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Reviews/Commentaries/Position Statements


American Diabetes Association 60th

Scientific Sessions, 2000
Thiazolidinediones, obesity, and related topics
ZACHARY T. BLOOMGARDEN, MD Steven Kahn, Seattle, WA, argued
against prophylaxis with TZDs, pointing out
the critical importance of insulin secretion in
normal glucose regulation. The pancreas,
he said, is “making a comeback in its role in
his is the second of four reports on the the -cell.” Based on these data, the Trogli- the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.” Insulin

T American Diabetes Association (ADA)

60th Scientific Sessions held in San
Antonio, TX, in June 2000. It covers topics
related to thiazolidinediones, insulin resis-
tazone in Prevention of Diabetes (TRIPOD)
study was started in a group of women who
had had GDM and who had an estimated
70% 5-year risk of developing diabetes; 121
increases muscle glucose uptake and
decreases hepatic glucose production. Free
fatty acids originating in adipose tissue
counteract these effects. In type 2 diabetes,
tance, and obesity. received placebo and 114 troglitazone (400 the acute insulin response to glucose is lost,
mg daily), with 27 and 29 months of fol- and the question is what happens during the
Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 low-up. There was no significant difference progression from normal to IGT to type 2
Diabetes in weight gain or pregnancy rates. Inten- diabetes. Kahn measured insulin sensitivity
At a debate at the meeting, Thomas A. tion-to-treat analysis showed a 60% reduc- and early insulin response to intravenous
Buchanan, Los Angeles, CA, spoke in favor tion in diabetes, with a 12.4% annual risk in glucose in 93 healthy subjects, showing a
of the use of thiazolidinediones (TZDs) for patients receiving placebo and 5.7% annual hyperbolic relationship. Patients with type
prevention of diabetes. He described a pre- risk in those treated with troglitazone. 2 diabetes have insulin resistance and
vention trial in a mainly Hispanic group of Buchanan noted that approximately one- decreased acute insulin response to glucose.
patients who had previously had gesta- third of the intervention group did not have A number of groups have studied indi-
tional diabetes mellitus (GDM) at 30 an improvement in insulin sensitivity with viduals with insulin resistance and have
years of age. Approximately 10% of such troglitazone. Their annual risk of diabetes shown decreased insulin secretion to be the
women have type 2 diabetes after preg- was 9%, suggesting that it might be possible cause of glucose intolerance. A longitudinal
nancy, and their ultimate diabetes risk to develop targeted subgroup treatment. study in Pima Indians compared 17 indi-
approximates 50%. These women have When asked about the risk of weight viduals progressing from normal glucose
decreased -cell function and insulin resis- gain, Buchanan agreed that weight gain was tolerance to diabetes, with 31 showing con-
tance, both during and after pregnancy. an important predictor of the risk of dia- tinuing normal glucose tolerance (1). The
Buchanan hypothesized that the -cell betes, which was also seen in his study. The latter group showed a small decrease in
defect is either caused or worsened by weight gain, however, averaged 1.7 vs. 2.0 insulin sensitivity, with a compensatory
insulin resistance. kg/year in the placebo versus troglitazone increase in insulin secretion, whereas those
In 1994, given the hyperbolic relation- groups, so “based on what we have so far, progressing to diabetes had somewhat
ship between insulin secretion and insulin the weight gain was not limiting.” Further- more insulin resistance and evidence of -
resistance, his group adopted the strategy of more, there is a greater increase in subcuta- cell dysfunction at baseline, with progres-
increasing insulin sensitivity with troglita- neous than in intra-abdominal fat with TZD sive worsening of -cell function as they
zone. The initial short-term study was of treatment, which may be advantageous. developed diabetes. Kahn presented an
women who had been diagnosed with Buchanan suggested that further studies of analysis of Buchanan’s study of women
GDM within the past 4 years and impaired TZD should be carried out “in a clinical trial with GDM followed postpartum, 14 of
glucose tolerance (IGT), whose risk of setting but not as standard clinical care.” whom progressed to diabetes and 77 of
developing type 2 diabetes is 80%. Carotid artery intima-medial thickness whom did not (2). Those who progressed
Insulin sensitivity increased with treatment, studies in the TRIPOD study showed an to diabetes had greater glucose intolerance
and the insulin responses to oral and intra- increase of 0.009 vs. 0.006 mm/year in the with reduced acute insulin response to glu-
venous glucose and to intravenous tolbu- placebo versus troglitazone groups, sug- cose at baseline, suggesting -cell dysfunc-
tamide, suggesting “afterload reduction for gesting another potential benefit. tion as the cause of the diabetes.
