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Diabetes Care Volume 44, October 2021 2231

Historical HbA1c Values May Marcus Lind,1,2 Henrik Imberg,3

Ruth L. Coleman,4 Olle Nerman,3 and
Explain the Type 2 Diabetes Rury R. Holman4

Legacy Effect: UKPDS 88

Diabetes Care 2021;44:2231–2237 |

Type 2 diabetes all-cause mortality (ACM) and myocardial infarction (MI) glyce-
mic legacy effects have not been explained. We examined their relationships with
prior individual HbA1c values and explored the potential impact of instituting ear-
lier, compared with delayed, glucose-lowering therapy.


Twenty-year ACM and MI hazard functions were estimated from diagnosis of
type 2 diabetes in 3,802 UK Prospective Diabetes Study participants. Impact of
HbA1c values over time was analyzed by weighting them according to their influ-
ence on downstream ACM and MI risks.

Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy,
Hazard ratios for a one percentage unit higher HbA1c for ACM were 1.08 (95% CI University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
1.07–1.09), 1.18 (1.15–1.21), and 1.36 (1.30–1.42) at 5, 10, and 20 years, respec- Department of Medicine, NU-Hospital Group,
tively, and for MI was 1.13 (1.11–1.15) at 5 years, increasing to 1.31 (1.25–1.36) Uddevalla, Sweden
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
at 20 years. Imposing a one percentage unit lower HbA1c from diagnosis gener- Chalmers University of Technology and
ated an 18.8% (95% CI 21.1–16.0) ACM risk reduction 10–15 years later, whereas University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden


delaying this reduction until 10 years after diagnosis showed a sevenfold lower Diabetes Trials Unit, Radcliffe Department of
2.7% (3.1–2.3) risk reduction. Corresponding MI risk reductions were 19.7% Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
(22.4–16.5) when lowering HbA1c at diagnosis, and threefold lower 6.5% Corresponding author: Marcus Lind, marcus.
(7.4–5.3%) when imposed 10 years later.
Received 2 October 2020 and accepted 3 May

The glycemic legacy effects seen in type 2 diabetes are explained largely by histor- This article contains supplementary material online
ical HbA1c values having a greater impact than recent values on clinical outcomes.
Early detection of diabetes and intensive glucose control from the time of diagno- This article is featured in a podcast available at
sis is essential to maximize reduction of the long-term risk of glycemic core-update-podcasts.
complications. This article is part of a special article collection
available at
The UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) demonstrated that intensive glycemic control.
control, which achieved 0.9% lower HbA1c levels on average compared with con- © 2021 by the American Diabetes Association.
ventional glycemic control, lowered the risk of microvascular complications in Readers may use this article as long as the
work is properly cited, the use is educational
patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) (1). The risks for all-cause mortality (ACM) and
and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
myocardial infarction (MI) were not reduced, although the 16% numerical MI risk More information is available at https://www.
reduction was borderline statistically significant (P 5 0.052). A subsequent patient-
level meta-analysis of Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD), See accompanying articles, pp. 2212, 2216, and
Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled 2225.
2232 Historical HbA1c Values Explain Legacy Effect Diabetes Care Volume 44, October 2021

