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Clinical Lumbar Instability and Core Stabilization Exercise: A

Literature Review

Article · January 2015

DOI: 10.14456/kkurj.2015.39


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Pattanasin Areeudomwong
Mae Fah Luang University


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KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 465

KKU Res.j. 2015; 20(4) : 465-479

Clinical Lumbar Instability and Core Stabilization Exercise: A

Literature Review
Pattanasin Areeudomwong1*
Department of Physical Therapy, School of Health Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai,
Thailand 57100

Clinical lumbar instability is increasingly recognized as one of the significant causes
of chronic low back pain. The patients with clinical lumbar instability require the effective
exercise intervention to improve the stability of their lumbar spine. This article reveals the
etiology and clinical diagnosis of clinical lumbar instability, the effective treatment as core
stabilization exercise (CSE) and also provides some relevant researches on CSE for
improving outcome measurements in patients with clinical lumbar instability. Commonly,
clinical signs and the specific clinical tests including instability catch sign, apprehension
sign, painful catch test and prone instability test are considered as clinical diagnostic
criteria due to absence of radiological findings in patients with clinical lumbar instability.
Moderate to high impacted evidences on the effectiveness of CSE to improve pain-related
outcomes and deep trunk muscle activation have been reported in patients with clinical
lumbar instability but further studies regarding long-term effectiveness of CSE and the use
of precise instrument to detect deep trunk muscle activation are still required.
Keywords: clinical lumbar instability, core stabilization exercise, diagnostic criteria,
1. Introduction often absent of radiological findings (7) and
clinical criteria using the specific signs or
Low back pain (LBP) is a major symptoms are beneficial for diagnosing
health and socioeconomic problems clinical lumbar instability (7-11).
worldwide (1). LBP can be classified into Although exercise therapy is an
heterogeneous subgroups and one acceptable approach to eliminate problems
significant subgroup is clinical lumbar of LBP, it is difficult to conclude that
instability (2-5). In Thailand, the prevalence a specific type of exercise is better than
of clinical lumbar instability was 13% (1). another. As new treatment approaches are
Pain, functional disability and altered trunk emerging, a better realization of the effect
muscle activations resulted from excessive of each technique on patient problems is
lumbar intersegmental motion (3,5-6). considered as worthwhile for clinical
Nevertheless, clinical lumbar instability is
466 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

researches (12). Exercise therapy which loads exceeding 1,500 Newton (14-15). It
emphasizes the spinal stabilization is is a major dynamic stabilizer to generate
hypothesized to be effective for clinical forces to support the lumbar motion
lumbar instability to improve abnormal segments. There are two systems of trunk
excessive movement of the lumbar spine. muscles: global and local muscles which
Recently, core stabilization exercise (CSE) may influence human stability and
has been designed to improve control skill movement. The global muscle system
of neuromuscular system and increase (superficial trunk muscles) consists of
segmental stability of lumbar spine (12-13). rectus abdominis, external oblique,
Thus, CSE could be a choice of treatment iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis and
for clinical lumbar instability. lattisimus dorsi muscles. These muscles are
mobilizing muscles which demonstrate
2. Lumbar stability and lumbar discontinuous activation to produce
instability general gross trunk stabilization and
Panjabi (14) suggested a model of generate large torque for trunk movement
a spinal stabilizing system including three as well as spinal compression (2).
stabilizing subsystems: the passive, active Moreover, they are also important for shock
and neural control. All subsystems have absorption of the loads and balancing
a proper function and interaction to provide external loads (2). However, these muscles
spinal stability. The motion segment is control spinal orientation and movement by
capable to support a load and maintain their activations in a directional specific
normal pattern of displacement within its response (2). On the contrary, the local
physiologic limits, it is considered stable muscle system (deep trunk muscles)
(3,14). consists of transversus abdominis, lumbar
The passive stabilizing subsystem multifidus, semispinalis, rotatores,
composes of vertebral body, intervertebral interspinalis, intertransversarii, inferior
disc, facet joint, facet joint capsule, spinal fibers of internal oblique, quadratus
ligaments and passive mechanical tension lumborum and diaphragm muscles. They
from the spinal muscles (15). Although this directly attach to the lumbar vertebrae that
subsystem provides stabilizing role provide the lumbar segmental stability and
throughout the range of spinal motion, directly control each lumbar motion
especially in end-range of spinal motion to segment. They provide the local stabilizing
restrain excessive motion of the spine, it can effect that control intersegmental motion,
support a limited load approximately 100 and maintain mechanical stiffness of the
Newton that is less than body weight spine by increasing their stiffness.
(14,15). Thus, the second subsystem as an Furthermore, the local muscle system
active stabilizing subsystem is required to activation is independent of directional
support body weight and additional loads, movement and continuously actives through
especially during trunk movements (3-4). the movement (2). Therefore, it plays an
The active stabilizing subsystem comprises important role in providing both static and
of the spinal muscles and their tendons dynamic stability to the lumbar motion
surrounding the spinal column. This segments. The last subsystem is neural
subsystem provides mechanical stability for control subsystem. It has the complex task
KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 467

