Interview Questions by G Kumar

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Interview Questions:

1. What are oops concepts?

2. Java 8 new features?
3. Streams in java and name some of the method you know?
4. Diff between Default and protected access Specifiers?
5. Diff between static and local variable?
6. Diff between compiler and JVM?
7. What is Singleton design pattern?
8. Explain Exception hierarchy?
9. Diff between compile time and runtime exception?
10. String buffer vs string builder?
11. Without using oops concept can we develop a project?
12. What is Multithreading?
13. Explain Thread lifecycle?
14. Ways to create thread?
15. What is typecasting, upcasting, downcasting?
16. What is wrapper class and examples?
17. What is boxing?
18. Diff between Array list and linked list?
19. Diff between array list and Vector?
20. (a)Collection vs Collections? (b)comparator vs comparable?
21. Explain Collections hierarchy and explain its components?
22. Diff between List ,Set and map?
23. Diff between HashMap and HashTable?
24. Internal working of HashMap?
25. Diff Primitive and object datatype?
26. What if two null store in HashMap?
27. What is marker interface and use of marker interface .examples also?
28. Why java is not 100% object oriented?
29. Explain Servlet lifecycle?
30. Jdbc code to connect with database?
31. Diff between Doget and Dopost method ?
32. Diff between abstract class and interface?
33. What is optional class?
34. Why we use spring boot framework?
35. What all Annotations in spring boot?
36. How to integrate hibernate in your project?
37. Mapping in hibernate?
38. How to configure database in spring boot project?
39. Diff between @controller and @restcontroller ?
40. What are the types of Autowire?
41. Explain Dependency Injection?
42. What is spring IOC ?
43. Spring boot project flow?
44. What are the HTTP methods and explain each one?
45. What are joins in SQL and explain each one?
46. What are the aggregators in SQL?
47. Diff between Primary key and foreign key?
48. Diff between DDL and DML?
49. Diff between drop, delete and truncate?
50. WAP to find (a)given string is palindrome or not ? (b) find max repeating character in a string? (c) count each
character in a string? (d)Reverse the given string? (e)2nd max element from array ?(f)duplicate element in a

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