A number of studies have shown the
Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD, is a practicing endocrinologist in New York, New York, and is affiliated with
relationship between obesity and risk of
the Division of Endocrinology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York. diabetes. Kahn showed data suggesting that
Abbreviations: ADA, American Diabetes Association; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; apo, apolipoprotein; lean insulin-sensitive patients, lean insulin-
AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CDKI, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor; GDM, gestational diabetes melli- resistant patients, and obese insulin-resis-
tus; IGFBP, IGF binding protein; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; IL, interleukin; IRS, insulin receptor sub- tant patients all show a relationship between
strate; MMP, matrix metaloproteinase; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor; TRIPOD, Troglitazone
in Prevention of Diabetes; TZD, thiazolidinedione; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. insulin resistance and body weight, with
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion some lean individuals having the same
factors for many substances. degree of insulin resistance as obese



patients. He suggested that intra-abdominal 20–40% of episodes of fulminant hepatitis cases of liver failure, with its use restricted in
fat is the actual mediator of insulin resis- and 10% of acute hepatitis hospitalizations 1999 and withdrawn in 2000 because of
tance. 26 older individuals who had a 10% for patients 50 years of age. Aceta- the availability of safer alternatives. There
weight loss over a 6-month period showed minophen is responsible for most of these was a 2:1 female-to-male ratio, the hepato-
a significant decrease in intra-abdominal fat episodes. To diagnose drug-induced liver toxicity was not dose-related, there was usu-
in association with improved insulin sensi- disease, there should be a temporal associ- ally a latency period of 3–6 months, and
tivity. A study that followed patients after a ation (usually with a latency period of injury patterns were predominantly hepa-
6-month nutrition and exercise interven- weeks to months), response to withdrawal tocellular, with peak ALT levels of 2,000.
tion showed that weight remained below of the agent, and exclusion of other causes, Lewis pointed out that this may have been
control levels through 5 years, with a fall in the latter being the most difficult criterion. predictable because of the ALT elevations
2-h glucose throughout this period (3). In Hepatocellular injury tends to be asso- seen in clinical trials. Levels 3 times the
the Da Qing study, 68% of control patients ciated with greater elevation of alanine upper limit of normal were seen in 1.9% of
developed diabetes over the 6-year follow- aminotransferase (ALT) than of aspartate patients, 5 times the upper limit of nor-
up period, but in the groups treated with aminotransferase (AST), with necrosis and mal in 1.7%, 8 times in 0.9%, and 20
nutrition and/or exercise, 41–46% devel- steatosis seen on biopsy; jaundice is uncom- times in 0.2%. Furthermore, preclinical ani-
oped diabetes (4). The potential effect of mon, although it is an important sign of mal toxicity studies showed hepatic injury
nutrition and exercise in preventing type 2 greater severity. In contrast, with alcoholic in all species tested. However, others have
diabetes is being tested by the Diabetes Pre- liver disease, AST levels are usually higher. argued that the severe hepatotoxicity was
vention Program. Cholestatic hepatitis is due to interruption not predictable because in all ALT elevations
When asked by the moderator of the of bile flow, usually with elevations in alka- resolved in the clinical trials, there was no
debate, Nir Barzilai, New York, NY, whether line phosphatase, -glutamyl transpepti- identified toxic metabolite or sign of drug
we are “preventing diabetes or treating dia- dase, and 5-nucleotidase; jaundice is not allergy, and jaundice was not seen.
