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\° NTSE STAGE-II ACADEMIC SESSION : 2021-22 Training Classes NTT A PRACTICE QUESTION SET-4 BIOLOGY cr Ena aneur aoe Time Duration: 45 1. Inan individiual number of allele for a particular character is (a4 (B)2 3 (D6 2. If individuals of genotype AaBbCe are intercrossed, how many different phenotypes can appear in their offspring? (a) 16 (Bs (C32 (D) 64 3. Ifa manof blood group AB manies a woman of blood group A whose father was of blood group O, what different blood groups can this man and womafexpect their children to belong? (A) A, AB, B (B) A, AB (C) ABO (D)A0, B 4. Some individuals with blood group A may inherit the genes for blond hair, while other individuals with blood group A may inherit the gene for brown hait, This ean be best explained, by the principle of (A) dominance (B) multiple alleles (C) independent assortment (D) incomplete dominance 5. Genes are made up of (A) histones (B) hydrocarbons (Chipolnticleotides (D) lipoproteins 6. Acharacter, which is expressed in a hybrid isicalled, (A) dominant (B) recessive (C) co-dominant (D) epistatic 7. Inheritance of ‘ABO’ bléed group shows (A) polyploidy (B} incomplete dominance (C) multiple allelism (D) polygeny 8. In Mirabilis, a hybrid for red (RR)/and white (rr) flower produces pink (Rr) flower. A plant with pink flower is crossed with white flower, the expected phenotypic ratio is (A) red : pink : white (1's 2: 1) (B) pink : white (1: 1) (C) red : pink (1 #7), (D) red : white (3 : 1) 9. How many type.of gametes may be produced by genotype DdEeFt? (a)27 (B)8 (C3 (06 10. Probability of genotype TTrr in F,-generation of a dihybrid cross is 1 3 9 6 (A) ig 8g (ig 6 11. Law of segregation is also called law of (A) Probability (B) Purity of gametes (C) Independence of gametes (D) Law of dominance 12, When a cluster of genes show linkage behaviour they (A) do net show independent assortment (B) induce cell division (C) do not show a chromosome map (D) show recombination during meiosis [ALLEN Dig Ciaseroom support Classes and material wl continue unl ockdown f ted after whieh classroom courses will commence] | 4 NTSE STAGE-II Trai ing Classes EeyAeeen 13. Bryophyllum can multiply vegetatively by (A) Leaves (B) Actial stems (C) Underground stems _(D) Roots 14, Sugarcane is multiplied by (A) Seeds (B) Root cutting (C) Stem cuttings (D) Leaves 15. The grafted shoot portion of a plant is called (A) Stalk (B) Stock (C) Layer (D) Scion 16. Grafting is most successful in (A) Dicots (B) Monocots (C) Pteridophytes (D) Bryophytes 17. Jasmine is multiplied vegetatively through (A) Stem cuttings (B) Leaves (C) Root ettings (D) Layering 18. Yeast multiplies by (A) Binary fission (B) Budding (C) Multiple fission (D) All thelabeve 19. On germination each pollen grain produces (A} One male gamete _(B) Two male gametes (C) Three male gamete (DJ Fatr male gametes 20. Fertilization in flowering plants produces (A) Embryo. (B) Endosperm (C) Nucellus {D) Both (A) and (B) 21. Seed is formed from (A) Unfertiised ovary _(B) Fertiised ovary (C) FertilizeeYovull (D) Unfertilised ovule 22. Which is shed in a fertilised flower? (A) Stamens {B) Petals (C) Sivle and stigma —_(D) Alll the above 23. Gametes are (A) Always haploid (B) Always diploid — -(C) Always triploid (D) Any of the above 24. Gestation period in humans is (A) 270 days {B) 390 days (C) 200 days (D) 245 days 25. Blue print of body design and funetion is (A) Protoplasm (B) RNA (C) DNA (0) Cytoplasm 26. A surgical techniquejof reversible but permanent contraception in females is (A) Vasectomy (B)Tubectomy (C}. Condom (p)1UcD 27. A sexually transiitied viral disease is, (A) Syphilis (B) Gonorthoea (C) Warts (D) Typhoid 28, In the list of organisms given below, those that reproduce by the asexual method are (i) Banana. (i) Dog (i) Yeast (iv) Amoeba (A) (i) and (iv) (B) (0, (ii) and (iv) (C) Gi) and (iv) (D) (i, (i) and fiv) 29. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events of sexual reproduction in a flower? (A) Pollination, fertilisation, seedling, embryo (B} Seedling, embryo, fertilisation, pollination (C} Pollination, fertilization, embryo, seedling {D) Embryo, seedling, pollination, fertilization 80. Characters that are transmitted from parents to offspring during reproduction show (A) Only similarities with parents (B) Only variations with parents (C) Both similarities and variations with parents (D) Neither similarities nor variations 2 [ALLEN bigtal Classroom support Classes and material wil continue unt lockdown ls ied afer which classroom courses wil commence] Biology 31. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, Spirogyra and Yeast is that (A) They reproduce asexually {B) Thoy are all unicellular (C) They reproduce only sexually {D) They are all multicellular 32. The number of chromosomes in parents and offspring of a particular species remains constant due to (A) Doubling of chromosomes before zygote formation (B) Halving of chromosomes during gamete formation (C) Doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation (D) Halving of chromosomes alter gamete formation 83. Which of the following statements are true for flowers: (i) Flowers are always bisexual (i) They are the sexual reproductive organs (ii) They are produced in all groups of plants (iv) After fertilization they give rise to fruits (A) (i) and (iv) (B) (i) and (ii) {C) (i) and (ii) (D) (ijand\(v) 34, Which among the following statements are tre for Sexual reproduction in flowering plants? (i) It requires two types of gametes (i) Fertilisation is a compulsory event (ii) It akvays results in formation of zygote (iv) Offspring formed are clones (A) (i) and (iv) (B)), (ipand (we) {C) (0), (i) ane (i) (D) (i), (ii) and Ge} 35. _ In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive. phase is (A) Growth of body (B) Changes in hair pattern (C) Change in voice (D) Menstruation 36. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of sperms is (A) Testis. vasdeferens — urethra (B) Testis > ureter — urethra (C) Testis + Urethra > ureter (D) Testis + vasdeferens > ureter 87. _Insemination’is (A) A sperm injeetion to increase thal fertility (B) A cure of make infertility (C) Inability of male to produce'sperms (D) The transfer of sperms bymake in to the genital tract of female 38. Placenta is a corthectionjbetween (A) Foetus and Vaginal wall (B) Foetus and Fallopian tube (C} Foetus andl uterine wall (D) Embryo and scrotum 39. Function of scrotum is to maintain the (A) Temperature of testis (B) Body temperature (C} Level of growth hormone {D) Level of male hormone 40. Endocrine portion of tests is (A) Seminiferous tubules (B) Interstitial cells. (C) Corpus luteum (D) FSH 41. Oviduets are also called (A) Fallopian tubes (B) Uterus (C) Vagina (D) Ovary 42. Uterus is also called (A) Cervical canal (B) Womb (C) Oviduet (D) Ampulla [ALLEN Dig Cisseroom support Clsses and material wll cominue unl lockdown i ited ater which classroom courses wil commence] | NISE STAGE-II Training Classes 43. The uterus opens into the vagina by a canal called (A) Cervical canal (B) Fundus (C) Ampulla (D) Oviduets 44, Acrosome is a part of (A) Foetus (B) Graatian follicle (C) Ovum (D) Sperm 45. Cell organelle absent in human sperm is, (A) ER (B) Mitochondria (C)Nuckus (0) Centriole 46. The first menstruration begins at puberty is called (A) Menopause (B) Ovulation (C} Gametogenesis (D) Menarche 47. Match the following columns Column 1 Colum 11 (a) Stage-1 1. Menstrual phase (b) Stage-I 2)Folicular / proliferative phase (c) Stage-til 3, Ovulatory phase (a) Stage-IV 4, Luiteallsecretory phase Codes AB c D ne) 1 2 @®4 1 2 a @1 2 3 4 o4 3 2 1 48. In menstrual cycle, the menstruah phase last of (A) 3.5 days (B) 5-6 days (C) 73 days (0) 2-3 days 49. Which hormone level reaches the peal during luteal phase of menstrual cycle? (A) Luteinising hormone (B} Progesterone (C) Follicle stimulating hormone, (D) Estrogen 50. Mark the odd one (A) Actosome {B)Endometrium (C) Compas luteum (D) Graatian follicle 51. Corpus luteum secretes (a) LH (B) Estrogen (C) FSH (D) Progesterone 52. Fertilisationis (A) Fission of sperm and ovum (B) Fasion of sperm and ovum (C) Haploid zygote formation (D) Gamete formation 53. Relaxin (a hormone) is secreted by (A) Placenta (B) Ovary (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Posterior lobe of pituitary 54, Parturition is the process of (A) Child birth (B) Fusion of gametes (C) Both (A) and (B) __(D) Releasing of gametes eee RR 4 |[ALLEN Distal Cassroom cupport Classes and material wil continue unt lockdown sled after which classroom courses will commence ’ NTSE STAGE-I | ACADEMICSESSION: 2021-22 Training Classes TALLENT-V PRACTICE QUESTION SET-4 BIOLOGY ANSWER KEY Que. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ans. |B | B | A c [alc] =s |] 3s] a Que. i 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ans. {e | a [a |c | po | a |v | |. | Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An. | c | o | a | a | co] B | cf 8 [sa | c Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Ans. A B D c D A D c A B Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 An. | a | 8 | a | v | A [oD | c Joa | Ba Que. 51 52 53 54 Ans. | bp | 8 | calna [ALLEN Dig Cisseroom support Clsses and material wll cominue unt lockdown i ited ater which classroom courses wil commence] | 6

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