of receiving the proprioceptive afferent vertebrae together. It leads to subluxation

from mechanoreceptors that present in the of the facet joints during lumbar flexion and
passive stabilizing subsystem (spinal extension. Radiological lumbar instability
ligaments, intervertebral discs and facet may show facet joint capsules or vertebral
joint capsules) and active stabilizing ligament damage. It may cause
subsystem (muscle spindles and Golgi spondylolisthesis. Radiological lumbar
tendon organs) to determine the specific instability may result in mechanical
requirements for maintaining spinal deformation of the lumbar spine, intraspinal
stability and lastly, adjusting and generating nerve tissue pain and/or neurologic deficit
the coordination and activation of the (9).
stabilizing muscles depending on the The threshold of radiological lumbar
mechanical spinal stability needed (2,14). instability has been defined by White and
Inappropriate interaction of the three Panjabi (17) as sagittal translation larger
subsystems or deficit of one or more than 4.5 mm or larger than 15% of the
subsystems can lead to lumbar instability vertebral body width when comparing with
(14). other, or sagittal rotation of larger than 15°
Lumbar instability has been at L1-L2, L2-L3 or L3-L4, 20° at L4-L5 or
introduced by Panjabi (4) who conducted 25° at L5-S1. Radiological lumbar instability
the biomechanical study of lumbar instability. can be treated with surgical management.
He suggested that lumbar instability is On the other hand, clinical lumbar instability
abnormal excessive movement beyond the should be distinguished because the obvious
normal movement of the lumbar motion abnormal translation and rotation cannot be
segment that may presents due to the observed in lumbar flexion-extension
damage of the constrained structures radiographs, so specific clinical assessments
establishing the spinal stability. This state are required to diagnose for this condition.
causes a painful sensation and progressive
deformity, and neural structures may be at 3. Clinical lumbar instability
risk eventually. The definition of clinical lumbar
Lumbar instability can be classified instability proposed by White and Panjabi
into two types: radiological and clinical (7). (17) has been clinically used that is the
Radiological lumbar instability is commonly inability of the spine to maintain its normal
diagnosed by using lumbar flexion- patterns of displacement under physiologic
extension radiographs (16-17). Flexion- loads so that there is no initial or additional
extension radiographs can demonstrate neurologic deficit, no major deformity, and
slippage or subluxation of the affected no incapacitating pain. Clinical signs and
vertebrae on the adjacent one (17). Leone symptoms should be used to diagnose
et al (16) described the etiology of rather than radiological findings (4,7)
radiological lumbar instability that because flexion-extension radiographs
intervertebral disc degeneration results in focus on end range of motion while
laxity of the interbody and facet joints abnormally excessive movement of clinical
caused by decreased tensile stress on the lumbar instability may be relevant with
facet joint capsules and laxity of ligament specific clinical symptoms of clinical
responsibility for binding the adjacent
468 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