betes in its early stages,” Kahn outlined characteristically seen, and the prognosis is Because a quinone metabolite is the
potential outcomes of diabetes prevention usually good. Hypersensitivity injury is usu- cause of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity,
studies. Any approach would lower fasting ally seen within weeks after exposure, with there is speculation that the quinone
and postprandial glucose, hence reducing fever, rash, and eosinophilia typically pres- metabolite of troglitazone is the cause of
IGT and diabetes rates. Baseline levels might ent. In contrast, aberrant metabolism injury troglitazone hepatotoxicity as well. Neither
decrease, with treated and placebo groups usually occurs over a period of months and rosiglitazone nor pioglitazone have such a
then increasing in parallel (which could be is associated only with the manifestations of metabolite, and they are mainly excreted
considered treatment), or there could be a liver injury. Risk factors include alcohol and intact. In clinical trials, neither has shown
change in the fundamental pathophysiology acetaminophen use, malnutrition, and an increased risk of abnormal liver function,
(prevention). Kahn pointed out that either increasing age. The dose used and duration with ALT >3 times the upper limit of nor-
effect could be beneficial. He noted that of treatment are typically not related to the mal in 0.25% of patients treated with
there are morphological as well as func- degree of hepatotoxicity, with the notable rosiglitazone, 0.26% treated with pioglita-
tional changes in -cells in the progression exception of acetaminophen. The genetic zone, 0.24% treated with sulfonylureas or
to type 2 diabetes. These changes are seen predisposition that leads to drug-induced metformin, and 0.18–0.25% treated with
with IGT and early diabetes in monkey injury is currently not measurable, leading placebo. Nevertheless, liver enzyme moni-
studies, and they presumably occur in to a classic risk-benefit dilemma, although it toring is currently recommended for
humans as well. Buchanan pointed out that may be possible to assess this more accu- patients treated with either agent. Pretreat-
the glycemic response to a glucose load did rately in the future. ment enzyme levels must be 2.5 times the
not improve with troglitazone in the An important consideration in the upper limit of normal, and the drugs should
TRIPOD study, suggesting a real preventive assessment of liver dysfunction in patients not be given to individuals who developed
effect. Furthermore, 25-year follow-up with diabetes is the entity of nonalcoholic jaundice with troglitazone. Semi-monthly
studies of individuals who have had intra- steatohepatitis. When hepatitis C, hemo- testing, as well as testing of patients who
venous glucose tolerance testing show that chromatosis, and drugs (including sulfonyl- have symptoms of hepatitis, is recom-
those who are insulin sensitive have a very ureas, acarbose, and TZDs) have been mended for the first year of treatment, with
low risk of diabetes, suggesting that there excluded as causes, this should be strongly the drug to be discontinued if levels are >3
may be a level of insulin responsiveness considered. A recent analysis of a large U.K. times the upper limit of normal or if jaun-
above which “the -cell will not fail.” general practice database reported evidence dice develops.
