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A Course in Magick

A Course in Magick teaches:

How to cast a magick circle.

How to powerfully charge items with energies to enhance your magick
spells and rituals, and to energetically work for you to keep your magickal
intention going consistently.
How to create sacred space.
Protection Magick
Love Magick
Prosperity Magick
How to Work with the Elements
Calling the Gods and Goddesses
How to Work with your Familiars
How to clear negative energies and entities from your home.
How to Break a Hex

Casting a Circle

The circle is cast to create sacred space. It separates the mundane,

physical world from the world of Spirit. When you cast a circle it forms a
bubble around you and your sacred space. It is above and below and all
around you. Within the circle the air will change—usually it gets cooler,
lighter, and less dense. This is because you are between the worlds. The
physical world is a very dense, heavy place. The Spirit world is very light.
That is why Spirits can move so quickly and they can move in and out and
around and through things. We cannot. But think of this: A cement wall is
solid to us here in the physical world. However the atoms that make it up
are mostly air. Is it really as solid as we believe?

The circle provides a safe place away from the negative energies and
interruptions of the physical world. Within our circle, we cannot be harmed
by negativity, unless you call it in by actually inviting a negative entity into
your circle.

When you cast your circle use your imagination—visualization to “see”

it form. You can make it appear in any color you like and in any style you
like. Some people like to be dramatic and have their circle appear as a
flame that first reveals itself as a circle of fire that swoops over and under
to form a bubble around themselves. A fire circle will be very warm to the
touch, yet the air within will be cool. Some people want rainbow colors
swirling around them. Some want a metallic look and feel, some want ice,
some want green leaves and vines. You make it anyway you like. But when
you first start out, it is best to keep it a simple color. A bubble of bright
white light or blue light or something easy to do. As you practice you will
eventually be able to think of your circle and it will form, but for now, until
you learn how, you must walk your circle.

The circle is a strong bubble of protection. I actually had one form

suddenly when I almost had a car accident. A split second before the
crash, a circle of protection burst forth out of me and I felt it happen. This
was apparently my subconscious protecting me automatically. This is rare,
but can happen. Needless to say, there was not accident, and the bubble
disappeared as soon as the danger was over. It is not a good idea to cast a
circle around your car before or during driving. It tends to make you less
visible and someone won’t see you and might hit your car.

The circle does engulf you in a type of invisibility. While you are in
circle, people who are not magickal will not be able to see you at all or at
the very least, they cannot see what it is you are doing. Magickal people
will see or sense your circle.

So, your circle holds the energies as you build them until you are ready
to release these energies and it protects you from negativity and outside
influences, while shielding you from view.

To cast your Sacred Circle:

Gather all of your supplies and have them in your work space or on your
table or altar. You will want to ground before casting the actual circle.

Next, begin by walking the circle. Walk in a clockwise (deosil) direction.

Always walk clockwise, unless working on healing cancer. When doing a
healing for cancer you do not want it to grow, so you work
counterclockwise. This may also be the best way to work for Multiple
Sclerosis since you do not want the body’s immune system to work harder
and cause more damage to the central nervous system. But for everything
else, always work clockwise. There are some who simply will not work
widdershins (counterclockwise) for any reason. In this case, the circle will
be closed and opened in a deosil ( clockwise motion).
In general, work clockwise. Walk your circle with your tool (athame—
dagger, wand, crystal or your hands) pointing toward the ground.
Remember, this is the diameter of the circle, it will form a bubble around
you. Some people walk the circle 3 times, but if you do this, you must also
walk it 3 times to open it again when you are finished.

You may create your circle with a specific intent such as a circle of
healing, circle of protection, circle of power, etc. I usually use the circle of
power because it is muliti-purpose and can be used for just about anything.
And so, my example here is using the circle of power:

As you walk your circle, say: “I cast this circle of power (protection,
healing, etc.) to be for me a boundary between the mundane world and the
world of Spirit (magick, fae, etc.). I cast this circle of power in the name of
the God (horned Lord, or specific God Deity) and the Goddess (Radiant
Lady, or specific Goddess Deity) to protect all within this circle and to raise
the energies within. No negative energies may enter! This circle of power is
now closed! (Stamp your foot or ring a bell, or clap your hands to indicate
the circle is closed.)

Next, you will call the Quarters or Watchtowers.

The Quarters are the Elements, Spirits of Direction, Archangels, etc. that
are invoked to lend energies to the magickal working, or asked to stand
guard as Watchtowers. If they are to participate in the magickal working,
they will face the inside of the Circle. It they are called to stand watch, they
will face the outside of the Circle as sentries or guards.





Calling the Quarters:

You may start in any of the four directions, though most people start in
the East or North. Work clockwise (deosil).
I usually start in the North, so for my example here I will start with the

Face the North and look toward the North.

Say,” I ask the Spirit of the North, (The Element of Earth, The Spirit of the
Earth, Archangel Uriel, etc.) to be present and assist with this magickal
working. ( I usually invoke them to lend energies, but if you want them only
as guards or Watchtowers – you would say: “I call on the Spirit of the
North, Element Earth, Archangel Uriel, or Spirit of the Earth, etc. to stand
Watch during this magickal working . . .”).”
“Greetings!” (Give a slight bow of respect and honor.)

