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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Grade 11

Quarter 1 Week 1 Module 1

Learning Competency:
Understand the history of computer and the
number system.

Introduction to Computer

Division of City Schools-Manila

(1st Semester)

Master Teacher I
C.P. Garcia High School

How to use this module?

To fully understand this module, you need to focus on each lessons so that
you will enjoy every single topic to be discuss. Happy learning!

1. Read each lesson on this module carefully and follow the given
instructions for each of the given learning outcome/s.
2. As you read, you can also do the hands-on to check if you were able to
follow the basic programming procedure.
3. Repeat reading the lesson if you are not sure about what to do for the
next topic.
4. Demonstrate what you have learned by doing what the Activity required
you to do so.
5. You must be able to apply what you have learned in another activity or
in real life situation.

Each lesson also provides you with references and definition of key terms for
your guide. These could be a great help in your study.

If you have questions, you

can ask your teacher.


At the end of the period, learners should be able to:

LO1. Understand the brief history of computer.

LO2. Appreciate the computer hardware.

Key Terminologies

 Computer - it is an electronic, programmable device that can

process, store and retrieve data.

 Data - is the raw facts to be inputted into the computer

 Information- it is the processed data.

 Motherboard- it contains different computer parts.

 RAM – Random Access Memory

 ROM – Read Only Memory


Appreciate the history of computer

A. Direction: Match Column A with Column B

Column A Column B

1. Device used in third generation of computer Lady Ada

2. First counting device originated from Egypt Vacuum Tubes
3. First Computer Programmer Charles Babbage
4. Device used in first Generation of computer Integrated Circuit
5. Father of computer Abacus

A computer is an electronic, programmable device that can process,

store and retrieve and controls data or "information." It can store, recover,
and process information. You can utilize a PC to type reports, send email, and
surf the Internet. You can likewise utilize it to deal with spreadsheets,
bookkeeping, database the executives, introductions, games, and that's only
the tip of the iceberg.

It was the math procedure of Abacus which was originated in Egypt and
popularized in China that prompted the improvement of Computers. While
math device is an old ascertaining device, Computers are present day devices,
which performs numerous capacities. The PCs have become an integral part
of individuals. Math device can likewise be called as the most seasoned PC.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, PCs assume a

significant job in our lives. At the point when you pull back money from an
ATM, examine staple goods at the store, or utilize an adding machine, you're
utilizing a kind of PC.

Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of computer while Lady

Ada is the first computer programmer. Computer are divided into 5
generations namely:

First Generation: Vacuum Tubes (1940-1956)

The primary PC frameworks utilized vacuum tubes for hardware and

attractive drums for memory, and were frequently gigantic, occupying whole
spaces. These PCs were over the top expensive to work and notwithstanding

utilizing a lot of power, the primary PCs created a great deal of warmth, which
was regularly the reason for breakdowns.

Original PCs depended on machine language, the least level

programming language comprehended by PCs, to perform tasks, and they
could just take care of each issue in turn. It would take administrators days
or even a long time to set-up another issue. Info depended on punched cards
and paper tape, and yield was shown on printouts.

Second Generation: Transistors (1956-1963)

The world would see transistors supplant vacuum tubes in the second
era of PCs. The transistor was imagined at Bell Labs in 1947 yet didn't see
broad use in PCs until the late 1950s.
The transistor was far better than the vacuum tube, permitting PCs to
decrease, quicker, less expensive, more vitality productive and more solid
than their original ancestors. In spite of the fact that the transistor despite
everything created a lot of warmth that exposed the PC to harm, it was a
tremendous improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-age PCs despite
everything depended on punched cards for information and printouts for

Third Generation: Integrated Circuits (1964-1971)

The advancement of the coordinated circuit was the sign of the third
era of PCs. Transistors were scaled down and put on silicon chips, called
semiconductors, which definitely sped up and productivity of PCs.
Rather than punched cards and printouts, clients communicated with
third era PCs through consoles and screens and interfaced with a working
framework, which permitted the gadget to run a wide range of utilizations one
after another with a focal program that observed the memory. PCs just
because got open to a mass crowd since they were littler and less expensive
than their antecedents.