of hepatitis in 1% of patients with dia-
Hepatic Safety betes, of which 5% was caused by diabetes Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated
At a symposium on TZD treatment, James treatment and 5% by other medications. Receptors
H. Lewis, Washington, DC, discussed the Another important cause of liver disease in Willa Hsueh, Los Angeles, CA, discussed
question of hepatic safety of the TZDs patients with diabetes is the combination of the relationship of insulin resistance to
pioglitazone and rosiglitazone. He recalled hypoxia and ischemia referred to as “shock atherogenesis, and the relationship of
that Hans Popper termed drug-induced liver,” which is usually caused by an identi- insulin resistance and atherogenesis to a
liver disease “a penalty for progress” more fiable acute illness with sepsis or another new understanding of the function of per-
than three decades ago. More than 600 cause of acute hypotension. oxisome proliferator–activated receptor
chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs cause Troglitazone was reported to be associ- (PPAR)- and retinoid X receptors in the
clinical liver disease, accounting for ated with 75 fatal or transplant-requiring vasculature. Both receptors are present in


Perspectives on the News

the endothelium of many vascular sites and lower triglycerides. They act in the liver,  agonist 15-deoxy-prostaglandin-J2 and
in arterial wall lesions involving vascular starting a cascade that leads to increased to a lesser extent by TZDs. PPAR- ago-
smooth muscle cell proliferation and mitochondrial fatty acid -oxidation, nists also decrease monocyte chemokines,
macrophage infiltration. Activation of resulting in a fall in triglyceride production further decreasing inflammation. Plaque
PPAR- ligands inhibits migration and and consequent decrease in secretion of rupture involves a decrease in matrix syn-
growth of coronary artery smooth muscle apolipoprotein (apo)C3. Because apoC3 thesis and an increase in matrix degrada-
cells in a dose-related fashion. Hsueh dis- blocks lipoprotein lipase, decreasing its tion, the latter caused by MMP. Both
cussed a model of postangioplasty resteno- production leads to an increase in triglyc- endogenous PPAR- ligands and TZDs
sis in which neointimal proliferation is eride clearance, further lowering triglyc- inhibit MMP expression and may decrease
markedly inhibited by troglitazone pre- eride levels as well as decreasing small plaque rupture. PPAR- is expressed in
treatment in animal and human studies. An dense LDL levels and increasing HDL lev- the endothelium. Vascular cell adhesion
interesting ongoing study of arteriovenous els. There is threefold variability in PPAR- molecule-1 (VCAM-1) allows monocyte
dialysis shunts is being carried out with mRNA levels in different individuals, with adherence to the endothelium. Expression
rosiglitazone to see whether the develop- low expression predisposing to dyslipi- of VCAM-1 after incubation with tumor
ment of atherosclerotic lesions in arterial- demia and increased cardiovascular risk. necrosis factor- is inhibited by a number
ized veins at these sites can be prevented. PPARs also play a role in macrophage lipid of PPAR- agonists acting to decrease tran-
Cellular growth processes, particularly metabolism. Both PPAR- and PPAR- acti- scription by a decrease in expression of the
during the progression from the G1 to the S vators induce macrophage apoA1 recep- VCAM-1 promoter and leading to a func-
phase, are regulated by cyclin-dependent tors, which tends to lead to cholesterol tionally significant decrease in monocyte
kinase inhibitors (CDKIs). Troglitazone and efflux and should potentiate reverse cho- entry into the vessel wall.
rosiglitazone inhibit both platelet-derived lesterol transport. PPAR- is expressed in Ronald Law, Los Angeles, CA, further
growth factor and insulin-stimulated G1 to aortic smooth muscle and in vascular discussed the effects of PPAR- ligands in
S progression in rat vascular smooth muscle monocytes and endothelial cells. It appears several mouse models of atherosclerosis. Two
cells, acting by inhibition of mitogen- to have an antiatherosclerotic role, inhibit- different types of coronary lesions are seen:
induced degradation of CDKIs. Mono- ing interleukin (IL)-1 induction of IL-6 type 1, which involve mainly smooth muscle
cyte/macrophage entry into the arterial wall secretion. Fenofibrate treatment of patients cells, and type 2, with macrophage infiltra-
is controlled by injury with subsequent pro- with dyslipidemia decreases IL-6 produc- tion. The latter have increased PPAR- activ-
duction of chemoattractants. PPAR- ago- tion. PPAR- also decreases induction of ity. All cell types in the vessel wall express
nists inhibit monocyte migration, and in the IL-6 gene promoter by nuclear factor PPAR-. PPAR- ligands inhibit vascular
vivo studies show that troglitazone inhibits kappa B. PPAR- agonists inhibit expres- macrophage proinflammatory effects and
atherosclerotic lesion formation in LDL- sion of tissue factor, a membrane-activated decrease vascular smooth muscle prolifera-
receptor knockout mice on a high-fat diet glycoprotein involved in the thrombo- tion and migration, as well as act systemically
independent of effects on lipids. Troglita- genicity of the ruptured atherosclerotic to improve lipids and decrease insulin resis-
zone and rosiglitazone also inhibit retinal plaque. Both PPAR- and PPAR- inhibit tance. PPAR- inhibits expression of
endothelial proliferation and migration in a endothelial cell expression of endothelin endothelial VCAM-1, MMP, and inflamma-
dose-dependent fashion. Thus, a variety of induced by thrombin and thus have anti- tory cytokines. Troglitazone inhibits ather-
factors, including hyperinsulinemia, hyper- inflammatory effects. osclerosis in the LDL-receptor knockout
glycemia, and angiotensin II, appear to act Jorge Plutzky, Boston, MA, considered mouse on a high-fat diet, and both trogli-
as activators in the setting of vascular injury, direct vascular effects of PPARs via target tazone and rosiglitazone inhibit monocyte
with PPAR- agonists inhibiting the nuclear genes expressed in the vessel wall, showing migration in response to MMP-1.
