Enyoss' Laggnog N20 Core Ruleset: Executive Summary

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Executive Summary
Significant changes to the core N18 ruleset are as follows.

Gangs, Experience & Rare Trade

• Gang creation: champions & leaders randomly generated.
• Gang composition: max. of two hired champions in a gang.
• XP: new random advance table for all fighters.
• Rare Trade: new random rare trade chart.
• House Weapon lists: all gunsights and suspensors removed, inc. Las-projectors.

• Hex Map: proximity requirement for Rackets to be linked.

• Bottle Rolls: reinforcements now count.
• Underdog Bonus: reinforcements now count. Underdog Cards added/

Tactics Cards
• Deck building: cards randomised from pre-built deck.
• Cards removed: Dangerous Footing, History of Violence, Death Trap.

Weapons & Skills

• Skills: updates to Catfall, Clamber, Bulging Biceps, Iron Jaw, Escape Artist.
• Mastercrafted weapons: To-hit bonus applies once per game.

Misc. Rules
• Charging: charge route and closest target clarified.
• Consolidate: can now be used to engage.
• Maintain Control: first use does not count as an action
• Blast weapons: Cannot hit on better than a 3+.
• Injuries: results of 31-36 count as Out Cold.
Campaign Format
Law & Misrule with an Expansion Phase, followed by Downtime, concluding with a Justice
Phase. The campaign works as normal with the following exceptions:

• Rackets. Rackets are arranged on a Hex map. Rackets must be worked to provide
benefits (see Post Game Sequence rules below).
• Linked Rackets. A Racket can only be linked if it is at most 1 hex away from
another hex the player controls. For example, in the map below Caravan Route
Control and Guild of Coin Bond can be linked as each is within 1 hex of another hex
the player controls (Gambling Empire and Proxies of the Omnissiah respectively).
Although controlled, The Cold Trade is outside of range and so cannot be linked.

• Challenges. Players randomise who is challenger. Alternate if consecutive games

are played.

In the Expansion Phase the challenger chooses an unclaimed racket at stake. The
winner keeps this racket.

In the Justice Phase, each player chooses one of their opponent’s rackets to stake.
The winner keeps both rackets.

In multiplayer games each player stakes a racket. The top-half placed players
(rounding up) keep their rackets. Rackets from the bottom-half placed players are
then pooled. The first placed player picks a racket to keep from the pool, the second
placed player picks from those remaining, and so on.

• Enforcers. Enforcers can either Police or Grant any rackets they win.
• Badzones. Both players can agree the battle takes place in the Badzones, in which
the battle takes place on the Badzone Environment hex which is closest to the
players’ existing hexes. The loser gains the following Badzones territory:
D6 Badzones Environment Badzones Territory
1 Ancient Manufactorum Workshop
2 Stygian Depths None
3 Sump Sea Sludge Sea
4 Dome Jungle Old Ruins
5 Warp Tainted Wastes
6 Unstable Dome Collapsed Dome
1) Badzones territories can never be staked.
2) Badzones territories must be worked to provide benefits. After a
Badzones territory is worked roll a D6 – on a 4+ the territory is
reclaimed by the badzones and destroyed.
Gang Creation – 1250 credits
Gang Creation
• Leader. A gang leader profile is generated by taking a ganger profile and
immediately rolling 3 starting advances (re-roll duplicated advances), plus a
Random Skill (primary/secondary), +1 Ld & Cl, and +1W result from the table (see
Experience below). Pay their cost inc. advances.
• Champions. Two gang champion profiles are generated by taking a ganger profile
and immediately rolling 3 starting advances (re-roll duplicated advances). Pay their
cost (inc. advances).
• Gangers/Juves. All remaining gangers and juves are bought in the normal way.

Equipment and Starting Advances

• Only leaders, champions and specialists may be equiped with special weapons,
with the exception of one ganger who may be equiped with a special weapon.
• When generating starting advances, if a stat has already been increased fighters
must take the other stat in that subtree. Pick Skill and Random Skill can be taken
once each. If all advances in a subtree have been taken, re-roll the advance. No
stat can be improved to better than 3+ with starting advances.

Helot Chaos Gangs

• Witches may be hired using their usual profile and cost.

Genestealer Cults
• When generating an Adept leader swap +1Ld & Cl for +1Ld & WP.
• When generating an Alpha leader add +45 to their cost for third generation hybrid.
• Aberrants have their cost increased to 200GR.

Gang Composition
At any point, a gang can only have 2 champions who were hired at champion level. If one
of these leaves the gang for any reason, or is promoted to leader, a new champion may be
hired to replace them if the gang composition allows. Additional champion slots can only
be filled by promoted Specialists and Juves.

Normal gang composition rules otherwise apply when adding fighters to the gang.

Misc. Rules Amendments/Clarifications

Ductways & blast weapons. Target the opposite endpoint of the ductway. Shot hits on
unmodified 5+ and scatters as normal, but if the shot scatters backwards it explodes in the
pipe hitting all models within 2” of both ends of the ductway.

