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DE CHiNH THUC Mon: TIENG ANH (Mon chuyen)

Thai gian lam bai: 150 phut
(D€ thi g6m 4 trang, 4 phftn)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest: (5 pts)
1. A. indic~te Over~e C. applic~tion D. gr~de
2. A. bride B. confide C/determine D. oblige
3. A. fyture B. resyme C. enthysiasm ~ pressyre
4. A. southern B. athlete C. healthy (D. enthu~iast
5. A. Qrdinary B. pQllution ©doctQr D. alcQhol
II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the rest: (5pts)
6. @ommonplac e B. sentime'iital C. mathem~tics D. inform~tion
/ I / /
7. A. probability @considerable C. technological D. entertainment
8. A. distric'tion B. inte"'mal C. description @recommend
f;:;- / / {
9. A. magn~tic (!jnominate C. unpleasant D. eqmpment
10. A. muscular B. in~trument ~ramatic D. argument
I. Choose the option that best completes each unfinished sentence: (25 pts)
11. The house is old. I'm going to have it _next week.
A. repaint B. to repaint @repainted D. repainting
'! 12. No sooner had they re~ned home_ they ate dinner.
A. after !~than C. before D. than
13. Who was the first man to foot on the moon?
A. walk B. put C. jog @.set
14. _ his low salary, he's always happy with his current job.
A. Although B. Though C. In spite @Despite
15. It's high time, we_ her the truth.
0Jtold B. tell C. telling D. to tell
16. One _of the memb~ in our class attended the lecture yesterday.
A. three @_;)third C. thirds D. thirteen
17. It was bad news everyone burst into tears.
A. so/that B. such/that @such a/that D. too/to
18. Pediatrician is a person who takes care of sick _ __
0J old people B. children C. adults D. women
19. I ran my old teacher when I visited Ho Chi Minh city last week.
A. over B. in C. up @>into
20. She left the room saying a word.
A. with B. no C. not @)without
21. She pleaded ___ and went to bed early.
A. tiredly ®tiring C. tiredness D. tire
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22. Ultra-violet and intra-violet rays are in normal light.
A. insensitive B. inexpensive ©invisible D. instant
23. She didn't get well with her roommates, so she moved to a new place.
A. at @on C. through D. up
24. Our decision to go on holiday abroad was very __ . The weather at home was terrible.
~sensible B. selfish C. sensitive D. selfless
25. Edward never on time for the mee~.
A. turns on B. turns out (9turns up D. turns over
26. Because of the thunderstorm, they have decided to the match until next week.
@put off B. give off C. go on D. take off
27. If you hadn't taken the map, you completely lost.
A. will get B. are getting ©would have got D. were getting
28. I think that blue scarf with your eyes.
A. suits B. fits @oes D. wears
29. Waste paper can be recycled _ _ __
A. because it can be burnt B. instead of burning
@instead of being burnt D. so it can be burnt
30. It's no good running your problems. You must face them.
A. up for B. out of C. away from @off
31. As soon as the fire bell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,
_____ gathered on the ground.
A. while (]2 then C. before D. to
32. It's no use _ _ _ _ _ a language if you don't try to speak it too.
~to learn B. learned C. learning D. learn
33. I think the owners are _ _ _ _ _ fault for not warning us.
@under B. at C. with D. for
34. When I tried to lift the jug, the handle _ _ _ _ _ in my hand
A. came down B. came off C. came round Vame out
35. Market research has ______ us that people want quality, not just low prices.
A. explained ~shown C. said D. told

II. Put the words in brackets in their appropriate form: (10 pts)
36. Car insurance can be expensive for young drivers. ~roL1 1 ~' he\~ (prohibit) ·
37. The electricity industry _ _ large amounts of fossil fuels. (consume)
38. The promotion he had been promised failed to __ . (material)
39. Goods are __ as long as they are returned in good condition. ne:. \i\.o..ncf.btt (exchange)
40. Are there any _ _ about how best to tackle the problem? ':IA~ 5t: 1i(}('IS (suggest)
41. He is best known as a on culture and the arts. (comment)
42. The government has promised further _ _ in foreign exchange controls. (relax) .
43. She was surprised to find her name on the list of _ _ . n G(\'· ! 00. hCY\ (nominate)
44. She is always polite and _ _ towards her employees. r0r. (~ 'rl~roiL (consider)
45. No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate -f-1--Lfo..m \\CIA. (prepare)

