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Don’t pay the Ferryman - Legacy


Legacy is a collection of elements for use with the Don’t pay the Ferryman game.

However, most elements can easily be used in Dungeon World or Dungeons & Dragons


• Six quests in the Cold Temperate region of Hyrrbrae in the nation of Storvan.
• Three quests on the moon of Myrkr, with suggestions of how to get there and how
to run quests there.
• A village and hills area that your group can cooperatively create.
• Three additional Species for Don’t pay the Ferryman games.
• A five level Dungeon linked to the six core quests or explored separately.

There are 6 quests in and around Hyrrbrae in Storvan.

Quest 1 – Ruins-Woods - Explore.

- Church wants ruins explored. Retrieve anything of value, including old records, mineral
veins, ley lines, rare plant abundance.

Quest 2 – Urban - Persuade.

Recruit a League of Free States ambassador to be friendly to our guild/church.

Quest 3 – Ruins -Woods- Investigate.

- Patrol went missing, find out what happened, patrol the area. Don't want this to happen

Quest 4 – Urban - Protect.

- Body guard a Sorcerer. Figured out how to do rituals to detect portals and dimensional
magic on large scale, scan the city.

Quest 5 – Village - Locate.

River has stopped flowing. Find out what is going on upstream.

Quest 6 – Moor - Raid.

- Many scorpion creatures spotted in the moorland. Farmlands will be next.

Escalation :
• If the characters deal with the ambassador quietly in Quest 2, Sorcerers (disguised
Myriax) will try to recruit the characters to assassinate Priests of Hnaska (Knowledge,
Magic) and Tylyn (Light, Justice) in Hyrrbrae.
• If the characters survive the ruins in Quest 1 or 3, Ninazu will create a portal linking
their valley lairs to Hyrrbrae (or the Village if characters are there).

Note - Quests 5 and 6 should be offered after two of Quest one to four is completed.
They require the investigators reputations to spread.
Quest 1 – Ruins-Woods - Explore

- Church of Tylyn (Light, Justice) wants the ruins to the north explored. They are to retrieve
anything of value, including old records, mineral veins, ley lines, rare plant abundance.

Recruiters - Cleric of Tylyn (light, justice) Human male. Shares a hobby with one of the

Reward : 20 Hex coins each.

- 5 room stone house to share.

Moderator Notes
• When near the ruins, Investigators hear whispers as if they were winning every
conversation with those they know.
• Some farmers are travelling to the ruins to pay respects to their grandparents’ grave
site. They are completely mundane and frankly shouldn't be running around the
• Once they pass on information or items of value to the church, later they see that priest
talking quietly with scholars in the tavern. The priest is being blackmailed by scholars
(Myriax in disguise).
• Recruiter looks just like one of their spouses or siblings. Different movement but same
smell and visually.

Creatures - Kobolds and Goblins in ruins. Personal -Elder of species.

Supernatural – Myrkr Portal.
Mystery –Corrupt officials. Twist -Corrupted contact. – Sound Distortion.

Possible series of events -

1-Breakfast at the tavern with the recruiter offering the quest.
2-PCs run into Goblins on the way to the Ruins.
3-Investigators notice a Kobold vs Goblin fight, they can intervene or observe.
4-Explore the ruins, looting for fun and profit.
5-Report back in, priests pass on info to their blackmailers.

Sense Magic opportunity

• In the ruins to see sources of powers or disruption.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Escalate to lure ruins creatures into an area where they characters can ambush them.

If the characters inform the churches about monsters in town, or the militia about the
monsters in the wilderness, there is a standard bounty for 1 Hex coin per head for Goblins,
Harpies, Kobolds, Naga, Skellingtons and Zombies.
Quest 2 – Urban - Persuade

Recruit a League of Free States ambassador to be friendly to our guild/church.

Recruiters - Arcane Order or Ninja Ryu contact of the PC's. If not an existing contact, then
source the table for the age/species/personality of this person.

Reward : 10 Hex coins each (can be haggled up to 20)

- and share 10 Hex of Unusual equipment.

Moderator Notes
• This guy has a temper, one night they will murder someone at a Card game and try to
• If the Ambassador gets taken by militia, one of his aides (Myriax) will break him out of
jail during twilight and they will hide in bakery cellar.
• If the characters prevent serious harm, or offer services in return for lighter sentence on
the Ambassador, he will consider their offers.
• The ambassador enjoys a verbal or physical fight, and his favour can be gained by
taking him to debates or fighting pit arenas.
• Should the characters do some digging, the Ambassador has hurt people before, and
things were covered up. However, if they try to bring his actions to light, his aides
(Myriax) will try to follow them and burn their houses down.
• Note the Ambassador does not know his aids are Myriax.
• Ambassador has a map of safest route to ruins; his aide gave it to him.

Creatures -Myriax. Personal -Arcane Order. Supernatural -Twilight.

Mystery -Alibi for Actions. Twist -Second Location. Sewer, Temple.

Possible series of events -

1-Image of recruiter talks to them via a painting or furniture.
2-Characters observe or interact with the Ambassador.
3-Ambassador has card game and loses his temper, then tries to get away from the
4-Characters can indulge virtues and vices during their time in the city.
5-Characters cover up or clean up the situation.
6-Aides revenge vs the characters or Characters investigating the situation more.

Sense Magic opportunity

• Trying to figure out if there is anything magical about the ambassador or his aides.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Fade or Misdirect to cover up the Ambassadors actions. Recruit to get him to be
Quest 3 – Ruins -Woods- Investigate

- Patrol went missing, go to the ruins and find out what happened, patrol the area. They
don't want this to happen again.

Recruiters - Militia Captain ask Explorers to map out the area.

Reward : 20 Hex coins each.

- 5 room stone house to share.

Moderator Notes
• Myrkr Agents testing their defences. This is a setup to gather new recruits.
• Signs of the patrol camping near the ruins then being dragged into the ruins after a
• Good rolls will indicate that the fight and tracks are fake.
• Goblins will follow characters near the area, and will attack people on their own or while
others are sleeping.
• Once the characters have survived two fights, a hunter (Myriax in disguise) will offer
them 20 Hex coins each to forget this place and thanks them for testing their minion’s

Creatures - Goblins. Personal -Church. Supernatural -Twilight.

Mystery -Being watched. Twist -Setup, testing foes.

Possible series of events -

1-Twilight evening meal at the nicest restaurant in town. Spouses may join them if they like.
2-Goblins will follow characters near the area, harassing them when the time is right.
3-Characters explore the ruins and its inhabitants.
4-During twilight some Myriax offer them a bribe to leave and forget it all.
5-Myriax attack from Astral space near the characters familiar or sanctuary.

Sense Magic opportunity

• At the ruins to find portals or magical disturbances.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Lure more creatures out of the ruins with Misdirect or Escalate. Sabotage on the ruins to
prevent escape.

If the characters inform the churches about monsters in town, or the militia about the
monsters in the wilderness, there is a standard bounty for 1 Hex coin per head for Goblins,
Harpies, Kobolds, Naga, Skellingtons and Zombies.
Quest 4 – Urban - Protect

- Body guard a Sorcerer for one week. The Sorcerer figured out how to do rituals to detect
portals and dimensional magic on large scale, they could scan the city given time and
enough reagents. Unfortunately, since they bragged at the guild hall people have been
trying to kill them.

Recruiters - Arcane Order or Ninja Ryu contact of the PC's.

Reward : 30 Hex coins each.

- share 20 Hex worth of Unusual equipment.

Moderator Notes
• Noble who works with Viridian Thorns first offers a bribe for the heroes to be elsewhere.
• Failing that the Noble sends Myriax against the Sorcerer.
• If proof is brought against the noble, they will be questioned but not sentenced. Too
many people owe them favours.
• The Sorcerer has the ritual on scrolls, which were translated from an ancient fey of
Skogyr moon. The Sorcerer is willing to show the characters the ritual, but if they tell
others then they will be hunted too.
• Should the characters perform the ritual they will see portals to Myrkr and Vandyr within
the city. The Myrkr portal is invisible to the regular person, but the Vandyr portal is
shimmering heat about a forge.
• Any existing enemies of the characters should be seen in town first, then they offer a
chance to recruit them, else they will also attack.

Creatures -Myriax. Personal -Contact. Supernatural – Myrkr Portal.

Mystery – Untouchable Noble. Twist -Ancient Lore. Plaza, Alley.

Possible series of events -

1-Badly disguised Recruiter requests aid from PCs in market square.
2-Noble offers bribe to leave the area.
3-Characters can indulge virtues and vices during the week in the city.
4-Noble sends Myriax against the characters.
5-Existing enemies who have heard about the ritual offer to assist else they attack the

Sense Magic opportunity

• Scanning the area near the Sorcerer to see who or what is lurking nearby.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Fade to hide the Sorcerer, Sabotage to ruin the ritual to make it useless.
Quest 5 – Village - Locate

The river has stopped flowing. Find out what is going on upstream and do what you can to
restore the natural area.

Recruiters - If not an existing contact then source the table for the age/species/personality
of this person.

Reward : 10 Hex coins each (can be haggled up to 20)

- and share 10 Hex of Unusual equipment.

