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1. Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions.

With reference to at least 3 poems by a single writer

discuss the extent to which you agree.

2. Lorna Goodison’s use of symbolism is a major reason

why her poetry is so powerful. With reference to at
least 3 poems by this writer discuss the extent to
which you agree.

3. Goodison champions the cause of women, their rights,

feelings and emotions in her works. To what extent is
this true in any Three poems you have studied.

4. The journey motif features strongly in Goodison’s works. To

what extent is this true of any THREE poems you have

5. How does Goodison challenge the colonial mentality, culture

and/or ideology in any THREE poems you have studied.

6. Goodison uses an interesting blend of standard English with

her native tongue to powerful effect. How is this proven true in
any THREE poems you have encountered.

7. Lorna Goodison references strong women in many varying

roles throughout Caribbean history. To what extent is this true
in any THREE poems you have encountered?

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