Turn to the East and look East.

Say, “I ask the Spirit of the East (or Element of Air, Archangel Raphael, etc.)
to be present and assist with this magickal working. Greetings!” (Give a
slight bow of respect and honor).

Turn to face the South.

Say,” I ask the Spirit of the South (or Element of Fire, Archangel Michael,
etc.) to be present and assist in this magickal working. Greetings! (Give a
slight bow of respect and honor.)

Turn to and face the West.

Say, “I ask the Spirit of the West (or Element of Water, Archangel Gabriel,
etc.) to be present and assist in this magickal working. Greetings!”

Turn back to face the North and look up toward the sky above you.
Say, “ I ask God and Goddess (or a specific God and Goddess called by
name, or just call Divinity, or Spirit, etc.) to be present and assist with this
magickal working. Greetings and Blessed Be!”

Now you are almost ready to begin your spell or ritual.

Ground yourself and raise your vibration by taking three deep breaths for
body, mind, and spirit. Then stand in the Goddess position (feet spread,
arms spread and reaching toward the sky, head slightly up). In your mind’s
eye, in your imagination see yourself begin to grow and spread roots
through your shoes if you are wearing any, through the floor, down, down,
into the Earth. Think of yourself rooting firmly to the Earth and feel the
energies coming up through your feet, feel the calmness, the strength, the
confidence grow within you. Feel the Earth’s energies rise up through your
body. Hold this position until you feel energized, confident, and peaceful.
Then bring your feet together and cross your arms across your chest
which is the God position. Hold this a moment. (At this point, I personally
like to fist my hands and jerk them down to center my energy in my navel
area where it should be, and to indicate I am now ready to continue. You
should feel a slight tightening in the abdomen around your navel area or in
the second chakra area.)

Now begin your spell.

Work whatever spell you are doing. This is where you will raise the energy
of the spell also to be released so it can manifest your desire. A cone of
power is created here from the sheer working of the spell, and any dancing,
singing, drumming, or incantations you use. Breathwork is important here
also. Fast breathing that is somewhat forced out of your lungs in rhythm
raises energy. Chanting and mantras also raise energy. It is your choice as
to how you do it.

When you are finished, place an offering of a drink (wine, juice, beer,
apple cider, whatever you are using in a cup, glass, or chalice for offering
to Spirit, and pour some for yourself.
Place an offering of cake, cookies, etc. on a small plate as an offering to
Spirit, and take a piece for yourself.

Eat your cake and drink your liquid. Leave the rest until the next morning
for Spirit. (The next morning, the essence of the offering will be gone,
though the cake and fluid may still appear to be there. Take what is left of it
outside and toss the cake on the ground and pour the fluid on the ground
to return to Earth.)

Now you are ready to release the quarters.

For this you should work counterclockwise or widdershins. Start with

the last Quarter called, in the example, it was West. So we start there.
Face West and say, “ I thank the Spirit of the West ( the element Water,
Archangel Gabriel, etc. – whatever you invoked will be what you release
now.) for your assistance and help with this magickal working. Fare Thee
Well, and Blessed Be!” (Give a slight bow of respect and honor.)

Turn to the South, and say, “ I thank the Spirit of the South (the element
Fire, Archangel Michael, etc.) for you assistance and help with this
magickal working. Fare Thee Well, and Blessed Be!”

Turn to the East, and say, “I thank the Spirit of the East ( the element Air,
Archangel Raphael, etc.) for your assistance and help in this magickal
working. Fare Thee Well, and Blessed Be!”

Turn to the North, and say, “I thank the Spirit of the North (the element
Earth, Archangel Uriel, etc.) for your assistance and help in this magickal
working. Fare Thee Well, and Blessed Be!”

Still facing North, look up and say, “I thank the God and Goddess (or
name the Deities invoked, or Divinity, or Spirit – whatever you invoked, this
is what you use here.) for your assistance and help with this magickal
working. I thank you for all the Blessings I have received and all the
Blessings I am yet to receive. Fare Thee Well, and Blessed Be!”

Now you are ready to open the Circle.

Walk widdershins (counterclockwise) with your tool (athame—dagger,
wand, or hand pointing down and out to the edge of the Circle.
Say, “ This Circle is open, but never broken! Merry meet, and merry part,
and merry meet again.” (Stamp your foot or ring a bell to indicate the Circle
is now open.)

A bit more on Circles.

If you are in your Circle and must exit for some reason, you can do this by
cutting a doorway using your tool (athame—dagger, wand, or your hands).
Open it after cutting the door just like you would any other door. Close it
behind you. Get whatever it is you forgot or do whatever it is you need to
do, then come back and open the door, step inside the Circle, and close the

door behind you. Seal it shut using your tool (athame, wand, or your
hands). Now Continue about your work. Do keep in mind that the more you
open the doorway to the Circle the more it weakens your circle. And if you
for some reason walk out of your Circle without opening the doorway, it
will collapse. Then you must start all over again. No harm done really, just
a lot of work to redo.