lumbar instability in mid-range range of Nowadays, several authors suggested

motion (4,7). It is noted that radiographs are that the deficit of neuromuscular system
frequently failed to detect the spinal leaves the lumbar spine potentially
problem in patients with clinical lumbar vulnerable to instability (6,18-19). Silfies et
instability (7). al (6) investigated trunk muscle recruitment
It is not only degeneration of patterns during a standing reach test
passive stabilizing subsystem which causes between patients with clinical lumbar
clinical lumbar instability but also instability and healthy controls. They
dysfunction of active stabilizing and reported that patients with clinical lumbar
improper neural control subsystems may be instability demonstrated significantly
significant causes of this condition (14). greater activity levels of the global
Clinical lumbar instability may have a abdominal muscles including external
similar pathomechanism with radiological oblique and rectus abdominis muscles and
lumbar instability (3); however, early lower abdominal synergist ratios: internal
degree of lumbar instability causing only oblique relative to rectus abdominis, and
compromise of mechanical properties of the external oblique relative to rectus abdominis
motion segment may cause clinical lumbar than the healthy controls. It could be
instability (3). Interestingly, the study of interpreted that it is the presence of changes
Silfies et al (6) reported patients with in the pattern of abdominal recruitment
clinical lumbar instability showed a patterns in patients with clinical lumbar
reduction of local muscle activation, instability. These patterns have been
especially internal oblique and lumbar described as substitution activation of
multifidus muscles in mid-range of motion global muscle system (superficial abdominal
of the trunk flexion. It is suggested that muscles) to the local muscle system (deep
protective function of local muscle system abdominal muscles) (6,20). This appears to
decreases in stabilizing lumbar motion be the neural control subsystem attempting
segment during movement under to maintain the stability demands of the
physiologic load. Therefore, stability of the spine in the presence of local muscle system
lumbar spine may be compromised. A dysfunction (12). The muscle substitution
deficit in one of three spinal stabilizing may provide more spinal compression (12).
systems caused by degenerative process, Marshell and Murphy (18) measured the
injury, dysfunction and/or surgery can result muscle onset time of transversus abdominis
in clinical lumbar instability (14,16). The muscle during rapid unilateral shoulder
neural control subsystem receives these flexion, extension and abduction using
deficits, which compensates by initiating a surface electromyography (sEMG) in
changes in the active stabilizing subsystem. chronic LBP patients. They reported that
Even though the necessary spinal stability 75% of patients showed lacking anticipatory
could be reestablished, deleterious activation because transversus abdominis
consequences of the compensation may muscle was delayed in its activation to
occur to the components of the spinal perturbation from arm movements.
stabilization system such as accelerated Furthermore, delayed transversus
degeneration of the lumbar spine, muscle abdominis activation was related with
spasm and spinal injury (14). ipsilateral arm flexion and extension. Silfies
KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 469

et al (19) investigated changes in trunk Instability catch sign has been widely
muscle onset time between patients with employed as a clinical determination for
clinical lumbar instability and healthy diagnosing clinical lumbar instability and
controls during self-arm perturbation task. is the unique symptom of clinical lumbar
They suggested that the healthy controls instability (2,11,13,20) with high specificity
demonstrated patterns of anticipatory (75%) and sensitivity (89%) (21). Instability
activations of transversus abdominis, catch sign is defined as a sudden painful
lumbar multifidus, rectus abdominis, snap when patients extend their back from
external oblique and erector spinae muscles the trunk forward bending position into the
and these muscles activated significantly upright position resulting in reflexive
earlier than other trunk muscles when painful muscular spasm (9,11,13,21) (Figure
compared with patients with clinical lumbar 1). Although, apprehension sign is not
instability. reported regarding clinical sensitivity and
specificity yet, it often occurs during trunk
4. Diagnosis of clinical lumbar instability movement and can be one of the specific
Although some medical doctors often indications of clinical lumbar instability
use flexion-extension radiographs which (7-9). Apprehension sign is explained that
concentrate on end range of motion for their patients feel a sudden sensation of lower
diagnosis of lumbar instability, clinical back collapse while movement (7-9).
lumbar instability may present abnormally Painful catch sign and prone instability test
excessive motion in mid-range of motion were included to be diagnosing criteria for
where is emerged the clinical symptoms (7). clinical lumbar instability (5,9-10). Painful
Despite of arguable findings for diagnosing catch sign is defined as legs suddenly drop
clinical lumbar instability, numerous because of a sharp pain in the lower back
authors have suggested that specific clinical after perform the double leg raises (5,9)
signs and symptoms of this illness as well (Figure 2). For prone instability test, it is
as specific clinical tests could be used in a provocation test and the patient is in prone
identifying clinical lumbar instability (5,7, lying position with the trunk on the plinth,
9-10). These included patients reports about anterior superior iliac spines (ASISs) at an
their back giving way, catching or locking edge of the plinth and both feet rest on the
of the back, pain during transitional activi- floor. While the patient rests in this position,
ties or sustained postures, chronic back the investigator performs posteroanterior
pain, shaking during movement, instability (PA) glide at each segment of the lumbar
catch sign, Gower’s sign, apprehension spine. If a painful segment is identified, the
sign, and hypermobility during springing patient then lifts the legs from the floor and
test. Interestingly, instability catch sign, hand holding to the plinth is used to
apprehension sign, painful catch sign, and maintain position, and PA glide is reapplied
prone instability test is clinically used for to that painful segment. The prone instability
diagnostic criteria to identify clinical test is positive when pain is provoked in the
lumbar instability because other signs, resting position and eliminated during
symptoms and specific clinical tests may be active muscle contraction to lift the legs
not clear to differentiate clinical lumbar from the floor (8-10) (Figure 3).
instability from other spinal diseases.
470 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

