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Lukaslewicz Logic Arrays

Jonathan Wayne Mills

M. Gordon Beavers
Charles A. Daffinger

lndiana University
Bloomington, Indiana 47405

The prototype LLAs are programmed using normal forms of sentences in the
h i e w i c z logic arrays (LLAs)are massively parallel analog computers Lul;asiewicz logic. This introduces data inputs on the order of O(2") for
organized as binary trees of identical processing elements performing either sentences in n implications, and limits the size of the sentences that can be
implication (+), negated implication (%) or both. We have designed and evaluated by a givenLLA. Using the normal form also increases the nurober
built a working 31cell CMOS VLSl LLA whose cells perform implication of pins needed on the VLSI package, far beyond the number available even in
(+). In this paper we discuss the representation completeness of L W i e W i n the foreseeable future. However, many data inputs are zrue or fuke, or are
logic with respect to other multiple-valued logiq describe the architecture of composed of a repeated nnmber of variable inputs. Based on this observation
the prototype LLA, its relationship to cellular automata and its VLSI we are designing LLAs that have external control inputs, and a restricted
implementation, show how the prototype LLA is programmed, and report on number of extemal data inputs. The data inputs are replicated and selected
results obtained by programming the prototype LLA as a fuzzy function internally at each input of the processor array a m r d h g to the externally
generator. BecauseLLAs have both an algebraic and a logical operational applied control inputs.
semantics, they can be used to implement approximate reasoning systems,
includmg expert systems and neural networks. ~ e c a u s e are
~ ~a~new
s form of computational engine their use is still being
studied. We have only a basic understanding of the programming
methodology for LLAs. For example, the theoretid applicab3ty of U A a
as neural networks does not immediately lead to the construction of
algorithms for back-propagation.

Lukasiewicz logic arrays (LLAs)are massively parallel analog computers. LLA programming is an instance of the more general problem of
They are organized as binary trees of identical processing elements (called programming analog and hybrid digital-analog computer architectures.
PES, or ceh), each PE performing either Lukasiewicz implication (*), Research in this area stopped about 1970 due to the dominance of digital
negated implication (+)or both. computers. Because LLA-based systems will be either analog or hybrid
digital-analog computers we must develop programming languages for them.
We have designed and built a working 31-4 CMOS VISI LLA whose cells Mills and Faustini [6] have proposed a language for LLA-based systems, bat
its operational semantics are still only partly defmed. Completion of the
perform implication (4). In this paper we discuss the representation
completeness of Lukasiewicz logic with respect to other multiple-valued semantics will require a more exact characterization of the dynamic behavior
logics, describe the architecture of the prototype LLA, its relationship to of-, particularly LLAs with cyclic interconnections.
cellular automata and its VLSI implementation, show how the prototype
LLA is programmed, and report on results obtained by programming the The next section describes Lukasiewicz logic and its representation
prototype LLA as a fuzzy function generator. completeness relative to the class of multiple-valued logics whose valuation
functions can be defmed in terms of +, -,min and max.
The success of the prototype has encouraged us to continue research in the
design and application of LLAs. During this research we have obsewed that
LLAs offer advantages as massively parallel analog computers. 2. THE MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGICS CLASSES