Moderator Notes
• The river has been diverted to a watermill, which is powering a generator which is going
to pull the Shadow moon closer.
• As this quest goes on the characters will notice sudden wind storms and tremors
escalating to thunderstorms and earthquakes.
• If the generator is destroyed, a large storm will erupt if there is not already one
• There are many Viridians-Ninazu (scorpion folk) in the area, linking the astral to the
world and to the generator.
• The generator looks like a large rotating hand with a plasma ball on the end of each
• There is a team of three Ninja in the area who will assist the characters if things go
badly, either by distracting the Ninazu, or by stopping the water flow to make the
generator self-destruct.
• Ninazu will flee towards the ruins once half their numbers are gone.

Creatures -Vandyr Ninazu. Personal -Ninja Ryu. Supernatural – Space Anomaly.

Mystery -Red herring. Twist – Large Storm.

Possible series of events -

1-Recruiter talks to PCs via a familiar or the nearest Cassowary.
2-Characters journey to the area and find many Viridian creatures and the generator.
3-Sudden wind storms and tremors escalating to thunderstorms and earthquakes.
4-Characters avoid the weather and Viridian creatures and work towards dealing with the
5-Fall out of their success or failure with the above.

Sense Magic opportunity

• To understand the generator, which has magic vibes echoing out in waves.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Misdirect or Escalate to lure the Ninazu away from the area. Sabotage vs the generator.
Quest 6 – Moor - Raid

- Many fire creatures have been spotted in the moorland. Farmlands will be next if someone
doesn't take care of this threat!

Recruiters - Cleric of Tylyn (light, justice) Human male. Shares a hobby with one of the

Reward : 30 Hex coins each.

- share 20 Hex worth of Unusual equipment.

Moderator Notes
• Paid by Necromancer to take out the competition. Coins are counterfeit, paint wears off
after a week.
• Recruiter looks just like one of their spouses or siblings. Different movement but same
smell and visually.
• One of the Ninazu has a map on a stone tablet, 2 valleys, forest ruins and city marked
on it.
• One character will have a dream chatting with themselves, but opposite outlook and
personality. Feel free to get someone else at the table to roleplay the 'other side'.
• A different character will have a dream of giant centipedes wrestling one of their

Creatures -Ninazu. Personal -Ghost-Ancestor. Supernatural -Visions of the future.

Mystery -Similar appearing people. Twist -Wealth-Counterfeit.

Possible series of events -

1-Recruiter asks PCs to come for a walk and talk. Chat along the docks with quest offer.
2-Characters head to moorlands.
3-PCs will come across a roving band of Viridian Ninazu (Scorpion folk).
4-PCs have odd dreams.
5-Characters remove the Viridians via violence, persuasion or trickery.
6-PCs decide to act on map of other Viridian dens or not.

Sense Magic opportunity

• Sensing where fire or heat sources are with magic to locate the Viridian creatures.

Espionage Move opportunity

• Investigate the situation. Viridian locations are accurate which means their recruiter
knew where they would be.
• Escalate to lure the Viridian creatures into an ambush.
Usual Suspects

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3

• Willing to trade information/favours.
Description – Short green skinned humanoids, large eyes, pointed ears, bronze weapons.
Path – Order Skills – Stealth.
Notes – Some Goblins carry Mana lamps.
• Trip larger creature over
• Steal creatures stuff

Myriax (Centipede shapeshifter)

• Willing to trade information/favors.
Description : Medium Humanoid and Large Centipede Shapeshifters forms.
Path - Order
Skills – Art/Music, Persuasion, Religion.
Immunities/Vulnerable - Immune to Lightning. -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from : Acid.
Senses - Night vision, sense movement-vibrations. [Sense Magic]
Notes - Burrow, Climb, Walk. May flee Fire effects. Same Humanoid form each time.
Typically, Dwarves, Humans or Ranik. Enemy-Lycanthropes. Sweet food is their great
weakness. Often have D8 vials of ectoplasm.
• Bite off limb.
• Change form to/from Centipede.
• Coil around foe.

Ninazu (Scorpion folk)

Description : 4ft-5ft scorpion humanoids with four arms and a tail stinger. Stocky build with
hair and beards are typical. Mouth has four pincers and their eyes are entirely white.
Path - Fire
Skills - Athletics, Mechanical, Observation. [Sense Magic]
Immunities/Vulnerable- -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from-Cold, Immunity-Fire.
Senses - Sense movement, Night vision.
Notes - Walking, Climb, Burrow. Found in deserts and underworld caverns, avoid Water.
Reshape the world-land, sea and sky into their catacombs nests. One in 10 are Wizards.
Prey on Wizards, Dwarves and Bards.
• Grab limb in pincer.
• Fire aura ignites area.
• Sting body with stinger. Those stung, D4 days later, Might roll, 7-11=3 damage. 6-
=+6 damage, Hundreds of tiny scorpions erupt from flesh or via vomit.
Nation-Storvan : Town - Hyrrbrae
Population 8,400. 2,400 Humans, 1,600 Elves, 1,400 Kitsune (Fox folk), 1,000 Lugat
(Batfolk), 600 Satyr, 500 Dryad, 500 Varin (Panda folk), 400 Tengu (Raven folk).
Temples : Tylyn (Light, Justice), Yuloss (Forests, Hunting).

o Windmill Road - Thirty windmills in a line can be seen from miles away.
o Shoguns Pagoda - Centre of town is a pagoda terrace house made from sardonyx.

o Rumour - Faerie can be seen at twilight during spring and autumn equinox.
o Rumour - Vampire coven in the hills, living off cattle and people who stray too far from

Bovine Comedy - Tavern, Sign has cows leaning on fence laughing. Popular with clerics.
Cackleberry Jim - Inn, Three story. Chicken farm next door.

• Highlands – Temperate Forest, Summer 59-77F (15-25C). Winter 35-53F (2-12C). Rainfall
Summer 20mm, Winter 40mm.

Storvan Highlands - Many Harpy nests within the valleys.

Utanskea Ruins (in Wycked Woods)
Wycked Woods -North of Loch Hagala - Sightings of mutated animals and Hags.
Cultural Notes for Storvan
• Birthdays, Marriages and alliances are marked with giving of jade ornaments and
• Many rice farms. Nobles have 3-7 level pagoda houses. Every house has a meditation
room or Zen garden. Most homes have ceramic roof tiles.
• Clothes - Conical hat, sandals, lose pants and shirt. Kimono for formal occasions.
• Common food – Rice cakes, Ramen (Noodle Soup) and Sushi rolls (vinegar rice with
meat), All meals eaten with chopsticks.
• Dead are sent to the sky to become stars with funeral pyres, never burial.
• Every house has a meditation room or Zen garden. Most homes have ceramic roof tiles.
• Family honour and reputation is more important that the individuals.
• Many farming and fishing areas.
• Monasteries have multiple shrines within. Summoning of Demons and Undead is illegal.
• Most common hobbies are calligraphy, gardening and martial arts.
• People of this culture have strong family ties have often all members of several families
are allies for generations.

North East (Town) – Tek (Cooperatively create)

This village has 200 people living in or near them.
• This village is designed to be cooperatively created with your players.
Encourage all the players to participate. Players can decide :
1. Something unique about this place.
2. Something mystical about this place.

• Good example – People wear blue during full moons.

• Bad example – A rancid hill giant lives here and he slays wizards in the night.
To further tie the village to your characters, ask one to describe what happened the last
time they came here. Once they have decided these things the details fleshed out are
canon for the rest of your campaigns.

South East Village – Buk

Population 1,200. This village is the neutral ground meeting place and trading hub for three
large nomadic tribes. One tribe are Kitsune, One tribe are Humans, the third tribe are Tanuki
(Raccoon Gnomes). There are two tavern-inns, the Celestial Goat, and the Rowdy Weasel.
The former has super comfortable beds, the latter has a brawling pit.

Storvan Hills (Cooperatively create)

• This area is designed to be cooperatively created with your players.
Encourage all the players to participate. Players can decide :
1. Something interesting about this place.
2. Something forbidden about this place.

• Good example – A silver mine has recently been setup in secret.

• Bad example – A dozen Demons wander through town every twilight.
Ask one player to describe what happened the last time their character came here.
Once they have decided these things the details fleshed out are canon for the rest of your
Level 1 – Utanskea Ruins

Most of the ruins - Brown rock walls, circular openings, doors are obsidian and slide up
when people are within 10ft.

Room One – 20*20 foot room. Nine foot electrum statues of a badger, frog and hawk are
- Ask a player on the left side of the Moderator - What do you think these statues do?
If the answer adds to the story or is fun, go with it.
- Each statue weighs 250 pounds.
Good example - Statue will move or make noise if evil comes within 30 foot radius.
Bad example - Statue comes to life and gives me a million Hex pieces.

Room Two – 25*30 foot room. Stairs down to Level 2. Someone has been living here.
There's a hammock, a few crates with food and clothes on them, and stinking mess in the
The traitor is one of the hero’s cousin. They sold out to bandits (Myriax) on level 2 for 5 Hex
coins. But they got caught and hid here. They beg for food and to be let go, they'll start a
new life in another town. If taken back to town they will be put to community service for 10

Room Three – 20*25 foot room. This room is being used for torture. Shackles, manacles,
an iron maiden, a stretch bench and collection of scourge are here.