After you have completed your ritual and spell work and the Quarters
released (and don’t forget to release them—they get tired of hanging
around waiting and will cause some irritability and nervous energy within
you until you remember to release them. They won’t harm you, they just
want you to finish the job and allow them on their way.
Make sure you ground yourself again, but this time you might place your
hands in or on the Earth until you feel the cool energies run up to your
elbows, at which point you can stop. If you hold it too long, you may send
too much energy of your own and feel drained. What you are doing here is
releasing the excess energies of the magick that is clinging to you. If you
do not do this, you will get irritable, maybe even cry, and get stressed.
Another way to do this is to hold a piece or two of hematite to ground, or to
send the excess energies into one of your tools. Make sure you eat
something afterward. It will ground you to the Earth world and bring you
out of any lingering trance effects or spacey feelings you may be having.

Go about your day or evening as normal, knowing your magick is powerful

and that you already have set things in motion.

Charging Items with Magickal Energies

There are several ways to charge items with magickal energies.

Intention is the first and most important part of charging things with
magickal energies. To charge something with the energies of the full moon,
new moon, etc. you will want to go outside on a clear night. Create your
magick circle, and then lay out the items you want to charge with moon
energies. When you are ready to begin, pick up the dagger, or crystal, or
whatever it is that you want to charge with the energies. I suggest you hold
it in both hands and reach high above your head, toward the moon.
Say, “ I call on you moon mother, and I ask that you filled this (name the
item) with the energies of the (full, new, etc.) moon to help me with and
assist me in my magickal work.”
Hole the item toward the moon as it fills with energies. If you are
sensitive to energies, and squint your eyes while looking just above the
item, you will be able to see a pure blue white light as the energies flow into

the item. When you feel it is finished, say, “Thank you.” Release your
quarters and open the circle when you are finished.
You should only do one item at a time, each one should be held
individually and charged with the energies, then pick up another one and
charge that one. You may do this under the moon without casting a circle.
This is up to you. Often, I have carried out my crystal ball and charged it
with the energies of the full moon, etc.
You can charge items with specific energies, such as the elements, the
moon, or even for certain desires such as love drawing, prosperity, good
luck, healing, etc. You will want to use some correspondences such as
colors, moon phase, herbs, etc. to charge these items with specific
energies. The items will hold their charge for a very long time, but you
should recharge them when you feel that the energies need a boost in
Once these items are charged with the energies you want them to have,
they can then be used to add power to your spell work or to work as a
continuous protection, money drawing, or etc. item that will keep a
constant flow of these positive energies around you or your home.
You can use things that you purchase and charge them with the
energies you desire so that they can work for you constantly, or you can
make your own items and then do a ritual to charge them with positive
To charge items with the energies of the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire,
and Water, you may want to set up your altar with something to represent
each element in the appropriate direction. For Earth, you would use dirt or
salt. The direction to place it on your altar is north, and you can correspond
the colors green, brown, or any earthy color. For Air, you would use
incense, and the colors to use would generally be yellow, though some
people see Air represented by light blue and or white and you would place
it in the east. The Element Fire is represented by a candle flame. The
colors to use would be red or could be orange and it is placed in the south.
The Element Water is represented by blue or in some cases aqua color.
Use a small bowl of water to represent this element and place it in the west.
Once you have the representations of the elements set up on your altar,
you may want to place a white candle in the center or a silver candle for the
Goddess and a gold candle for the God. Hold the item you want to charge
with the energies of the four elements in your hand and pass it over the
Earth Element represented on your altar. Say, “ I ask the Element Earth to
charge this (name the item—wand, athame, etc.) with the energies of Earth
to assist me and empower my magickal workings.”
Next, move the item over the representation of Air which would be your
incense, on your altar and say, “I ask the Element Air to charge this (name
the item) with the energies of Air to assist me and empower my magickal

Next, hold the item above the candle flame and say, “I ask the Element
Fire to charge this (name the item) with the energies of Fire to assist me
and empower my magickal workings.”
Now, move the item above the water, and say, “I ask the Element Water
to charge this (name of item) with the energies of Water to assist me and
empower my magickal workings.”
Always say “thank you” to the elements, the moon, etc. that is lending its
energies to empower and charge your magickal items.
Whenever you are charging something with magickal energies, you can
make the ritual as elaborate or as simple as you would like. You may want
to state what it is you want the item to do, or you may want to be much
more formal as you perform this. I personally tend to keep things simple.
But this is up to you. The ritual I have given you here is a basic and simple
way to charge items with magickal energies.

Sacred Space

Sacred Space is the area that you create to perform rituals and spells, but it
is also you personal space which is an area that is specially created as a
place for you to mediatate, relax, and/or enjoy nature. Your home is a
sacred space—it is a personal space that you want to be filled with positive
energies of love, harmony, peace, and happiness. It is also a space that
you want to be well protected. Sacred space is any area that you choose to
be a place that empowers you.

To create sacred space, where ever it may be, you will need to place things
that have meaning to you, things that remind you of what you desire and
what you love. You will also want to do things to protect your sacred space
from negative energies, entities, and intrusions by others who may disrupt
your peace and harmony.

You may want to collect pictures or any artwork, statues, etc. that hold
meaning and power for you and surround yourself with them. For example,
you may want to hang pictures of your family (people you love) and then
place things around the pictures that hold energies of love, joy, and
harmony. Flowers, candles, herbals are all good choices. You can use
fragrances that make you feel empowered—incense or fragrance mists—
and you can place fresh flowers or flower arrangements on tables, or hang
them around the pictures on the wall.