LLAs are regular VLSI architectures. The VLSl implementation of LLAs is

simple and area-efficient because they are derived from cellular automata, and (Lukasiewicz and Tarski 1930) contains a compendium of the results of
implemented with analog rather than digital processing elements. Although investigation into multiple-valued logics obtained by Lukasiewicz and
LLAs are analog computers they can be made surprisingly precise (5 to 8 his students in t h e 1920's. Following t h e initial efforts of L u h i e w i c z
bits), due to the simplicity of their processing elements and the accuracy of and Post other multiple-valued logics were developed, both discrete and
VLSl process technology.
continuous. Summaries of these logics can b e found in (Rescher 1969)
LLAs are inductive architectures, which means that they can be expanded by and (Gaines 1976). Most of these logics belong to L [ O , which~ ] is given
adding more processing elements without redesigning the interconnection by:
network. While small LLAs can be used as circuit components, large LLAs
can be used as massively parallel computers. Larger LLks can be created by Definition 1. A logic L is a member of the class L ~ O ,iff l ~there is
cascading individualLLAs. a logical mairit M appropriate for L wifh M =< P , D > where P is
a non-empiy algebra whose c a m e r sei is a subset of the real number
The general-purposenature of LLAs is theoretically well-founded. Multiple- range [0,1],with D, fhe set of designated elements, a non-empty proper
valued logics used in computational networks are capable of both symbolic subset of the cam'er sei.
and algebraic computation. bLAs can implement fuzzy inference and expert
systems [l],neural networks [Z 31, and algebraic functions [4, 51. Viewed as T h e class L [ O ,can
~ I be further restricted to yield a class of logics whose
circuit components, LLAs are the multiple-valued logic equivalent of valuation functions for the connectives can be expressed in terms of
programmablelogic arrays (PUS ) Boolean logic.
for addition, subtraction, maximum, and minimum alone. This class will
be denoted by L { + , - , A , v ) .
Definition 2. A logic L in L[O,ll is in L{+,-,A,vl iff all sentences of L
Of come, LLAs are not ideal analog processors, but we are working to reduce can be evaluated using only ihe opemiors +, -, maz, min on the values
their drawbacks. of the atomic sentences of L.