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PART III. READIN G: (25 pts)
I. Read the passage and choose the correct answers: (10 pts)
The Ice hotel is a hotel made from snow and ice each year in the village of Jukkasjarvi, which
is in Swedish Lapland and where winter temperature can reach -40°C. Even so, 6,000
holidaymakers (46) go there annually. The hotel, including the chairs and the beds, is
made (47) snow and ice blocks taken from the nearby Tome River, and if you want to,
you can (48) get married there because, besides bedrooms, it also has an ice chapel.
There is a bar, with glasses made of ice, but putting drinks on it is not (49) . Although
the temperature of the bedrooms is around -4°C, the guests are (50) with special sleeping
bags to keep (51) warm and (52) outdoor clothes can also be supplied, if
necessary. (53) the hotel melts in the summer, it is never more than six months old, and
it is rebuilt (54) winter. Constructing it (55) 10,000 tonnes of'ice, plus 30,000
tonnes of snow.
46. A. therefore B. ever C. also @still
47. A. by B. of (§)'rom D. for
48. ©even B. however C. already D. yet
49. A. supported B. recognised C. recommended q}>agre ed
50. A. given @)offer ed C. provided . delivered
51. A. these B. those C. they @them
52. A. suitable ~cold C. new D. clean
53. ~Though . Because C. Nevertheless D. While
54. each B. for C. with D. many
55. A. spends ~takes C. gives D. begins
II. Read the passage and fill in the blank with a suitable word: (10 pts)
The beginning of the new year has been welcomed on different dates (56)_io_ history.
Great Britain and its colonies in America adopted the Gregorian (57)_ in 1752, in which
January I st was restored as New Year's Day. Ways of celebrating (58)Ql.L as well, according to
customs and religions of the world. People in Moslem societies, for examples, celebrate the
new year by (59)J.1.L new clothes.
Southeast Asians release birds and turtles to assure themselves good luck in the (60)kt
months ahead. Jewish people consider the day holy, and hold a religious ceremony at a
(61)__ with special foods. Hindus of India leave shrines next to (62).:\bi.ii beds, so they can
see beautiful objects at the start of the new year. Japanese (63)~ rice cakes at a social event
the week before the new year.
(64 )__ the custom, most of people feel the same sentiment. With a new year, we can expect
a new life. We (65)~h.each other good luck and promise ourselves to do better in the
following year.
III. Select the synonym of the followin g bold and underlined word in each sentence: (5 pts)
66. Where was the 2006 Word Cup held ?
A. supported B. maintained C. possessed @organ ized
67. Which team became the champio n?
@victo r B. leader C. guardian D. defender
68. It is considered the most popular sporting event in.the world.
A. business B. adventure C. phenomenon @occur rence
69. The World Cup is followed with great interest around the globe-the final game of the
1994 tournament was played to a television audience of more than I million viewers.
A. behalf B. enrichment @attrac tion D. self-regard
70. The host nation was Uruguay and it defeated Argentina in the final.
A. creamed @vanq uished C. suppressed D. overwhelmed
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I. Use between ~o '!'_ndfi;e words, including the word given to complete the second sentence so that
it has a similar meaning o the first one. You MUST NOT change the word given: (JO pts)
71. After the flood, the repairs to their house cost them VNp 200,000,000. (have)
- It cost them VND 200,000,000-\ei h>\j~J-b~r hmA\ g r~\RtteFthe flood.
72. The bicycle was so dear that I couldn't afford them. (expensive)
- The bicycle was fo \) {,'. xr,f\$\\l {, ~O( rD~ to buy.
73. Laura has never eaten Thieuychee before. (time)
- It's tlw ~ i <:1 {,·me_ JQJ,A(Q IDQ S eaten Thieu lychee.
74. "Why did you cancel the trip, Flora?", John asked. (called)
- John asked Flora wb c; bf r()( q~ ted the trip.
75. People say that there are b~ars, lions, tigers living in the jungle. (said)
- Bears, lions, tigers Oft. ~ Q.CN ·)o ~ e 11\/ t·l'\g in the jungle.
76. He is supposed to finish his tasks by lunchtime. (duty)
-Itis clvJ11 D~ brro 1ei ~\f\i'b-. histasksbylu nchtime.
77. The neighbor guarded the house while we were away. (eye)
- The neighbor kept while we were away.
78. I've had enough of my brother's laziness. (put)
- I refuse -\.c 1 ~ 1 d my brother's laziness any more.
79. I knew how to use the computer before everybody did. (first)
- I was~gi!S.1 ~~ r<:'oo NfAo k rn IAI how to use the computer.
80. Although the cub appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. (appearance )
- Contrary +~L ~o. 1 ~I< ef\ , the cub was, in fact, quite dangerous.
' ( ( • . { '\ ,- r •

