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GRUPO: 358027_7


TUNJA -2021
toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

INDIVIDUAL SUMMARY produced by the toxin in the soil, taking into

account the characteristics mentioned
José Ismael Franco Ramírez above.


The main objective that we wanted to show

It was established that although pesticides
through this bioassay was to see the
protect crops from certain diseases,
reaction that the soils have when making a
according to their toxic concentration, they
planting of a specific crop, taking into
significantly affect the soil, leading to
account the concentration of pesticide that
germination processes and according to
was applied to each soil sample and also
the organic characteristics and soil
moisture. these have notable variations in
their primary development growth.
bioassay, pesticide, soil, toxicity, reaction,
observation, results.

The collection of surface soil samples is

carried out at different points where the
This bionesayo was secreted in the
cultivation is carried out within the farm, in
municipality of Garagoa, where it was
order to have various characteristics of the
necessary to take into account the
terrain and with possible concentration of
contamination in agricultural areas by
pesticide and also fertile organic matter.
pesticides and insecticides, which are used
which are placed in various containers to
in our agriculture to eliminate some insects
carry out and monitor the evolution of the
and some pests from the crops to be
where seed sowing tests were carried out
in soil samples with different pesticide
concentrations and, in turn, some samples
We can conclude with this bioassay in a
also with different moisture concentration
practical way that the inappropriate use of
and organic fertility.
certain pesticides is quite harmful in the
In order to determine that, depending on
medium term for human health.
the characteristics of the soil, the degree of
Therefore, it is determined that it not only
pesticide affectation also results.
affects the soil but also affects the air,
given these results it can be determined
water, or consequently also the avocados
absorb it through their roots, leading to its
precise, but reliable to determine in a
superficial way, the damage capacity
toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

toxic companion fruits which will affect of pest in crops, it generates serious
human health. damage to the environment such as soil
Cesar Arturo Sosa Marin deterioration, water contamination, and
serious damage to human health.
In the same way, it could be established
1. OBJECTIVE that when evaluating the phytotoxicity of
Describe the results obtained in the complex environmental samples or with
development of the Bioassay in order to volatile compounds, in some cases it was
establish the percentage of affectation in observed that at the end of the exposure
lettuce seeds by the use of pesticides. period, the inhibition in germination is high,
but if the test period is extended, without
Keywords: Pesticides, toxicity, effects, renew exposure to the sample, the seeds
environmental damage. begin to germinate..

The soil sample used was taken in the
For the development of the bioassay, the potato crop located in the village of San
related article was taken into account in the Rafael, Municipality of Combita,
previous stage of the development of the department of Boyacá.
environmental toxicology course, for which The point where the sample was taken is
a soil sample was taken from a potato crop located near the Tunja - Arcabuco road,
located in the municipality of Combita around 500 m from the main road, in one of
Boyaca, in the which pesticide is used to the potato crops in the area, with
combat possible pests, then the respective coordinates 5 ° 38'58.9 "N 73 ° 21 '12 .0
test was carried out in which 5 samples "W. At this point the soil has a Medium
were taken with different percentage of Black color, its texture is Loamy, the soil is
contaminated soil sample, after which the supplied with some fertilizers, among
samples were left in a certain place which we find Grow 500, Orthene 75% SP
guaranteeing the conditions described in agricultural insecticide, Athrin 100 EC
the bioassay development guide. In the insecticide, and Fungitox 720.
same way, there is a wait of around 5 days
to obtain results.
3. RESULTS Hipocolito
According to the research carried out, we Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta
can establish that the use of pesticides has
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
a high environmental impact, since even
though it is effective to eradicate any type Concentración (%) % de inhibición

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

1 40,74 germinate, which is an indicator of

3 29,63 phytotoxicity, in the same way it is
established that for the inhibition of the
10 33,33
germination of the seeds to reach or
30 22,22 exceed 50%, a percentage of toxicity must
100 44,44 be had of 100%, which shows us that
although the toxin does generate inhibition
in the germination of the seeds, if they are
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta exposed to few amounts of contaminant
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y) their germination is possible, therefore the
Concentración (%) % de inhibición more contaminant, the greater the
inhibition in the germination of the Seeds of
1 0,19
(Latucca Sativa).
3 4,34 The inhibition percentages obtained and
10 12,45 calculated were germination 44.4%,
30 1,70 hypocotyl elongation 55.18% and radicle
100 55,18 elongation 56.51%, with which we can
assume that the toxins present in the
Radícula potato crop soil sample had more effect on
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta the development of the radicle and
hypocotyl, while the percentage of
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
germination is lower, but still remains a
Concentración (%) % de inhibición
considerable percentage compared to
1 3,98 germination. Therefore, it is established
3 6,68 that even if the seeds manage to
10 9,75 germinate, this does not guarantee the
30 7,70 growth and development of the seedling,
likewise it would not guarantee the quality
100 46,77
of the lettuce.

