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Thermal Tolerance of Diploid Versus Triploid Rainbow Trout and Brook Trout
Assessed by Time to Chronic Lethal Maximum

Article  in  Environmental Biology of Fishes · February 2006

DOI: 10.1007/s10641-006-0008-2


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4 authors, including:

Peter F. Galbreath Thomas H. Martin

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Western Carolina University


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Environmental Biology of Fishes (2006) 75:183–193 Ó Springer 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10641-006-0008-2

Thermal tolerance of diploid versus triploid rainbow trout and brook trout
assessed by time to chronic lethal maximum

Peter F. Galbreatha,c, Nathan D. Adamsa, Lee. W. Sherrill IIIa & Thomas H. Martinb
Mountain Aquaculture Research Center, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee 28723, NC, USA (e-mail:
Department of Biology, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee 28723, NC, USA
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, 729 NE Oregon St., Suite 200, Portland 97232, OR, USA

Received 3 January 2005 Accepted 6 January 2006

Key words: ploidy, triploidy, critical thermal maximum, brook charr


An effect of ploidy on thermal tolerance in juvenile trout was assessed in a series of tests comparing time to
chronic lethal maximum (CLMax). Diploid and triploid fish were produced from a common spawn for
three different groups each of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.
One or two CLMax tests were performed per group, on between 15 and 50 individuals per ploidy within
groups. The tests involved exposure of fish to a progressive 2°C day)1 water temperature increase and
recording of the time at which each individual fish reached loss of equilibrium (LE). The time to LE data
were rank transformed and analyzed as a randomized complete block design. Although relative perfor-
mance varied among trials, the analysis indicated overall differences due to ploidy were small and non-
significant among both brook trout and rainbow trout. Size proved to be significantly correlated with time
to LE in the brook trout trials, but not in the rainbow trout trials. Two of the six groups included a large
proportion of fish which had received a heat shock following fertilization, but were not successfully tri-
ploidized. In both cases, thermal tolerance of the heat-shocked diploids was similar to that of the non-heat
shocked control diploids, indicating no persistent effect of the heat shock on thermal tolerance.

Introduction tion in flesh quality, reduced dress-out percentage,

etc. Intentional stocking of triploids into natural
Induction of triploidy is an effective means to water bodies, as well as escapement of triploid fish
produce functionally sterile trout and salmon. Use from commercial facilities, poses no direct threat to
of sterile triploids presents certain advantages in the genetic integrity of natural stocks, as the arti-
both commercial culture and fisheries management ficially produced triploids cannot successfully
of salmonids. In culture of rainbow trout On- interbreed with wild fish (see reviews by Utter et al.
corhynchus mykiss as a food fish, which is per- 1983, Ihssen et al. 1990, Thorgaard 1992, Tave
formed primarily with monosex female stocks, 1993, Lutz 2001). Despite these advantages, pro-
gonadal development in triploid females is arrested duction of triploid salmonids has not been widely
and the fish do not acquire commercially undesir- accepted, due in part to the perception that trip-
able secondary sexual characteristics – darkening loids do not perform as well as normal diploids
of skin pigmentation, increased aggression, reduc- under conditions of stress. This perception is based