Fourth Generation: Microprocessors (1971-Present)

The microprocessor brought the fourth era of PCs, as a large number of

coordinated circuits were constructed onto a solitary silicon chip. What in the
original occupied a whole room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The
Intel 4004 chip, created in 1971, found all the parts of the PC—from the focal
preparing unit and memory to enter/yield controls—on a solitary chip.

Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence (Present and Beyond)

Fifth era figuring gadgets, in view of artificial intelligence, are still being
developed, however there are a few applications, for example, voice
acknowledgment, that are being utilized today. The utilization of equal
handling and superconductors is assisting with making man-made reasoning
a reality.


Computer programming is the process of designing and building an

executable computer program for accomplishing and building an executable
computer program for accomplishing a specific computing task. Programming
involves tasks such as: analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms’
accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms
in a chosen programming language (commonly referred to as coding).
The source code of a program is written in one or more languages that are
intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly
executed by the central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to
find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task
(which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for
solving a given problem. The process of programming thus often requires
expertise in several different subjects, including knowledge of the application
domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic.


1. Machine and Assembly Languages - is a low-level programming
language. It is a group of languages. It implements a symbolic
representation of the machine code.
2. Algorithmic Languages – are used to design mathematical or symbolic
computations. It is used to express algebraic operations. This is the first
high-level language.
3. Business-Oriented Languages - is a high-level programming language
that is used for business applications. It is used to design the operating
system agnostic and in many business applications today.
4. Education-Oriented Languages - are some Education-oriented
languages like BASIC, Pascal, Logo etc.
5. Scripting Languages – is a scripting language can be defined as a
programming language is used for integrating and communicating with
other programming languages. JavaScript, VB Script, PHP, Perl are the
most used scripting language.
6. Document Formatting Languages - is used to specify the organization
of printed text and graphics. This mark-up describes the intended
function of portions of a document.
7. Declarative Languages - is a very high-level programming languages.
It is also known as the non-procedural programming language.
8. Object-Oriented Languages - is a computer programming language
that revolves around the concept of an object.


A computer programmer creates the code for software applications and

operating systems. After a software developer designs a computer program,
the programmer writes code that converts that design into a set of instructions
a computer can follow. They test the program to look for errors and then
rewrite it until it is error-free. The programmer continues to evaluate
programs that are in use, making updates and adjustments as needed.


Programmer Description Example

The system
programmer installs,  CAD Engineer
customizes, and maintains
System  System Engineers
the operating system, and
also installs or upgrades  DevOps Developer
products that run on
the system.  Software Developer

A web developer is
a programmer who engaged
in, the development of  Frontend Developer
World Wide
Web  Backend Developer
Web applications, or
applications that are run  Full stack web
over HTTP, CSS OR HTML developer
from a web server to
a web browser.
A game programmer is a
programmer who develops  Game Designer
codebases for
Programmers  Audio Engineer
video games or related
software, such

as game development  Lead-
tools. Game Programmer(Games)
programming has many
 Animators(Games)
specialized disciplines, all
of which fall under
the “game programmer”.
The application
programmer is a
programmer who is
 SDE1
responsible for designing
and testing program logic,  SDE2
coding programs, program
 Software Engineer
documentation and
preparation of programs for
computer operations.


Where can we use computer? Write it down using the space provided
below and try to explain each.

The evolution of computer started when people started to use the
Abacus, a manual counting device originated form Babylon (Egypt) and
popularized in China. There are five generations of computer wherein different
devices was used.


Since computer has five generations, enumerate the year and

devices used for each generation below.