Evaluation (ADVANCE), UKPDS, and Vet- maintain trial-allocated treatment regi- HbA1c (10,13–15). We estimated ACM
erans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT), mens (3). They were seen annually at and MI HRs at 5, 10, 15, and 20 years
however, confirmed a 15% MI risk UKPDS centers for the first 5 years with after diagnosis of diabetes, assuming a
reduction for a 0.88% lower HbA1c (2). collection of standardized data, includ- one percentage unit (11 mmol/mol)
Ten-year posttrial monitoring of sur- ing HbA1c. Thereafter, participants were higher HbA1c from diagnosis onward. To
viving UKPDS participants, with virtually monitored remotely by means of annual further understand the impact of histor-
no glycemic differences between those participant- and general practitioner- ical HbA1c levels on downstream ACM
randomized previously to intensive or completed questionnaires. and MI risks (legacy effects), we also
conventional glycemic strategies, revealed In this analysis, only those assigned estimated ACM and MI HRs at 10–20
relative risk reductions of 16% for ACM originally to an intensive glycemic strat- years after diagnosis in relation to a one
(P 5 0.007) and 15% for MI (P 5 0.01) egy with a sulfonylurea or insulin, or to percentage unit (11 mmol/mol) lower
(3). These findings, suggesting there is a conventional glycemic strategy with HbA1c, imposed at diagnosis of diabetes
a “legacy” effect conferred by earlier diet, were evaluated. HbA1c values were or delayed until 5 or 10 years later.
improved glycemic control with increas- measured annually in the UKPDS. Partic- These estimations were repeated for
ingly beneficial effects on ACM and MI ipants were excluded if they had a miss- HbA1c decrements of 0.5% (5.5 mmol/
risks over time (3), have helped influ- ing baseline HbA1c value or did not mol) and 2.0% (22 mmol/mol).
ence guidelines to advocate early more have at least one follow-up HbA1c value
intensive postdiagnosis glucose-lowering recorded during the 2 years preceding ACM and MI Relative Risks Relating
therapy. Many patients, however, still ACM or MI. HbA1c values, measured as to Historical HbA1c Values
do not reach their glycemic targets % (7), have been converted to mmol/ To study how prior HbA1c values might
(4–6). Because significant resources are mol according to guidelines (9). influence the incidence of downstream
required to promote early diabetes ACM and MI over a longer time period,
detection (e.g., screening large popula- Relationship of Historical HbA1c we estimated ACM and MI relative risks
tions) and to optimize glycemic control Values to Downstream ACM and MI at 0–10, 10–15, and 10–20 years after
after diagnosis, it is essential for care Risks diagnosis when a lower HbA1c was imposed
givers, patients, and decision makers to Time-to-event analysis of diabetes com- immediately compared with delaying this
know to what extent early intensive plications and HbA1c is commonly per- until 5 or 10 years later.
formed using baseline or updated mean
glycemic control can reduce the risk of
HbA1c values (10–13). However, none of Impact of UKPDS Randomized
long-term complications.
these HbA1c metrics consider how HbA1c Glycemic Strategies
In this UKPDS analysis, we examine
values, measured at different historical To evaluate whether factors other than
the degree to which relationships
time points, may vary in their individ- glycemic control might explain differ-
between individual historical HbA1c
ual contribution to the downstream ences in outcomes, we investigated the
values over time and downstream
risk of diabetes-related complications. extent to which assignment to an inten-
risks of ACM and MI may explain the
Accordingly, we used a model in which sive or conventional glycemic control
T2D glycemic legacy effect.
historical HbA1c values were weighted strategy, irrespective of achieved HbA1c
unequally to allow for different risk values, affected the incidence of ACM
contributions at each time point. This and MI.
Population was done using a multivariable regres-
The UKPDS design and results have been sion model where optimal weights for Statistical Analyses
described previously (1,3,7,8). Briefly, historical HbA1c values were estimated We used a multivariable Poisson regres-
participants were stratified by ideal body simultaneously with the effect of the sion model that included HbA1c, age,
weight (<120% vs. $120%) (8), with influence weighted HbA1c variable and sex, and diabetes duration with the
nonoverweight participants assigned ran- coefficients for other covariates (14,15). total follow-up period for each patient
domly to an intensive (insulin or sulfonyl- The overall temporal relationship of subdivided into small intervals of 0.2
urea) or conventional (diet) glycemic HbA1c with ACM and MI was investi- years, for each of which a constant haz-
management strategy. Overweight par- gated by estimating the degree to ard was assumed. HbA1c was included
ticipants assigned to the intensive which the instantaneous risk (hazard) in the model as a time-dependent
glycemic strategy could also be allo- of ACM and MI at 15 and 20 years weighted integral of all prior HbA1c val-
cated to metformin (8). The aim for all after diagnosis could be ascribed to ues, with values weighted unequally to
participants was a fasting plasma glucose HbA1c values measured at previous time allow for a potential different risk contri-
<6.0 mmol/L, with second-line glucose- points. bution at each time point. The influence-
lowering therapy permitted only if fast- weighted HbA1c variable was computed
ing plasma glucose values became >15 ACM and MI Hazard Ratios in by first creating a continuous HbA1c curve
mmol/L or unacceptable signs of hyper- Relation to HbA1c using linear interpolation between observed
glycemia developed. The impact of HbA1c values on diabe- HbA1c values, which was then weighted by
After UKPDS closeout, all surviving tes-related complications has commonly a piecewise exponential weight function
participants entered a 10-year posttrial been estimated by calculating hazard with one knot. The optimal HbA1c weight
monitoring period and were returned to ratios (HRs) in relation to a one percent- function parameters were estimated simul-
routine care, with no attempt made to age unit (11 mmol/mol) difference in taneously with the coefficients of the Lind and Associates 2233