effects of these factors and decreasing the a number of lines of investigation that sug-
atherosclerotic process. gest that PPAR- and, to a lesser extent, Lipids, Leptin, and Insulin
Bart Staels, Lille, France, discussed vas- PPAR- agonists are antiatherosclerotic. In Resistance
cular effects of PPARs and the metabolic human atherosclerotic carotid artery In a symposium on lipids, leptin, and
syndrome. PPARs are nutritional ligand- lesions, PPAR- is present in monocytes PPARs, J. Dennis McGarry, Dallas, TX, sug-
activated transcriptional factors regulating and macrophages and, to a lesser extent, in gested abnormal lipid homeostasis to be
gene expression. PPAR- is expressed in vascular smooth muscle. Potential thera- the fundamental basis of insulin resistance.
liver, muscle, heart, and other tissues peutic targets for atherogenesis are Type 2 diabetes and obesity are character-
involved in fatty acid oxidation, and it reg- endothelial adhesion molecule expression ized by insulin resistance, with hyperinsu-
ulates peroxisome proliferation, fatty acid and foam cell formation. Molecular targets linemia, hypertension, elevated free fatty
oxidation, and lipoprotein metabolism. include chemoattractants, adhesion mole- acids, and a variety of related findings.
PPAR- is involved in adipocyte differenti- cules, matrix metaloproteinase (MMP), “One of the difficulties,” McGarry com-
ation and proliferation, leading to fatty acid and tissue factor. Chemoattractant mented, “is to try to understand the order
storage as adipocyte triglyceride. PPARs are cytokines (chemokines) influence a large in which these arise.”
activated by polyunsaturated fats, such as number of target cell types, interacting Thus, the conventional view is that
arachadonic and linoleic acids, and by their with specific receptors. -Interferon insulin resistance leads to compensatory
lipoxygenase and cycloxygenase deriva- induces chemokines involved in atheroge- hyperinsulinemia, causing eventual -cell
tives. Fibrates, including fenofibrate, bezafi- nesis, with partial inhibition by PPAR- failure. Alternatively, there may be a pri-
brate, ciprofibrate, and gemfibrozil, are agonist pretreatment. Leukocyte chemo- mary defect that leads to both insulin defi-
pharmacological PPAR- agonists that taxis is inhibited by the endogenous PPAR- ciency and insulin resistance, or there may



be primary hyperinsulinemia that leads to muscle triglyceride stores are increased to receptor, insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1,
insulin resistance. more than twice normal levels. or phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase defects.