The importance of the class L { i , - , h , V )is that it contains only those
logics whose sentences can be easily evaluated by analog circuits using
electrical current to represent the values of logical variables. The valu- Next, homogeneous, heterogeneous and logical ceUular automata are defined,
and on this basis a Lukasiewia logic array is developed that implement9
ation functions of these logics can be implemented by adding and sub- implication for L.
tracting electrical currents - simple operations for electronic devices;
and by utilizing Ohm’s law, Kirclioff’s law and the law of conserva-
tion of energy to implicitly iniplement the operations m a r and min for
electrical currents using the physical properties of the circuit. Further- w
more, this class contains logics. such as fuzzy logic, whose significance
to the fields of approximate reasoning and artificial intelligence is well 3%lL”
Lukasiewicz logic arrays resulted from research into cellular automata as
parallel architectures for logic programming.1 cellular automata are of
2.1 REPRESENTATIOA‘ COMPLETENESS OF LUKASIEWICZ particular interest because they lead to area-efficientVLSl architechues.Such
LOGIC RELATIVE TO L{+,-,h,v) architecturesare implemented as regular arrays of processing elements which
communicate the results of their computation locally. They are derived by
instantiating a portion of a cellular automaton as a VLSl circoit The
T h a t Lukasiewicz logics are members of the class L{+,-,A,v)follows
structure and function of the circuit arises from the definition of a cellular
from: automaton:
Defiaitioii 3. L as a tukasiewzc: logic i f L has a model M =< A , D >
Definition 4. [7] A cellular automaton C is &tined by the quadruple (S &
where A =< S,-,-> and S IS a subset of [O,11 such ihaf: h! #) where:
1. 1 E s,
0. If I, y E S f h e n min(1,1 - z y) E S , and 1 z E S, - S is a two-dimnsional cellular space defined by the set of cells U
where r + y and -rx are eualuafed as 1- x y and 1- x respectzuely. E I x I where I denotes the set of integers.
If S = [O,11 we get the classical propositional calculus. If S has n g is a nei+hoodfictian mapping s -.2 Ssuch that g(@ t
elements then we get the n-valued Lukasiewicz propositional calculus a set defining the c e h in the neighborhood of a relative to U
L,,.If the cardinality of S is No or N I we get L N or~ Lu, which happen Typically a is a member ofits own neighborlrood
t o have the same set of theorems. We designate L N by ~ L and take S
h‘ is a neighborhood state function at some time t. Values of cells
for L to be the set of rational numbers between 0 and 1.
(Giles 1976) shows that Zadeh‘s seminal work on fuzzy set theory is
in the neighborhood of aar timet are obtained by applying ht
to the neighborhood g(a). llae successive states of a at times
closely related t o Lukasiewicz logic. T h a t L is representation complete {th ti, t3 ...)can be defured by the wmposiabn f ohr =
with respect t o the class of logics L{+,-,h,v) follows from the fact that
$+I (a).
the evaluation of formulae in L has the following properties:
1. U(T(q5)) = u(q5 --* 0).
2. ma+(v(d),u(4))= U((+ - -
$1 $1.
3. min(u(d),U($)) = U(l((’C4 * -tb) --* 111))
0 is a finiteautomaton replicated in each cell ofSand dcfinulby
the triple vb f ). Vis the set of statcs possible for cad eel.?
vo a disrbtguishedquiesce&statc, andf a transitionfinclion
4. min(l,u(d) U($)) = U(+ + th) mapping n-tuples of elements of Vinto Ihe transition
function f is wnstrained topmerve quiescmcu locally by
With the ability to perform these calculations, we have the first step in ...
requiking f(v0 vo ,v d = v o
our justification of the LLA as a fundamental circuit for approximate
reasoning. A cellular automaton is homogeneous if the neighborhood function and the
finite automaton are identical for a l l cells in the cellular space S at all timest,
otherwise the cellular automaton is heterogeneous.
Heterogeneous cellular automata model a wide variety of parallel
McNaughton’s theorem allows us to use L a t different levels of abstrac- computational devices. Examples include the systolic architeclureS of KUng
tion, in particular as a classifier for elements of fuzzy sets. By showing and Lieserson [SI,the stochastic neural m a c h e s of Atspector et. al. [9, 101
that valuation functions for connectives in sentences in L are equiva- and the analog VLSl computers of Mead [ll].
lent piecewise t o polynomials of degree one that map the hyperspace
Ideal h h i e w i a logic arrays are heterogeneous cellular automata
[0,1]” into the interval [0,1], the capability of building fuzzy pattern that implement a denumerably infinite sentence schema of L. The sentence
recognizers is provided. Thus a series of sentences in L defines the poly- schema ofL and the cellular automaton C are related by requking the logical
tope of some simply connected solid in hyperspace of degree n. ‘This variables of L to correspond to cells in the cellular space S, the structure of
allows us to express arbitrarily complex membership relations in logical the sentence schema to correspond to the neighborhood fonction g. and the
form; in a VLSI circuit we define the polytope with a sentence from connectives of L to correspond to the transition function f of 4. I is
therefore a logic in the sense used by Belnap - an organon, or a tool for
L,which is converted to the normal form (derived in section 4) of the inference -and not a formal axiomatictheory 1121.
sentence representable by one or inore LLA circuits. The LLA circuit
may be “programmed” to deal with variants of the original sentence by Real Lukasiewicz logic arrays are derived by restricting the denumerably
assigning incoming data to specific circuit inputs. infinite sentence schema ofL to a finite sentence schema, and implemenhg
the finite cellular automaton that results as a direct correspondence
Theorem 1. (Mcxaugliton 1951) L e f ul,...,U,, be numerical variables architecture. The structure of the resulting LLA is dependent on ita
and 11, ...,in be propositional uariables. For a function f(u1,...,U,) interconnection network. The prototype LLA uses an H-tree network whose
fhere is a logicalformula d of I, such i h a t f ( u 1 , ...,U,) = u(d(z1, ..., 2,)) nodes are the procesSing elements corresponding to the connectives in the
finite sentence schema. The H-tree network was selected for its efficient use
( i ) f i s confinuous over [O, 11“ a n d Range(f) [0,1], and of area on a VLSl circuit, as f i t proposed by Leiserson [13].
(ii) there is a finite number f of disfincf polynomials 61,..., a,
each o f f h e f o r m
irj = b j+nil,,ul + +
... mn,jun In the general sense of “programming with logic” rather than the
with b j , mi,j integers such that for e u e y <ul,..., U,> ihere restricted sense of implementing Rolog.
is a j such flrat
f(u1, ...,U,) = ”j(U1,...,U”).


Lukasiewicz logic arrays are implemented with analog processing elements.