covariates in the model using maximum with follow-up of >10 and 15 years for (0.87–0.90) and 0.76 (0.73–0.80) vs.
likelihood estimation. ACM were 2,742 (72%) and 1,299 0.82 (0.80–0.85). HRs calculated when
Likelihood ratio tests were used to (34%), respectively, and for MI were 2,544 HbA1c lowering was delayed approached
assess the significance of individual (67%) and 1,156 (30%), respectively. those of immediate HbA1c lowering
model parameters, with corresponding somewhat more rapidly for MI than for
CIs computed by test inversion (16). Esti- ACM and MI HRs in Relation to HbA1c ACM (Fig. 1). Similar relationships over
mates and CIs for influence-weighted Higher HbA1c values were associated time were found for ACM and MI when
HbA1c HRs at various follow-up times significantly with both higher ACM and HbA1c was lowered by one-half or two
and for relative risks associated with MI risks (both P < 0.0001). HRs for percentage units (Supplementary Figs. 2
imposed immediate or delayed HbA1c ACM and MI in relation to imposed and 3).
reductions were computed from the cor- 0.5% (5 mmol/mol), 1% (11 mmol/mol),
responding regression coefficient, fixing and 2% (22 mmol/mol) higher HbA1c Relative Risks of ACM and MI 10–20
the HbA1c weight function parameters at values during the first 5, 10, 15, or 20 Years After Diagnosis in Relation to
their estimated values. Model fit was years after the diagnosis of diabetes are Early or Delayed Imposed Lowering
assessed by comparing observed and presented in Table 1. Each 1% (11 of HbA1c
expected event numbers for various age mmol/mol) higher HbA1c was related to To study glucose-lowering legacy effects
categories and follow-up times. Addi- steadily higher HRs over time for ACM over longer time periods, we estimated
tional model and statistical methodology and MI, suggesting increasingly harmful the effect of imposing immediate or
details can be found here (14,15) and in effects of earlier hyperglycemia. HRs for delayed HbA1c reductions on ACM and
the Supplementary Material (additional ACM per 1% (11 mmol/mol) higher MI risks between 0–10, 10–15, and
HbA1c value were 1.08 (95% CI 1.07–1.09), 10–20 years after diagnosis. The esti-
statistical analysis details).
1.18 (1.15–1.21), and 1.36 (1.30–1.42) at mated ACM relative risk reduction was
5, 10, and 20 years of follow-up, respec- 18.8% (95% CI 21.1–16.0) at 10–15
Data and Resource Availability
tively, while MI HRs increased from 1.13
Data may be accessed after a written years per one percentage unit lower
(1.11–1.15) at 5 years to 1.31 (1.25–1.36)
research proposal and support from inves- HbA1c when imposed from diagnosis,
at 20 years.
tigators and upon request and an appro- but sevenfold smaller at 2.7% (3.1–2.3)
Imposing a one percentage unit (11
priate data transfer agreement is in place. when imposed 10 years after diagnosis.
mmol/mol) lower HbA1c from the diag-
The corresponding MI estimates showed
nosis of diabetes significantly lowered
RESULTS a threefold smaller relative risk reduction
the instantaneous risk (hazard) of ACM
Patient Characteristics or MI events 15 and 20 years later, comparing delayed with immediate
Requisite UKPDS data were available for compared with reducing HbA1c by the imposition of a lower HbA1c (Table 2).
3,802 participants with 775 ACM events same amount from 10 years after diag- For the period 10–20 years after diag-
and for 3,219 participants with 662 MI nosis (Fig. 1). ACM HRs (95% CI) at 15 nosis, delayed compared with immedi-
events. Their mean age at diagnosis of and 20 years after diagnosis when ate imposition HbA1c lowering by one
diabetes was 53.3 (SD 8.6) years, and reducing HbA1c from diagnosis, compared percentage unit (11 mmol/mol) resulted
38.8% were women. For ACM and MI with from 10 years after diagnosis, were, in an approximately threefold smaller
analyses, there were 3,321 (87%) and respectively, 0.78 (0.76–0.81) vs. 0.93 ACM relative risk reduction and a two-
3,219 (85%) participants, respectively, (0.92–0.94) and 0.73 (0.70–0.77) vs. 0.84 fold smaller MI relative risk reduction
monitored for >5 years. The number of (0.82–0.87). Corresponding MI HRs were, (Table 2). Similar legacy effects for ACM
participants included in the analyses respectively, 0.79 (0.76–0.82) vs. 0.88 and MI risks were seen with imposed

