Academic Calender 3rd Sem

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.labalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.

(Established in 1947 as Covernment Engineering College, Jabalpur-48201 l)
(An Autonomous lnstitute Declared by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh)

Academic Calendar For Odd semesters, Session 2021-22, (Tentative Schedule)

B.Tech.liB.Tech.(PTDC)I B.Tech.l I I/B.Tech.(PTDC)l I I

S. No. Pa rtic u la rs
MCA I/lll/ M.E. l/lll/M.Sc. l/lll

I Duration of Semester Aug-Dec-2021 Aug-Dec-2021

2 ommencement of Classes 09-tt-2021 09-tt-2021

Registration of Student Portal
J 20t I I t2021 TO 30t I I t2021 201 I I 1202t TO 30t 1 1 t2021
(Except I sem)
Submission of Admission Renewal Fee
(Excent I Sem)
201 I I 12021 TO 30t t t t2021 201 t t 12021 To 301 I 1 1202t

Submission of Admission Renewal Fee with

5 0t I t2l202l To 05 I t2l202t 0t I t2t202t To 05 I l2t202t
late Fee(Except I Sem)
First Review ofAttendance & Internal
6 t0-12-2021 l0-12-2021
7 Mid Semester Test-l 13l t2l202t To I 4l t2t202l t3l t2l202t To I 41 12t2021

Summer Industrial Training Four

t5l t2l202t To t610t t2022
Weeks(for B.Tech IIIsem)ontinelornine

8 lnduction Training (for B.Tech I sem) I 5 I t2l202t TO 22t t2l202l

Second Review ofAttendanee & Internal

9 t0-ot-2022 09-02-2022
l0 Mid Semester Test-lI t2l0l 12022 To t3 t}l t2022 1 0I 021 2022 T O I I I 021 2022
!-inal Review of Attendance & lnternal
ll 3\-01-2022 t8-02-2022
l2 Remedial classes 0 1 I 02 t 2022 TO 07 I 02 I 2022 2 1 I 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 I 2022

Exam Form forwarding by the head of

t3 04I 02 I 2022't O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 021 2022 T O 28 t 02 I 2022
Submission of examination form without
t4 04I 02 I 2022 T O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 02 I 2022 1'O 28 I 02 I 2022
late Fee
Submission of examination form with
l5 09t0212022 TO I I 10212022 02t 03 t2022 T O 03 I 03 I 2022
late Fee

l6 End ofTeaching 07-02-2022 28-02-2022

t7 Preparation Leave 08 I 02 I 2022 1- O | 3 I 02 I 2022 0 |I 03 I 2022 T O 06 I 03 I 2022

Commencement of End Semester
l8 l4-02-2022 07-03-2022
After Completion of Respective Afler Completion of Respective
l9 End semester break for students
Examination to 09 103 12022 Examination to 03 10412022

20 Commcncement of Even scmester classes t0-03-2022 04-04-2022

JabalPur Engineering Coltege

JabalPur (M'P')
.labalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.)-India
(Established in 1947 as Covernment Engineering College, Jabalpur-48201 l)
(An Autonomous lnstitute Declared by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh)

Academic Calendar For Odd semesters, Session 2021-22, (Tentative Schedule)

B.Tech.l/B.Tech.(PTDC)I B.Tech.l I I/B.Tech.(PTDC)l I I

S. No. Pa rticula rs
MCA I/lll/ M.E. l/lll/M.Sc. l/lll

I Duration of Semester Aug-Dec-2021 Aug-Dec-2021

2 ommencement of Classes 09-tt-2021 09-tt-2021

Registration of Student Portal
J 20t I I t2021 TO 30t I I t2021 201 I I 1202t TO 30t 1 1 t2021
(Except I sem)
Submission of Admission Renewal Fee
(Excent I Sem) 201 I I 12021 TO 30t t t t2021 201 t t 12021 To 301 I 1 1202t