A cell in the LLA is implemented as an analog current-mode device
performing addition, subtraction, mn and max on currents. Addition and
subtraction are done instantaneously, though the circuit needs a short time to
stabilize? Early in our work we learned of a series of fuzzy functions
implemented by a basic logic cell [l]. The circuits which implement these
functions also implement the algebraic valuation functions for L. For our
purposes the most useful of Yamakawa's circuits are implication (-). which
computes min(1, 1 - a + p), and bounded difference, which computes mar(
0, a - p). Algebraically reducing the expression for negated implication (
-(a + fi), or a + p ) from (1 - &(I, 1 - a + fi)) yields mau( 0, a -
p), showing that it is equivalent to the bounded difference.
The design uses Kirchhoffs laws to sum currents at points within the LLA
cell. To ensure that the varying current drains of adjacent cells do not affect
the computation of their predecessors, as wsell as guaranteeing a proper input
voltage, each cell is isolated by a set of current mirrors. MOS FET current
mirrors have very good accuracy in making any number of copies of a given
input current without placing a variable drain on that input current.

The basic cell consists of six current mirrors, and performs Lukasiewicz
implication (+). A cell bas two inputs and a single output, and is designed
to be tiled in an H-tree (Figure la). The basic cell uses 11 transistors, and is
3 5 by~ 1 1 4 ~using the 2p SCPE technology provided by the MOSIS
fabrication service (Figure lb). Basic cells are combined in an H-tree to form
theLLA (Figure IC).

The operating range for theLLA cell vanes from 0 to 7 volts with input and
output currents varying from 0 to 20 microamperes (PA). Within this range
the accuracy of the LLA is affected by three sources of error. The first is
steady-state error, which is dependent on the actual dimensions of the
transistors and other process parameters for a particular MOSIS IUD. The
second source of error is temperature dependent, and vanes as the temperature (c) Layout of a 31-cellS-levelLLA
changes over long periods of time. As long as the temperature of the system
in which the LLA is placed vanes uniformly this error can be ignored. The Figure 1. HeterogeneousLJA in implication (+)
third source of error is transient error which awes when large current swings
occur in the inputs of the LLA, and lasts until the cell bas stabilized.
SPICE simulations indicated that steady-state enor is well-behaved, and
remains within 1.5% mean and 4% maximum for small cells, growing
slowly as the depth of the LLA is increased. Our observations agree with the

E It,,
The transient error is dependent upon how chaotic the inputs of the M t are.
This is related to the number of inputs that change during a sampling
interval, the amount by which they change, and the level of current used for
the true, or maximum value. Selecting a high value for hw increases the
precision of the LLA but at a p b . larger current swings will require a
longer settling time, and produce a slower circait

Choosing an analog processing element yields several advantages. Because

the LLA is a current-mode circuit it has a precision which is not achievable
with an equivalently-sized voltage-mode circuit. Although L is infinitely
(a) Schematic of implication cell (+) valued in practice only I/r through b 5 6 can be implemented dpe to device
error and the resolution of our measuring devices. The output error measured

The processing elements are simple, performing only LnkaGwk

implication (+) to evaluate the sentences in L defined by the schema.
Recessing elements need only two input wires and one ontput wire because
they use analog values. Thus, the bus structure of the LLA is also area-

The total area used bv an LLA is much less than the area remired for an
equivalent digital prdcessor. Thii is based on the n d r df transktOIs
@) Layout of implication cell (+) needed to implement the digital processor's arithmetic logic anit (Aur) and
register file, but not its control and bus interface circnitry. If each p-hg
element has eight bits of precision, then the LIBRA digital ALU [14, 151
Simulations have been conducted on a timescale of microseconds, with 935 times transistors and is 1,020 larger the basic ell
the response of the circuit to a change of inputs instantaneous on that oftheLLA pable 1).