Table 1—HRs for ACM and MI per one-half, one, and two percentage unit (5.5, 11, and 22 mmol/mol) higher HbA1c (%) values
over the first 5, 10, 15, and 20 years after the diagnosis of T2D
HR (95% CI) per 0.5 percentage HR (95% CI) per 1 percentage HR (95% CI) per 2 percentage
Years after diagnosis units higher units higher units higher
5 1.04 (1.03–1.04) 1.08 (1.07–1.09) 1.16 (1.14–1.19)
10 1.09 (1.07–1.10) 1.18 (1.15–1.21) 1.40 (1.33–1.47)
15 1.13 (1.11–1.15) 1.28 (1.23–1.32) 1.64 (1.51–1.75)
20 1.17 (1.14–1.19) 1.36 (1.30–1.42) 1.86 (1.68–2.03)
5 1.06 (1.05–1.07) 1.13 (1.11–1.15) 1.28 (1.22–1.33)
10 1.10 (1.08–1.12) 1.22 (1.17–1.25) 1.48 (1.38–1.57)
15 1.13 (1.10–1.15) 1.27 (1.22–1.32) 1.62 (1.49–1.75)
20 1.14 (1.12–1.17) 1.31 (1.25–1.36) 1.71 (1.55–1.86)
All HRs are statistically significant with P < 0.0001. The hazard ratio per z-units increase in HbA1c during t years after diagnosis is given by
Eq. 5 in the Supplementary Material. The model coefficients of the HbA1c weight function and covariates included in the model are presented
in Supplementary Table 1.
2234 Historical HbA1c Values Explain Legacy Effect Diabetes Care Volume 44, October 2021

Figure 1—Time-dependent HRs for all cause-mortality (left) and myocardial infarction (right) from 0 to 20 years after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes,
assuming a one percentage unit lower HbA1c from diagnosis (green dotted lines), and when the same degree of HbA1c lowering was imposed from
5 years (blue dashed lines), and from 10 years (red solid lines) after diagnosis. The shaded regions represent 95% confidence limits. HRs were cal-
culated according to Eq. 6 in the Supplementary Material.

