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This website is a great resource for all ages because it is a free or/purchasable way for
students to study with flashcards, study through fun games, as well as a way for teachers
to test their students without it being a full on test or multiple day activity for the
students. Using this website and creating your own flashcards can work for any grade
level with the higher level science classes being able to learn stuff like medical
terminology, while elementary students can use it to practice the difference between
verbs, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives for example.
Using this tool makes your classroom easier to manage by:
- Less paper or index cards needed
- Less of a mess with color pencils, crayons, pens, etc.
- Can be easily taken home by the students without the possibility of losing them,
dog eating them, etc.
This tool also gives the students more chances to review the topics by:
- Giving the students the chance to review without disrupting the class or someone
else through being all online
- Gives the students the ability to create their own set of online index note cards or
being able to review someone else's
- Allows the student to look up other sets of cards for similar or different topics for
the class

As a teacher you need to watch out with some of the students cheating using the resource,
but overall the website is a very good way for the teacher to practice repeatable facts with
their students as well as a good way for the students to remember topics better by
repeating and testing out what they know about the topic in general. The website also has
different ways to learn the cards for if students study differently with a spelling element,
writing elements, and the “games.” This is so that the students can learn in a way they
will benefit from not just through flashcards or repetition.

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