Blast weapons. Cannot hit on better than a 3+.

Charges. Fighters must charge the closest enemy (seriously injured fighters may be
ignored), or may charge an enemy further away with a successful Cool check. Charge
distance to an enemy is the shortest route to that enemy, measuring around pitfalls and
other terrain hazards which might injure the charging fighter. The charging player may
choose to measure their route to any enemy fighter through such terrain if it results in a
shorter charge distance (e.g. leaping over a pitfall rather than going around it), but are
under no obligation to do so.

Pitfalls. Counts as both a gap and the edge of a platform (Rulebook p63). Models which
fall into a pitfall go OOA.

Consolidation. Can be used to engage in combat.

Maintain Control. The first use at the start of an activation does not cost an action.

Catfall. Add: If fighter goes OOA from a pitfall in ZM they automatically receive an Out
Cold result.

Clamber. Add: Fighter suffers no movement penalty when crossing obstacles.

Bulging Biceps. Replace: “Note that Unwieldy weapons...” with “Unwieldy weapons take
up only one weapons slot.”

Iron Jaw. Replace with: “In close combat the fighter adds +1 to their Toughness against
unarmed attacks and hits with the melee trait. This skill does not work against weapons
with the Toxin, Web, or Power trait.”

Escape Artist. Replace: “When this fighter makes a Retreat (Basic) action...” with “When
this fighter makes a Retreat (Basic) action, add 2 to the result of their Initiative check and
subtract 2 from their opponent’s Initiative check (a natural 1/6 still fails/passes).

Commanding Presence. Fighters other than Champions & Leaders must re-roll this skill.

Connected. Replace “They cannot do this if they are unable to make actions during the
post-battle sequence” with “They cannot do this if they are Captured or In Recovery”.

Savvy Trader. Gangers and Juves cannot add +1 to the dice roll for rare item availability
unless they can otherwise perform a Trade action. They will still provide their 20 credit

Overseer. Requires a successful Ld test to use, but the fighter may act normally if failed.
Cannot be used as a part of a group activation.

Weapons & Equipment

Chainaxe. Remove Parry.

Master-crafted Weapons. Replace “Once per round” with “Once per battle”.

Armoured Bodyglove. Save increased to 5+. Cannot be combined with any other armour
or undersuit except the Van Saar energy shield and field armour.

House Weapon lists. Gunsights and suspensors are removed from all House Weapons
lists. This includes Las-projectors.
Scenario Selection. Determine scenario table replaced with the following:

2D6 Scenario
2 Higher gang rating chooses the scenario
and may choose to either attack or defend
3-4 Higher gang rating chooses the scenario
5-6 Randomise from the 6 base scenarios.
7-11 Lower Gang rating chooses the scenario
12 Lower Gang rating chooses the scenario
and may choose to either attack or defend

The challenger is the attacker unless otherwise specified. Players may choose from any of
the normal or arbitrator Scenarios in the rulebook (except Last Stand).

If players can agree to play a specific scenario they do not have to roll on the scenario

Sneak Attack. Attacker uses Custom Selection (10). Gang Relic must be placed at least
6” from the board edge. As soon as the alarm is raised, once the current fighter has
completed their activation the Activation Phase ends. Rules for bottle tests and
reinforcements come into play immediately once the alarm is raised, but not before.

Bottle Rolls. Reinforcements are included when calculating crew size for bottle rolls.

Tactics Cards
Dangerous Footing, History of Violence, Death Trap. Removed.

Players build a master deck of at least 20 Tactics Cards. When choosing tactics cards,
either as part of a scenario or from House Patronage, players pick 5+X random cards from
their master deck and choose X. This is done as follows:

1. Shuffle your master deck.

2. Determine the total number of chosen tactics cards Z = X + Y by adding those from
the scenario (X) with any chosen cards from the House Patronage table (Y).
3. Draw 5 + Z random tactics cards from your master deck. Choose Z.
4. Draw any remaining random tactics cards from your master deck.

Guild & Syndicate Alliances

Guild & Syndicate Representatives. Parties add 500 GR. Master Charletons, Rebel
Lords, and Mind-locked Wyrds add 350GR. Scum are costed as normal.

Iron Guild. Weapon discount applies to a single weapon.

House Patronage / Underdog Bonus
Underdog Bonus. If a gang has reinforcements during a scenario their underdog bonus is
calculated from the average of the starting crew rating and the overall gang rating.

House Patronage & Underdog Cards. Calculate gang rating or crew difference in the
normal way and purchase bonuses from the table up to this value. With the exception of
House Patronages, House Sub-plots are not used. House Favours are never used.