0.5% and 2.0% lower HbA1c values experiencing an ACM or MI event was risk at 5 years, increasing to 36% at 20
(Supplementary Table 2). similar to that observed (Supplementary Fig. years. The risks for ACM and MI were cap-
4). A sensitivity analysis to assess the impact tured by HbA1c, whereas the assigned gly-
Relationship of Historical HbA1c of baseline HbA1c, which excluded HbA1c val- cemic strategy group was not significant
Values to Downstream ACM and MI ues and deaths during the first 4 years after when HbA1c was included in the model.
Risks diagnosis, showed similar time associations This finding strongly supports the fact that
The overall temporal relationships of between HbA1c and ACM. Similar patterns the long-term ACM and MI risk reductions
HbA1c with ACM and MI are shown in were also seen when an interaction term for seen in the UKPDS intensive glycemic
Fig. 2. HbA1c values measured during time and HbA1c was included in the model. strategy group are driven by the early
the first 10 years after diagnosis contrib- introduction of improved glycemic control
uted to 69% (95% CI 60–75) of the CONCLUSIONS (1,3). The somewhat stronger legacy effect
HbA1c total effect on ACM risk 15 years we see for ACM, compared with MI,
Principal Findings
after diagnosis and to 45% (33–54) at reflects the increased ACM risk reduction
In this analysis of the UKPDS and its
20 years (Fig. 2). The corresponding MI from 6% to 13% during UKPDS posttrial
posttrial monitoring period, we found
estimates were 49% (95% CI 37–56) and monitoring, while the degree of MI risk
that historical HbA1c values were associ-
27% (16–35). reduction was essentially unchanged (16%
ated with strong legacy effects for the
vs. 15%) (3).
downstream incidence of ACM and MI.
Impact of Age, Sex, and Assigned
Glycemic Control Strategy Analyses exploring the impact of delay-
Other Studies
Older age and male sex were associated ing the imposition of a 1% lower HbA1c
The existence of a strong legacy effect
significantly (both P < 0.0001) with until 10 years after diagnosis of diabe- of earlier glycemic control on cardiovas-
increased ACM and MI risks (Supplementary tes, compared with doing this immedi- cular disease is supported by findings
Table 1). When HbA1c was included in the ately, showed a sevenfold lower risk from studies of patients with type 1 dia-
model, the glycemic control strategy assign- reduction for ACM at 10–15 years. At betes. In the Epidemiology of Diabetes
ment (intensive versus conventional) effect 10–20 years after diagnosis, the risk of Interventions and Complications (EDIC)
was attenuated and not associated with death was reduced by threefold when follow-up of the Diabetes Control and
ACM (P 5 0.15) or MI (P 5 0.07). HbA1c was lowered from diagnosis. Sim- Complications Trial (DCCT) study, partici-
ilar time-dependent effects were observed pants previously assigned to intensive
Model Checks for MI, but HbA1c legacy effects were glycemic therapy had fewer cardiovas-
Details of the final model estimated numerically greater for ACM than MI. The cular disease events, even though the
parameters, including coefficients of the impact on ACM and MI risks of delaying glycemic difference between the inten-
HbA1c weight function, are provided in imposition of improved glycemic control sive and conventional groups was not
Supplementary Table 1. Several model after the diagnosis of diabetes increased maintained (17,18). ACM and MI
checks were performed, with no lack- steadily with time. Thus, a one percentage reductions were not seen with inten-
of-fit detected. The model-predicted unit (11 mmol/mol) higher HbA1c level sive glycemic therapy in any of the
cumulative number of UKPDS participants was associated with an 8% greater ACM three large-scale glucose-lowering Lind and Associates 2235

Table 2—Estimated relative risks of ACM and MI between 0–10, 10–15, and 10–20 years after diagnosis assuming a one
percentage unit (11 mmol/mol) lower HbA1c from diagnosis, and when the same HbA1c lowering was imposed from 5 and
from 10 years after diagnosis
Years after diagnosis HbA1c lowered at diagnosis HbA1c lowered 5 years after diagnosis HbA1c lowered 10 years after diagnosis
0–10 0.928 (0.919–0.939) 0.987 (0.985–0.989) 1.00
10–15 0.812 (0.789–0.840) 0.885 (0.870–0.902) 0.973 (0.969–0.977)
10–20 0.785 (0.758–0.815) 0.848 (0.829–0.871) 0.928 (0.919–0.939)
0–10 0.893 (0.877–0.911) 0.968 (0.963–0.973) 1.00
10–15 0.803 (0.776–0.835) 0.851 (0.830–0.876) 0.935 (0.926–0.947)
10–20 0.788 (0.760–0.823) 0.826 (0.803–0.855) 0.893 (0.877–0.911)
Data are presented as relative risk (95% CI) per one percentage unit lower HbA1c. The relative risk of an event in a time interval 0–10, 10–15,
or 10–20 years after diagnosis was calculated according to Eq. 11 in the Supplementary Material.

