Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Andrew Nixon Social Studies Lesson Plan

Lesson Focus:  Sharing

Grade Level/Number of Students:  Kindergarten and about 18 students 


Time Duration:  20 Minutes

Prior Assessment:   Students have been told what sharing is in the

context of school rules and the playground

Standards:   K.1 Students understand that being a good citizen

involves acting in certain ways.
 Follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns, and
know the consequences of breaking them (social studies
 Writing Standard K.2 . Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to compose
informative/explanatory texts in which they name
what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic
 Language Standard K.1 Demonstrate command of the
Objective:  conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.

 To teach students about sharing and empowering

the students to identify examples and
nonexamples of sharing

Purpose: Students will learn about the concept of sharing and

will correctly identify an example of not sharing and
Materials and Resources:  5 pictures of not sharing, a sharing book, paper and
crayons to draw a new picture

Instructional Sequence: 

 Introduce the idea of sharing and ask what it means to the students. They will be
given a minute to share with a partner about what sharing means to them. Students
will be called on using equity sticks during this portion of the lesson. After a couple
of examples take out the book and prep on how we are going to read it on the

Body of Lesson: 

 As a class we will read the book Sharing, and on each page the class will identify what
is being shared. The second to last page has an incomplete example of sharing and so
the students will give examples on how the picture can better show sharing. After the
book is finished the teacher will show a picture of kids not sharing. As a class we will
think of ideas on how the picture can better show sharing and the teacher will draw at
least one of these examples on the whiteboard. The students will then go into their
table groups where all groups will be given a different picture of incomplete sharing.
The students will talk as a group about how they can fix the sharing picture and when
they have ideas on how to fix the picture they will each draw a new picture of sharing
on a white page just like the teacher modelled before the students left for table groups.
On the line underneath their picture, they will write the word “sharing”. After showing
their picture to the teacher the students will be given time to play.

Check for Understanding:  

 The teacher will check for understanding by asking questions and getting answers by
using equity sticks.
 The teacher will check each picture before releasing the kids for free choice.
 While reading the book the teacher will ask whether it is showing good or bad
examples of sharing.

 While we are going over fixing the pictures as a class I will make a t chart of sharing and not
sharing while the students give their ideas. For example on the not sharing side I will draw a
picture of a sad face because I anticipate the students will notice that people in the not sharing
pictures look sad or mad and on the sharing side I will draw a happy face because sharing
makes people happy. When the students are fixing the pictures with their groups I will point
to this chart if students are having trouble. When we talk about emotions as a class I will
model them on my face as we discuss them.

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