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Jalen Holston

Project & Report

Project Log

Week Activity Time

9/15/21 Develop proposal idea 3 hours
9/18/21 Submit first proposal 2 hours
9/18/21 Meeting with recruiting department and video 2 hours
staff to develop ideas
9/20/21 Search literature on the history of Virginia 2 hours
Tech’s football program
9/21/21 Meeting with recruiting staff on how the 2 hours
multimedia program would be delivered
9/22/21 Shadowing photography and video department 2 hours
9/22/21 Learned techniques of shooting video and 2 hours
editing photos
9/24/21 Meeting with recruiting staff learned tactics of 2 hours
recruiting, gaining attention, building
relationships in recruiting, how the process
9/27/21 Revised proposal based on professor feedback 1 hour

10/6/21 Finish proposal & submit to professor 2 hours

10/6/21 Shadowed recruiting department 2 hours

10/8/21 Shadowing photography and video department 2 hours

10/10/21 Researched information on designing 3.5 hours

multimedia program for a classroom setting
through VT Library Database
10/11/21 Reviewed professional video editing software 2 hours
and tried iMovie for season highlights
10/12/21 Search video and information on what builds 2 hours
team culture, how it is implement, and how
teams adjust players to fit into programs.
10/12/21 Researched websites to identify instructional 2 hours
tools that technologist can implement through
10/14/21 Shadowing photography and video department 2 hours
10/15/21 Shadowed recruiting department 2 hours
10/15/21 Searched, watched, and revised YouTube 2 hours
videos that displayed how different college
teams operated during the season
10/16/21 Researched information on instructional 2 hours
techniques that would support the objectives
within the lesson.
10/18/21 Needs Assessment 3 hours
10/18/21 Goal Statement 3 hours
10/19/21 Revise goal statement and share with VT staff 1 hour
10/21/21 Instructional Analysis flowchart 3 hours
10/22/21 Learner and Context Analysis 3 hours
10/23/21 Learning Context review with VT Staff 1 hour
10/23/21 Revise evaluation portion of proposal 1 hour
10/26/21 Start Objectives 3 hours
10/28/21 Finish Objectives 2 hours
10/30/21 Created storyboard and flowchart 3 hours

10/31/21 Worked on storyboard 3 hours

11/1/21 Revise flowchart 2 hours

11/1/21 Revised storyboard 2 hours
11/2/21 Revise objectives 2 hours
11/4 Instructional Strategy: Motivation, Objectives, 2 hours
11/5/21 Finished Instructional Strategy 3.5 hours
11/5/21 Brainstorm multimedia design template 2 hours
11/6/21 Design multimedia program template 4 hours
11/8/21 Shadowing photography and video department 2 hours
11/8/21 Wrote script for seasonal highlight tape 2 hours
11/8/21 Wrote out plans of what information would be 2 hours
essential to add to program for recruits
11/9/21 Shadowed recruiting department 2 hours
11/9/21 Wrote out design document out on paper 3 hours
11/9/21 Meet with recruiting department to present 1.5 hours
design document and collect thoughts
11/10/21 Revised design document to adjust to 1 hour
11/10/21 Prepared my computer to install Forum which 3 hours
would allow me to include assessment
question within the program.
11/11/21 Created content for module 1: What it means 3 hours
to be a hokie
11/11/21 Created practice questions for module 1 1 hour
11/13/21 Edited highlight video and images 3 hours
11/13/21 Created content for module 2: In-season 3 hours
11/14/21 Create practice questions for module 2 1 hour
11/14/21 Created content for module 3: Off-season 2 hours
11/14/21 Created practice questions for module 3 1 hour
11/16/21 Created content homepage for all three 1.5 hours
11/16/21 Worked on multimedia program 3 hours
11/19/21 Worked on multimedia program pictures and 8 hours
11/20/21 Inserted text content to multimedia program 3 hours
11/20/21 Viewed tutorials on how to insert created 2 hours
photos and videos into PowerPoint
11/20/21 Inserted pictures and videos in multimedia 2 hours
11/20/21 Incorporated video into program 1 hours
11/20/21 Created the navigation features for the 2 hours
11/20/21 Created the help and glossary pages within 2 hours
multimedia program
11/20/21 Created program evaluation questions 2 hours
11/21//21 Revised evaluation tool 1 hour
11/21/21 Some videos created would not play, made 1 hour
changes to program so users could view videos
11/23/21 Reviewed multimedia program to make sure 1 hour
all links worked accurately, images were clear,
and grammar was correct
11/24/21 Create document from Microsoft word with 2 hours
formative evaluation question for field testing
11/27/21 Players, coaches, and staff from recruiting 2 hours
evaluated the program
11/29/21 Collected and reviewed all evaluation data 4 hours
from testers
11/30/21 Made changes to program based on evaluation 2 hours
12/1/21 Wrote reflection paper 2 hours
12/1/21 Created webpage for links 1 hour
12/8/12 Gather all documents into one and uploaded to 1 hours
student interface and created webpage with
links to everything
12/9/21 Submitted supportive documents with all 5 minutes
deliverables and project


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