Hidden trap in the north west corner. Level 1 Traps - 10ft Pit with spikes. Defence Agility to
avoid, 7-11=Avoid trap but you either Cry out or drop something, 6-=D8 damage.

Room Four – 15*20 foot room. - Wall carvings of bats flying around massive forest.
- Tablets on theology and the creation of the universe. Mentions how each creature has
elements of each deity within them, and during the creatures lives the ratio can change.
There are also counter arguments.

Room Five – 15*25 foot room. Portal to Vorda. - Pottery, a dozen jugs from 1/2 gallon to 4
gallon sizes. Each has animals carved in two bands around outside. 300 years old.
- Wall carvings of a giant squid healing a wounded Ranik (frogfolk) soldier. Massive planet in
background. (View is from Vorda moon looking at the world).

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3

• Easy – 1 Giant Badger.

• Medium – 2 Giant Badgers.
• Hard – 3 Giant Badgers.
Giant Badger - Can be kited with food. Afraid of magic. Will attack if anyone is wounded or
in shiny armour.

Vorda portals - Grass covered hills can be seen through a shimmering oval mirror.

Room Six – 15*25 foot room. Fountain. - Tablets with records of Lugat (Batfolk) and
Nichav (Tasmanian devil folk) coming to the world (Rikirta) from the moon of Vorda 1,000
years ago. Setting up several towns in the area including Tek.
- Journals from Clerics of Hnaska (Knowledge, Magic). 500 years ago, another moon
appeared in the sky, hit the fey moon of Skogyr.

Fountain : D8; 1-2=Restores mana, 3=Summons D8 Poisonous Snake, 4=Teleports your

group back to town, 5=Fills the room with water in D8 rounds, 6=Summons D8 Hyena, 7-
8=Restores all health (including debilities).

Room Seven – 20*20 foot room. Murals of turkeys roaming scrubland fill the walls of this
room. 3 Orbs are floating in the centre.

• Yellow Orb - Anyone touching this orb will be inspired to spout forth a turkey recipe.
• Grey Orb - Anyone touching this orb will summon D100 turkeys into the room.
Players should roleplay this.
• Purple Orb - Anyone touching this orb will loudly recall a funny childhood event that
involved a turkey. Players should roleplay this.

* If Sense Magic is performed in this room, they will sense dozens of turkeys flying and
talking in this area in Astral space.

Room Eight – 15*20 foot room. Wasp Nest : Hundreds of 1 inch wide holes dot every wall
and the ceiling in this room. There is a slight buzzing sound.
- If anyone in this room performs magic, is wounded or gets any sweet food out, then the
wasps start coming out.
Get everyone in the group to roll a D8. Going anti clockwise, multiply each roll by the next
and total the results. This is the number of wasps that flood into the room. Defence roll time
folks. (E.g - 3 players rolling D8 each should give D8*D8*D8 = total number of wasps)
- Wasps can be kited away with sweet food or blood.
• Hidden trap door chute down to level 3.

Room Nine – 20*20 foot room. Firearms armoury. The smell of gunpowder is here. 20
Pistols, 20 Muskets, 40 Boxes of Ammunition. There is a training manual explaining how to
point the loud end away from your body. Pistols have 1 weight & Near range. Muskets have
2 weight, are two handed and have Near/Far range. Ammo boxes have 2 weight each and
contain 1000 rounds.

Hidden trap in the south east corner. Level 1 Traps - 10ft Pit with spikes. Defence Agility to
avoid, 7-11=Avoid trap but you either Cry out or drop something, 6=D8 damage.

Door to Room Ten has a Puzzle lock - Nine divine glyph make up the puzzle that locks
this door. roll+Guile to decipher the puzzle. +1 to the roll if your character is a Nephilim or
Shepherd. 7-11=Door unlocks and loudly screeches open. 6-=Door double locks for 3 hours.
Room Ten – 20*20 foot room. Wooden panels line the walls of this room. Wooden kennels
are on the south wall. There are some Anteaters munching on a pile of stuff in the east side
of the room.
• Easy : 2 Rust Monsters.
• Medium : 4 Rust Monsters.
• Hard : 6 Rust Monsters.
The Rust Monsters will rush towards the party if they have more than 1 sword worth of
metal. They can be kited from the room with metallic minerals or metal. The stuff they are
munching on is three metal shields, six short swords and nine daggers.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3

Rust Monster - Armadillo with two whip like tails, four antenna and four eyes.
Skills - Stealth, Observation. Edible-Toxic.
Notes – Attracted to metals and alloys, unrefined ores and metallic scents.
Relations - Because of the metallic nature of Vandyr (Fire beasts-Lizardfolk, Kobolds,
Naga, Gargoyles, Medusa and their constructs) Rust Monsters see Vandyr as their
favourite food.
= Dissolve metal object
= Locate metal minerals in area

Room Eleven – 20*20 foot room. Workout room. The smell of sweat pervades this area.
Thin mats line the floor. This room contains Dumbbells, a Punching bag, three Jump ropes,
and a bench with various weights.

Room Twelve – 15*25 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] White rock walls, red lava veins
throughout. Hot haze and smell of sulphur everywhere. Smaller rocks have been used as
chairs and tables to make this some sort of meeting room. Warm air streams through a wall
vent that reeks of sulphur.

• Easy – 2 Ninazu.
• Medium – 4 Ninazu.
• Hard – 6 Ninazu.
Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.

Ninazu - 4ft-5ft scorpion humanoids with four arms and a tail stinger. Stocky build
with hair and beards are typical. Mouth has four pincers and their eyes are entirely
Path – Fire. Skills - Athletics, Mechanical, Observation. [Sense Magic]
Immunities/Vulnerable- -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from-Cold, Immunity-Fire.
Senses - Sense movement, Night vision.
Notes - Walking, Climb, Burrow. Found in deserts and underworld caverns, avoid
Water. Reshape the world-land, sea and sky into their catacombs nests. One in 10
are Wizards. Prey on Wizards, Dwarves and Bards.
-Grab limb in pincer.
-Fire aura ignites area.
-Sting body with stinger. Those stung, D4 days later, Might roll, 7-11=3 damage. 6-
=+6 damage, Hundreds of tiny scorpions erupt from flesh or via vomit.
Treasure - D12 Diamonds, worth 5 Hex each.
- Frankincense - Gum resin-Spread over entrances/exits will prevent Lycanthropes
from entering the area until the next dawn or dusk.
- D8 Axes and 2 Shields.
- 2D8 worth of Adventuring Equipment.

Room Thirteen – 20*20 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] White rock walls, red lava veins
throughout. Hot haze and smell of sulphur everywhere. Amber niches line the walls, some
with resting scorpion creatures, others are empty. It is very warm in here and the scuttling
of small scorpions on the floor can be heard.

• Easy – 3 Ninazu.
• Medium – 6 Ninazu.
• Hard – 9 Ninazu.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Ninazu - 4ft-5ft scorpion humanoids with four arms and a tail stinger. Stocky build
with hair and beards are typical. Mouth has four pincers and their eyes are entirely
Path – Fire. Skills - Athletics, Mechanical, Observation. [Sense Magic]
Immunities/Vulnerable- -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from-Cold, Immunity-Fire.
Senses - Sense movement, Night vision.
Notes - Walking, Climb, Burrow. Found in deserts and underworld caverns, avoid
Water. Reshape the world-land, sea and sky into their catacombs nests. One in 10
are Wizards. Prey on Wizards, Dwarves and Bards.
-Grab limb in pincer.
-Fire aura ignites area.
-Sting body with stinger. Those stung, D4 days later, Might roll, 7-11=3 damage. 6-
=+6 damage, Hundreds of tiny scorpions erupt from flesh or via vomit.

Room Fourteen – 20*20 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] Hot haze and smell of sulphur
everywhere. The floor, walls and ceiling have been woven into honeycomb amber, much like
looking inside a beehive. Your skin tingles once you enter the area.

• Easy – 2 Ninazu.
• Medium – 4 Ninazu.
• Hard – 6 Ninazu.
Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.

Room Fifteen – 15*20 foot room. Stairs up to surface. Pottery workshop. Kiln, benches,
chairs, molds, vats of clay, paint and brushes.
- Have your group roll D8 each. Highest finds a 6 inch clay figure of themselves in a heroic
pose. Lowest finds an 18 inch clay figure of themselves with tentacles bursting out their
chest, hands and feet.
Level 2 – Utanskea Ruins

Brown rock walls, circular openings, doors are obsidian and slide up when people are within

Chute from Level 2 – room X down to Level 3 – room Hand Chamber.

Bronze Room – 20*20 foot room. The smell of goats assaults your nostrils as you enter
this room. Six goats are tied to the wall. A bucket of water and some hay is to the north,
and their mess is to the south. Murals of goats in the meadows have been well painted on
the east and west walls.

Copper Room – 20*20 foot room. This room has shelves with pottery animals lining the
walls. It also has 9 barrels, three of them are blue.
- Ask a PC on the Moderator left side – Something your parents value in a barrel, what is it?
- Inside the pottery animals are various chemicals from an alchemy lab.