in large part on anecdotal evidence from certain commercial settings, or in protracted growth trials.
experiences of poor performance of triploids in For this reason, various researchers have ques-
commercial culture (Jungalwalla 1991, Sutterlin & tioned the relevance of CTMax measures as indi-
Collier 1991, Johnstone 1996, McGeachy et al. cators of thermal tolerance, and proposed tests of
1996, Stuart 1996, Benfey 1999, Altimiras et al. longer duration using slower rates of temperature
2002). However, it contrasts with results from change (Lutterschmidt & Hutchison 1997, Beitin-
controlled studies of behavior and physiology, ger et al. 2000, Selong et al. 2001). Beitinger et al.
including some that looked specifically at response (2000) referred to such tests as measuring chronic
to various stressors, which generally indicate lethal maximum (CLMax). To assess the influence
comparable performance of triploid and diploid of heating rate on the relative sensitivity of lethal
salmonids (see review by Benfey 1999, and sub- maximum tests, Galbreath et al. (2004) measured
sequent reports by Benfey & Biron 2000, Dillon relative thermal tolerance of juvenile brook trout,
et al. 2000, Sadler et al. 2000a, b, Gillet et al. 2001, rainbow trout and brown trout in trials at four
Altimiras et al. 2002, Mercier et al. 2002, Hynd- different heating rates: 24, 8, 4 and 2°C day)1. They
man et al. 2003a, Johnson et al. 2004). Nonethe- used LE as the thermal tolerance end point. This
less, there have been a few studies where decreased behavior, unlike onset of opercular spasms or ces-
survival and growth of triploid relative to diploid sation of opercular ventilation, could be readily
salmonids were reported. In some of these cases, observed from above the water’s surface by a re-
decreased tolerance of triploids to stress associated searcher standing alongside the experimental tank.
with high temperature was suggested as the cause Additionally, time to LE, as opposed to tempera-
for their poorer performance (Quillet et al. 1987, ture at LE, was calculated as the measure of ther-
Quillet & Gagnon 1990, Myers & Hershberger mal resistance. Time to LE provides a more direct
1991, Blanc et al. 1992, Simon et al. 1993, Ojolick measure of the additive effects of thermal stress
et al. 1995, Bonnet et al. 1999, Cotter et al. 2002). (Kilgour & McCauley 1986), and potentially
Thermal tolerance of fish is often reported as greater sensitivity to small differences in tolerance
critical thermal maximum (CTMax). A CTMax test between individuals than does temperature at LE.
involves exposure of a group of experimental fish to Results indicated that as heating rate decreased,
conditions of progressively increasing water tem- differences in thermal maximum between species
perature, generally in the range of 1°C h)1 to were increasingly evident. Galbreath et al. (2004)
1°C min)1, and calculation of the average temper- therefore adopted this modified CLMax protocol,
ature at which they reach a behavioral or physio- using a 2°C day)1 heating rate and measurement of
logical endpoint such as loss of equilibrium (LE, the time to LE, for assessing relative thermal tolerance
inability to maintain an upright position within the of groups or individual fish within an experiment.
water column), opercular spasms, or cessation of It is possible that the lack of an effect of ploidy
opercular ventilation (see reviews by Brett 1956, on thermal tolerance observed by Benfey et al.
Hutchison 1976, Becker & Genoway 1979, Paladi- (1997) could be attributable to insufficient sensi-
no et al. 1980, Kilgour & McCauley 1986). In the tivity of their CTMax protocol. The present study
only published report which directly investigated reexamined whether ploidy has an effect on ther-
an effect of ploidy in a thermal tolerance test, mal tolerance in salmonids. A series of CLMax
Benfey et al. (1997) compared CTMax measures of tests, using the modified protocol described by
diploid (2n) and triploid (3n) brook trout Salveli- Galbreath et al. (2004), were conducted on juve-
nus fontinalis. Their tests involved exposure of fish nile diploid and triploid brook trout and rainbow
both as underyearlings (average weight = 25 g) trout.
and as yearlings (average weight = 668 g) at
heating rates of either 2°C h)1 or 15°C h)1. Results
consistently indicated no significant difference in Materials and methods
CTMax attributable to ploidy.
However, the acute nature of a CTMax test Diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Rbt) and
contrasts with the more chronic nature of ther- brook trout (Bkt) were produced during the fall
mal stress as experienced by fish in natural or spawning seasons of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Eggs

