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A film I’ve watched like a thousand times is “Harry Potter”. There are 8
part of the movies and I love them all. The movies are based on the
book series. The films are one of the hit movies of all times and the
books are one of the best sellers.
The films can really put you to the edge of your seat. You won’t feel
how two hours have passed because the storyline is intriguing and there
are some unexpected reversals. The cast is well selected and you really
start feeling like part of the story.
Of course many people say that the books are better than the movies. I
could agree with that but we should have in mind that there isn’t a
book from the series under 200 pages and the movies are longer than
two hours but there are still some moments and characters that are
missed in the films.
“Harry Potter” is one of the fantasy classics and I could say that it is
worth watching. I would encourage both people who have read the
books and those who haven’t even hear of it before to watch it.

Gergana Gencheva

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