Level 2 Traps - Electricity explosion 20ft radius, roll Defence Agility, 7-11=-1 to
Physical rolls, 6-=D8 damage. -1 to roll if wearing metal.

Electrum Room – 20*20 foot room. This is a gaming room. There are three tables with
four stools around each. One table has checkers, the second table has risk, the third table
has a deck of cards.
- The games are not magical, but if you have a crazy idea then go for it.

Level 2 Traps - Electricity explosion 20ft radius, roll Defence Agility, 7-11=-1 to
Physical rolls, 6-=D8 damage. -1 to roll if wearing metal.

Gold Room – 20*30 foot room. Remains of a dozen victims are scattered around the room.
Each has died several weeks ago.

Anti magic zone : Tingling on fingers or faint smell of jasmine.

Roll+Charm, 7-11=-2 to regular casting/activation roll. 6-=The effect does not happen.

Anti magic device : Orb with green lightning swirling around it on a purple marble pedestal.
One on level two and level four.
The orbs are heavy. Like a hundred tons heavy. There are carvings of ancient runes on the
pedestals. You will need to decipher the runes to figure out how to work the orb.
• Easy - If deciphered the reader can work out how to turn the orbs off.
• Moderate – The Orbs remove the yes-but or 7-11 Casting side effects from the area
for 9 days.
• Hard - The down side is these orbs were the only thing preventing a dozen portals to
the Vandyr homelands from connecting. For each orb turned off, six portals connect
and D100 Ninazu pour through each portal.

Iron Room – 20*20 foot room. - Walls are made up of 2 by 3 foot bricks, grey shadowy
metal, cool temperature, smell of ozone everywhere.

Maps of the nation of Storvan, line the walls. In the centre of the room are two tables with
three chairs around each table. Pens, paper and ink wells sit on the tables between skull
decorated candelabra.
- Red dots on the map indicate Viridian creature activity.
* Note these maps can be altered if the explorers choose to use an Misdirection or Escalate
move against Viridians.
Magnesium Room – 15*30 foot room. This room has been taken over by a bunch of
Goblins. There are sleeping pallets, rags, rusty weapons and a campfire.
• Easy – 3 Goblins.
• Medium – 5 Goblins.
• Hard – 7 Goblins.
During 10am to 2pm the Goblins are sleeping. The Goblins are allied to the Myriax & Trolls.
If the heroes pretend to be allied to the Bandits, then the Goblins are fine with them. They
offer to share stew (mostly rat and rat poop). If the Goblins are treated well they will offer
the heroes 4 Hex each to fight the Kobolds lurking on this level. Tactics-Throw nets and
drag them to the Bandits-Myriax.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Goblin - Short green skinned humanoids, large eyes, pointed ears, bronze weapons.
Willing to trade information/favours.
Path – Order. Notes – Some Goblins carry Mana lamps.
• Trip larger creature over
• Steal creatures stuff

Platinum Room – 20*25 foot room. This room has been infested with Kobolds. There are
hammocks, silvered weapons, brown tunics, sandals and a box of beef jerky.
• Easy – 4 Kobolds.
• Medium – 6 Kobolds.
• Hard – 8 Kobolds.
During Midnight to 6am the Kobolds are sleeping. The Kobolds are slaves of the Harpy on
Level 3. If the heroes are willing to serve 'the masters' the Kobolds will escort them to the
stairs to level 3. Tactics-Swarm the casters.

Kobold – Short red or green scaled biped reptiles, using tools and weapons.
Path – Chaos. Skills – Stealth, Mechanical.
Notes – Make cunning traps and use firearms and constructs. Some use Pogo sticks
to confuse their enemies. If you can duel them and win much respect will be given.
- trips over large foe.
- traps your limb with a trap.

Silver Room – 15*25 foot room. Shrines to each of the twelve gods.
- Golden idols each 3 foot tall line the walls of this room, with a meditation carpet in the

Deities : Tylyn (Justice, Light), Yuloss (Forests, Hunting), Namar (Crafts, Perseverance),
Gabrielle (Musics, Arts), Kayel (Strife, Warfare), Ginan
(Stealth, Twilight), Sygnara (Weather, Plants), Hnaska (Magic, Knowledge), Mantyr
(Guardians, Sea), Herjac (Death, Undead), Impag (Storms, Demons),
Lyria (Corruption, Vice).
- If any of the idols are touched and the deities name invoked - roll D8 to see what feature
changes in some way; 1-2=skin, 3-4=hair, 5-6=eyes, 7-8=Scent.

- If any of the idols are broken bad luck in the form of an encounter will happen within 5
minutes real time.

* If Sense Magic is performed in this room, they will sense a Ley line just below the surface
of the ground.

Tin Room – 20*25 foot room. Portal to Myrkr. Walls are made up of 2 by 3 foot bricks,
grey shadowy metal, cool temperature, smell of ozone everywhere.

• Easy – 2 Myriax.
• Medium – 4 Myriax.
• Hard – 6 Myriax.
Myriax are normally resting 10am to 2pm each day.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Myriax (Centipede shapeshifter) Medium Humanoid and Large Centipede Shapeshifters

Path – Order. Skills – Art/Music, Persuasion, Religion.
Willing to trade information/favours.
Immunities/Vulnerable - Immune to Lightning. -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from : Acid.
Senses - Night vision, sense movement-vibrations. [Sense Magic]
Notes - Burrow, Climb, Walk. May flee Fire effects. Same Humanoid form each time.
Sweet food is their great weakness. Often have D8 vials of ectoplasm.
- Bite off limb.
- Change form to/from Centipede.
- Coil around foe.
Myrkr portals - Shadowy octagon straddled by a large centipede. Centipede scuttles around
in a circle when you activate it.

Optional - Closing a portal : 2D8 + Charisma modifier.

12+ : The portal closes but he portal closes with a clap of thunder. Your hair is
windswept and adorable.
7-11 : The portal closes but choose 1;
• Everything within 30 miles knows (on both sides) knows you did it.
• Anti magic blasts through the area, no magic works near you for D8 hours.
• Inner ear damaged, Shakes (-1 Agility) for D8 hours.
6- : Choose 1 arm or leg that gets vaporized by the backlash of energy.

Room Treasure - 4D8 Opals, worth 6 Hex each.

- D8 Holy water - blessed by deity of a non-evil god, Demons & Undead=roll+Might,
7-11=Weak debility, 6-=D8 damage. Unholy water is the same for Celestials. 2 Hex
- D8 Meditation Incense, +1 to Casting roll for Clerics or Paladins.
- 2D8 days Rations.

Zinc Room – 25*25 foot room. Stairs down to level 3. This room is being used as barracks.
There are sleeping pallets and several cupboards. The humans here are dressed in brown
leathers and black cloaks. They carry short swords and long bows but have neglected to
bathe for days.
- These bandits are Myriax (centipede shapeshifters). They will offer to join the heroes in
exploring, or if the heroes are hostile will offer to bribe them to leave. They are happy to
admit to being bandits claiming the benefits of freedom and living the life you want.

Stairs between two and three : Numerous scratches, dents and scorch marks are
scattered around the walls and floor of these stone stairs. Some of these marks are less
than a week old.
Level 3 – Utanskea Ruins

Brown rock walls, circular openings, doors are obsidian and slide up when people are within

Arm Room – Roughly 30*30 foot chamber.

- Weapon racks - One of every type of melee & missile weapons are here. Each one has a
holy symbol carved into it from one of the gods of light. There are no tracks in this room.

Chest Chamber – 20*20 foot room.

- Wall carvings of frogs sitting around feathered winged humanoid.

Level 3 Traps - Fire shoots out of the ceiling. Defence Agility to avoid, 12+=Safe, 7-
11=Avoid trap but your either Blinded for 2D8 minutes or an item is burnt, 6=D8
Destiny Chamber – 15*30 foot chamber. [Fountain]
There are seven stands displaying paintings on each side. Each painting is 2*3 foot and has
lead backing.
- Ask a PC sitting across from the Moderator – What reminds you of the room you grew up
- The paintings are half landscape and half portraits. Two of the heroes are in the portraits.

Fountain : D8; 1-2=Restores mana, 3=Summons D8 Poisonous Snake, 4=Teleports your

group back to town, 5=Fills the room with water in D8 rounds, 6=Summons D8 Hyena, 7-
8=Restores all health (including debilities).

Ear Chamber – 15*30 foot room. [Ninazu Lair]

White rock walls, red lava veins throughout. Hot haze and smell of sulphur everywhere.
Amber niches line the walls, some with resting scorpion creatures, others have the remains
of recently eaten humans. It is very warm in here and the scuttling of small scorpions on the
floor can be heard.

Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.