studies performed over 3–5 years in these remain substantially higher for It is possible that to some extent, death
patients with generally long-standing people with T2D (24,25). may occur in a time-delayed fashion
T2D (19–21). This may reflect the ini- from several diabetes-related complica-
tially smaller risk reductions with Explanations and Interpretations tions (including MI), a fact that may
improved HbA1c or the late introduc- The legacy effect of earlier hyperglyce- explain how HbA1c affects death and MI
tion of improved glycemic control in mia on diabetic complications appears with time. Early hyperglycemia leading
patients with diabetes of long dura- to explain the increasing impact of his- to nephropathy, initiating processes increas-
tion. Minimizing hyperglycemia plays a torical HbA1c values on ACM and MI ing future risks of ACM and MI, including
major role in reducing the risk of diabetic risks over time. Legacy effects in T2D hypertension, altered lipid metabolism, and
complications, particularly microvascular and “metabolic memory” in type 1 dia- inflammatory processes, may also be a
complications (1,3,8), while other glu- betes have been the subject of much major contributor (31,32). In multiple stud-
cose-lowering drugs, such as metformin, debate (3,17,26–29). Certain pathways ies, renal complications have been major
glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor associated with diabetes complications risk factors for future cardiovascular disease
analogs, and sodium–glucose cotrans- may be active later but initiated from and mortality (13,31–33).
porter 2 inhibitors, likely also act via earlier increases in glucose, where reac-
additional nonglucose-lowering mecha- tive oxygen species have been proposed Implications
nisms to reduce ACM and MI risks to play an essential role (26,30). The Although early more intensive glycemic
(8,22,23). Nonetheless, while the risks of reason legacy effects are somewhat control in UKPDS participants with
MI and death have reduced over time, greater for ACM than MI is speculative. newly diagnosed T2D has shown ACM

Figure 2—Contribution of historical HbA1c values to their impact on the instantaneous risk (hazard) of all-cause mortality (left) and myocardial
infarction (right) at 15 years (red solid lines) and 20 years (blue dashed lines) after diagnosis. The legacy effect of historical HbA1c values on diabe-
tes complications was more pronounced for ACM than for MI. The shaded regions represent 95% confidence limits. Details on the calculations
may be found in Eq. 7 in the Supplementary Material.
2236 Historical HbA1c Values Explain Legacy Effect Diabetes Care Volume 44, October 2021