were obtained from broodfish held by the Moun- diploids were tattooed on the ventral side with
tain Aquaculture Research Center (MARC; Wes- Alcian blue applied with a Panjetä needleless
tern Carolina University, Cullowhee, North injector (Wright Health Group Ltd., West Dundee,
Carolina) at the Lonesome Valley Aquaculture Scotland; Herbinger et al. 1990, Thedinga &
Research Station (Cashiers, North Carolina), or Johnson 1995), and retained in the experiment.
they were obtained from a nearby state or federal Data collected from these individuals permitted
fish hatchery. In each spawning, a sample of eggs comparison with that of the non-heat shocked
was collected from several females and fertilized control diploids, to test for a persistent effect of the
with sperm from several males using a factorial heat shock on thermal tolerance, separate from
mating design – the eggs were pooled, mixed then that of the change in ploidy.
sublotted, and each sublot was fertilized with the The experimental fish were held for a minimum
milt from one male. The fertilized eggs were then of three weeks to promote acclimatization to
repooled, mixed and divided in half. At 10 min conditions within the recirculated-water rearing
post-fertilization, one half of the eggs was placed system prior to thermal tolerance testing (Hutchi-
in a water bath at 28°C for a period of 10 min. son & Maness 1979, Lutterschmidt & Hutchison
This thermal shock protocol is effective in induc- 1997). Water temperature during this period gen-
ing triploidy in the eggs of trout, by causing erally varied less than ±1°C, and averaged be-
retention of the set of chromosomes destined for tween 12 and 17°C depending on the experiment.
extrusion as the second polar body (Chourrout During this acclimation period the fish were fed
1980, Galbreath & Samples 2000). The eggs were daily to near satiation with a commercial trout diet
then transferred to separate trays within a vertical until 1 or 2 days prior to the thermal tolerance
tray incubator in the MARC on-campus fish test, at which time feeding ceased.
rearing facilities. Following hatch, the fry were For each of the six groups of fish, a CLMax test
transferred to separate tanks within a common was conducted using a 2°C day)1 heating rate,
indoor recirculated-water system for initial rear- generally following procedures described by Gal-
ing. At 4 – 6 months of age, triploid fish were breath et al. (2004). In three cases (Rbt #1, Rbt #3
adipose fin-clipped, to distinguish them from dip- and Bkt #2), sufficient fish were available to repeat
loids, and the fish were transported to the Lone- the test with a second group of fish. In each trial, a
some Valley Aquaculture Research Station, for randomly chosen sample of fish of both ploidies
continued rearing in side-by-side troughs supplied were pooled in a 560 l experimental tank within
with flow-through stream water, or they were the same rearing system. Water flow in this tank
pooled into the same rearing trough. was then switched from recirculation to flow-
Between 6 and 12 months post-initiation of through at 1 – 2 l min)1, initially with water from
feeding, the diploid and triploid fish from each the recirculation system, and later with 18 – 20°C
group were transferred back to the on-campus well water. Water temperature in the experimental
MARC facilities and placed in separate 560 l cir- tank was increased using an 1800 W immersion
cular fiberglass tanks within a common recirculat- heater controlled by a programmable digital
ed-water rearing system (3400 l total water thermostat (Process Technology, Mentor, Ohio).
volume) supplied with 3 l min)1 well water. Within Water circulation within the tank was maintained
the week, each fish was blood-sampled and its with a 0.5 A submersible pump. Throughout the
ploidy confirmed by flow cytometric analysis 7 – 8 day period of each trial, temperature in the
(Galbreath & Samples 2000). Occasional diploids experimental tank was recorded once per minute
found among the triploid groups, due to incom- with a HOBO Water Temp Proä temperature data
plete triploidization by the heat shock, were dis- logger (Onset Computer Corporation, Bourne,
carded. For two groups (Rbt (3a and Bkt (1), Massachusetts). Supplemental aeration main-
however, 20 – 30% of the putatively triploid fish tained dissolved oxygen concentration at 80 – 90%
were determined to be diploid. (The reason for this saturation throughout each experiment, as mea-
is unknown, though we suspect that the heat sured periodically with a YSI Model 50ä dissolved
shock protocol for triploidization was not fully oxygen meter (Yellowsprings Instrument Com-
respected.) In these cases, the heat-shocked pany, Yellowsprings, Ohio).