Figure 1. Instability catch sign

Figure 2. Painful catch test

Figure 3. Prone instability test

KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 471

5. Considering of core stabilization deep trunk muscles including TrA and LM

exercise as the treatment of clinical muscles to enhance spinal stability (12).
lumbar instability Hodges et al (27) reported that intra-
abdominal pressure (IAP) during functional
Some therapists may prescribe tasks can be enhanced by the TrA muscle
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, that did not produce a significant flexion
short courses of narcotic analgesic, a muscle moment of the lumbar spine, and suitable
relaxant, resting during exacerbation period amount of IAP can maintain stability of the
(17), lumbosacral corsets (17), educational lumbar spine during trunk movement or
program focusing on avoiding end range of loading. Nevertheless, significantly delayed
movements of the lumbar spine (20), and contraction of the TrA muscle could be seen
general exercise of trunk flexors and in patients with LBP and it indicates
extensors to patients with clinical lumbar a decrease of lumbar stability and
instability (17), even though a standard a fundamental problem with motor control
approach to address the problems of this (18). Several authors were focusing on the
illness has not been suggested. It has been importance of LM muscle because it
hypothesized that the treatment which can provides lumbar intersegmental control
improve lumbar stability could be beneficial during static posture and movements and it
for this illness. Recently, CSE has become is so-called neutral lumbar lordosor (2).
popular therapeutic treatment for LBP, and Besides, it contributes two thirds of all
it is based on principle about how spinal active forces at L4-L5 and provides 66% of
stability can be provided in daily works by the segmental stiffness at this level (2).
the trunk muscles (17). Dysfunction of the Therefore, any dysfunction or deficit of LM
trunk muscles especially local trunk muscle may compromise the lumbar
muscles, such as transversus abdominis stability (12).
(TrA) and lumbar multifidus (LM) muscles
could minimize lumbar stability 6. How to train with core stabilization
(6,14,19,22). It is speculated that CSE is an exercise?
approach to improve performance of these
muscles that may decrease the problems of To enhance static and dynamic
clinical lumbar instability. stability of the lumbar spine, the CSE for
Richardson et al (12) described training the TrA and LM muscles is suggested.
a specific exercise intervention which has This exercise is based on the principles of
been well known as CSE to train co- motor learning theory and skill acquisition
activation of the TrA and LM muscles for that described by Fitts and Posner who
enhancing static and dynamic lumbar stated three stages in motor learning skill
stability. Reduction of pain and disability (25).
are emerged after performing CSE (22-26). The first stage in the early exercise
Isometric co-activation of TrA and LM training period is to train the patients how
muscles while maintaining the neutral to perform isolated contraction of TrA and
lumbar spine should induce to relearning of LM muscles cognitively to enhance the skill
stabilization role of these muscles (12-13). and precision of their contractions.
The CSE aims to improve activations of Consequently, an isometric co-activation of
472 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

