Daily Routine in Russian

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How to describe your daily routine in

Today’s lesson is about How to describe daily routine in Russian language, we
will learn how to say what we do every day and how we can talk about our life in
general in the Russian Language.

To talk about your daily routine in general we divide our time into three parts;
Morning, evening and night time, so let’s start with the First one:

We start with УТРО / Morning (it starts at 4am till 11 am)

During this period of time like anyone we manage to do a lot, English people for
example they wake up but Russian people Просыпаются, now let’s see how to
say I WAKE UP in Russian:

1- How to describe the morning Routine in Russian?

Great now you can say for example; I wake up and I get up in Russian language
but before moving on let’s check how we conjugate these verbs (to get up and to
wake up) in Russian language:
We usually after we wake up and get up, we go to the bathroom so to brush teeth
or take a shower, Usually Russians do so and I believe it is the case for all people
around the world, but how to say that in Russian language, well see the picture

So, till now we have learnt how to say: I wake up, get up, go to bathroom and
brush my teeth, now let’s check the conjugations of the last two verbs in Russian

For instance, Russian people when they get up and brush their teeth, usually we
make breakfast, sometimes we eat porridge or just eggs but never we Drink Vodka
as so many believe, after having finished eating the porridge, we get dressed and
we go to work on foot or by bus, now Let’s check how to say all of that in Russian

So, have you noticed that we have two ways to say I GO in Russian language?
If not, don’t be confused, well in Russian to say:
- I GO ON FOOT we just say – Я Иду – the verb here determines how you go;
the И in Иду made it clear that we go on foot.
- BUT, to say we go by bus or any means of transport we say: Я Еду – the E
here made it clear that we go by bus or any means of transport
See their conjugations or just skip this part to further part

Now let’s learn how to conjugate all of these verbs in Russian:

AS we have already learnt; In Russian, Use Ехать only if you get to work by any
transport (автобус, велосипед, метро...) And Идти only if you go on foot
2- How to Describe your afternoon routine In Russian language?

ДНЁМ (in the afternoon)

Well, let’s make it easy, whatever you do during the week, if you already have
finished your studies probably you do the same as many of Russians do –
WORKING, well Russians also work; the most of the time at work we just wait
when we Finnish so to go home (hopefully you laugh at my jokes).
Now let’s see how to say: I work and I drink coffee or tea in Russian language:
Russian do what we call breaks at work, it is more often than the hours we
work on, we have 10 minutes of breaks every 5 minutes of work, but the most
important break at work where all the Russians meet and talk about pretty much
everything is 12 break; we eat, laugh and talk life, and then we wait the end of the
day to go home:

Let’s see how to conjugate in present the verbs: to have lunch, to drink and
to work in Russian language:

3- How to describe your evening routine In Russian language?

ВЕЧЕРОМ (in the evening) 

After having a long day at work, we can finally have a rest, take a shower
cook something than watch tv or read a book before sleeping, let’s see how to say
all of that in Russian language:

let’s check the conjugation of each verb in Russian:

Now all of us hate to just stick to the routine every day so sometimes we
hang out with friends, let’s see how to say that in Russian: Вечером также (in the
evening also)
Again, let’s see how to conjugate these verbs in Russian language:

   Evenings are the most beloved time for almost all of Russians, because we
can do many things and manage our time and feel free that’s why we read, we
watch news, before brushing teeth and go sleep, let’s see how to say all of that in
Russian language –
А также я (also I)

Let’s see the conjugation of these verbs in Russian:
4- How to describe night’s routine in Russian?

 НОЧЬЮ (at night)

Well, at night it depends of the person you are, but most Russians enjoy
sleeping especially in winter when it’s around -30 outside, in my case after reading
a bit I go straight to my bed and fall asleep as a baby, how to say “I sleep “In
Russian, well it is easy:

Conjugation of the verb ‘To sleep and have dreams’ in Russian

After reading that, it is important to know how all of these new verbs and
vocabulary are pronounced in Russian, so check the full class video Here:

These are the basic phrases you might find helpful to describe your usual
day, Keep enthusiastic and learn Russian 😉

See you guys!😊

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