When temperature increased above 25°C, the Rbt #3 – Fish were produced on November 5,
fish were observed frequently for the erratic 2002, from the spawning of approximately 20 fish
swimming and gasping behaviors typically ob- per sex of Arlee strain rainbow trout at the Erwin
served in fish prior to reaching LE (Paladino National Fish Hatchery. Two CLMax trials were
et al. 1980, Elliot 1981, Lutterschmidt & performed, the first (Rbt #3a) beginning on Jan-
Hutchison 1997). After the first fish reached LE, uary 8, 2004 with an initial water temperature of
observation was constant until the end of the 11.6°C, and the second (Rbt #3b) on January 18,
experiment. When a fish initially lost equilib- 2004 with an initial water temperature of 11.4°C.
rium, it rolled to its side or upside down, The first trial (Rbt #3a) also contained a group of
revealing it lighter colored underside and per- heat-shocked but non-triploidized diploids.
mitting observation by the researcher standing Bkt #1 – Fish were produced from the spawn of
beside the tank and looking down into the wa- 15 females and 3 males on October 24, 2000. The
ter. If the fish completed a full rotation of the broodstock were held at the Lonesome Valley
tank in this manner, it was prodded with a dip Aquaculture Research Station; they were the
net. If it did not right itself and swim off, it was progeny of fish obtained as juveniles from the
considered as having definitively arrived at LE Pisgah Forest State Fish Hatchery. The CLMax
and was removed from the experimental tank. trial commenced on July 15, 2001, with an initial
The time was recorded and the fish was identi- water temperature of 16.5°C.
fied to ploidy group by presence or absence of Bkt #2 – Fish were produced from 10 female
an adipose fin (and tattoo in two trials), and it and 6 male MARC broodstock on November 1,
was measured for length and weight. Condition 2000. Two CLMax trials were performed, the first
factor (K ) was calculated according to the for- (Bkt #2a) on July 31, 2001 with an initial water
mula: K = weight (g)  100/length (cm)3 (Moyle temperature of 14.5°C, and the second (Bkt #2b)
& Cech 1996), and time to LE was calculated as on September 25, 2001 with an initial water tem-
the number of hours between initiation of the perature of 12.9°C.
experiment and the time the fish reached LE. Bkt #3 – Fish in this trial were the pooled
Additional information specific to the experi- progeny of two different spawns of MARC
mental fish in each trial is provided below: broodstock, the first conducted on October 16,
Rbt #1 – Fish were produced on September 11, 2001 and the second on October 30, 2001. Less
2001, from 30 female and 15 male Erwin  Arlee than 5 fish per sex were used within each spawn,
strain rainbow trout at the Erwin National Fish although the exact number was not recorded. The
Hatchery, Erwin, Tennessee. Two CLMax tests CLMax test began on December 2, 2002 with an
were conducted on the diploid and triploid initial water temperature of 12.5°C.
progeny – the first (Rbt (1a) commenced on Although temperature at LE data was also
October 13, 2002 with an initial water tempera- recorded, measurement of time to LE offers
ture of 13.9°C, and the second (Rbt #1b) on greater sensitivity to differences between fish
October 27, 2002 with an initial water tempera- within a trial (Galbreath et al. 2004) and time to
ture of 13.1°C. LE was therefore used as the dependent variable.
Rbt #2 – Fish in this trial were the pooled Due to slight variations in heating rate among
progeny from two different spawns of broodstock trials, as well as inevitable small differences in size
held at the Lonesome Valley Aquaculture Re- and genetic make-up of experimental subjects
search Station; this stock originated from fish among trials, the experiment was analyzed as a
obtained from the Pisgah Forest State Fish randomized complete block design with trials treated
Hatchery, Brevard, North Carolina. The first as blocks. Through preliminary analysis, we found
spawning was conducted on October 2, 2001 and that residuals tended to be significantly non-
the second on October 16, 2001. Less than 5 fish normal (Shapiro–Wilk’s test, PROC UNIVARI-
per sex were used within each day’s spawning, al- ATE, SAS/STAT Release 8.02, SAS Inc., Cary,
though the exact number was not recorded. The North Carolina). Therefore, the data were rank-
CLMax test began on December 11, 2002, with an transformed as suggested by Iman et al. (1984),
initial water temperature of 14.2°C. and analyses were then conducted using PROC

MIXED (SAS/STAT Release 8.02, SAS Inc., no trial nor trial  ploidy effects included in the
Cary, North Carolina). Similar analyses on ranks model. Pair-wise differences between ploidy groups
have been shown to be equivalent to Friedman’s were tested using the Tukey–Kramer adjustment
nonparametric tests for complete block designs option of the LSMEANS statement (PROC GLM,
(Conover & Iman 1981). Ploidy effects were trea- SAS/STAT Release 8.02, SAS Inc., Cary, North
ted as fixed, while trial and trial  ploidy effects Carolina).
were treated as random effects and their covari-
ance components tested using the COVTEST op-
tion of PROC MIXED. Preliminary examination Results
of the data suggested the possibility of correlations
between time to LE and size, so total length (TL) Length and condition factor were generally similar
and condition factor were included in the statisti- between ploidies within a trial, but differed
cal model as covariates. somewhat among trials (Table 1). The effects of
Additionally, separate statistical analyses were fish size (total length and condition factor) were
performed for trials Rbt 3a and Bkt, each of which found to be significantly positively correlated with
included three groups of fish: heat shocked trip- ranked time to LE for brook trout, but not for
loids (3n+), non-heat shocked control diploids rainbow trout (Table 2).
(2n)), and heat shocked diploid fish (2n+). These While the random effects of trial and the trial 
analyses tested for an effect of the heat shock ploidy interaction contributed large covariance
treatment used to induce triploidy, independent of components, they were not significant for either
the resultant ploidy. Analyses were completed as species (Tables 3 and 4). In the rainbow trout
described above, with the exception that there were studied, there was no evidence of an effect of

Table 1. Data (mean ± standard deviation) for fish size (length and weight) and condition factor, temperature at LE, time to LE, and
rank (sequential order of the time at which fish arrived at LE) for a series of CLMax tests between diploid (2n) and triploid (3n)
rainbow trout (Rbt) and brook trout (Bkt).