and MI risk reductions in the longer- studies, which have generally been 3–5 current study, intraindividual HbA1c val-
term, associations with individual histor- years (19–23,28,29). The increasing and ues (i.e., for each participant) were eval-
ical HbA1c values and their long-term larger risk reductions seen here over uated to determine their relative
effects have not been studied. Here we time need to be considered when mak- contributions over time to MI and ACM.
show that imposing a lower HbA1c ing treatment decisions in clinical prac- While it would be of interest to deter-
immediately after the diagnosis of T2D tice, writing guidelines, and performing mine and also adjust for time-dependent
is associated with severalfold greater health care economic analyses. effects of other risk factors (smoking,
risk reductions in ACM and MI 10–20 These results are also of interest in weight, blood pressure, and lipid pro-
years later compared with delayed light of the current coronavirus disease files), they did not vary greatly over time
HbA1c lowering. T2D is a worldwide epi- 2019 pandemic. Individuals with T2D in UKPDS, and such analyses would be
demic affecting >463 million individuals with a high mortality risk after coronavi- complex to perform.
and causing a large proportion of severe rus disease 2019 infection are generally The use of statins and renin-angioten-
renal, visual, and cardiovascular disease those with advanced diabetes complica- sin-aldosterone system inhibitors in UKPDS
events as well as amputations and tions (35,36). To help minimize such were confined primarily to the posttrial
shorter life expectancy (34). In addition, risks in future viral epidemics, our find- monitoring period. It is possible that by
many people have undetected diabetes ings highlight the crucial need for early reducing overall cardiovascular risk, they
(34). Our results imply that societies implementation of intensive glycemic might to some extent influence the effect
should focus even more on early T2D control in people with newly diagnosed ascribed to historical HbA1c values but
detection and glucose optimization. T2D to reduce end-organ damage. not fundamentally change the relation-
Moreover, programs in both children ship between HbA1c and complications.
and adults without diabetes could pre- Strengths and Limitations In conclusion, the adverse effects of
vent or delay diabetes onset and Strengths of our study include the HbA1c on ACM and MI increase over
thereby minimize glycemic exposure at UKPDS long-term follow-up with detailed time. Strong HbA1c legacy effects exist
an even earlier time period. HbA1c and adjudicated complication for both of these outcomes but appear
Guidelines today recommend screen- data. Also, participants were monitored greater for ACM. Given these large leg-
ing high risk groups (e.g., obese indi- acy effects, early detection of T2D
from the diagnosis of T2D, which is
viduals and first-degree relatives of (screening) and glycemic optimization
essential to capture as much information
individuals with T2D) (4,5), but few needs greater emphasis in guidelines,
as possible on early hyperglycemic
structural programs exist in many by health care providers, and in clinical
effects. The model we used has previ-
countries. If T2D remains undetected, practice to more effectively prevent
ously shown a better fit than traditional
glucose levels can increase over many long-term complications and achieve a
models and variables used for describing
years without symptoms but with ele- more normal life-expectancy for people
HbA1c in relation to diabetic complica-
vated HbA1c values that are associ- with T2D.
tions (10,14,15). Although it shows a
ated with greatly increased risk, as
good fit here, we cannot exclude resid-
we have shown here; for example, a
ual confounding due to the study’s
2% (22 mmol/mol) higher HbA1c Acknowledgments. The authors want to
increases ACM risk by 40% after 10 observational nature. In particular, partial thank all participating sites and participants
years and by 86% after 20 years. confounding may exist between the for making the UKPDS trial possible. The
studied HbA1c variable, which varies non- authors thank Anders Oden (Chalmers Univer-
Another implication is that glycemic sity of Technology) for important contribu-
control contributes more to risk of ACM linearly with time since diagnosis, and
tions to the current work.
and MI than previously thought. Our nonlinear effects of diabetes duration. Funding. This study was supported by the
study found an ACM risk increase of None of the conducted sensitivity analy- Swedish State (ALF grant). R.R.H. is an Emeri-
>30% at 20 years per unit HbA1c ses, however, revealed any such pat- tus National Institute for Health Research
terns. Because the current analyses Senior Investigator.
increase compared with 10–20% in pre- Duality of Interest. M.L. has received
vious studies (10–13). The difference is focused on the relative impact of histori- research grants from DexCom and Novo Nor-
due to the increasing effects over time, cal HbA1c values, we did not evaluate disk and been a consultant for AstraZeneca,
which likely will increase even more for risk factors other than age, sex, and Boehringer Ingelheim, DexCom, Eli Lilly, MSD,
treatment group. Moreover, it should be and Novo Nordisk. R.R.H. reports research
many patients over a lifetime horizon.
support from AstraZeneca, Bayer, and Merck
Besides the need for early detection of noted that healthy living habits, which
Sharp & Dohme, and personal fees from Anji
diabetes and glycemic optimization, our may be associated with improved glyce- Pharmacueticals, Bayer, Intarcia, Merck Sharp
findings support the need for strict gly- mic control and were not controlled for & Dohme, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk. No
cemic control when treating people in the current analysis, can also influence other potential conflicts of interest relevant
the risk of MI and mortality. For future to this article were reported.
with T2D in clinical practice. Effects of Author Contributions. M.L. wrote a first
glucose-lowering treatments in cardio- estimations of the probability of ACM or draft of the manuscript. M.L., H.I., R.L.C.,
vascular outcome trials have likely MI for individuals, it will be essential to O.N., and R.R.H. were involved in analyses
underestimated the effects of glycemic include other risk factors and covariates. and interpretations of data and revising the
control because the beneficial effects, However, HbA1c is already known to be manuscript. M.L. and R.R.H. are the guaran-
tors of this work and, as such, had full access
according to the current results, an independent risk factor for MI and to all the data in the study and take responsi-
increase over at least 15–20 years and ACM, as shown in multiple studies, bility for the integrity of the data and the
thus far beyond the duration of most including the UKPDS (11–13). In the accuracy of the data analysis. Lind and Associates 2237

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