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Thursday, November 18th

Teacher’s Name: Mackenzie Wood                                                                                

Grade: Grade 2 Language Arts            
Length of Class: 50 minutes
Topic: The Smart Cookie       
 SMART Board
 Laptop
 Hue document camera
 The Smart Cookie by Jory John
 Blue writing books 
 Pencil, rulers, erasers
Curricular Outcomes:
2.1: Use strategies and clues 
 identify the main idea or topic and supporting details of simple narrative and expository texts
2.2: Respond to texts
 retell the events portrayed in oral, print and other media texts in sequence
 identify and use words and sentences that have particular emotional effects
3.1: plan and focus 
 recall and follow directions for accessing and gathering ideas and information 
3.3: organize, record, and evaluate
 categorize related ideas and information, using a variety of strategies, such as finding significant details
and sequencing events in logical order
4.1: Enhance and improve
 print legibly and efficiently, forming letters of consistent size and shape, and spacing words
4.2: Attend to conventions 
 identify adjectives and adverbs that add interest and detail to stories
SMART Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. Identify adjectives in the story 
2. Draw an image of “The Smart Cookie”
Time Allowed What are we doing today? Assessment
2 minutes Introduction: This is the last book in the Jory John series that
the students have been very excited to read, so get them to Formative assessment
guess which book we will be reading today. throughout

15 minutes Play

v=GNpR9qK0lM4&t=44s on the smart board to the class.
While the video plays, hand out the student’s blue writing

5 minutes Post questions:

- Why was The Smart Cookie sad at the
beginning of the story?
- What made The Smart Cookie happy at the end?
- What did The Smart Cookie learn from sharing
her poem with everyone?

15 minutes When it is done, hand out their blue writing books and ask
them to set up their page in a T-chart like we have done before.
Set up the HUE document camera and do it with them. Write
“The Smart Cookie” at the top of the page. In the left column at
the top write “beginning” and in the left column at the top write

Hands on head when you finish. Once they are all done, tell
them that this week will be a little trickier than the other books
we have done. They still need to write down adjectives that
describe the cookie and the beginning and the end, but we will
only discuss two as a class, and then they must write on their
own. Explain that you are going to read the book out loud go
the whole class so that we can pay attention to adjectives used
at the beginning/end. On the first page, stop and ask if there are
any adjectives that students see. We will only brainstorm 2 as a
class together, and they need to come up with the rest on their
own as you read. 

When you finish, the story, tell them that they have one more
minute to finish writing down what they need.

10 minutes After they have finished with their lists, they are then allowed
to draw a photo of The Smart Cookie at the top of their page.
An image of The Smart Cookie will be projected on the smart
board at the front of the room. They can work on this and then
show me their T chart and photo. Quiet work can be done
afterwards until everyone is finished

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