There are any number of spells you can do when you decide to create your
sacred space. You should choose the items and things you love and that
make you feel good to have around you. This is very important because if
you have something placed in a room or in the area you want to be sacred

space and it makes you feel uncomfortable, or every time you see it, you
think some negative thought, or you feel sad or irritated, then you should
not have that in your sacred space. Subconsciously, those things that
make you feel uncomfortable or give you any negative feeling, will not
empower you, but will instead, draw your energies away from you. Be sure
to use only things that create positive emotions in yourself and those
around you. This also applies to any colors or other things. For example, I
knew a lady who just did not like the color purple, and it caused her to have
negative emotions and responses. So if a specific color is called for to
represent something, but you really do not like that color, or etc. then
substitute it with a color or with something that makes you feel good and
brings out positive emotions. Sacred space is all about empowerment!

House Clearing –
clearing negative energies and entities from your home.

Whenever you move into a new home, you may want to do a clearing to
remove any negative energies that may be existing within the home from
previous owners. However, there may also be spirits or ghosts that are
drawn to or attached to your home. Generally, ghosts are someone who
died and for some reason has not gone to the light. They may feel a strong
attachment to a place where they were very happy, or they may be
energetically attached or bound to a place where a tragedy has taken place.
Often, they are not aware that they have died and may need some guidance
to move on into the light, or they may have unfinished business to tend to
before they move on.

Spirits are energy beings that may have always existed, or in some cases
are created by people (often unintentionally). Spirits can be helpful when
they are higher beings of light, such as angels, ascended masters, etc. But
negative energy beings do exist and they can create total chaos in your life.
There are also some spirits that are neutral, and these beings may be
helpful to you when it benefits them, but may turn on you when it suits
them. I am not going to go into a lot of great detail about these beings
here, and I certainly do not mean to scare you in any way. My intention here
is to let you know briefly what kinds of things you may have to deal with
when you do a house clearing, so that you understand it and know with
confidence how to successfully get rid of unwanted spirits and ghosts.

Ghosts can appear randomly and are rarely harmful. It is very possible that
you may see ghosts, or see things move, hear strange noises, or find
things have been moved or have vanished. As I mentioned, ghosts are sort

of stuck between the worlds because they either do not know they are
dead, or they are attached to something, someone, or someplace.

However, when someone you love has crossed over, this is a spirit, not a
ghost. Spirits will only offer help to you if you ask. You must remember
also to ask the right questions. They will only answer what you ask,
nothing more. They do not interfere with your free will. They will often
assist you in any way they can, but you have to ask them for their
This is also true with dark spirits. Dark spirits may help you, but they
require a price—they expect something in return. They are not able to
possess you or control you, unless you invite them in. By this, I mean, if
you are calling on spirits and you are not specific, a dark energy spirit may
see this as an opportunity to attach to you, or a place, or thing. Always be
specific when working with any spirits and always protect yourself and
your environment from negativity and dark energies. Do not invite them in
and you will have no problems with them. Always know what energies you
are working with, and what aspects of any energy being you are working
with magickally. This is only common sense, after all you would not just
open your door and shout out to anyone and everyone who can hear you to
come on in for a visit—the same applies to spiritual and magickal energies.
Use basic common sense and the same safety precautions you would use
in the physical world when you are calling on spirits and magickal

To do a House Clearing

You will need:

sage smudge stick or loose sage incense
white candle
holy water or sacred water
black stones

You will want to light your sage smudge stick and walk through the house
beginning at one end and working your way around the rooms toward the
door. You want to be sure to not trap any negative energies, so you always
want to start in one corner of a room and work toward the door and then
into the next room. You will want to allow the sage smoke to flow under
and over everything. I also open cabinets and wave a bit of the sage smoke
under there and under the bed and into the closets. Work your way toward
the door. When you get to the door, you will want to open it for a few
minutes to allow the negative energies or entities to exit.
Once you have done this you will want to walk around the rooms and
sprinkle some holy water or sacred water in the corners or around the
room. You can also use a spray bottle and just spray a mist around of the
holy or sacred water.

Next, light your candle, and stand in the Goddess position. This position is
with your legs slightly spread, and your arms spread and over your head.
Take a deep breath. Then bring your legs together, and bring your arms
down and folded across your chest –this is the God position. I like to do
this about 3 times to raise energies. Then say, “ In the name of the
Goddess, Maiden, Mother, and Crone, all negative energies and entities
must leave now! I call on archangel Michael and I ask you to escort any and
all negative energies, entities, and beings out now! They must leave and
never return! I thank you.” You may use a rattle, bells, or anything else that
you prefer that helps to break up and clear out negative energies and if you
choose to use these things, shake them all around the house moving from
room to room. You will feel the energies shift when the negativity leaves. It
will feel lighter, cooler, and calmer. You should always thank the Goddess
and any of the archangels that assist you. Archangel Michael is a very
powerful angel that will escort out any negative energy or being
immediately. You can also call on Archangel Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael to
help. Once you have cleared the home. You should place some black
stones or you can use mirrored shiny glass stones around your home. I
like to use the black river rocks and place them in the windowsills and
around the inside and outside of the house for protection.