Species Ploidy No. Fish Length Weight (g) Condition Temp. at Time to LE Rank
Trial # (mm) factor (K) LE (°C) (hours)

1a 2n 23 131.0 ± 19.8 25.1 ± 12.6 1.04 ± 0.05 28.14 ± 0.18 179.4 ± 2.0 26.3 ± 14.3
3n 23 139.3 ± 17.6 30.2 ± 10.6 1.07 ± 0.15 28.07 ± 0.17 178.8 ± 2.1 20.7 ± 12.2
1b 2n 23 133.7 ± 17.3 24.2 ± 8.7 0.97 ± 0.08 27.93 ± 0.19 176.6 ± 1.7 26.3 ± 12.8
3n 20 134.4 ± 21.1 25.7 ± 13.8 0.98 ± 0.09 27.85 ± 0.17 175.4 ± 1.6 17.0 ± 10.4
2 2n 40 142.4 ± 18.0 30.7 ± 12.0 1.01 ± 0.09 28.00 ± 0.23 166.8 ± 2.0 28.3 ± 16.6
3n 15 146.7 ± 19.7 33.3 ± 14.0 1.00 ± 0.08 28.00 ± 0.16 166.7 ± 1.4 27.3 ± 14.9
3a 2n) 36 199.2 ± 21.3 89.9 ± 32.4 1.10 ± 0 09 27.73 ± 0.19 195.7 ± 2.3 40.7 ± 28.5
2n+ 30 205.9 ± 20.6 91.9 ± 28.3 1.02 ± 0.08 27.76 ± 0.12 196.2 ± 1.6 47.6 ± 22.7
3n 30 180.6 ± 26.7 64.9 ± 25.0 1.04 ± 0.07 27.87 ± 0.22 197.2 ± 2.4 58.8 ± 29.3
3b 2n 33 202.6 ± 26.5 81.6 ± 35.4 0.93 ± 0.07 28.19 ± 0.14 202.8 ± 1.4 27.6 ± 18.4
3n 30 175.0 ± 28.1 53.8 ± 22.6 0.94 ± 0.06 28.25 ± 0.14 203.5 ± 1.4 36.9 ± 17.3
1 2n) 27 111.4 ± 14.8 15.2 ± 6.3 1.04 ± 0.08 28.03 ± 0.24 138.7 ± 2.3 67.2 ± 36.7
2n+ 44 116.3 ± 14.8 17.6 ± 6.6 1.06 ± 0.06 28.06 ± 0.20 139.2 ± 1.8 72.0 ± 31.1
3n 45 109.7 ± 14.1 13.6 ± 4.8 0.97 ± 0.07 27.88 ± 0.18 137.4 ± 2.1 40.1 ± 25.6
2a 2n 39 118.1 ± 14.7 16.0 ± 6.1 0.92 ± 0.06 27.96 ± 0.12 156.7 ± 2.1 60.1 ± 21.0
3n 50 115.7 ± 19.4 14.3 ± 6.7 0.85 ± 0.06 27.75 ± 0.31 153.3 ± 5.0 33.3 ± 23.2
2b 2n 43 169.4 ± 17.6 51.6 ± 18.5 1.01 ± 0.10 27.56 ± 0.14 159.1 ± 1.2 52.0 ± 25.4
3n 43 160.9 ± 21.8 39.7 ± 14.8 0.90 ± 0.06 27.46 ± 0.16 158.1 ± 1.4 35.1 ± 21.7
3 2n 41 134.1 ± 13.9 26.5 ± 8.6 1.06 ± 0.07 27.64 ± 0.22 173.9 ± 2.4 38.2 ± 25.2
3n 48 162.2 ± 20.1 43.7 ± 14.8 0.99 ± 0.09 27.73 ± 0.13 175.1 ± 1.4 50.8 ± 25.2

In Trials Rbt #3a and Bkt #1, 2n- indicates control diploid fish (did not receive a thermal shock following fertilization) and 2n+
indicates diploid fish which did receive a thermal shock following fertilization but were not triploidized.