McGarry asked what causes the insulin In individuals without diabetes, there is PPAR- is an important candidate gene in
resistance and why -cells subsequently a wide range of insulin sensitivity. Intramy- view of the serendipitous finding that the
fail. He noted that leptin increases sympa- ocellular fat shows a similar great degree of TZDs are agonists. O’Reilly found 2 of the
thetic nervous system activity with either variability and is by far the strongest pre- 83 patients to have mutations of PPAR-—
systemic or intracerebroventricular admin- dictor of insulin sensitivity. In individuals one a woman whose son shares the muta-
istration in association with decreasing with diabetes, intramyocellular lipid is tion and the abnormal phenotype. All three
body fat levels. Therefore, the insulin resis- increased, with a suggestion of a threshold had early and severe hypertension, suggest-
tance syndrome could originate in a leptin above which insulin sensitivity no longer ing a role of PPAR- in blood pressure reg-
signaling defect that leads to decreased sym- worsens. There is a parallel increase in intra- ulation. Six other PPAR- mutations have
pathetic outflow with a consequent hepatic triglyceride in insulin-resistant nor- been defined. There is a common PPAR-
decrease in muscle capacity to oxidize fatty mal subjects and individuals with diabetes. mutation with normal phenotype, which
acids, leading to accumulation of muscle Predictors of intramyocellular lipid are basal recently has been shown to lead to a
acyl-CoA and triglyceride, interfering with insulin and basal free fatty acid levels, with decrease in insulin sensitivity with an
glucose uptake, and causing the clinical BMI, 24-h average glucose, percentage of increase in the ingested polyunsaturated-to-
manifestations of insulin resistance. In the body fat, and a variety of other measures not saturated fat ratio. A mutation in the NH2-
-cell, the decrease in sympathetic tone showing a significant association in multi- terminus leads to an increase in PPAR-
causes an increase in insulin secretion to variate analysis. activity with obesity but without insulin
levels appropriate for the muscle but not the Because long-chain fatty acid–CoA can resistance. A somatic mutation has been
liver. This leads to an increase in esterifica- be considered the “bad actor” with triglyc- described in association with malignancy of
tion rather than oxidation of fat, causing an eride “just a marker” of this elevation, it is the gastrointestinal tract. Three PPAR-
increase in adipose tissue stores, further noteworthy that muscle biopsy shows knockout rodent mutations have been
causing more insulin secretion and more long-chain fatty acid–CoA to have a similar developed, all showing fetal wastage in the
increase in triglyceride both in liver and in negative correlation with insulin sensitivity. homozygous form, whereas heterozygotes
muscle. In support of this hypothesis, In addition, intramyocellular lipid increases paradoxically show increased insulin sensi-
McGarry pointed out that denervation of rat acutely with infusion of lipid emulsion plus tivity. Thus, at present, we have the peculiar
skeletal muscle increases malonyl-CoA lev- heparin, whereas exercise decreases muscle finding that insulin sensitivity is lowest
els and causes insulin resistance and that lipid, with insulin sensitivity decreasing without PPAR-, possibly higher with one
both rodent models of obesity and studies with the former and increasing with the lat- PPAR- gene, lower with two functional
of Pima Indian populations have shown ter. Furthermore, leptin acts both directly PPAR- genes, and highest with activating
decreased sympathetic tone. on muscle in vitro and indirectly when PPAR- mutations. Further study will be
Daniel Stein, Bronx, NY, spoke on the administered intracerebroventricularly to required to fully understand the relation-
role of intramyocellular triglyceride in decrease muscle lipid. Thus, a plausible ship between PPAR- and insulin sensitivity.
insulin resistance. He reviewed McGarry’s hypothesis has intracellular lipid as the
hypothesis that in the prediabetic state, central cause of dysfunction of muscle in Insulin Resistance Syndrome
increasing levels of insulin and nutrients type 2 diabetes, as in the liver and -cell. A number of studies presented at the ADA
increase intracellular malonyl-CoA, inhibit- Exercise, leptin, and PPAR- agonists may meeting analyzed aspects of the insulin
ing carnitine palmitate transferase-1 and ameliorate this. resistance syndrome. In a pediatric study,
consequently decreasing fatty acid oxida- Stephen O’Reilly, Cambridge, U.K., Sinha et al. (abstract 168) reported IGT,
tion. This leads to increased myocellular spoke on his investigations of genetic syn- associated with elevations in circulating
triglyceride, which is in equilibrium with dromes with defects in insulin action. In insulin and triglyceride levels, in 6 of 24
long-chain fatty acid–CoA and in turn can individuals with these syndromes, insulin prepubertal and 13 of 61 pubertal children
inhibit insulin action. resistance is primary, with compensatory seen in an obesity clinic. Delamater et al.