The next step toward developing a useful normal form is the transfer of
negation from an axbitrary point in any sentence, moving it to either the root
Transistors 11 I 10,288 I 935x or one or more leaves in the binary tree of connectives and logical variables.
Area I
6,272~2 6.4 x lo6$ I 1,020~ Unfortunately, we suspect that no normal form for Lnkasiewia logic exists
with negation moved to either leaf or root implications. But it is just as
useful from a computer architect's point of view to leave the negation in
place as long as the negated expression -a can be re-Mtten to an equivalent
However, one drawback to an area-efficient circuit is that it is limited by the form that does not use negation explicitly, namely a + f a k e . A clanse
number of pins available on existing VLSI circuit packages. Although an expressed in only one connective, while textually more complex, m a y be
array of 1024 Lukasiewia implication (--) cells could easily fit onto a mapped to smaller and simpler physical devices that perform negation using
4500p x 2 3 0 0 ~chip, it would require 2048 input pins and 1 output pin. data inputs alone.
This is 1,921 more pins than are available on a 128 pin-grid anay package.
Our research has shown that many functions implemented with LLAs will The balanced negation-free normal form is obtained by removing negation
have more than half of their inputs tied to true or false. For these functions L from any sentence of L by simplification where possible, or by rewriting
)LAs can be built that use a programmable interconnection network to route negation as a +fake otherwise. To defiie the balanced negation-free normal
internally replicated true and false inputs to the PE array. Data inputs also form we first define a negarion-fie normal form as follows.
tend to be used more than once, so they could be internally replicated and
routed, too. This approach allows large LLAs to fit into existing VLSI Definition 6. A sentence i n 4 is in negation-frce normal form $ i t is
Packages. expressed only in implication, and contains some
designated connective such that a binary tree of
TheLLAs described here resemble l%O's-era analog and hybrid digital-analog connectives can be constructed whose root is the
computers. This leads to the view of LLA programming as an instance of the designated connective and whose leaves are logical
more general problem of programming analog and hybrid computer variables in the clause.
architectures. We develop a low-1evelLLA programming methodology in the
following section. To continue the transformation the concept of the weight of a tree must be
defined (it was implicit in Definition 5 of the balanced normal form). From
this it is a short step to the definition of the balanced negation-free normal
form (BNF normal form) and an equivalence theorem.
Definition 7. The weight of a free is the number of c0nnectivr-s and
L h are programmed at the lowest level by fiiing an interconnection Iogicai wriabIm cmtained in the tree.
network for the inputs, and presenting inputs that are either true, fake, or
variable. Because it is not practical to build an LLA for each sentence in L, Definition 8. A d a m e is in BNF normal form $it is in negation-fie
it is necessary to develop a normal form that maps arbitrary sentences onto normal form, and at each non-leaf no& in the tree the
some general LLA. weights of ea& subtree are equal.

4.1 A W C E D NORMALFORM FOR& Theorem 3. Any sentence in L can be transfomd to BNFnormal

The prototype LLA is structured as a binary tree whose nodes are connectives,
and whose leaves are logical variables. Most sentences in L do not map The proofs of Theorems 2 and 3 are omitted, but an example provides their
directly to this schema, but must be transformed to equivalent sentences substance. Consider the transformation of an arbitrary sentence in Ito BNF
which do. This general form of a sentence in L is the balanced normal form normal form. The sentence is unbalanced initially, and contains negation
in implication, with explicit negation possible anywhere in the sentence. (Figure 2).

Definition 5. A sentence in L is in balanced normal form in

implication if there exists some designated implication in
the sentence, starting at which a binary tree of
implications can be eutracted, and for which at each non-
leaf node in the tree the number of implications and
logical variables in each subtree rooted at that node is
Theorem 2. Any sentence in € can be mvritten to an equivalent
sentence in bolnncednormalform in implication. Figure 2. Unbalanced sentence in €.
Production of this balanced normal form can be viewed as an inverse The resultant BNF normal form to which it is transformed is shown next
operation of the minimization of Allen and Givone 1161. The circuit (Figure 3). Although the textual form of the sentence is more complex, the
implements balanced normal form sentences in L because it is structured as BNF normal form uses cells of the LLA that the fust form would have left
an H-tree. The use of a binary tree to realize n-input R-valued functions for unused. These "extra" inputs and implications can be used to adjust the
multiple-valued logic circuits was described by [17]. constraintsunder which the sentence is true.