Table 2. Covariant coefficient estimates and test summaries for a series of CLMax tests between diploid and triploid rainbow trout
(Rbt) and brook trout (Bkt).

Species Covariant Coefficient SE df t p

Rbt Total length )0.087 0.050 262 )1.75 0.081

Condition factor )15.399 13.172 264 )1.17 0.243
Bkt Total length 0.757 0.081 308 9.30 <0.001
Condition factor 38.455 13.588 328 1.96 0.051

Table 3. Summary of analyses of a series of CLMax tests between diploid and triploid rainbow trout.

Source Numerator df Denominator df F p

Total length 1 262 3.06 0.081

Condition 1 264 1.37 0.243
Ploidy 1 3.92 0.00 0.951
Covariance SE z p
Trial 7233.1 5133.4 1.41 0.079
Trial X ploidy 29.5 30.6 0.96 0.243
Residual 331.4 29.0 11.42 <0.001

Individual trials and trial by ploidy interactions were treated as random effects while ploidy was treated as a fixed effect. Total length
and condition were included as covariates. The Satterthwaite approximation was used to insure appropriate degrees of freedom for all

Table 4. Summary of analyses for a series of CLMax tests between diploid and triploid brook trout.

Source Numerator df Denominator df F p

Total length 1 308 86.42 <0.001

Condition 1 328 3.85 0.051
Ploidy 1 3.44 6.55 0.073
Covariance SE z p
Trial 8399.3 6895.1 1.22 0.112
Trial X Ploidy 61.4 63.6 0.97 0.167
Residual 682.5 53.5 12.77 <0.001

Individual trials and trial by ploidy interactions were treated as random effects while ploidy was treated as a fixed effect. Total length
and condition were included as covariates. The Satterthwaite approximation was used to insure appropriate degrees of freedom for all

ploidy on time to LE (p=0.951, Table 3, Fig- diploid groups reached LE significantly later than
ure 1), and the median temperature at LE was the triploid fish (p=0.003 for the 2n) vs. 3n
similar (Figure 1). In the brook trout, the differ- comparison, and p=0.002 for the 2n+ vs. 3n
ence in rank between ploidy groups was very close comparison; Figure 3).
to the chosen alpha level of 0.05 (p=0.073, Ta-
ble 4, Figure 2), although the median temperature
at LE was similar (Figure 2). Discussion
Results of ANOVA for trials Rbt #3a and Bkt
#1 indicate no significant differences in time to LE Results of these trials comparing time to CLMax
between diploid fish which had or had not received of diploid and triploid rainbow trout and brook
as newly fertilized eggs, a heat shock to induce trout indicate that ploidy has little if any general-
triploidy (p=0.466, p=0.998, respectively; Fig- ized effect. Although the difference in time to LE
ure 3). Of note, in the Bkt #1 trial, fish in both between ploidy groups was significant within some

Figure 1. Skeletal boxplots of time to LE (top panel) and Figure 2. Skeletal boxplots of time to LE (top panel) and
temperature at LE (bottom panel) for diploid and triploid temperature at LE (bottom panel) for diploid and triploid
rainbow trout. Boxes represent the interquartile range, and lines brook trout. Boxes represent the interquartile range, and lines
connect median values for comparison. connect median values for comparison.

trials, the corresponding differences in tempera- source, or were pooled within a common tank.
ture at LE were small in magnitude – the average Also, feeding, handling and tank cleaning practices
difference across the nine tests being 0.10°C, well were similar between ploidy groups, in an attempt
less than the average within-species standard to maintain similarity of rearing conditions prior
deviation (0.18°C) for this measure. Also, the dif- to testing. However, inevitable small differences
ferences in time to LE (and temperature at LE) between ploidy groups in these conditions might
were in both directions – the diploids reached LE have had an effect on the general well-being of the
later than triploids in some trials, and sooner than fish which was reflected in their response to the
triploids in other trials. These observations could thermal challenge. Because of the high sample
possibly be interpreted as evidence of a ploidy  number per ploidy, the CLMax test has relatively
block (trial) interaction. However, it is our feeling high power, which therefore permits statistical
that this was instead an effect of small differences discernment of differences which are very small in
between groups within trials in physiological magnitude.
characteristics unrelated to ploidy. Efforts were A significant correlation between size and time
made to subject the diploid and triploid fish within to LE was observed in the brook trout trials,
each experimental group to a similar pre-trial though this was not the case for the rainbow trout.
rearing environment – in the 6 – 12 month period Galbreath et al. (2004) did not observe a consis-
between initiation of feeding and conducting of the tent effect for size (length and weight) or for con-
thermal tolerance trials, the fish were reared either dition factor on time to LE in CLMax tests with
in side-by-side tanks supplied by a common water juvenile rainbow trout, brook trout and brown