Contamination of muscle biopsy spec- hyperinsulinemia causing secondary effects, (abstract 344) studied 110 Hispanic chil-
imens with surrounding adipocytes has including acanthosis nigricans and ovarian dren between 5 and 9 years of age, finding
been a problem in assessment of muscle hyperandrogenism. A number of subtypes that 40% had BMI 95th percentile, and
metabolism. Nuclear magnetic resonance have been described, including insulin 52% had a positive family history of type 2
spectroscopy can be used to measure con- receptor mutations, lipodystrophy, and sev- diabetes. Obesity, but not the family history
centrations and composition of skeletal eral syndromes that have not been as well of diabetes, was associated with expected
muscle triglyceride noninvasively, with characterized. O’Reilly pointed out that trends toward abnormality of lipids, blood
deconvolution analysis allowing separation study of these rare diseases allows insight pressure, and insulin and glucose levels.
of adipose tissue and muscle fat. Biopsy into normal insulin action and the common Karter et al. (abstract 765) reported no
studies in animals have confirmed the clinical illnesses associated with abnormal relationship between baseline BMI and the
quantitative accuracy of this approach, and insulin action. He has studied 83 patients change in insulin sensitivity, but in the 591
studies of patients with congenital general- with acanthosis nigricans and either individuals from the Insulin Resistance
ized lipodystrophy further verify the dis- extreme hyperinsulinemia or diabetes with Atherosclerosis Study followed for 5 years,
tinction between muscle and adipocyte very high insulin requirements, excluding the baseline waist circumference showed
triglyceride. In this extremely insulin-resis- individuals with morbid obesity. Some of weak correlation with the change in insulin
tant group entirely lacking adipocyte tissue, these patients have evidence of insulin sensitivity in nonobese individuals. Pascot


Perspectives on the News

et al. (abstract 55) assessed dyslipidemia in ing a role of central insulin signaling in levels with visceral fat measured by com-
35 women with IGT, shown by a blood appetite regulation. puted tomography scanning.
glucose between 7.8 and 11.1 mmol/l 2 h Heald et al. (abstract 565) reported that
after a 75-g oral glucose load, and 293 Treatment of Dyslipidemia and Obesity IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1 levels were
women with normal glucose tolerance. Several studies were relevant to treatment 49 vs. 80 µg/l in patients with type 2 dia-
Multivariate adjustment for visceral adi- of dyslipidemia. Rissanen et al. (abstract betes with versus without vascular disease or
pose tissue, measured by computed tomog- 1123) reported that obese diabetic patients hypertension, showing negative correlation
raphy, explained the higher levels of LDL treated with sibutramine (15–20 mg daily) with BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pres-
cholesterol, apoB, and total–to–HDL cho- showed falls in triglyceride of 0.24, 0.27, sure, and triglyceride levels. Ricart et al.
lesterol ratio and the lower HDL cholesterol and 0.04 mmol/l at 12, 24, and 52 weeks, (abstract 1261) reported similarly that
levels with IGT, but did not explain the respectively, whereas placebo-treated IGFBP-1 was significantly lower in 24 obese
higher levels of triglycerides, insulin, and patients showed rises of 0.21, 0.21, and individuals than in 19 lean subjects, with
glucose. Visceral adiposity may be more 0.31 mmol/l at the same time points. No failure of free IGF-I to be suppressed by
strongly related to atherogenic dyslipidemia difference was seen in total or LDL choles- insulin in the obese group. The IGF system
than to abnormalities of glycemia. terol, which rose in sibutramine as well as may contribute to abnormalities of glucose
Nyholm et al. (abstract 1250) mea- placebo groups, and there was a modest homeostasis in insulin resistance and to the
sured visceral and overall obesity in 20 although significant increase in HDL cho- development of vascular disease. Coromi-
first-degree relatives of patients with type lesterol at 52 weeks. Guldstrand et al. nola et al. (abstract 832) used mRNA differ-
2 diabetes. Compared with 14 control (abstract 1314) studied eight patients ential display of RNA isolated from omental
subjects with matched BMI and waist-to- whose BMI decreased from 45 to 31 kg/m2 adipose tissue of four lean, four obese, and
hip ratio, relatives had 37% lower glucose after vertical banded gastroplasty. The fast- four diabetic patients, showing 30 cDNA
disposal during hyperinsulinemic clamp ing cortisol and cortisol response to hypo- fragments that were differentially expressed.