• Easy – 4 Ninazu.
• Medium – 6 Ninazu.
• Hard – 8 Ninazu.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Ninazu (Scorpion folk) 4ft-5ft scorpion humanoids with four arms and a tail stinger.
Stocky build with hair and beards are typical. Mouth has four pincers and their eyes are
entirely white.
Path – Fire. Skills - Athletics, Mechanical, Observation. [Sense Magic]
Immunities/Vulnerable- -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from-Cold, Immunity-Fire.
Senses - Sense movement, Night vision.
Notes - Walking, Climb, Burrow. Found in deserts and underworld caverns, avoid Water.
Reshape the world-land, sea and sky into their catacombs nests. One in 10 are Wizards.
Prey on Wizards, Dwarves and Bards.
-Grab limb in pincer.
-Fire aura ignites area.
-Sting body with stinger. Those stung, D4 days later, Might roll, 7-11=3 damage. 6-=+6
damage, Hundreds of tiny scorpions erupt from flesh or via vomit.

Level 3 Traps - Fire shoots out of the ceiling. Defence roll to avoid, 12+=Safe, 7-11=Avoid
trap but your either Blinded for 2D8 minutes or an item is burnt, 6=D8 damage.

Eye Chamber – 15*20 foot chamber. The smell of blood and sweat is strong here. Three
people from town are prisoners here. They are tired, beaten and shackled. They have not
eaten for days. Two are missing limbs. One is a childhood friend of one of the heroes.
Foot Chamber – 15* 25 foot chamber. Most of this room appears empty and unused.
Floating in a small pool of holy water is a gourd with divine runes all over it.
- This gourd does not change the magic, it only makes it louder, brighter and smell nicer by

Hand Chamber – 25*20 foot room. Chute down from Level 2.

Model of the planet and it's 14 moons. On wires the moons orbit without being touched. The
fifth and seventh moon orbit counter clockwise.
- People can say they know something about astronomy. The 5th and 7th moons came to
orbit the planet after the solar system was established. The model can be packed up and
taken but it weighs a total of 500 pounds. The model and the knowledge it imparts is worth
50 Hex to a sage or arcane guild.
- Casting any magic, or putting blood on the 2nd moon - Myrkr - will send the group to a
dangerous area on Myrkr, see the Side Trek sections for more detail.
- Casting any magic, or putting water on the 4th moon - Dreyri - will send the group to a
safe area on Myrkr, see the Side Trek sections for more detail.

Heart Chamber – 15*25 foot room. [Ninazu Lair]

White rock walls, red magic veins throughout. Hot haze and smell of cinnamon everywhere.

• Easy – 3 Ninazu.
• Medium – 4 Ninazu, 1 Harpy.
• Hard – 5 Ninazu, 1 Harpy.

Ignar the Harpy. Magic ribbons to three unholy idols of Lyria, lady of deceit. Destroying the
idols takes 8 points of damage each, though they are immune to fire. Holy water splashed
on them will also destroy them.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Harpy : Hawk like wings, horned head, long claws, two eyes, two arms, two legs.
Path – Order. Rival=Hurukan. Skills – Athletics, Stealth, Observation.
Senses - Night vision.
Notes – Spies and shock troops for Viridian hierarchy. Will target PC's Familiars.
- take foe into the air
- confuse with feathers, -1 to Might rolls.
- charm song, Defend vs Charm, 7-11=unsure of hostile intent, 6-=Harpy is your buddy.

Room Treasure – 9 Hex Coins. 2D8 Pearls worth 5 Hex each.

- Item : Marid Amulet- Blue ceramic amulet, smells and sounds like the sea. Powers –
Immunity to Cold. Swim as fast as walk/run.
Not useable by Demons or Vandyr creatures. Breath Air/Water while wearing.
- Order of Astar-Gloves. Peering at these gloves you can see 1 bright star in the night
sky. Powers - Dead magic zone 30ft radius *1 day. Lasts for D8+1 rounds. Not useable
by Everburn creatures.
- D8 Acid - can melt locks, most metals and some rock. 5 per weight, 3 Hex each. Used
on an area.

Leg Chamber – 25*20 foot chamber.

Six foot gold statues of a wolf, dragonfly and boar are here.
- Ask a player across from the Moderator - What do you think these statues do?
If the answer adds to the story or is fun, go with it.
- Each statue weighs 150 pounds.
Good example - Statue allows communication with a great animal spirit on full moons.
Bad example - Statue merges with the owner to give them fire proof armour.

Level 3 Traps - Fire shoots out of the ceiling. Defence roll to avoid, 12+=Safe, 7-
11=Avoid trap but your either Blinded for 2D8 minutes or an item is burnt, 6=D8
Door to the Mind Chamber has a Puzzle lock - Nine tubes make up the puzzle that
locks this door. Each tube makes a different sound when air passes through.
roll+Charm to decipher the puzzle. +1 to the roll if your character is a Bard.
7-11=Door unlocks but person loses their voice for 1 hour. 6-=All the doors on this level

Mind Chamber – 20*25 foot chamber. Three life-sized statues of pandas munching on
bamboo dominate this room. Bamboo has been badly painted as murals on the walls.

• Brown Panda statue - Anyone touching this will be inspired to show the panda dance
they did to learn the secrets of their profession.
• Green Panda statue - Anyone touching this will be fine for 24 hours. After that they
turn into a 30ft panda for 3 minutes.
• Red Panda statue - Anyone touching this orb will loudly recall an unusual teenage
event that involved a panda. Players should roleplay this.

* If Sense Magic is performed in this room, explorers minds will be filled with sounds or
images of them performing their virtues.

Mouth Chamber – 20*20 foot room. [Ninazu Lair]

White rock walls, red lava veins throughout. Hot haze and smell of sulphur everywhere.
Storage area. Scarlet metal crates filled with jerky, biscuits & bars made from compressed
beans fill most of this area. The crates all have claw marks on the sides and have the scent
of scorched metal. There is a flickering portal on the wall that fizzles out every second or
- this portal will not work while both Anti magic orbs are working.

Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.

• Easy – 4 Ninazu.
• Medium – 6 Ninazu.
• Hard – 8 Ninazu.

Shadow Room – Roughly 20*20 foot room. Portal to Vorda.

Several frogs sit around a gentle pond in the centre of the room. Shelves with tablets are on
the west wall.
- Tablets describing Nichav teams exploring the desert and hills around. Around 100 years
ago they discover nests of fire scorpion creatures.
- The frogs will not attack unless the pond or portal is disturbed.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3

• Easy – 2 Giant Frogs.

• Medium – 5 Giant Frogs.
• Hard – 8 Giant Frogs.

Giant Frogs - Can be kited with food. Afraid of fire. Will attack if anyone is moving quickly or
small sized.

Vorda portal - Grass covered hills can be seen through a shimmering oval mirror.
Level 4 – Utanskea Ruins

Most of the ruins - Brown rock walls, circular openings, doors are obsidian and slide up
when people are within 10ft.

Entry – 10*15 foot room. This room is empty aside from a books on the floor. There are
scrape marks on the floor as if barrels or crates where dragged out of this room but are no
longer here.
- The book is The Life and Times of (choose a random player’s grandfather). This book
details a highlight and lowlight of every day of the person’s life. Observant people will notice
that on prime number days the grandfather’s life is nearly identical to the grandchild’s life.

Aqua Room – 20*25 foot corridor. Aqua coloured bricks line the walls with murals of sea
creatures pulling fire elementals into the sea. Drawers line each wall of this room. A group
of chairs are in the centre.
- Anyone checking the drawers will find personal profiles of citizens from over a hundred
people in Hyrrbrae and Tek. Notes indicate their vices and connections to other people.
Black Room – 25*20 foot room. Stairs down to Level 5. This room is covered in spider
webs. While you can not see any spiders, you do feel watched and the room is very quiet.
- Ask the players if their characters are afraid of spiders.
- For every No there are 3 Giant Spiders in the room. These go for the ones who said No.
- For every Yes there are three normal spiders who sing Incy Wincy Spider.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Giant Spider
-Tangle limb in web.
-Leap high up.
Stairs between four and five : The walls and steps of this stairwell are made from red
granite lined with green veins. The area is warm and without dust or cobwebs.

Blue Room – 30*30 foot room. Mess hall, iron bench seats, steel long tables, silver cutlery,
copper plates and bowls.
• Easy : 2 Gelatinous Cube.
• Medium : 4 Gelatinous Cube.
• Hard : 6 Gelatinous Cube.
If anyone moves into the room the Gelatinous Cubes on the ceiling will descend and attack.
They can be kited into other areas.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Gelatinous Cube
- Semi transparent cube that slowly slides along walls and ceilings. They can be 3ft
cubed, 6ft cubed or 9ft cubed.
- Their acidic nature dissolves organic matter, but has no effect on metals or stone.
Health : 10. Armour : 2. Damage D8. Close, Piercing.
Immune to Acid. -1 Agility rolls after Electricity damage. Night Vision, Keen sense of
Location - Underworld, more frequently the deeper you go.
Relations - Plant creatures such as Dryads and Treant avoid Gelatinous Cubes at all
= Devour appendage
= Eat through wood (door, wall, tree)

Brown Room – 15*20 foot room. This storage chamber has crates around the outside of
the room, and chests in the centre. The crates have been smashed open and are now
- There are five chests containing 50 bags of gems. Each bag has 50 gems worth 5 Hex
each. There is enough here to buy a piece of land 300 miles across. Each gem is glass cut to
look like a gem. It is a hard task to distinguish them as fakes.