The proof that the number of logical variables and connectives in the n o d
form is of complexity O(2") where n is the minimum height of the trees
formed from an arbitrary sentence of I is outlined: simplify all negations,
then treat any negation remainingas a node in the tree; generate a set of trees
by successively designating each implication in the sentence as the root (a) Noncowex space @) Decomposed into convex hulls
connective, then select n equal to the minimum of the height of all generated
trees. The number of inputs is at most Ftl, and the nnmber of nodes in the
tree is 2n. Although the presence of exponential complexity in both normal
forms is disturbing, some optimizations are possible. For example, if a
sentence in I is transformed to BNF normal form, many of the inputs on the
original degenerate branch are either true or false. When a normal form is so
large that it spans multiple VLSI circuits, then it is possible to remove the
true and false inputs by supplying the single value instead of computing it
with a series of LLAs.
(c) Expressed as a sentence in Lukasiewia logic:
$ A - Y ) A - s

5. M
- Figure 5. Relationship of non-convex space to Lukasiewicz logic
Lukasiewicz logic arrays were first proposed to evaluate sentences in €, but
becauseLukasiewicz logic describes other forms of approximate reasoning, L The evaluation formula for Lukasiewia implication shows how it may be
)LAs are useful for a variety of applications. The dual logical and algebraic used to construct a very simple "neuron." In the expression &(l, 1 - a +
semantics of I allow LLh to implement expert systems, neural networks p), a is an inhibitory input that lowers the "firingrate", or truth value. p is
[lo, 181, and fuzzy computers [19,201. We present schematic examples for an excitatory input that increases the "firing rate." Recursively connecting
each application, and report the results obtained by programming the several implication cells prodnces a "neuron" with a variable threshold (Figure
prototype LLA as a fuzzy function generator. 6a). Snmmation units can also be devised (Figure 6b).

L L A s implement expert systems by mapping membership functions to
processing elements at lower levels in the array, and rules to processing
elements higher in the array. A rule is a single tree that is true or false to a
degree that depends on its inputs. Rules can be designed that do not f i e
unless their inputs reach a desired confidence level (Figure 4).

, xo
f iFalse -
Inputs W .
Inputs I O_.
Figure 6. Implementinga "neuron" and summing element with an UA
Figure 4. LLA implementationof expert system
Simulations of interconnected LLA "neurons" and s u n m h g elements show
A single Lukasiewicz logic array can implement a simple expert system, that they have the basic propeaies needed to construct a ne& nebvork. The
which may be used to embed limited "intelligence" in individual sensors. behavior of a "neuron" can be changed by modifying its threshold. For
Within the array some processing elements operate at a low level of example. the slight delay before the second output pulse in the simulation is

abstraction, evaluating membership in a fuzzy set, while other processing due to an intermediate "neuron" (Figure 7).
elements operate at a higher level of abstractioh implementing a rule for that
sensor. The rnle's operation may vary based on control inputs to the
LLA. The expert system evaluates its sensor's input, firing the rule if the
confidencefactor is exceeded.
O.'O 1i; \ i

McNaughton's theorem (see Section 2) and Giles' Logic of Assertions [21]

relate sentences in Lukasiewicz logic to piecewise-linear functions and the
theory of convex analysis. This is the functional domain of pattern
recognizers and classifiers (Figure S), which has encouraged us to investigate
neural networks implemented with LLAs.

Early models of nerve nets were described by McCulloch and Pitts [22].
Kleene and von Neumann anticipated much of the present-day work in neural
networks, offering theoretical descriptions of the events representable in
neural networks [23], and the creation of reliable computing systems from
unreliable components [24].
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 7. Simulation of interconnectedLLA"neurons"

