to the text, which statement is correct?
A. Ghina has graduated from school C. Al-Azhar is the best school in the world

B. Nuriya has been accepted in Al-Azhar D. Rosa is not accepted

Kunci : B
13 Dear.Ferial,
You are growing old each day, but today is special. This is your 15th birthday! I wish you a happy
life. Please accept my gift. I knew you want it since last year. Love you so much.

With love, mom 

What is the type of greeting card?

A. Thank you card C. Congratulation card
B. Birthday card D. Get well card
Kunci : B
14 “Please accept my….” The antonym of the bold word is ….
A. take C. give
B. refuse D. read
Kunci : B
15 Happy Teacher’s Day
You are my sun and my moon. You teach us every single day to make our future bright. You
lighten up our way and guide us to the right path. Thank you. 

The card is best sent to …. ?

A. Learner C. Writer
B. Teacher D. Listener
Kunci : B
16 “You teach us….” The underlined word refers to ….
A. Writer C. Father
B. Teacher D. Sister
Kunci : B
17 To Caca and Ahmad,
Happy wedding! You already said the vow, your love has been tied. Get ready to sail a new life. I
wish you all the best. I cannot wait to see little Jack and Jill soon.
Your best friend,

 To whom the greeting card is sent?

A. Adli C. Adli’s friends
B. Writer D. Parents
Kunci : C
18 What does Adli expect?
A. Come to the party C. Get married
B. Sail the ocean D. Meet Caca and Ahmad’s baby
Kunci : D
19 According to the text, which statement is correct?
A. Caca and Ahmad are not married C. Ahmad and Caca will sail
B. Nanda is their friend D. Nanda wishes the best for Caca
Kunci : A

What kind the text is?

A. A letter. C. A greeting card.
B. An announcement. D. An E-Mail.
Kunci : C
21 From whom the card is sent?
A. Aziz C. Fahri's friend
B. Fahri D. Aziz's fans
Kunci : B
22 What is the text about?
A. Congratulations on wedding C. Congratulations on graduation
B. Congratulations on holiday D. Congratulations on a baby born.
Kunci : C
23 For whom the card is?
A. Aziz C. Fahri friend
B. Fahri D. Aziz fans
Kunci : A

From whom the card is sent?

A. Heni C. Atta
B. Handy D. Heni's father
Kunci : C
25 Who will be married?
A. Atta and Heni C. Heni and Handy
B. Handy and Atta D. Heni's mother and Handy's father
Kunci : C
26 What sender wishes for Handy and Heni?
A. Get a lot of child C. The bride and the groom getting well soon
B. The wedding full of love D. Get a lot of money.
Kunci : B
27 "I wish you showers of love", The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
A. Hope C. Wash
B. Hoop D. Watch
Kunci : A
28 The purpose of the text above is . . .
A. To persuade someone C. To congratulate someone
B. To entertain someone D. To invite someone
Kunci : C
29 "I wish you showers of love", the underlined word refers to . . . 
A. Handy and Heni C. Handy and Heni parents
B. Atta Geledek Badai D. No one
Kunci : A
30 Which expression shows asking suggestion?
A. I've got a headache C. You should go
B. What should I do? D. I must take a rest
Kunci : B
31 Which expression shows giving suggestion?
A. You should go to a dentist C. Do you have any ideas?
B. Open the door, please! D. Can you tell me what I shoud do?
Kunci : A

32 Today is Monday. We will have a flag ceremony. We . . . . wear completed OSIS

A. Should C. Should not
B. Must D. Must not
Kunci : B
33 "No smoking" means ...
A. We can smoke C. We should smoke
B. We may smoke D. We must not smoke
Kunci : D
34 A Trip to the Zoo 
Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the zoo,
we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles
which only come out at night.
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell
off when he let go off the rope, but he was ok.
During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals
being fed. When we returned home we were very tired but happy. It was because we had
so much fun activities at many places at the zoo.  

What happened to the writer's dad when he rode an elephant?

A. He felt a thrill C. He fell off
B. He felt fun D. He failed
Kunci : C

35 Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo?
A. They had to visit many places in the zoo
B. They took a long time to reach the zoo area
C. They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo
D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo
Kunci : A
36 The text above tells us about ....
A. a holiday to the zoo C. a big bird cage in the zoo
B. a picture of bird in the zoo D. a big garden in the zoo
Kunci : A
37 What is the last paragraph about?
A. Rayan had butterflies as his pet C. There are a lot of flowers in Rayan's house
B. The writer's friend is a good swimmer D. The writer had a good time with his family
Kunci : D
38 From the text, we know that the writer....
A. Had gone and visited many places during his holiday
B. Lived in the same village with his pen pal, Rayan
C. Liked butterflies and swimming very much
D. Had happy activities in the zoo
Kunci : D


Congratulation on your success in winning the badminton competition this year, Roni. It
was a tough competition. We are so proud of you. We knew you would make it. We wish
you the best always.


"We are so proud of you." The underlined word refers to ....

A. Roni C. VIII-A
B. The badminton team D. Teachers
Kunci : C
40 You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest team
That the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more
We can live forever
“One Direction”

What does the song probably tell about?

A. Singer C. Childhood
B. Classmate D. Friendship
Kunci : D

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