Gray Room – 15*15 foot room. - Toilet, 3 seats over holes in the ground. Stench is foul
beyond compare.

Green Room – 15*20 foot room. This room is being used for storage. It as 12 barrels,
each 100 galons in size. 3 are water, 3 are oil, 3 are ink, and 3 are honey.

Level 4 Traps - Electricity explosion 60ft radius, roll+Might, 7-11=-1 Forward, 6-=D8
damage. -1 to roll if wearing metal.

Orange Room – 15*25 foot room. - Storage room - barrels and crates filled with water,
salt, flour, wheat. There is a wall carving of bats swarming out of a cave in a hillside.

Anti magic zone : Tingling on fingers or faint smell of jasmine.

Roll+Charm, 7-11=-2 to regular casting/activation roll. 6-=The effect does not happen.

Anti magic device : Orb with green lightning swirling around it on a purple marble pedestal.
One on level two and level four.
The orbs are heavy. Like a hundred tons heavy. There are carvings of ancient runes on the
pedestals. You will need to decipher the runes to figure out how to work the orb.
• Easy - If deciphered the reader can work out how to turn the orbs off.
• Moderate – The Orbs remove the yes-but or 7-11 Casting side effects from the area
for 9 days.
• Hard - The down side is these orbs were the only thing preventing a dozen portals to
the Vandyr homelands from connecting. For each orb turned off, six portals connect
and D100 Ninazu pour through each portal.

* If Sense Magic is performed in this room, they will sense mana oozing out of their skin
and being drawn into the orbs.

Pink Room – 10*10 foot room. A pink light emanates from the walls and you notice the
smell of lavender. - Shelves line the walls. On the shelves are stuffed toy lions and dragons,
each 1ft tall. About 50 in total.

Purple Room – 20*25 foot room. This rough walled chamber is damp and has a pool of
water in the centre. The air is warm and humid. Five scaled humanoids sit around the pool
and turn to face you.
- 5 Lizardfolk.
The Lizardfolk are slaves of the Harpys. They are willing to give information about the
Harpys and leave, but only after one of the heroes has proven their strength (opposed Might
roll). If the party are wounded when they enter the room they will attack, going for the
strongest looking one first then demanding surrender.
Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Red Room – 40*40 foot room. This dark rough-cut room have nests of bone and straw
along the north wall. A portal to the moon of Myrkr is in the corner. Cool temperature, smell
of ozone everywhere.

• Easy – 2 Trolls.
• Medium – 4 Trolls.
• Hard – 6 Trolls.
Trolls are normally resting 10am to 2pm each day.

Troll [Aquatic] Grey knobbly skinned humanoids, long arms and legs.
Path – Ice. Skills - Athletics, Stealth, Supernatural. Guile = Low. [Large]
Notes – Avoid sunlight. Trolls are an ancient species that enjoy deep dark caverns and
forest, prowling around in the darkest nights.
- regenerate damage, 3 points.
- leap from tree to tree/stalactite to stalactite.
Myrkr portals - Shadowy octagon straddled by a large centipede. Centipede scuttles around
in a circle when you activate it.

Optional - Closing a portal : 2D8 + Charisma modifier.

12+ : The portal closes but he portal closes with a clap of thunder. Your hair is
windswept and adorable.
7-11 : The portal closes but choose 1;
• Everything within 30 miles knows (on both sides) knows you did it.
• Anti magic blasts through the area, no magic works near you for D8 hours.
• Inner ear damaged, Shakes (-1 Agility) for D8 hours.
6- : Choose 1 arm or leg that gets vaporized by the backlash of energy.

Chute from Level 4 –

• There is a hidden trap door chute down to level 5, room 3.

White Room – 15*20 foot room. Hundreds of 3-inch-wide holes dot every wall and the
ceiling in this room. Several piles of foul smelling mess lie on the floor.
- If anyone in this room performs magic, talks loudly or gets any sweet food out, then the
Bats start coming out.
Get everyone in the group to roll a D8. Going anti clockwise, multiply each roll by the next
and total the results. This is the number of Bats that flood into the room. Defence roll time
folks. (E.g - 3 players rolling D8 each should give D8*D8*D8 = total number of bats)
- Bats are attacking in self-defence, if you stay still they will leave again.

Level 4 Traps - Electricity explosion 60ft radius, roll+Might, 7-11= -1 Forward, 6-=D8
damage. -1 to roll if wearing metal.
Yellow Room – 15*25 foot room. Yellow colored bricks line the walls with carvings of fire
lizards being pummelled by earth elementals. This is a bed room, 10 straw pallets along the
Cool temperature, smell of ozone everywhere.

• Easy – Earth Elemental.

• Medium – 2 Earth Elementals.
• Hard – 3 Earth Elementals.
Anyone using magic in this room will set off the Earth Elemental guardians. They will not
attack if offered magic (via items or spell slots) or Gems. If offered these things the Earth
Elementals will answer 3 questions that involve history. Otherwise it's on like Donkey Kong.
Anyone who befriended the Goblins will be left alone.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Earth Elementals - Three-legged humanoid made from rocks with six arms and two
Path – Order. Skills - Athletics, Observation, Religion. [Large]
Notes - Guile = Low.
- Crush limb with fist.
- Absorb fire or ice.

Room Treasure - 16 Hex coins. 2D8 Turquoise worth 5 Hex each.

- Jarri Wings. Yellow & green feathers make up these 6ft wings. Crickets chirping can be
heard coming from this item.
If item is broken by wearer-Wearer & all within 10ft radius are teleported to Jarri. Powers –
Fly as fast as walk/run. Note not instant or constant.
- Nekomata Bracers. Grey string woven to form a pair of bracers. Immunity Acid.
- D8 bags of Caltrops. Wood or metal spikes designed to slow down people, 5ft area. 5 gp,
roll+Reflexes, 7-11=-1 Forward, 6-=D8 damage.
Level 5 – Utanskea Ruins

Most of the ruins - Brown rock walls, circular openings, doors are obsidian and slide up
when people are within 10ft.

Room One – 25*25 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] The floor, walls and ceiling have been woven
into honeycomb amber, much like looking inside a beehive. The northern half of the room is
on fire.

• Easy – 2 Ninazu & 1 Harpy.

• Medium – 4 Ninazu & 1 Harpy.
• Hard – 6 Ninazu & 1 Harpy.

Ninazu - 4ft-5ft scorpion humanoids with four arms and a tail stinger. Stocky build
with hair and beards are typical. Mouth has four pincers and their eyes are entirely
Path – Fire. Skills - Athletics, Mechanical, Observation. [Sense Magic]
Immunities/Vulnerable- -1 Agility and Intuition rolls from-Cold, Immunity-Fire.
Senses - Sense movement, Night vision.
Notes - Walking, Climb, Burrow. Found in deserts and underworld caverns, avoid
Water. Reshape the world-land, sea and sky into their catacombs nests. One in 10
are Wizards. Prey on Wizards, Dwarves and Bards.
- Grab limb in pincer.
- Fire aura ignites area.
- Sting body with stinger. Those stung, D4 days later, Might roll, 7-11=3 damage. 6-
=+6 damage, Hundreds of tiny scorpions erupt from flesh or via vomit.

Agnis the Harpy has a scimitar that heals his wounds 1:1 for the damage he does on others.
Agnis will flee once three of his minions are all defeated, he will return to hunt the heroes

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Agnis the Harpy : Hawk like wings, horned head, long claws, two eyes, two arms,
two legs.
Path – Order. Rival=Hurukan.
Skills – Athletics, Stealth, Observation. Senses - Night vision.
Notes – Spies and shock troops for Vandyr hierarchy. Will target PC's Familiars.
- take foe into the air
- confuse with feathers, -1 to Might rolls.
- charm song, Defend vs Charm, 7-11=unsure of hostile intent, 6-=Harpy is your buddy.

Room Treasure : - D12 Sardonyx, worth 6 Hex each.

- D8 Acid - can melt locks, most metals and some rock. 5 per weight, 10gp each.
Used on an area causes 5ft square to be dangerous, roll+Might, 7-11=-1 Forward, 6-
=D8 damage.
- D8 bottles of honey mead.
- Spellbook with one of each Wizard spell in it. Cursed-magical creatures within 50
miles will notice its presence and come for it.

Room Two – 20*25 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] Thermal Vent. The floor, walls and ceiling
have been woven into honeycomb amber, much like looking inside a beehive. Your skin
tingles once you enter the area.
• Easy – 4 Ninazu.
• Medium – 6 Ninazu.
• Hard – 8 Ninazu.
Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.
Room Three – 20*25 foot room. [Ninazu Lair] Trap door chute from Level 4.
Amber niches line the walls, all have scorpion creatures watching you. It is very warm in
here and the scuttling of small scorpions on the floor can be heard.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

• Easy – 4 Ninazu.
• Medium – 6 Ninazu.
• Hard – 8 Ninazu.
Ninazu are normally resting 10pm to 2am each night.

Room Four – 20*20 foot room. Fountain - This room has five tables in it. On each table is
a castle of five levels. Castle 1 is made from playing cards. Castle 2 is made from torches.
Castle 3 is made from glass. Castle 4 is made from femurs. Castle 5 is made from
- These are not magical, but if a crazy idea comes to mind, go for it.

