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BSHM 501

1. In your opinion, how do cultural norms affect a company or an organization?

Ans. Cultural norms are the set of values, practices, languages, beliefs and customs that people from the
same community share, for as we know, norms differ from region-to-region. Cultural norms actually
affect and influence an individual’s behaviors, thinking skills and actions not only to how they treat other
people but also to the organization they belong to. That’s why sometimes even inside the organization
there are still victim of bullies, office gossip and etc. This shows poor internal communication that often
leads to misunderstanding and conflicts. And because of this, workers don’t have unity, therefore, the
company will suffer both financially and well-being. But on the other hand, when cultural diversity in the
workplace is taken care of, there different ways of thinking skills will be very beneficial to the

2.  What are the eight (8) cultural styles presented in the video?

Ans. These are the 8 cultural styles.

1. Results
2. Caring
3. Order
4. Learning
5. Purpose
6. Safety
7. Enjoyment
8. Authority

3. Why do different industries differ in terms of cultural styles prevalent in their field?

Ans. Organizations have different cultures, and their people are often driven by different motivations.
Copying another culture won't work unless both companies address identical problems, have a common
values structure and share the same makeup of employees. Every organization should find its own
cultural DNA.

Cultural differences are the various beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices and expressions considered
unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin. While these various differences can
create a more vibrant office, they can also lead to more than a few problems resulting from culture

4. What is the importance of adaptation or flexibility in these types of culture existing in the work
sector nowadays?

Ans. Being adaptable in the workplace is important for a number of reasons. For one, employers value
employees that are successfully able to manage changes in the workplace. In addition, the more
adaptable you are, the more productive you'll be overall. This is important because being able to handle
change with ease frees up the time you might have normally spent being stressed out when a new
challenge presented itself

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