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5 Real Common Mistakes 🤯

1⃣ 필요하다 💵🥲
Student’s sentence
• Korean sentence Correction
• English translation

저는 차을 필요해요. 저는 차가 필요해요.
I need a car. I need a car.

When you say ‘need’ in Korean, the particle you have to use for object
is 이/가. Because, surprisingly ‘필요하다(need)’ is an adjective in

ex. I need money … 돈이 필요해요.

I need a Korean friend … 한국인 친구가 필요해요.

2⃣ 았어서/었어서/했어서 🙅❌🙅
Student’s sentence
• Korean sentence Correction
• English translation

친구를 만났어서 행복했어요. 친구를 만나서 행복했어요.

I was happy because I met my friend. I was happy because I met my friend.

As you guys know, ‘아서/어서/해서’ is one of the sentence connectors,

you can describe ‘because’ in Korean. But regardless of the tense, you
can combine ‘present tense verb’ with it!

Korean Crew 2021

3⃣ ‘ㅂ’ irregular 😳
Student’s sentence
• Korean sentence Correction
• English translation

한국어는 어려운이에요. 한국어는 어려워요.

Korean is difficult. Korean is difficult.

ㅂ irregular adjective + Noun : erase ㅂ + 운

ex. cute cat … 귀여운 고양이
- to be cute 귀엽다 ➡ drop the 다 ➡ 귀엽 ➡ erase ㅂ ➡ 귀여 ➡ plus 운
➡ 귀여운

ㅂ irregular adjective in a sentence : erase ㅂ + 워요 / 웠어요 / 울 거예요

ex. a cat is cute … 고양이는 귀여워요.
- to be cute 귀엽다 ➡ drop the 다 ➡ 귀엽 ➡ erase ㅂ ➡ 귀여 ➡ plus 워
요(present tense) ➡ 귀여워요

4⃣ 에게💌 vs 한테🗣
Student’s sentence
• Korean sentence Correction
• English translation

엄마에게 생일 선물을 줄 거예요. 엄마한테 생일 선물을 줄 거예요.

I will give my mom a birthday gift. I will give my mom a birthday gift.

When you want to say ‘to someone’ you can say ‘someone에게/한테’.
But, in the real conversation, most of Korean people use 한테 which is for
spoken Korean. And we use 에게 for written Korean.
For example, we use 에게 when we write the letter! Like, 민수에게.

Korean Crew 2021

5⃣ have dinner 저녁 있어요(?) 🍽🍖

Student’s sentence
• Korean sentence Correction
• English translation

가족이랑 저녁 있었어요. 가족이랑 저녁 먹었어요.

I had dinner with my family. I had dinner with my family.

I was confused, when I wanted to say ‘저녁 먹었어요’ in English.

Because, we literally say ‘I ate dinner.’ but I heard native speaker said ‘I
had dinner.’

In English, ‘have meal’ implies ‘eat meal’ right?

But in Korean, we only say ‘to eat’ 먹다! And if you say ‘저녁 있어요.’ It
sounds like ‘There is some food for dinner.’
In English, it implies ‘alcohol’ but we don’t!

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