How to Break a Hex

When someone has placed a hex or negative spell on you, they definitely
do not have your highest and best good in mind. In fact, this is a type of
psychic attack and it is one that is sent to you with the intention of causing
you harm.

There are several types of psychic attacks, some are intentional and some
are not. We have all known people who are just very negative and when we
are around them, we feel drained. This is a psychic vampire that feeds off
of your good intentions and your positive energies, and they will always
feel good around you, which is why they are drawn to you and want to be
around you a lot. They will call you on the phone, email, stop over to visit,
etc. and each time, you may be giving to them to try to comfort and help
them. But the effects are not long lasting. For you, however, the draining of
your energies leaves you exhausted, unable to think clearly, and often
confused. You may feel that the more you help them, the worse you feel.
These people are feeding off of your energies. They are becoming
energized while you are around, and then they fall right back into the same
old needy self. They really do not want help, they enjoy being a victim of
sorts, and they enjoy all of that wonderful attention you are giving them.
For these kinds of psychic attacks, you will need to shield yourself, and
maybe even distance yourself from the energies of these people. In severe

cases, you will have to eliminate the toxic people from your life because no
matter what you do, they will continue to drain your energies and leave
your energies depleted each time you are around them.

However, when you are dealing with a full blown hex or jinx spell that
someone has deliberately and intentionally sent to you, you will need to do
a ritual spell that will break it once and for all.

Hex Breaker Spell

Use a black candle for this or a black and red candle.

You may also want to use a popsicle stick—it can be any stick that you can
easily break.
I always do this spell outside somewhere but you could do it inside if you
have a bowl or cauldren half filed with dirt or sand.
Cast your circle. I like to use a circle of protection for this spell. So when
you cast your circle as described earlier in this manual, you can adjust it to
suit your needs.
Call your quarters which can be archangels or the elements.
When you have done this, you should be standing in the center of your
circle. You will want to light your candle and light some incense.
I like to call on the Goddess Kali to break hexes, but you can call on any
Goddess you choose. The Goddess Hecate is also a very powerful
Goddess to assist you with hex breaking.
My example will call on Kali.

Say, “ I call on the Goddess Kali, and I ask that you surround me with
protection.” Pick up the stick and hold it in your hands.
State the name of the person who put the hex or jinx on you if you know it.
If you do not know who did this, that is okay, just ask the the negativity to
be gone and the hex broken.
Say, “With the power of the Goddess (name of Goddess), I BREAK this hex
that has been placed on me. I BREAK all jinxes and hexes, NOW!” At the
moment you say these words, snap the stick in two. Break that stick and
shove it into the dirt in the bowl or cauldren.
Say, “The jinx is gone, the hex is broken,
And all of the negative energies that seek to harm me
Are forever gone, and I am free!
These negative energies cannot harm me or my family!
As I will, so mote it be!”

Watch the candle flame burn for a few moments, as you breathe deeply.
Then take the candle, flip it upside down, and smash it out in the dirt in the
bowl. Say, “It is done!”

Votive candles work best for this.


Love Magick

Whenever you are doing love magick, remember that you should not
interfere with the free will of others.
Do your magick so that it harms none.
Love magick involves not only love drawing, but also other forms of
relationship magick.
Drawing love (romance or companionship), or drawing friendship is usually
done with lighting a red candle for passion and romance and a pink one for
healing love relationships, drawing friends, and healthy family
A basic love spell can be adjusted to fit your needs by changing some of
the wording and some of the colors, herbs, or other correspondences.
I find that stating what it is you desire clearly and to the point works best
for me. You can be as fancy or simple with any spell as you like.
To draw new love you may want to start your spell on a new moon. Friday
is also a very good day for love spells.
Your intention holds the focus of any spell.

Basic Love Drawing Spell

Light a red candle. You may want to sprinkle jasmine, red rose petals, or
any other herbs associated with love around your candle. Use oils to
annoint your candle that are fragranced with herbs and scents of love and
romance, such as musk, cinnamon, and florals that represent romance.

State what it is you want in your own words. Be specific.

Burn your candle for at least an hour each day. And repeat this spell each

If you want to heal and put some spark back into an already existing
romance, light your candle, state your desire. You may want to use some
visualization tools – such as two candles in which you carve your name in
one and the other person’s name in the other candle. When you light these
candles you may want them to be a little ways apart from each other. But
as you continue to burn them each day, move them closer to each other
until they are right next to each other.
You can also draw a heart on a small piece of paper, write your name and
the other person’s name inside the heart and write the words, “We love
each other” or “Our love grows stronger each day” or something like that.
Place that under your candle which is sitting in a safe candle holder.
Light your candle every day and burn it for an hour a day. Or you can use
one votive candle a day.

Prosperity Magick

Whenever you are working prosperity magick, you will want to work with
power colors of green, red, and yellow especially. Other colors work along
with these colors, but I find that the green associates with the energies of
money and the earth, while red is also abundance in some cultures as well
as being a power color, and yellow is often associated with success. So
these are the colors that for me, seem to work best for money magicks.