the TrA and LM muscles without the use of feedback. This stage is not only
lumbo-pelvic movement in low-load emphasizing training of co-activation of the
position should be received. Additional two muscles but also training the integration
pelvic floor muscle contraction with of local and global trunk muscles. The
controlled normal respiration can provide muscle performances are challenged with
effective isometric co-activation of the two heavier loading position such as bridging
muscles and inhibit muscle substitution position and 4-point kneeling position with
such as rectus abdominis or erector spinae limb raise. Throughout practice, the concept
muscle. The procedure for training the TrA of sustainable co-activation of the TrA and
and LM muscles is that the patients to LM muscles with controlled neutral spine
gently draw the lower abdomen in and up and normal respiration is maintained
towards their spine without lumbo-pelvic (Figure 5). Patients will achieve this stage
movement and emphasize the TrA and LM if they are able to control functionally with
muscle activations by using pelvic floor postural awareness without or minimal pain
contraction with controlled normal (12). The last stage of CSE requires a low
respiration to maintain a static neutral spine degree of attention for the correct
position (Figure 4). In this stage, patients performance of the tasks. Furthermore, the
are required more awareness in order to patients should tell physical therapists for
achieve co-activation of the TrA and LM their situations or positions that they feel
muscles. Increase of holding time of “unstable” experience or anticipated pain.
contraction is the progression in the first In this stage, the patients are able to
stage and it can be provided the effectiveness automatically do co-activation of the TrA
by using biofeedback or facilitation and LM muscles while performing the
technique (12). Once the patient achieves unstable position and during functional
the first stage, the second stage of CSE is demands of daily living in various
prescribed. It aims at increasing precision environments and contexts (12). However,
and number of holding time of co-activation number of achievement in each stage is
of the TrA and LM muscles, and decreasing depended on individual’s performance.

Figure 4. Abdominal drawing-in maneuver in prone lying position

KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 473

Figure 5. Abdominal drawing-in maneuver in four-point kneeling

position with one leg raise
7. Benefits of core stabilization exercise conducted further high quality study
in patients with clinical lumbar instability (PEDro score = 7/10) to assess the
abdominal muscle response after receiving
To the best author’s knowledge, there 10-week CSE in patients with isthmic
are several studies to investigate the lumbar spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis.
effectiveness of CSE on pain-related The findings showed a significant increase
outcomes and electromyographic responses in activation ratio of internal oblique
of the trunk muscles (22-26) (Table 1). The relative to rectus abdominis muscles (mean
high quality study (PEDro score = 7/10) of difference = 2.47, p<0.001). Therefore,
O’Sullivan et al (25) compared the effects O’Sullivan et al (25,28) concluded that
of 10-week CSE versus control group 10-weeks CSE can alter the consciousness
treated with protocol of general practitioner and automatic patterns of abdominal muscle
in patients with isthmic lumbar spondylol- activation, and also decrease pain intensity
ysis or spondylolisthesis. They reported that and functional disability in patients with
significant reductions in pain intensity and isthmic spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis.
functional disability measured were shown Although, the patients with isthmic
in the CSE, and the results were maintained spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis are
up to 30-month follow-up. However, there claimed that they had spinal instability, it is
was no significant improvement in any not clear whether these findings could be
outcome measures in control group. generalized to clinical lumbar instability
Between-group comparisons showed that because important clinical signs and
there were significant reductions in pain symptoms such as instability catch sign
intensity (mean difference = 15, 32, 36 and (11,20-21), prone instability test (10),
35-mm of visual analogue scale for 10 painful catch (5,9) or apprehension
weeks, and 3-, 6- and 30-month follow-up, symptom (7-9) were not used for diagnosis.
respectively) (p< 0.001) and functional Moreover, Ganju (29) stated that young
disability (mean difference = 13, 10, 15 and isthmic spondylolisthesis may be in stable
18-mm for 10 weeks, and 3-, 6- and equilibrium and the patients in studies
30-month follow-up, respectively) O’Sullivan et al (25,28) had a mean age of
(p<0.001) in favor of CSE throughout 33 years. Additionally, the control group of
follow-up period. O’Sullivan et al (28) study of O’Sullivan et al (25,28) treated
474 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