Number Limit Patronage Cost

0-5 Draw a random Gang Tactics card 100
0-2 Choose a Gang Tactics card 200
0-1 Draw a random House Sub-plot 100
0-1 Choose a House Sub-plot 200
Unlimited Draw a random Underdog Card 200(1)
Unlimited Hire a temporary Hanger-on Varies
0-3 Temporarily hire a Ganger Varies
Unlimited Recruit one or more Juves Varies
(Gang composition rules still apply)
0-1 Hire a Dramatis Personae Varies
0-1 Hire a Bounty Hunter Varies
0-5 Hire a Hive Scum Varies
1) Underdog Cards can only be chosen if the difference in gang rating is greater than 400 credits.

Lasting Injuries
Results of 31-36 on the Lasting Injury table are Out Cold.
XP is no longer spent on advances. Instead, all fighters automatically advance when they
accrue a set amount of total XP. Advances are rolled randomly on the folling advance

Band(1) Total XP Fighter Type

0 0 Juve
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 9 Ganger(2)
Exotic Beasts
5 12
6 15 Champion
Chaos Witch
7 18
8 21 Leader
9 26
10 31
11 36 Brute
12 41
13 46
14 51
15 61
16 71
17 81
18 91
19 101
No further advances
1) Fighters may unequip weapons when they change band
2) Juves are immediately promoted to ganger at band 4
Subtree d6
2d6 1-2 3-4 5-6 Cost
Any characteristic result from table or Pick Skill (Primary/Secondary). 35
Get Made (ex-Juves only) Free
3 Pick Skill (Primary) or Random Skill (Primary/Secondary) 35 / 25
4 Random Skill (Primary/Secondary) 25
5 S A S or A 30 / 45
6 M I M or I 10
7 WS BS WS or BS 20
8 Ld & Cl WP & Int Any two psych stats 20 / 10 / *
9 T W T or W 30 / 45
10 Random Skill (Primary/Secondary) 25
11 Pick Skill (Primary) or Random Skill (Primary/Secondary) 35 / 25
Random Skill (any table) or Pick Skill (Primary/Secondary) 35
Get Made Free
Psych Stat. Training in the unfamiliar takes patience and determination. When a fighter takes Random
Skill they increase one psych stat of their choice for free.
Get Made.
Special • Ganger promoted to Specialist
• Specialist or Ex-Juve promoted to Champion
Max. Characteristics: maximum characteristics work as normal, using the fighter profiles in Gangs of the
Underhive as a baseline. Fighters who start as Juves use a Juve profile baseline until they are promoted to

Ganger skills: gangers use the Specialist skill tables.

Post-Game Sequence
Territory & Rackets. All boons (excluding Reputation) require a “Work Territory/Racket”
post battle action to activate. Income/Recruit/Equipment is earned immediately, and
Special boons apply until start of the post battle sequence of the next game.

One racket or territory may be worked for free.

Seek Rare Equipment. Players may buy 1 item +1 for each Regular Trade or Black
Market Trade post battle action. Roll once on the relevant rare trade chart below - the
player may buy one item from the category rolled. Normal rarity roll and Outlaw/Law
Abiding restrictions apply for all purchases, including exotic beasts and caryatids.

When purchasing equipment, gangs may buy any number of common items from their
aligned trading post. If visiting the trading post of opposing alignment, instead of
purchasing a rare item from the category rolled players may purchase one common item of
any category.
D66 Regular Trade: Item Category
11-13 Pistol (exc. Combi, Silent)
14 Pistol (Silent)
15-16 Pistol (Combi)
21-23 Basic/Special (exc. Combi, silent)
24 Special (Silent)
25-26 Special (Combi)
31-34 Heavy
35-36 Grenades, Ammo & Booby Traps
41-42 Close Combat (exc. Power, Shock, Toxin)
43-44 Close Combat (Toxin)
45-46 Close Combat (Power, Shock)
51-52 Armour
53-54 Personal Equipment
55-56 Weapon Accessories
61-62 Badzones Market
63 Field Armour
64 Bionics
65 Status Items
66 Chems (exc. Illegal)
Always available Exotic Beasts (exc. Illegal & Badzones)

Badzones Market
Special Ammo Grenades Personal Equipment
Auto-weapons Anti-plant Archeotech device
• Plantbuster Flares Blind snake pouch
• Phosphor Gunk Guilder cartograph
• Rad Plasma Mung vase
Shotguns Necromundan giant rat
• Plantbuster Industrial respirator
• Phosphor Isotropic fuel rod
• Rad Radcounter
Bolt Ratskin map
• Gunk Second Best
Grenade Launcher Suspensor harness
• Anti-plant Wildsnake
• Flares
• Plasma
D66 Black Market Trade: Item Category
11-12 Imperial
13-14 Xenos
15-16 Corrupted
21-22 Pistol
23-24 Basic
25-26 Special
31-34 Heavy
35-36 Grenades
41-42 Close Combat
43-46 Special Ammo
51-52 Armour
53-56 Personal Equipment
61-63 Badzones Market
64-65 Bionics (exc. Improved)
66 Status Items
Always available Chems
Exotic Beasts (Illegal & Badzones)

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