It is important to visualize what you want to receive and it is important to

be specific. You will need to keep your focus on your goal which is to draw
money to you. To do this, you need to place your attention on what you
want at various times throughout the day. It is helpful to place pictures of
what you want to receive so that you can see it often throughout the day. It
is also helpful to light your candle at least once a day and say your
affirmation. I like to use chants several times throughout the day because
it helps me to stay focused subconsciously as well and keeping the
energies of the spell strong.

Money Drawing Spell

Light a green candle for about an hour each day.

You can carve the $ symbol into your candle or draw it on a piece of paper
and place it under the candle which is in a safe candle holder. I find that
sprinkling patchouli herb around my candle and I use pine, cinquefoil, irish
moss, herbs as well to correspond with the abundance of the earth. I like
the fragrances of bay leave, pine, very earthy green scents for the money
magick spells. These always seem to work for me best.
Use cinnamon incense or something very earthy. Cinnamon seems to have
a lot of power to draw things to you and so I use it sometimes in prosperity
Say, “ (Name an amount) or more comes to me right away.
(Name the amount) superfast cash comes to me today.
Add anything you would like in your own words here, but always repeat the
amount you want to receive several times.
End your spell with “Thank you! I know you will do this for me. I am
And so it is.”

These spells are just basic spells and they can be adjusted to fit your
needs by changing the words a little or adding some herb or fragrance, etc.
that you feel guided toward using. I like to do money drawing spells on the
full moon or start them a few days before and end it on the full moon. I find
also that when the moon is in Taurus or Leo, I have the most prosperity
power in my spells.

Protection Magick

It is very important to always keep yourself protected from negative

energies, and to place protection magick to keep any stray energies or
outside influences from interfering with or contamination of your spells
and rituals. By this, I mean that while you may be very powerfully positive
about your magick work, there may be someone around you who doubts,
or is opposed to magick, or simply does not have your best interests at
heart. You want to surround yourself, to create a shield to protect yourself
and your magick from the negative thoughts and energies of others so that
it will be very powerful and strong and the energies of your spellwork will
be pure.

Generally speaking, warding your home, placing energy shields of

protection, and placing energy light beings around your home, car, or etc.
is a very powerful way to help safeguard you against not only negative
energies, but also would be intruders. You see, when you have these
protections place around you and your home, it helps to deter those who
may want to harm you or your property. What happens is that these
criminals will often not be drawn to you or your home, in fact, it may seem
as if they do not even notice it and as a result, they are likely to just pass
on by. Do remember though, that magick does not make up for
carelessness—so do always use physical precautions such as locking your
doors, etc. and calling the police when necessary. Magick will surround
you with protection, but you must also do your part to participate in staying

You can hang a small broom that is decorated with flowers or things that
represent protection on your front door, or in your home. I had one hanging
in my kitchen that I had decorated with flowers, ribbons, and protection
symbols. The besom is not to be used for actual sweeping dirt, but is used
to sweep the air in the room to remove any stagnate or negative energies in
your home. It also works very powerfully as a warding broom hanging on
the wall or door of your home.

You can also use other things like mirrors to reflect back negativity or
hexes, curses, or jinxes. Place these on the outside of your door or
windows or on the windowsills. These are very powerful for reflecting back
any and all negative energies that try to enter your home.

You can draw or paint runic symbols on things around your house to draw
protection and promote harmony. There are lots of books on runes and so
you can also look these up online to see which symbols are perfect for
your needs. I have the runic symbols to protect my property by painting
them on stones in and around my yard. This is a very powerful way to
surround your home with protection.

Protection Spell

Black candles are best for protection but white ones work well also.

You can carve the word protection in your candle, or one of the protection
symbols if you like to add more power.

Use herbs like mugwort, blue malva, elder, and sage to sprinkle around
your protection candles.
You may want to use a fragrance of spicy floral, or a power fragrance like
ginger combined with something, or dragon’s blood. The dragon’s blood
resin is also very powerful for protection and power in all spells.

Say, “Protect me and my loved ones, Mother Goddess.

Keep us safe and protect our home.
Grant me the shield of protection
To surround me and those I love.
So mote it be.”

You can use any words of your own that you feel more comfortable with. I
personally like to just talk to the Goddess and ask her for help in my own
words, though there is a sense of raising energies with the rhymes that
many people like to use. My suggestion to you is to use what works best
for you.

I also like to carry a jasper or a black stone for protection in my pocket.

Working with the Elements

The Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are very powerful energies that
will boost the energies of any spell you do.
The pentacle is a five point star, and the points represent:
Spirit at the top, then moving clockwise, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
This is also a very powerful symbol that can be used to bring or draw
protective energies to you.

In working with the four elements, I have found that each one of the
elements have an energy that is specific to itself, and yet each of them are
very powerful in any magick spell for any desire.

The Element Earth

The Element Earth is a feminine energy. It is one of creation and nurturing.

Mother Earth gives us food and shelter. She blesses us with beauty and
abundance. The Element Earth is very powerful for any prosperity and
abundance spell. She also provides protection from the weather, and gives
us the tools we need to improve our lives.