Submission of Admission Renewal Fee with

5 0t I 1212021 TO 05t t2l202t 0t I t2t202t To 05 I t2t202t
late Fee(Except I Sem)
First Review ofAttendance & Internal
6 t0-12-2021 l0-12-2021
7 Mid Semester Test-l t3l t2l202t To I 41 12t2021 t3l t2l202t To I 4l t2t202l
Summer lndustrial Training Four
t5l t2l202t To t6t0t t2022
Weeks(for B.Tech Illsem)ontinelornine

8 Induction Training (for B.Tech I sem) I 5l t2l202t TO 22t t2l202l

Second Review ofAttendanee & Internal

9 t0-0t-2022 09-02-2022
l0 Mid Semester Test-lI t2l0t 12022 To t3 t}l t2022 1 0 I 02 12022 T O I 1 I 02 I 2022

lt Final Review ofAttendance & Internal

3t-0t-2022 t8-02-2022
l2 Remedial classes 0 II 02 I 2022 T O 07 I 02 I 2022 2 II 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 I 2022

Exam Form forwarding by the head of

l3 04I 02 t2022'f O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 021 2022 T O 28 t 02t 2022
Submission of examination form without
t4 04 I 02 I 2022 T O 08 I 02 I 2022 2 4 I 02 I 2022'I' O 28 I 02 I 2022
late Fee
Submission of examination form with
l5 0910212022 1 0 | I 10212022 02 I 03 I 2022 T O 03 I 03 I 2022
late Fee
l6 End ofTeaching 07-02-2022 28-02-2022

t7 Preparation Leave 08 I 02 I 2022 T O | 3 I 02 I 2022 0 |I 03 I 2022 T O 06 I 03 I 2022

Commencement of End Semester
l8 l4-02-2022 07-03-2022
After Completion of Respective Afler Completion of Respective
l9 End semester break for students
Dxamination to 09 103 12022 Examination to 03 10412022

20 Commcncement of Even scmester classes t0-03-2022 04-04-2022

JabalPur Engineering College
-labalPur (M'P')
.Iabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.)-India
(listablished in 1947 as (;overnment Engineering College, Jabalpur-,18201 l)
(An Autonomous lnstitut€ Declared by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh)

Academic Calendar For Odd semesters, Session 2021-22, (Tentative Schedule)

B.Tech. l/B.Tech.(PTDC)I B.Tech.l I I/B.Tech.(PTDC)I I I

S. No. Pa rticula rs
MCA I/lll/ M.E. l/lll/M.Sc. l/lll
I Duration of Semester Aug-Dec-2021 Aug-Dec-2021

2 ommencement of Classes 09-il-202r 09-tt-2021

Registration of Student Portal
-) 201 I | 12021 To 30t I I t202t 201 t I 12021 TO 30t t 1 t202t
(Except I sem)
Submission of Admission Renewal Fee
4 201 I I 1202t TO 30t I I t2021 201 I 1 12021 TO 301 I 1 t2021
(Excent I Sem)
Sutrmission of Admission Renewal Fee with
5 0t I 1212021 TO 05t t2t202t 0t I t212021 TO 05 I l2l2o2t
late Fee(Except I Sem)
First Review ofAttendance & Internal
6 to-12-202t t0-t2-2021
7 Mid Semester Test-l t3l t2l202t To I 41 12t2021 t3 I 1212021't'O I 4t t2t202t

Summer Industrial Training Four

t 5l t2l202t To t6t0U2022
Weeks(for B.Tech I I lsem)ontinelorfl ine

8 Induction Training (lbr B.Tech I sem) | 5 I t2l202t'.I'O 22t t2t202l

t) Second Review of Attendanee & Internal

t0-0t-2022 09-02-2022
l0 Mid Semester Test-ll 12101 12022 TO t3 t}t t2022 1 0 I 02 I 2022 T O t I I 02 I 2022

lt F-inal Review of Attendance & Internal

3t-01-2022 t8-02-2022
t2 Remedial classes 0 I I 02 I 2022 T O 07 I 02 I 2022 2 II 02t 2022 T O 28 I 02t 2022

