DM The Cyclops

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>, Period A vere lifi5 The Cyclops @ Reed the itaticized portion on page 160 and answer the following questions 2 Who is the Cyclops’ father and why might this be important for Odysseus? : a te ae Cyclops falher is poseidon Father. Ths 15 problem Se10071 g esnt B4yHod > why as eRe galt P The men go! nko “FHe*Cave out of Odysseus's Read lines 219-221. Odysseus and his men have made themselves comfortable in the Cyclops’ cave. Answer the following questions: > What do Odysseus and his men find in the cove and take for semealvesy found Some cheese in the cave he ark) eat > an whet we talked about in class concerning Ancient Greek hospitality ond how King Alcinous treated Odysseus when he washed up ¢ ‘en the beach. Why might Odysseus and his men think that welcoming A themselves into fy care ike sh 9 oh - i: F Tooke eleg TeSmnin thera selves 1 ton eee h a4 becaust Id nets th aK Cince they were quest the onwer wou) Read lines 228-233. Answer the following question: > why can’ t Odysseus 3 his men escape thg ca cayesen their geus and his men Cant &Sca c : os Sere own because theres Q Slab oF Sg cock that nol ever. 2 dozer foe-wheeled waadhs cart move. Read lines 256-261. Pay attention to what Odysseus says to the Cyclops. Answer the following questions: ive ee > What does Odysseus say to the Cyclops? How would you describe hil be gsevss fone 1S ver demandin € tho bs epee led Cyc] ps to help fan ond ge OO * Based on your knowledge of Ancient Greek a and customs, hew would the Cyclops be Sree to Aes te Odyss hsten & The Cyclops wo pected to Odysseus seg bo" re hab PF ne ae Read lines 277-283. Pay attention to how the Cyclops’ actions ore described with figurotive language. * What does the Cyclops do in response to Odysseus? How would this be Considered by the Ancient Greeks, for whom hospi Impotet? i ie Sacees killed ea and tne! i gang fo be id ak hur i eee 3 Show WwSPi ' > neal ra a cPeE ie, Sony hospi eal Puppies” (279) i “crunching like a mountain lion” (282). What Purpose does this figurative language serve? Hint: how dees it moke the reader fee! about the 6, he Similes Show just how brutal and mean Cyclops iS ® ality is super Ancient > Homer uses a lot of similes te describe the Cyclops. Now, your ‘own simile for Odysseus and his men describing their reaction. Use these two lines to help yout “We cried aloud, lifting our hands te Zeuss/ Powerless, locking on at this appalled” (284-285), Optional sentence frame: Odysseus ond his men -beg__ like 0 2 a want more Pood (ection) (animals whe often do thet action). Read lines 289-295. What does Odysseus want to do, decide not to do it? ts to Stab him bub hh See ae ecl alt perish &S weed: . and why does he > Read lines 319-324. What does Odysseus decide te de te the Cyclops @ instead? Who will help him? pole Odysseus decides fo Chap op a x I es re and Scrape and hide it hl thea have the > whet chloe Wek of Qyseie> igen Othe. CAG ai thinking and planning? Which of his alter egos does this relate to? Hint: we’ ve al i Sas eeu ie fe oe shown this relates te 1d executes it from nes 340-432 Use the following chart with pictures te help you explain his plan in detail [eee cain aed daca od ysseus gets hm ee drunk so ‘he. can’t ‘ think & Straight Lines 340-355 ow He fied about his name saying that i's nohbdg. ~ Lines 360-363 Ti ke he sk Ve | are) Sigaed ! a a lic Lines 375-384 Sahy took the C3 Jno hid behind F530 he cayld escape ie hed| Lines 421-432 them together So he wou! Read lines 444-459. The Cyclops is talking to one of his rams. e | > Why is this ironic? Hint: remember that dramatic irony is when we knew more than one er more of the characters This i8 ironic ple is q ae ee ople hinding beh Kow there 1S pet car + KNOW. ‘ay attention to what Odysseus says and think about which of his choracter traits this aligns with. > What does Od; shout to the tops? od oy sse09 3 alin "Fhe cyclops his real eo me. H telling hin ‘® tell aeryone he’s fhe one | > reese, hae tha Steels told the Cyclops his name? Consider: | What character trait of his is this consistent with? Which one of his | Aine gs te S008 cansistent with? aps his Mame | 2 I think ody yygeus old ihe, the BSerione 2 40 get more a “2h how areat he 1S. HS alter ego. “'s fostidon. @ OS'S head lines 517-535. Specking of Odysseus’ alter egos! Note thot Paseidan is also the god of earthquakes. Read lines 500 > what does the Cyclops ask his father to do? Why is this an issue for Odysseus? Odysseus lops ashs his father to hill Eyal pi its 1§ an 1sSde a gl oa because pose:don already snb li een sseus and now poseidons sory wants wm

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