When working with the Element Earth, you will be calling in the energies of
nature, and the power of Earth to create whatever you desire. You will be
using the energies of Earth to draw abundance, prosperity, and to do
nature magicks. The Element Earth holds the power to create, to give birth,
to grow, to nourish, to blossom, etc. But it also holds the power to destroy
through earthquakes, mudslides, etc. The Element Earth is a powerful force
and even the energies of earthquakes, etc. can be used to split apart
negative or harmful attacks and hex spells, etc. when you call on this
energy to assist you for the highest good.

The Element Air

The Element Air is masculine energy. It holds the power of sacred breath.
Air moves around us, bringing in the new, bringing in wisdom, knowledge,
and guidance. Music is carried on the air, the song of a bird sweetens the
energies to bring harmony and peace.

When working with the Element Air, you will be calling in the energies of
movement, sound, wisdom, guidance, divine messages, and air magicks.
Feathers are a good representation of the Element Air and can be used to
also move air, including incense smoke to purify and break up stagnate
and negative energies. Tornadoes are a power force of the Element Air that
can be destructive, but you can call on this energy to assist you in
removing obstacles and blocks in your path for the highest good.

The Element Fire

The Element Fire is masculine. It holds the power to warm, to cook food, to
transform energies, and to protect. Fire is both healing in that it can burn
away the negative, illness and disease, and keep away things that may
cause harm. Its destructive force is that it can burn away healthy living
things and positive things such as in a forest fire—both the good things
and the bad are destroyed in fire. Therefore, when working with the
element fire it is important to remember this, and take care to only burn

away that which is negative. A volcano is a form of combining earth and

fire energies to both destroy and create. It represents the cycle of life,
death and rebirth. The element fire in combination with the element earth
does bring this cycle of energies to assist you. Even in a forest fire, there
is death, and then the element earth replenishes and gives rebirth.

The Element Fire is a very powerful force that can help you to rid yourself
of anything negative, any thing harmful, and can also nourish and warm
your heart. The hearth of a home is usually the heart of a home, for in the
past, it represented warm, shelter from the cold, and cooking food, which
nourishes. This is the area of the home where families gather together, and
to share their abundance, love, and happiness.

The Element Water

The Element Water is feminine. Water is emotional, and it brings the power
of intuition, instincts and psychic abilities. It also cleanses, purifies, and

The Element Water is healing, cleansing, and life sustaining. Water has the
power to be gentle and to be forceful. Water can flow around, over, under,
and even through things. Water moves, it is motivation through emotion, it
is refreshing and energizing. The destructive force of the Element water is
flooding and erosion. When combined with the element Air, you get the
hurricanes, etc. When combined with the element Earth, you get mudslides,
etc. These powerful forces hold energies that can assist you with your
magickal work for the highest good.

Whenever you work with the Elements, the thing to remember is that your
intention and visualization holds great power in calling in the Element
energies to assist you. You will need to focus on your intention clearly,
and you will need to give this positive attention to get the energies moving.

When I work with the Elements, I usually call on each one individually and
ask for their assistance and speak to them as I would a friend. I never
doubt that the Elements will assist, and I always thank them for their help.

Calling on the Gods and Goddesses

Whenever you are working with the Deities, you are connecting to the
powerful energies of the Creative Source. Goddess is the feminine energies
and God is the masculine energy of the Universal Source. It is the balance
of the two that unite and are the ONE ultimate power. Both are equally
important and powerful, though their energies are different. And within the
Goddess energies, are all of the various faces and aspects of the Goddess.
The same is true for the God. Whatever cultural God or Goddess you are
calling on, keep those energies within the culture for the spell you are
working. For example, if you are working with the Celtic Goddess Brighid,
you do not want to call in the energies of a God from a different culture. If
you are working with the Santeria energies, don’t call in the energies of
Goddess Morrigan to work with at the same time. If you are working with
the Nordic God Thor, you will not call in the Hawaiian Goddess energies.
You will have to do some reading and research to learn about all of the
different Gods and Goddesses. There are so many of them that it is not
possible to name them all here. There are lots of books on the subject and
there is a lot of information on the internet also to help you learn which
Deities are from what culture and energy.

However, you can always use the generic term of God and Goddess, which
incorporates all of the faces of God and Goddess, without any worry of
mixing the energies of cultures at one time.

So I would suggest that when you are first learning to work magick, that
you simply call in God and Goddess.

When you set up your altar, you will want to use a gold candle for God (or a
golden yellow candle if you cannot find a metallic gold color candle) and a
silver candle for Goddess (or white if you cannot find a silver metallic
God and Goddess are equally important, and equally powerful. Their
energies may differ in the form of masculine and feminine energies, but
together they make the whole.

When you work with the Deities, you call them in, honor them, and state
what you need or want help with. I find that asking rather than commanding
works best for me. I want the willing help of the Deities, not a forced
assistance. This is just my personal preference. Always thank them and
always respect them.

Always give them an offering, which shows respect and gratitude for their
love, protection, guidance, healing, and assistance.

Offerings may be wine, ale, whiskey, or etc.

And offerings may be food, such as cakes, or anything like this.
This represents the cakes and ale that is often done within the sacred circle
at the end of a spell or ritual. You would have a glass of something for the
Deities, and one for yourself and others within the circle, and you would
have a offering plate for the Deities, as well as one for yourself and others
within the circle.