Exam Form forwarding by the head of

t3 04 I 02 t2022' f O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 / 2022
Submission of examination form without
t4 04 I 02 t 2022 T O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 I 2022
late Fee
Submission of examination form with
l5 09 I 02 I 2022 TO I I I 02 I 2022 02 I 03 I 2022 T O 03 I 03 I 2022
lnto Fee
l6 End ofTeaching 07-02-2022 28-02-2022

t7 Preparation Leave 08 I 02 t 2022 T O | 3 t 02 I 2022 0 t I 03 I 2022 T O 06 t 03 I 2022

Commencement of End Semester

l8 t1-02-2022 07-03-2022
After Completion of Respective After Completion of Respective
l9 End semester break for students
Examination to 09 103 12022 Examination to 03 10412022

20 Commencement of Even scmester classes 10-03-2022 04-04-2022

Jatlalpur Engineering College
Jabalfiur (M'P')
\\" '
i/ Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (M.P.)-India
/(,) ,\\
(Established in I947 as Covernment Engineering College, Jabalpur-48201
(An Autonomous Institute Declared by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh)

\-Z Y

Academ ic Calendar For Odd semesters, Session202l-22, (Tentative Schedule)

B.Tech. l/B.Tech.(PTDC)l B.Tech.l I I/B.Tech.(PTDC)II I

S. No. Pa rticula rs
MCA lillll M.E. l/lll/M.Sc. l/lll
I Duration of Semester Aug-Dec-2021 Aug-Dec-2021

2 ommencement of Classes 09-tt-2021 09-tt-2021

Registration of Student Portal
(Except I sem)
201 1 1 1202t TO 30t t t t202t 20/ t t 12021 To 301 t 1 t2021

Submission of Admission Renewal Fee

(Excent I Seml
20t I I t202t TO 30t I I t2021 201 I I 12021 TO 30t I 1 t2021

Submission of Admission Renewal Fee with

5 01 I l2l202l TO 05 I l2t202t 0t I t212021 TO 05 I l2t202t
late Fee(Except I Sem)
First Review ofAttendance & Internal
6 t0-t2-2021 t0-12-2021
7 Mid Semester Test-l t3l t2l202t'fo I 4l t2t202t t3 I 1212021't'O | 4t t2t202t

Summer Industrial Training Four

t 5l t2l202t To t6t0t t2022
Weeks(for B.Tech IIlsem)ontineroffline

IJ Induction Training (for B.Tech I senr) | 5 I 1212021 1'O 22t t2t202l

Second Review of Attendanee & Internal

9 t0-0t-2022 09-02-2022
l0 Mid Semester Test-ll t2l0t 12022 To t3 t}t t2022 I a I 02 I 2022 T O t 1 I 02 I 2022

Final Review ofAttendance & Internal
3t-01-2022 l8-02-2022
t2 Remedial classes 0 II 02 I 2022 TO 07 I 021 2022 2 II 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 I 2022
Exam Form forwarding by the head of
l3 04t 02 12022' f o 08 I 02 I 2022 24 t 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 t 2022
Submission of examination form without
t4 0 4 I 02 I 2022 T O 08 I 02 I 2022 24 I 02 I 2022 T O 28 I 02 I 2022
late Fee
Submission of examination form with
t5 09 I 02 I 2022 TO I I I 02 I 2022 02 I 03 I 2022 T O 03 I 03 I 2022
lnte Fee
l6 End ofTeaching 07-02-2022 28-02-2022

t7 Preparation Leave 08 I 02 t2022 T O I 3 I 02 I 2022 0 1 I 03 I 2022 T O 06 I 03 I 2022

Commencement of End Semester
l8 l4-02-2022 07-03-2022
Atter Cclmpletion of Respective After Completion of Respective
l9 End semester break for students
Examination to 09 103 12022 Examination to 03 10412022

20 Commencement of Eyen scmester classes t0-03-2022 04-04-2022

Jabalpur Engineering
JabalPur (M'P')

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