and 64% greater visceral obesity using glycemia decreased by 21 and 67%, Further analysis showed that five of those
dual-energy X-ray absorptometry and whereas leptin levels decreased by 70%. genes, encoding plasma retinol binding pro-
computed tomography scans. Kawasaki Sleeman et al. (abstract 172) reported a tein and complement c3 along with three
et al. (abstract 368) showed lesser corre- decrease in food intake and body weight unknown genes, were confirmed to be
lation of hepatic fat than of visceral fat with administration of a modified form of upregulated in diabetes and/or obesity, offer-
with insulin resistance estimated by the ciliary neurotrophic factor in an obese ing potential therapeutic targets.
homeostasis model assessment in 93 mouse model of diabetes, with evidence of
Japanese subjects and suggested that liver improved sensitivity of both hypothalamic
adiposity is related more to whole-body and peripheral response to insulin. In view References
adiposity than to insulin resistance. He et of the evidence that heterozygous PPAR-– 1. Weyer C, Bogardus C, Mott DM, Pratley
al. (abstract 1136) reported a reduction in deficient mice are protected from high-fat RE: The natural history of insulin secretory
dysfunction and insulin resistance in the
skeletal muscle oxidative enzyme activity diet–induced adipocyte hypertrophy, obe-
pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. J
across all fiber types in patients with obe- sity, and insulin resistance, Yamauchi et al. Clin Invest 104:787–794, 1999
sity and diabetes, presumably contribut- (abstract 156) administered a retinoid X 2. Buchanan TA, Xiang AH, Kjos SL, Trigo E,
ing to increased lipid content, which in receptor antagonist in an obese mouse Lee WP, Peters RK: Antepartum predictors
turn is related to insulin resistance. model, reducing the size of adipocytes both of the development of type 2 diabetes in
Weisnagel et al. (abstract 822) reported by inducing adipocyte differentiation and by Latino women 11–26 months after preg-
that 85 individuals heterozygotic for the promoting apoptosis of large size adipocytes, nancies complicated by gestational dia-
Gly972Arg variant of IRS-1 had fat mass similar to the effects of PPAR- agonist betes. Diabetes 48:2430–2436, 1999
of 20.4 kg, whereas 541 individuals with administration. Hyperglycemia and hyper- 3. Eriksson KF, Lindgarde F: Prevention of
normal IRS-1 had fat mass of 17.6 kg. insulinemia decreased with both treatments. type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes
Younger carriers also had higher BMI and However, the PPAR- agonist induced mellitus by diet and physical exercise: the
waist circumference, suggesting a role of adipocyte differentiation more potently than 6-year Malmo Feasibility Study. Diabetologia
the IRS-1 gene in the development of obe- it did apoptosis, increasing the number of 34:891–898, 1991
4. Pan XR, Li GW, Hu YH, Wang JX, Yang
sity. Bruning et al. (abstract 1161) created adipocytes, total fat mass, and body weight, WY, An ZX, Hu ZX, Lin J, Xiao JZ, Cao HB,
mice with the neuron-specific disruption whereas retinoid X receptor agonist treat- Liu PA, Jiang XG, Jiang YY, Wang JP, Zheng
of the insulin receptor, showing no impact ment caused more apoptosis than adipocyte H, Zhang H, Bennett PH, Howard BV:
on brain development, neuronal survival, differentiation, decreasing the number of Effects of diet and exercise in preventing
or neuropsychological performance, but large adipocytes, total fat mass, and body NIDDM in people with impaired glucose
development of obesity with insulin resis- weight. Kunitomi et al. (abstract 1313) tolerance: the Da Qing IGT and Diabetes
tance and hypertriglyceridemia, suggest- reported a negative correlation of total IGF-I Study. Diabetes Care 20:537–544, 1997


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