II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it: (5 pts)
81. She cooks better than her sister.
_-Jie is a tjQad rcwl ~ (ig, ~ \ ~ 'C
rS2.)The boys insisted on a long vacation after the exam.
' · - Nothing but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
83.The lion was unsuccessful in catching the deer.
- The lion tried in VC'i\i\ 1c1 ('cdch. the dee f
84. She can meet him if he arrives before eleven.
- So a'· 10 rnE.d ,hH h t floe: -\c. o t r 1·1J L 6tA .11
85. It's nice to see you here.
'·- - Fancy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
III. Writing: Write a composition of about 250 words on this topic: (15 pts)
Computer games have both good and bad effects on young children. As a student, do
you agree or disagree with this opinion. Why or why not? Use specific reasons and
examples from your experience to explain your answer.

---The end---

s6 bao danh thi sinh: Chu ky giam thi I: ~~

H9 ten thi sinh:

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SUGGESTED KEY – 10 Chuyên tỉnh Đồng Nai 2015-2016
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C


11. C 16. B 21. C 26. A 31. B
12. B/D than 17. B 22. C 27. C 32. C
13. D 18. B 23. B 28. C 33. B
14. D 19. D 24. A 29. C 34. B
15. A 20. D 25. C 30. C 35. B

36. prohibitively 41. commentator

37. consumes 42. relaxations
38. materialize 43. nominees
39. exchangeable (pay attention to the e) 44. considerate
40 suggestions 45. preparation


46. D 51. D 56. throughout 61. meal 66. D
47. C 52. A 57. calendar 62. their 67. A
48. A 53. B 58. differ / vary 63. prepare 68. D
49. C 54. A 59. wearing 64. Whatever 69. C
50. C 55. B 60. twelve 65. wish 70.*
(*) According to OALD, vanquish (v) means to defeat sb in a competition, war, etc., and
overwhelm (v) means to defeat sb completely. Therefore, I think that both B and D are correct.
71. It cost them VND 200,000,000 to have the house repaired after the flood.
72. The bicycle was too expensive for me to buy.
73. It’s the first time Laura has eaten Thieu lychee.
74. John asked Flora why she called off the trip.
75. Bears, lions, tigers are said to be living in the jungle.
76. It is his duty to finish his tasks by lunchtime.
77. The neighbor kept an eye on the house while we were away.
78. I refuse to put up with my brother’s laziness anymore.
79. I was the first to know how to use the computer.
80. Contrary to its harmless appearance, the cub was, in fact, quite dangerous.
81. He is a better cook than his sister.
82. Nothing but a long vacation after the exam would satisfy the boys.
83. The lion tried in vain to catch the deer.
84. So long as he arrives before eleven, she can meet him.
85. Fancy seeing you here.
by Trương Anh Tuấn -

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