with the treatments prescribed by the = 6/10), the researchers examined the
individual’s general practitioner, so there effects of core stabilization exercise on pain
was no standardized treatment for the intensity of the instability catch sign (ICS),
control group in that study. Hence, the functional disability and trunk muscle
findings of O’Sullivan et al (25,28) should activity in patients with clinical lumbar
be clinically considered with caution. instability. This study used the clinical signs
The study (PEDro score = 5/10) of and tests for included the patients that are
Kumar (24) investigated the acute effects of ICS, apprehension sign, painful catch test
15-min CSE in patients with clinical lumbar and prone instability test. The findings
instability. The researcher reported that showed a significant reduction in pain
there were significant acute improvements intensity of ICS and functional disability
in pain, joint stiffness and pain pressure after 10 weeks of intervention but CSE
threshold but placebo which was received showed a significant increase in the
prone lying position was seen only the activation ratio of the TrA muscle relative
improvement in pain. However, the to the rectus abdominis muscle only. In
conclusion could not be made about the addition, significantly greater
superior effects of CSE when compared improvements in all outcome measures are
with placebo because the researcher did not in favor of CSE after 10 weeks of
compare the effects between the groups. intervention (mean difference = 3.09, 4.07,
Other study (PEDro score = 4/10) of 7.89 of numerical rating scale, Roland-
Javadian et al (23) compared the effects of Morris Disability Questionnaire and ratio
8-week CSE combined with general activation of transversus abdominis relative
exercise and general exercise only in to rectus abdominis, respectively) (p<
patients with clinical lumbar instability. The 0.001). The recent high quality study
findings showed that both interventions (PEDro score = 8/10) of Puntumetakul et al
provided significant improvement from (26) was conducted to investigate the
baseline at 8-week intervention and 3-month long-term effectiveness of 10-week CSE on
follow-up in pain intensity, functional pain-related outcomes, health-related
disability, trunk flexion range of motion, quality of life, patient satisfaction to the
trunk flexors endurance, trunk extensors intervention and trunk muscle activation in
endurance, right trunk lateral flexors patients with clinical lumbar instability at
endurance and left lateral trunk flexors one and three months follow-ups. It is an
endurance. The researchers claimed that extended study from the study of
pain intensity, functional disability, trunk Areeudomwong et al (22). The patients
flexion range of motion and trunk muscle were randomly assigned to 10-week CSE
endurance in CSE had greater improvement or control receiving trunk stretching
than another; however, the statistical exercises and hot pack. Their findings
analysis was not done to measure the mag- showed that CSE provided significantly
nitude of group differences. It is difficult to greater improvements in pain (mean
draw a conclusion about the superiority of difference = 3.29 and 2.86 of numerical
CSE. rating scale for one- and three-month
According to the pilot study of follow-ups, respectively; p< 0.001),
Areeudomwong et al (22) (PEDro score functional disability (mean difference = 5
KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 475

and 2.76 of Roland-Morris disability et al (22), and Puntumetakul et al (26), they

questionnaire for one- and three-month used the surface electromyography (sEMG)
follow-ups, respectively; p< 0.01), patient to detect the trunk muscle activation.
satisfaction (mean difference = 1.86 and Although the two studies believed that
1.67 of Global perceived effect for one- and sEMG is reliable to detect the LM muscle
three-month follow-ups, respectively; activation, the EMG signal from LM muscle
p< 0.001), and physical component of short could be interfered with the cross-talk of
form-36 (mean difference = 8.4 and 7.99 for other muscles such as erector spinae
one- and three-month follow-ups, muscles. Stokes et al (30) suggested that LM
respectively; p< 0.01) than those observed activation should be measured using an
in the control group. The CSE could indwelling EMG rather than a sEMG to
facilitate TrA activation greater than in the obtain the reliable data. Therefore, the
control group; however, deterioration of LM results regarding LM activation form the
muscle activation has been shown in the two studies (22,26) should be considered
control group when compared with the CSE with caution.
group. From the studies of Areeudomwong
476 KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4)

