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Vocabulary and Grammar

Group A
Vocabulary Grammar
Exercise 1 Exercise 5
1 chat show: A chat show is a TV programme in which 1 her: We use an object pronoun after told.
famous people are interviewed in an informal way. 2 were: In reported speech, are going to changes to were
2 quiz show: A quiz show is a TV programme in which going to.
people compete by answering questions. 3 had: In reported speech, the present perfect changes to
3 sitcom: A sitcom is a funny television series about the the past perfect.
same characters each week. 4 following: In reported speech, next weekend changes to
4 channel: A TV channel is a television station that the following weekend.
broadcasts programmes. 5 could: In reported speech, can changes to could.
5 documentary: A documentary is a television programme
that shows and discusses the facts about a subject.
Exercise 6
6 current affairs: A current affairs programme shows and
discusses things that are happening in the world. 1 they lived in: In reported speech, the present simple
changes to the past simple, and the pronoun we
changes to they.
Exercise 2 2 it was raining there: In reported speech, the present
1 adaptation: An adaptation of a book or play is a new continuous changes to the past continuous, and here
version of it in which some parts have been changed. changes to there.
2 entertainment: If something is good entertainment, it is 3 she was going to buy: In reported speech, am/is/are
enjoyable to watch. going to changes to was/were going to, and the pronoun
3 presenter: A presenter is someone who introduces and I changes to he or she.
presents a television show. 4 out that she probably wouldn’t: In reported speech, will
4 scene: A scene in a film or play is one particular part of it, changes to would, and the pronoun I changes to he or
which takes place in one place. she. We can use the phrasal verb point out to report
5 viewers: Viewers are the people who watch a television speech.
programme. 5 he had lost his wallet the day: In reported speech, the
6 audition: An audition is a short performance that you give past simple changes to the past perfect, and the
to show if you are good enough for a show, film or pronoun I changes to he or she. Yesterday changes to
television programme. the day before.

Exercise 3 Exercise 7
Can modify an adjective using quite, very, 1 where he lived: The subject comes before the verb in
really, abolutely. reported questions, and we don’t use do/does/did.
2 what he was doing: The subject comes before the verb in
1 awful: Awful is an extreme adjective, so you can use it
reported questions.
with the modifier absolutely.
3 if she was enjoying:: We use if or whether for reported
2 similar: Similar is a base adjective, so you can use it with
yes/no questions, and the subject comes before the
the modifier very.
3 absolutely: Hilarious is an extreme adjective, so you use
4 me to leave: We use an object pronoun and an infinitive
it with the modifier absolutely, not with the modifier very.
to report imperatives.
4 quite: Interesting is a base adjective, so you use it with
5 not to worry: We use not and the infinitive to report
the modifier very, not with the modifier absolutely.
negative imperatives.

Exercise 4 Exercise 8
1 go: If something goes viral, it becomes very popular
1 what she was going to wear: In reported questions, the
online and is seen by a large number of people.
subject comes before the verb, and we also change the
2 share: If you share a link with someone, you send it to
verb tense and pronouns.
them so that they can look at the website.
2 not to be late: We use not and the infinitive to report
3 gets: If a video gets a number of hits, it is viewed that
negative imperatives.
number of times.
3 he had worked with that director before: In reported
4 tells: If a video tells a story, it shows it.
speech, the subject comes before the verb, and we also

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Vocabulary and Grammar

change the verb tense and pronouns. This changes to 1 download: When you download something, you copy it
that. from the Internet onto your computer or phone.
4 where I had bought my phone: In reported questions, the 2 connected: If you are connected to the Internet, you can
subject comes before the verb, and we also change the see it and use it.
verb tense and pronouns. 3 switch: If you switch a device off, you disconnect the
5 not to forget my appointment the following week: We use power so that you cannot use it.
not and the infinitive to report negative imperatives. 4 uploaded: When you upload something, you put it onto
Next week changes to the following week. the Internet.

Group B Exercise 5
Vocabulary 1 could: In reported speech, can changes to could.
2 following: In reported speech, the next day changes to
Exercise 1 the following day.
1 series: A television series is a set of related programmes. 3 him: We use an object pronoun after told.
2 soap operas: A soap opera is a television drama series 4 was: In reported speech, is going to changes to was
about the ordinary lives of a group of people. going to.
3 talent competition: A talent competition is a television 5 had: In reported speech, the present perfect changes to
programme in which people perform to win a prize. the past perfect.
4 sports programmes: Sports programmes are
programmes about sports.
5 satellite television: Satellite television is a television Exercise 6
system that sends signals to people’s homes through 1 was working in: In reported speech, the present
satellites. continuous changes to the past continuous.
6 reality TV show: A reality TV show is a TV show in which 2 was her: In reported speech, the present simple changes
ordinary people, not entertainers, take part and often to the past simple, and my changes to his or her.
compete to win a prize. 3 they were going to travel: In reported speech, am/is/are
going to changes to was/were going to, and the pronoun
we changes to they.
Exercise 2 4 would call me the following: In reported speech, will
1 contestants: The contestants are the people who take changes to would, and the pronoun you changes to me.
part in a talent competition or quiz show and try to win. Next week changes to the following week.
2 rehearsal: A rehearsal is a practice for a show or 5 out that the show had ended the night: In reported
performance. speech, the past simple changes to the past perfect,
3 broadcast : If something is broadcast, it is shown on and last night changes to the night before. We can use
television. the phrasal verb point out to report speech.
4 panel: A panel of judges is a group of judges who work
together to make a decision.
5 solo artist: A solo artist is someone who performs alone. Exercise 7
6 eliminated: If someone is eliminated from a competition, 1 where I was going: The subject comes before the verb in
they are asked to leave. reported questions.
2 if I liked: We use if or whether for reported yes/no
questions, and the subject comes before the verb. We
Exercise 3 don’t use do/does/did in reported questions.
1 absolutely: Essential is an extreme adjective, so you use 3 me to wait: We use an object pronoun and an infinitive to
it with the modifier absolutely, not with the modifier very. report imperatives.
2 interesting: Interesting is a base adjective, so you can 4 whether I was: We use if or whether for reported yes/no
use it with the modifier very. questions, and the subject comes before the verb. We
3 quite: Similar is a base adjective, so you use it with the also change the verb tense in reported questions.
modifier quite, not with the modifier absolutely. 5 not to tell: We use not and the infinitive to report negative
4 brilliant: Brilliant is an extreme adjective, so you use it imperatives.
with the modifier absolutely.

Exercise 4

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Vocabulary and Grammar

Exercise 8
1 where the concert was: In reported questions, the subject
comes before the verb, and we also change the verb
2 me to call him later: We use an object pronoun and the
infinitive to report imperatives.
3 I was meeting George later: In reported speech, the
subject comes before the verb, and we also change the
verb tense and pronouns.
4 not to forget: We use not and the infinitive to report
negative imperatives
5 I had seen the show the night before: In reported speech,
the subject comes before the verb, and we also change
the verb tense and pronouns. Last night changes to the
night before.

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