We are now working to construct a trainable neural network from these basic was programmed into the 3 1 e U LLA as the following32-element vector:
components. The initial version will be a hybrid digital-analog system,
similar to those of Alspector and Graf [9, 10, 251. However, we hope to (T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,a,F,T,a,T,a,a,F,T,T,T,F).
devise analogonly systems using double-poly capacitors as storage elements
for weights. The output of the LLA was measured over the operating range of 0 to 20
GrAmperes (@A) by varying a. The membership fanction was also calculated
s!uu”w after adjusting the evaluation function for Lnkasiewicz implition to the
operating range of the circuit (Figure Sa).
Lukasiewicz logic is closely related to fuzzy logic [19, 21, 26, 27, 281.
Yamakawa shows designs for fuzzy inference engines and expert systems The result of this experiment showed that the LLA implemented the notch
which may be embedded in Lukasiewicz logic arrays [l, 20, 291. We have function linearly, but with a slope that varied from that of the calculated
used the prototypeLLA to compute fuzzy membership functions, and present function. This scaling is due to an arbitrary choice of a resistor in the
the results obtained along with observations on the error measured using the measuring circuit. By changiug this resistance (“trimming”),the oulput can
prototype LLA. be adjusted to produce a much closer fit. We have calculated that an
optimally trimmed LLA would have a typical error of less than 2%, and a
expression ( - a -L a ) -L - (a --
An interesting fuzzy membership function is the “notch”, defined by the
a ). This membership function
mean error less than 05% (Figure 8b).

Several factors contribute to the observed error. The true reference for
implication (--) only partially corrects the output. Also, an error due to
variations in each cell is randomly distributed through the LLA. A
simulation with random errors distributed through the LLA indicated that the
total error should be no greater than the error of a single cell. Our
observations agree with this simulation.

A trimmedLLA computes fuzzy functions accurately. Error is within 15%

of ideal, with error near 4% where the current changes value rapidly. With
further modifications to the circuit, and trirrmed outputs, the error should
drop to less than 1%as reported by Yamakawa 111.

0 3 10 15
- Calculated (p4)

20 -
We close with a summary of our results and directions for future research.

Lukasiewicz logic is representation complete with respect to other multiple-

valued logics. Mapping sentences in Lukasiewia logic to cellular automata
leads to parallel architectures that can perform a variety of computations.

We described the architecture of an operational 31-cell CMOS VLSI LLA,

; -hr(%) which is regular, simple, areaeffiient and implemented with analog rather
5 1 , , , - , , 1 1 - , , , 1 : 1 , 1 )
than digital processing elements. Although LLAs are analog computers they
can be made surprisinglyprecise (5 to 8 bits).
0 5 10 15 20

(a) Untrimmed “notch and error The prototype LIASare programmed with input vectors derived from n o d
forms of sentences in theLulrasiewicz logic. This requires data inputs on the
order of O(2”) for sentences inn implications, limits the size of the sentences
that can be evaluated by a given LLA and increases the number of pins needed
on the VLSI package. However, many data inputs are true or false,or are
composed of a repeated number of variable inputs. Based on this observation
we are designing LLAs that have external control inputs, and a restricted
number of external data inputs.

LLA programming is an instance of the more general problem of

programming analog and hybrid digital-analog computer architectures.
BecauseLLA-based systems will be either analog or hybrid digital-analog
computers, future research includes developing programming languages for
- Calculated (p.4)
+. Trimmed (fi) The dual logical and algebraic semanticsof Lukasiewicz logic allow LLAs to
implement expert systems. neural networks, and fuzzy logic functions. We
presented schematic examples for each application, and reported the results
obtained by programming the prototype LLA as a h;lzzy function generator.
0 5 10 15 20
The results showed that the LLA implemented the notch function linearly,
but with a slope that varied from that of the calculated function. This scaling
was due to an arbitrary choice of a resistor in the measuring circuit.
Optimally changing this resistance was calculated to yield output with a
typical error of less than 2%, and a mean error less than 05%. C h g a to
the LLA basic cell, and MOSIS runs specifically for analog circuits, are
expected to improve accuracy and increase precision.
0 5 10 15 20
LLAS present a new challenge in the design of massively parallel ~IOWSSOIS,
(b) Optimally trimmed “notch” and error as well as the design and programming of analog and hybrid computers. For
Figure 8. LLAimplementationof( - a-, a ) - ( a +-+ 7 a)
those problems where precision may be traded for speed LLAs provide an
excellent solution.

Gregory J. E. Rawlins' and the referees' suggestions were extremely helpful.
Several long discussions with Dr. Rawlins helped improve our presentation
of the ideas contained in the original version of this paper.
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