Table 1. Summary of included researches

Author Characteristics of Interventions Outcome measures PEDro
participants score
O’Sullivan et al ● 42 patients with isthmic ● 10 weeks of core ● Pain (short-form 7/10
(1997) and (1998) spondylolysis or spondylo- stabilization exercise McGill visual
listhesis (CSE) versus usual general analogue scale)
● Age 16-49 years old practitioner care for one ● Functional disability
● Duration of low back pain a week (Oswestry Disability
>3 months ● Follow-up: 10 weeks, 3, Index, ODI)
6, and 30 months ● EMG abdominal
muscle recruitment
Kumar (2011) ● 18 patients with clinical ● A single session of CSE ● Pain (visual 5/10
lumbar instability, mean age or placebo with cross-over analogue scale, VAS)
23 years old and duration of design ● Joint play grading
low back pain > 3 months scale (0-6 score)
● Had painful arc during ● Pain pressure
spinal movement, positive threshold
instability test and had
● score of Delphi criteria
for 7/13 and 8/14 in
subjective and objective
Javadian et al ● 30 patients with clinical ● 8 weeks of CSE ● Pain (VAS) 4/10
(2012) lumbar instability combined general exercise ● Lumbar flexion and
● Age 18-45 years old versus general exercise extension range of
● Duration of low back pain only motion
> 3 months ● Follow-up: 8 weeks and (modified-modified
● Positive one of the trunk 3-month follow-ups Schober’s test)
aberrant movement patterns ● Endurance of trunk
(painful arc during flexion flexor and extensor
and return from flexion, muscles (second)
Gower’s sign and instability Endurance of trunk
catch) lateral flexor muscles
● Positive prone instability (side support test,
test second)
● Negative straight leg ● Functional disability
raising (Modified
Areeudomwong ● 20 patients with clinical ● 10 weeks of CSE versus ● Pain (numerical 6/10
et al (2012) lumbar instability hot pack and trunk stretch- rating scale, NRS)
● Age 20-60 years old ing exercises Functional disability
● Duration of low back pain (Roland-Morris
> 3 months Disability Question-
● Positive instability catch naire, RMDQ)
sign ● Ratio activation
● Positive one of the prone of trunk muscles
instability test, painful catch
sign and apprehension sign
KKU Res. J. 2015; 20(4) 477

Author Characteristics of Interventions Outcome measures PEDro

participants score
Puntumetakul et ● 42 patients with clinical ● 10 weeks of CSE versus ● Pain (NRS) 8/10
al (2013) lumbar instability hot pack and trunk stretch- ● Functional
● Age 20-60 years old ing exercises disability (RMDQ)
● Duration of low back pain ● Follow-up: 1- and ● Patient satisfaction
> 3 months 3-month follow-ups (Global perceived
Positive instability catch effect, GPE)
sign ● Physical and
● Positive one of the prone and mental
instability test, painful catch component
sign and apprehension sign
summary of Short
Form-36 (SF-36)

8. Summary and critical theories regarding the

mechanisms of CSE to improve pain-related
Nowadays, instability catch sign, outcomes would be investigated.
apprehension sign, painful catch test and
prone instability test are increasing used as 9. References
clinical diagnostic criteria for patients with
clinical lumbar instability. In comparison to (1) Puntumetakul R, Yodchaisarn W,
treatments of general practitioner as well as Emasithi A, Keawduangdee P,
the superficial heat therapy and trunk Chatchawan U, Yamauchi J.
stretching exercises, CSE supposed to Prevalence and individual risk
provide more effective for eliminating pain factors associated clinical lumbar
intensity and improving functional ability, instability in rice farmers with low
health-related quality of life, global back pain. Patient Prefer
perceived effect and deep trunk muscle Adherence. 2015; 9: 1.
activation for patients with clinical lumbar (2) Izzo R, Gianluigi G, Giuseppe G,
instability. Most of the studies are Mario M. Biomechanics of the
acceptable in quality based on PEDro spine. Part I: spinal stability. Eur J
consideration but eventually further studies Radiology. 2013;8(1):118-26.
with outstanding methodology are remained (3) Boyling JD, Jull G. Grieve’s
to attest the effectiveness of CSE on pain- modern manual therapy. 4th ed.
related outcomes and trunk muscle London: Churchill Livingstone;
activations in patients with clinical lumbar 2004.
instability. Balance measurement, muscle (4) Panjabi MM. The stabilizing system
endurance and indwelling EMG or of spine. Part II neutral zone and
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