Fountain : D8; 1-2=Restores mana, 3=Summons D8 Poisonous Snake, 4=Teleports your

group back to town, 5=Fills the room with water in D8 rounds, 6=Summons D8 Hyena, 7-
8=Restores all health (including debilities).

* If Sense Magic is performed in this room, explorers will note an ectoplasm reservoir
within the fountain, 9 units.

Room Five – 15*25 foot room. This library has book shelves on each wall with two metal
desks and metal chairs on the southern wall. The shelves have books and scrolls with a
variety of topics.

Within the scrolls are journals from Clerics of Hnaska. Humans came to the world around
500 years ago after their world was hit by meteor shower.

Room Six – 15*20 foot room. It is very dark in here.

- Only magical light will allow any kind of vision here. Rough dark grey walls line this
• Easy – 2 Shadows.
• Medium – 4 Shadows.
• Hard – 6 Shadows.
- Shadows will attack anyone wounded, largest creatures first. They will flee from bright

Shadow Beast [Flying] Enter from living objects shadows. Incorporeal every odd
round-non attack but movement round. Types-Cassowary (Large), Frill necked lizard
(Medium), Manta (Large), Mantis (Medium), Numbat (Small), Owl (Small).
Path – Entropy – Note-Damage is Mental-to the Soul.
Skills - Stealth, Observation. Guile = Low.
Notes – Shadow Beasts flicker from shadow to shadow, herding prey for several
moments before closing in. They avoid places of bright light, and never come out at
If someone gets killed by a Shadow Beast, roll+Intuition, 6-=They become a Shadow
Beast, 7-11=They become a Wraith.
Moves : Bite limb
- enter-leave area via shadows
- claw at eyes.

Room Seven – 15*25 foot room. This room is a smithy. There is a forge, an anzil and two
sets of tools (good condition). There is 5 ft metal rods in the corner, each 1 inch thick. 20
are iron, 20 are copper, 20 are zinc. The forge is cold and has not been used for some time.

On the eastern side is a trap - 30ft Pit with spikes. Defence Agility to avoid, 7-
11=Avoid trap but you either Cry out or drop something, 6=D8 damage.

Room Eight – 20*25 foot room. Clock shop. Tools, benches, spare parts, six hourglasses, a
dozen half made clocks, a dozen made clocks-wall, cuckoo and pedestal clocks.
- Have your group roll D8 each. Highest finds an hourglass with their name on it (its their
life time, if they invert it they Defence Might). Lowest finds a cuckoo clock that is so loud it
creates a sonic boom that the clock itself is immune to.

Room Nine – 25*25 foot room. Three foot platinum statues of a bat, stag and raccoon are
- Ask a player to the right of the Moderator - What do you think these statues do?
If the answer adds to the story or is fun, go with it.
- Each statue weighs 50 pounds.
Good example - Statue will move or make noise if evil comes within 30 foot radius.
Bad example - Statue comes to life and gives me a million Hex pieces.

Room Ten – 15*25 foot room. Red hot bricks line this chamber. Three fire pits are lit and
in the centre of the room.
• Easy – Fire Elemental.
• Medium – 2 Fire Elemental.
• Hard – 3 Fire Elemental.
Fire Elementals will appear and demand sustenance. They can be fed rations, wood, dead
bodies, anything that burns. If they are not appeased, they will attack, but will flee from ice
or water attacks. Anyone who befriended the Kobolds will be told to flee now!

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

Fire Elementals [Flying] Humanoid made of fire, with four arms and one leg. Radiate
Path – Fire. Skills - Athletics, Nature, Observation.
Notes - Guile = Low. [Large]
- ignites the whole area.
- teleports between fire sources in the area.

Room Eleven – 20*20 foot room. This room has the remains of five bodies. They died
months ago. On the side wall there is a desk with 3 skulls on top.
- Ask a PC on the Moderator right side – What happened when you dreamt about this?
- The bodies are militia members from Verbrae. They have been missing for over a month.

On the western side is a trap - 30ft Pit with spikes. Defence Agility to avoid, 7-
11=Avoid trap but you either Cry out or drop something, 6=D8 damage.

Room Twelve – 15*25 foot room. This room has book shelves with tablets on each wall.
- Tablets describing different creatures of the world in factions. Vandyr (fire creatures) such
as Naga & Ninazu (scorpion folk) who devour. Myrkr (Goblins and Harpy) who enslave and
corrupt. Records of events witnessed where the Myrkr and Vandyr have fought.

Room Thirteen – 20*30 foot room. Stairs up to Level 4. This rough walled chamber is
warm and humid. The remains of seven scaled humanoids are on the floor.
- Investigation shows the Lizardfolk died in great pain. They have many wounds with many
tiny scorpions nesting in their flesh.
Side treks to the moon Myrkr
These side treks can be plugged into the main adventures by slotting in an extra door or
event anywhere you please, or just run completely separately to add flavour and variety to
your campaign.

They all involve travelling to, adventuring on and returning from one of the Moons. For
people using another setting the 'moon' can be another plane of existence or dream quest.

Myrkr (3rd-Mir-kir - Night, Black), Earth sized.

Rulers - Dao and their minions.
Critters - Barguest, Bugbears, Cow, Cyclopse, Eagle, Earth Elementals, Frost Giants, Goblins,
Gyrrak, Harpy, Orcs, Pig, Raccoon, Rakshasa, Stag, Trolls & Vyrrak.
Notes - 8 day orbit. Retrograde orbit. (reverse direction).
On Myrkr the sun has only half the normal amount of brightness.
Some people say that Myrkr can borrow people who perform deeds that greatly affect
others, setting a series of events together to test or punish them. There are seven great
flying citadels floating around Myrkr, all have magical shields against the windy storms. Most
creatures on Myrkr can fly or breathe underwater. Most of Myrkr is covered with caverns
and chasms, storms are frequent.

• Half duration/area of effect for good/light/day magic. Storms during Skydark can
transport people between Myrkr & the Underworld.

Way to transition to the moon Myrkr

• Clouds go in front of the moons and all is dark.
• The PC with the highest Might remembers a time when they scared. Ask them to
describe it.
• Thunderstorm rolls across the land. Lightning hits a nearby tree and after the boom
they are elsewhere.
• The PC with the highest Guile notices the smell of sour milk in the area.

Visitors : Those who have stayed for more than 20 days, or have visited twice must make
• 12+ = Eye or Hair color permanently changes.
• 7-11 = Voice or your scent permanently changes. -1 Charisma rolls for 1 week.
• 6- = Shadow and Aura permanently changes. -1 to Magic rolls by you or for you for
1 week.

Methane vents in Underworld and Underwater. Slightly warmer than surrounding water, or
cooler than surrounding air. Clear and odourless. Electricity AOE/Damage/Duration is halved.

-Myrkr creatures regenerate1hp/rd within 100ft.

-Vandyr creatures Defence Might. 1-6=result means they explode. 7-12=they take d8/rd
Suffocation damage.

-PC species Defence Might. 1-6=They take D8 per minute suffocation damage.
Methane vents can cause explosions with fire sources.
-Methane vents + Torches = 20ft diameter D8 explosion.
-Methane vents + Blast-Fire = 100ft diameter 2D8 explosion.
Side Trek 1-Myrkr Moon

Recruiter - Talking stag, spirit of the woods.

Quest - Dozens of raccoons have fled the area, they are tired and hungry.

GM Info - A Ettin tribe has moved into an area and made a game out of hunting Raccoons.
The Ettins are not bright and can be kited into ambushes, bribed to leave the area, or
tricked with illusion magic. They do have good hearing though so attacking one will quickly
draw the attention of the others.

Other Hazard - Throughout the woods are trip wires and pit traps created by the Goblins
to capture animals to torture for fun. The Goblins may be convinced to assist against the
Ettins, for a suitable reward of course.
Non combat event - Some warthogs will bring berries and grubs for the heroes to eat.
Eating any of these is like a massive caffeine dose.

Loot -
- 20 Hex coins.
- Quartz +25% range and area of effect for Illusions. Used up in the casting.
- D8 bottles of ectoplasm.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
• Default Weapon and Powers attacks is 4 Damage for ‘People’ adversaries.

Description – Two headed large humanoid, wearing loin cloth and reeking of filth.
Path - -
Skills – Art/Music, Nature, Observation.
Notes - Often use Sword-chucks. Ettins are never Minion status. [Large]
- throw boulders
- kick into other objects

Side Trek 2-Myrkr Moon

Recruiter - Harpies.
Quest - Under a white flag Harpy have invited PC’s and Bugbears to a music & dance
contest celebration.
Alternate Hook - Ask 2nd player to the Moderator right why this contest is important to
them? They've found out some information.
- This is a chance for the player to roleplay as a recruiter, they've secured funds and a quest
for the party.

GM Info - Winner of contest gets 20 Hex.