B. Direction: Match Column A with Column B

Column A Column B
1. Device used in third generation of computer Integrated Circuit
2. First counting device originated from Egypt Vacuum Tubes
3. Father of computer Charles Babbage
4. Device used in first Generation of computer Lady Ada
5. First computer programmer Abacus


Identify the different computer hardware and its functions

A. Direction: Fill in the blanks

______________1. It is the heart and brain of the computer.

______________2. It is also known as the primary memory.
______________3. It is considered as secondary storage device.
______________4. Tangible part of computer.
______________5. Responsible for the supply of current in the computer.

What is Computer Hardware?

Computer hardware is the physical components that a computer

system requires to function. It encompasses everything with a circuit board
that operates within a PC or laptop; including the motherboard, graphics
card, CPU (Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans, webcam, power supply,
and so on.

What is a Motherboard?

The motherboard is at the focal point of

what makes a PC work. It houses the CPU and is
a center that all other equipment goes through.
The motherboard goes about as a mind;
designating power where it's required, speaking with and planning over every
single other segment – making it one of the most significant bits of equipment
in a PC. A motherboard contains the different components of computer.

What is a CPU (Central Processing/Processor Unit)?

he CPU (Central Processing Unit or processor)

is answerable for preparing all data from
programs run by your PC. The 'clock speed', or
the speed at which the processor forms data, is
estimated in gigahertz (GHz). This implies a
processor publicizing a high GHz rating will probably perform quicker than a
correspondingly determined processor of a similar brand and age. It is the
heart and brain of the computer.

What is RAM?

Random Access Memory, or RAM, is hardware found in the memory

openings of the motherboard. The job of RAM is to
briefly store on-the-fly data made by programs and
to do as such that makes this information promptly open. The assignments
that require irregular memory could be; rendering pictures for visual
communication, altered video or photos, performing various tasks with
numerous applications open (for instance, running a game on one screen and
visiting by means of Discord on the other).

What is a Hard Drive?

The hard drive is a capacity gadget answerable for putting

away lasting and impermanent information. This information
comes in a wide range of structures, however is basically
anything spared or introduced to a PC: for instance, PC
programs, family photographs, working framework, word-handling archives,

What is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)?

Particularly significant for 3D rendering, the GPU does precisely what

its name proposes and forms enormous batches of realistic information. You

will find that your PC's illustrations card has at any rate one GPU. Instead of
the essential on-board realistic abilities that PC motherboards gracefully,
committed designs cards interface with the motherboard by means of a
development space to work only on realistic rendering. This likewise implies
you can overhaul your illustrations card in the event that you need to get
more execution from your PC.

What is a Power Supply Unit (PSU)?

A power supply unit, ordinarily condensed as PSU, accomplishes

something beyond flexibly your PC with power. It is the point where force
enters your framework from an outside force source and is then dispensed by
the motherboard to singular part equipment. Not all power supplies are made
similarly be that as it may, and without the correct wattage PSU your
framework will neglect to work.


Aside from the listed hardware above, write down at least 15 computer
hardware using the space below.

Computers are having 3 general components and one of which is the

hardware. Hardware is the tangible part of computer which means that you can see
and touch. Each computer hardware as a special function to make the computer
work accordingly.


List down 10 computer hardware and give its functions. Use the space

Direction: Tell whether the following statements is True of False, write T for
True and write F for false in the blank provided.

______________1. Hardware is intangible part of computer.

______________2. Memory is the primary storage device.
______________3. The motherboard houses the CPU.
______________4. CPU is the heart and brain of the computer
______________5. PSU stands for power sink unit.



Writer: Rhaymond M. Monterde- MT I/ICT Computer Programming

Editors: Ariel Tosio- EPS, Elena C. Reyes- Principal IV, Gibson J.

Olazo– MT II/ICT Computer Programming Coordinator

Reviewer: Gibson J. Olazo– MT II/ICT Computer Programming

Coordinator, Perlito Malaya HT-VI, Anthony Ducta HT-III

Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division

Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS


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