Also, more about offerings. If you are doing a spell at home, even a small
candle spell, it is good to make an offering to the Deities. I like to do this
periodically even if I am not working a spell.
Offerings can be food offerings, which would be cakes, chocolate, fruit, etc.
and drink, which are wine, ale, etc. or juice.
You can give flowers, stones, or anything else like this that has meaning to
you as an offering to the deities. I like to give fresh flowers.
To do this, you would place them on your altar or a specific area of your
home where you have set aside for the offerings. You would place the
offering there and then leave it. The Deities take the essence of the gift.
What is left the next day is only the physical part of it. Take what’s left
outside and place it on the ground, returning it to the earth. Stones and etc.
can be left in a place of honor for the Deities on your altar, but if you do
this, you must never take them back for other uses.
You can place stones, food offerings, herbs, or any other offerings of this
type outside at the time you give the Deities your gift. You can lay flowers
beneath a tree, or place stones around flowers in a flower bed or wild
flowers, or you can leave food on an offering plate and the drink in a glass
and then pour these onto the ground the next day.
These are all ways of showing honor, respect, and gratitude to the Deities.

To call on the Deities here is a basic spell, but you should adjust it to fit
your needs and your personality.

Say, “I call on the Goddess (name of goddess) with honor.” Give it a

moment and you should feel the presence of the Goddess, then say,
“Greetings! I ask (state what it is you need help with in your own words.) I
know you will do this for me (this is a show of faith). And so it is. I thank

You can and should add or change these spells to fit your needs. You
would call on the God in the same way, and if you want to call both at once
you would do it by including them both at the same time. You can use the
generic form of God and Goddess if you prefer to do it that way.
Magick is very individual and electic, and you have the freedom to change
things, add things, etc. to fit your needs. You also do not need to worry if
you accidentally make a mistake in what you say. Deities know your
intention and they also have a sense of humor—they know you are doing

your best and what it is you are wanting to accomplish. If you make a
mistake or say something you did not mean to say, simply laugh, and then
correct it by saying it as you wanted it to be. You do not have to worry
about the magick backfiring on you or someone else. This will not happen.
There are safeguards in place that work with your intention to prevent
accidental harm of yourself or another. The most that would happen is that
the spell would not work. In which case, you would need to do it again only

Working with Familiars

First, I would like to mention here that totem animals are not necessarily
the same as familiars.

Totem animals are spirit animals that you work with etherically. These
animals come to you whenever you need them. They may come in and out
of your life as needed. Some totem animals – spirit animals will stay with
you forever, others will come for a while and then leave. There is always at
least one main totem animal that is with you from birth till death. These
spirit animals lend you energies, insights, and strength when you need it.
They help you to overcome obstacles, and they protect you with powerful
psychic protection. Many People have several animals that work together
to help you on your life path and spirit journey. Even mythological animals
like the phoenix, unicorns, pegasus, dragons, griffins, and others are real
in the ethereal realm of pure energies. Totem animals will appear to others
on a psychic level whenever someone is trying to look into your energies
and they are there to protect you. You do not always have to call on them,
they will just reveal themselves to let others know that they will not stand
for anyone harming you psychically.

You can meet your totem animals by lighting a yellow candle, sitting in a
quiet area, and gazing at the flame. Say, “Show me my totem animal
guides.” And then continue to gaze at the flame. You most likely will get
quick flashes of animals and you will need to try to remember them or write
them down. You may have one or two come through at first, or you may
have a lot of them appear to you, one right after the other. People who are
very connected to animals, usually have a lot of spirit guide animals
around them.


Familiars are living animals that come into your life for a reason. You and
this animal will be very very attached to each other. You can look into the
animal’s eyes and it looks back and the focus will be so intense it is a

meeting of the souls. The two of you will recognize each other immediately
when you first see each other. And you may be surprised to know that
familiars can choose to come back into your life through reincarnation
during this or other lifetimes. They may even do what is known as a walk in
– this happens when the familiar crosses over and the love between you
and your familiar is so strong that the animal wants to take the very next
opportunity to come back into your life. The walk in takes place with an
agreement between the soul of your familiar and the soul of the animal that
is allowing the body of the animal to house the soul of your familiar. You
see, this can happen with people, but animals have souls also and they do
have the free will to reincarnate and do walk in exchanges. Most do not.
Most animals in your life will simply be animals that come and go in your
life bringing you healing, joy, and love, and though you and the animal
share a bond, it is not as strong as the love you have with your familiar.

You will most likely only have one familiar. While you may have other
animals around that you love deeply, there will only be one that you
connect with on a soul level at any one time.

When you work with your familiar, it is as if you both know exactly what the
other needs and is going to do. And animals do have a sense of humor.
They will play tricks on you, and they will bring great joy into your life. Your
familiar is easy to spot, he or she will most likely be around you every
chance they get. The will be in your lap, under your desk, on your bed, next
to you as much as possible. They are here to help you in your life’s
journey. Your familiar will protect you, bring you love, joy, healing, and
teach you great lessons!

SpiritLight Reiki
Linda Colibert
Reiki Master Teacher
Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association

A Course in Magick is written and copyrighted by Linda Colibert Oct. 2010

It is not to be changed in any way or form. This course is exclusive to
SpiritLight Reiki. It is not to be resold.

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