If the heroes are rude during the contest the Harpy will fly up, then charm the Orcs into
attacking the heroes.
If the heroes win then 1 day after they leave they will be hunted by the Harpy.
Other Hazard - Some of the Bugbears had fleas. The PCs will be itchy until they wash all of
their gear and themselves.
Non combat event - PC to the GM's right and PC to the GM's left, have a shared dream
about Trolls attacking. Get the players to describe it.
(if its at all possible for the Moderator to weave the shared dreams events in some way
into the future sessions then do so).

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Combat Groups : • Two vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -1 and +1 to Damage.
• Three vs a PC = One PC Defend roll at -2 and +2 to damage.

[Harpy [Flying] Willing to trade information/favors.

Description – Winged humanoids, eagle eyes, sharp claws, lean physique.
Path – Order. Skills - Crafts, Persuasion, Supernatural. Guile = High.
Notes – Matriarchal tribes. Will target PC's Familiars.
- Take foe into the air.
- Confuse with feathers, -1 to Might rolls.
- Charm song, Defend vs Charisma, 7-11=unsure of hostile intent, 6-=Harpy is your

Side Trek 3-Myrkr Moon

Recruiter - Bugbears request aid. Reward-Work as mercenaries for 6 months for heroes if
Quest - Clan taken over by foul one in water (Vyrrak) and started killing Bugbears. Not our
way. Unable to swim.

GM Info - The Vyrrak is a nasty semi aquatic humanoid with skeleton guards. They will use
minions to weaken foes before entering melee and flee if wounded badly.
Other Hazard - The Vyrrak lair is in the water and the rough coral near it is slippery.
Non combat event - Harpy are seeking mates. They offer the heroes 5 Hex pieces each to
buy the PC with the highest Might and Charisma.
If the heroes are not interested they can increase their offer to 10 Hex pieces. If there are
no takers the Harpies will be disappointed but are okay to chat about things happening in
the region over a few drinks.

Loot -
- Art - Varnished shark eggs, 6-24 inches. 3 Hex each.
- D8 Coral Blade - Weight 1.
- D8 worth of Adventuring Equipment.

Creatures of Rikirta
Monster Health Damage Magic AV Rolls
Minion 6 3 None 0 +1
Regular 9 4 1 Path 1 +2
Boss 16 5 2 Paths 2 +3
Vyrrak [Aquatic] Aquatic creatures-cuttlefish, 8 Barbed tentacles. 3ft long, (Color
changing skin to blend in).
Senses - Night vision. Path – Ice. Notes - Breath air/water.
- Spit goo – sticky webbing over 2 people.
- Blend in - regular animals treat as background terrain.
- Ink cloud visions of death - 20ft radius Defence Intuition or Confused, -1 to Magic rolls.
- Whip whatever you were holding away.
Additional Species for Don’t pay the Ferryman Games

Alternate names : Bat folk
Evolved on : Vorda-Moon
Came to Rikirta : 1,070 years ago Earth Era
Species : Mammal, Bat intelligent biped.

Description : Bat humanoids, with furry bodies and round eyes with large pupils, and two
sets of arms. The lower set are wings. Lugat have thin skin that is stretched over their

They stand upright on two legs and have 2-4 inch (5-10cm) long snouts and large ears.
Lugat do sleep upside-down, hanging onto tree branches, cave roofs or building rafters. A
group of Lugat is called a colony.

• Height : 3ft to 5ft (90 to 150cm)

• Usual Area : League of Free States
• Full speed Walking & Flying
• Size : Small
• Suggested Weapons : Bolas, Handaxe.

Contacts : Choose 1. Domovoi, Rui Shi or Phoenix.

Choose Two moves from this list -

• Flying - Wings allow Flying for 3 hours/day. Tiring, requires lots of eating.
• Senses : Can see in complete darkness.
• Excellent sense of hearing.
• Ancestral Memory - These creatures can remember a handful of events from the
previous five generations lives. Events, Faces and Places from parents to great-
great-great grandparents.

Suggested Names - Grakar, Lugat, Nichav

Males - Anton, Fakin, Gavrill, Hakin, Kirill, Lysander, Mikhail, Oleg, Thanos, Valentin, Yegor.
Female - Ashri, Cassandra, Elissa, Galina, Inga, Jacinta, Larisa, Misha, Nikita, Tatiyana,
Yelena & Zoya.
Surnames – Badenoch, Cakri, Faranoch, Federov, Hakri, Ivanov, Makri, Morozov, Petrov,
Semenov, Vakri, Zhukov.

Lugat are insectivores, can eat other food but prefer insects of any size. Lugat echolocation
is so good they are treated as having Night vision in terms of their ability to ‘see’.

Lugat have strong family ties have often all members of several families are allies for
generations. Lugat avoid noisy areas & only shout in emergencies. Young Lugat take 5-6
months to learn how to fly.
Alternate names : Kenku
Evolved on : Jarri-Moon
Came to Rikirta : 570 years ago-Earth Era
Species : Raven & Hawk intelligent bipeds.

Description : Avian humanoids, with Hawk or Raven features. Tengu have round eyes with
large pupils, long arm-wings and feathers over their torso, head and wings. Tengu have
feathers for wings. Tengu hands are at the tip of their wings.

They stand upright on two legs and have 4-8 inch (10 to 20cm) long beaks. Tengu turn their
entire head to focus, since most of their vision is peripheral-designed to detect movement
but not detail. Many Tengu actively hunt insect shapeshifters like Jorogumo (Spiderfolk) and
Myriax (Centipede folk). A group of Tengu is called a Murder.

• Height : 5ft to 7ft (150-210cm)

• Usual Area : Xenek Empire
• Full speed Walking & Flying
• Size : Medium
• Suggested Weapons : Javelin, Rapier

Contacts : Choose 1. Lycanthrope-Bat, Bear, Boar, Owl, Rat, Raven, Tiger, Wolf.

Choose Two moves from this list -

• Flying - Wings allow Flying for 3 hours/day. Tiring, requires lots of eating.
• Distance vision, easily spot movement far away.
• Lucky, +1 to Defence rolls 3 times per day.
• Senses : Night vision.

Tengu names -
Air, Aor, Aur, Fil, Fol, Ful, Jir, Jor, Jur, Nil, Nol, Nul, Rir, Ror, Rur, Qil, Qol, Qul, Zir, Zor, Zur.
- Names have four parts - Both parents names are used with deity.
So Aor Jor Zir of Tylyn is Aor daughter of Jor & Zir, worshipper of Tylyn.

Tengu are often hungry. They eat twice as much as Humans due to their high metabolism.
They encourage defeating ones’ enemies at every opportunity, and feel lost without a goal
or something to strive for.

Tengu prefer to have a home base or nest and avoid trips that are longer than a season.
Tengu can eat insects, carrion or rodents for sustenance. They always take environmental
factors into consideration for each situation. Tengu do not forget and rarely forgive. Most
hate being underground and are uneasy whilst there.

Alternate names : Panda folk

Evolved on : Rikirta-Planet.
Came to Rikirta : Always been here.
Species : Mammal, Panda intelligent bipeds.

Description : Black and white fur covers the bear like panda form of Varin. They
are stocky and intimidating to some, cuddly to others. Most active during twilight.
Vicious to enemies but affectionate and playful to their friends and family, Varin are
sought after companions.

• Height : 5ft to 7ft (150-210cm)

• Usual Area : Xenek Empire
• Size : Medium
• Suggested Weapons : Katana, Flail

Contacts : Fey, Seasonal Court or Twilight Court.

Choose Two moves from this list -

• Skilled in two types of singing/dance/instruments.
• Half damage from Cold.
• Senses : Night vision.
• Sturdy – any effect that makes Varin move 5-10ft is nullified.

Instruments – Bongo Drums, Castanets, Flute, Harp, Lute, Maracas, Panpipes,

Tamborine, Triangle.

Names for Varin

Male – Alwyn, Colwyn, Fabien, Gerard, Idris, Lazare, Meinir, Phil, Sion.
Female – Anwyn, Cecile, Eirwyn, Genevieve, Karine, Llewlla, Maia, Rhiannon, Senda.
Surnames – of Bevak, Doth, Hoth, Jagy, Kevak, Nagy, Soth, Tevak, Zagy.

Varin enjoy rice and noodles, but over half of every meal is either vegetables or
bamboo. Chief love for all Varin is enjoyment of music, if they don’t make the music
themselves they spend some of their free time listening to it.
Disclaimer : this document is has been inspired by the Dungeon World game produced by
Sage Kobold Productions. Early Dungeons and Dragons setting with PBTA style. Highly
recommended for new and veteran gamers alike. For more information on Dungeon World
checkout their website -

This game uses the many facets of the Powered by the Apocalypse (PBTA) system created
by Vincent and Meguey Baker.

• The miss/yes-but/hit results for task resolution.

• Sourcing the table for story elements and interpretation of events.
• Playbooks with some circle the option and some write stuff here areas.
• Equipment is used to give narrative options, not bonus to rolls.

Cover art by JE Shields -

Other art by –
• Jacob Blackmon
• Gary Dupuis -
• JEShields -
• William McAusland Outland Arts

Don’t pay the Ferryman is Copyright 2018, 2019 Blake Ryan.

Available here -

For Feedback, Astral Quests or Moose Flamenco send thy electronic telepathy forthwith to - or @blakeryanbatman on Twitter.

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