Figure 3. Skeletal boxplots of time to LE and temperature at LE for brook trout (trial Bkt#1; upper panel) and rainbow trout (trial
Rbt#3a; lower panel). Boxes represent the interquartile range, and lines connect median values for comparison.

trout. Likewise, size had little or no correlation to related to the heat or pressure shock used to pro-
measures of CTMax in studies among same-age duce triploid fish are well documented during the
fish by Dean (1973), Elliot, (1981), Baker & incubation stages, rarely has continued poorer
Heidinger (1996), Benfey et al. (1997) and Carline performance in juvenile triploids been attributable
& Machung (2001). Nonetheless, Galbreath et al. to enduring negative effects of the shock. One such
(2004) caution that it would be prudent to avoid case was the study of Johnson et al. (2004) who
large differences in size within and between groups observed similar survival from initiation of feeding
when testing for relative thermal tolerance. to day 112 among pressure shocked triploids and
In two trials, Rbt #3a and Bkt #1, the heat shock non-shocked diploids, but decreased survival of
used to induce triploidy in newly fertilized eggs was heat shocked triploids, indicative of a deleterious
only partially successful. This provided the effect of heat shock. Curiously, however, growth
opportunity to compare thermal tolerance of dip- rate of the surviving heat shocked triploids was
loids which had or had not received the heat shock, similar to that of the other two groups. In studies
and test whether the heat shock, in the absence of a comparing performance of triploids produced ei-
change in ploidy, had a persistent effect on per- ther by heat shock or by fertilization of eggs with
formance of the fish as juveniles. In both trials, sperm from tetraploid males, neither Blanc et al.
however, no difference was observed in time to (1987) nor Myers & Hershberger (1991) observed
thermal maximum. Although deleterious effects differences in growth rate from initiation of feeding

to approximately 6 months, indicating lack of a 2002). Nonetheless, even in the relatively chronic
persistent negative effect attributable to the heat conditions of the CLMax tests reported here, a
shock. Neither study provided survival data for consistent difference in time to LE was not ob-
this period. served between diploids and triploids.
In light of the larger size and reduced number of In summary, CLMax tests were conducted on
erythrocytes in triploid fish relative to diploids juvenile diploid and triploid brook trout and
(Benfey 1999), numerous studies have attempted rainbow trout. Observed differences between
to quantify differences in aerobic capacity and ploidy groups were small and did not indicate a
cardiorespiratory physiology which could explain consistent effect of ploidy on thermal tolerance.
potential performance differences related to a Nor was a consistent effect of size (length and
change in ploidy. In large part, however, no sig- weight) or condition factor on time to lethal
nificant differences have been observed among maximum observed within the ranges tested. Re-
salmonids (Benfey & Sutterlin 1984, Oliva-Teles & sults also indicated that the heat shock used to
Kaushik 1987, Virtanen et al. 1990, Biron & induce triploidy had no persistent negative effect
Benfey 1994, Stillwell & Benfey 1996, 1997, Sadler on thermal tolerance in the juvenile trout.
et al. 2000b, Altimiras et al. 2002, Mercier et al.
2002). Having observed no difference in CTMax
attributable to ploidy, Benfey et al. (1997) ques- Acknowledgements
tioned what might have been the causal factor(s)
behind increased mortality and poorer perfor- The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to
mance observed anecdotally (see citations in the Mr. Jack Jones at the Erwin National Fish
Introduction). As no apparent differences in Hatchery and to Mr. John Murry at the Pisgah
aerobic capacity have been described, they specu- Forest State Fish Hatchery, and to the other per-
lated that differences in ability to mobilize and/or sonnel at their respective hatcheries, for their
use energy stores during prolonged exposure might cooperation in obtaining fish and gametes used to
provide an explanation. If such were the case, the conduct this study.
short duration of the CTMax protocols they used
could have precluded detecting differences related
to ploidy level. The CLMax tests described in the
present study involved withholding feed one to References
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