Obviously, there is a high risk of toxicity in

the sample taken, since this soil source
5. CONCLUSIONS receives a pesticide load every so often (6
months), said toxicity could be observed in
In some germinated seeds of the sample a the bioassay, by the presence of brown
dark brown color is observed in the spots in the seeds and effects on their
cotyledons. Likewise, this slight coloration germination during the 120 hours of
is evidenced in the seeds that did not exposure

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

Kataoka, R., & Takagi, K. (2013).

6. REFERENCES Biodegradability and biodegradation
pathways of endosulfan and endosulfan
Lallana, M. C., Lallana, V. H., Billard, C. E., sulfate. Applied Microbiology &
Foti, M. N., & Elizalde, J. I. (2013). Biotechnology, 97(8), 3285–3292.
Determinación de reducción del https://doi-
crecimiento radical (CE50) por una
formulación de s00253-013-4774-4
glifosato utilizando lechuga y trigo como
especies bioindicadoras. Revista De La
Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias, 45(1), 143-
151. Recuperado de

Bonfim, F. P. G., das Dores, R. G. R.,

Martins, E. R., & Casali, V. W. D. (2010).
Germination and vigor of lettuce seeds
(Lactuca sativa L.) pelleted with
homeopathic preparations Alumina and
Calcarea carbonica subjected to toxic
levels of aluminum. International Journal of
High Dilution Resarch, 9(33), 138–146.

Sathishkumar, P., Mohan, K., Ganesan, A.

R., Govarthanan, M., Yusoff, A. R. M., &
Gu, F. L. (2021). Persistence, toxicological
effect and ecological issues of endosulfan
– A review. Journal of Hazardous
Materials, 416, N.PAG. https://doi-

Maria Jose Chavarro Rojas


toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

Prioritize the result obtained after carrying demonstrate the toxic load that the
out the bioassay regarding the germination Oporapa ravine is suffering.
of lactucas in which the growth of both the
root and the hypocotyl is analyzed in detail
depending on the pollutant load to which 3. RESULTS
they are exposed.
For the analysis of the results, the
destructive veracity of the toxin was
Keywords: Bioassay, toxicity, hypocotyl, verified, in which we can infer that the
germination, endosulfan, radicle, pollutant Lactuca was exposed to 100% suffered
load, degree of toxicity, lactucas. great damage since a maximum of 5 of its
seeds germinated, leaving 15 of these
useless and probably these no longer
2. METHODOLOGY function. that the radicle and the Hypocotyl
had a level of growth compared to the
In the cognitive and experimental lactucas exposed to a 1% concentration.
development, it is intended to publicize the
results that were carried out in the It can also be observed that endosulfan
municipality of Oporapa in which a affects the radicle more than hypocotyl in
theoretical-practical work was carried out, terms of growth, because the pollutant is
including the use of Lactucas for which very strong in the soil, thus preventing its
high-ease utensils and tools are growth.
implemented. a sample of contaminated Even if the measurement with the ruler
water resulting from the use of Endosulfan. works, go from cm to mm.
It was then isolated for 5 days and
subsequently notes are taken of the results In which there were different tables
obtained. depending on the percentage amount of
. inhibition depending on the degree of
concentration of the endosulfan, which is
The problem through the use of pesticides presented below:
is causing catastrophic environmental
consequences caused in an anthropic way
by each of the farmers in that area who
implement it to eradicate pests without
measuring the consequences of their
actions, for this reason that bioassay was
carried out in the one who wants to

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta
We can conclude that the endosulfan
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y) pollutant load has great consequences with
Concentración (%) % de inhibición the crops close to the exposure zone since
1 0,00 it mainly attacks the root, preventing its
3 7,02 healthy growth and contributing to the wear
10 29,82 and tear of the same.
30 47,37 Another critical problem that exists with the
100 77,19 use of this pesticide is the large amount
that ends up in the Oporapa stream,
causing deaths of fish species in the area
Hypocotyl and spreading diseases to the people who
are supplied with it.
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
Concentración (%) % de
inhibición 6. REFERENCES
0,00 Fernado Jaramillo, Ana Rosa Rincon,
1 Roberto Rico. (2009). Toxicologia
22,39 ambiental. En T. ambiental, Universidad
3 autonoma (pág. 398). Aguascalientes: 1.
10 69,45
García, C. (2020). Conceptos de
30 83,39
ecosistemas y toxicología ambiental.
100 89,50
[OVI]. Recuperado de:
Radicle e54a46d/vertical-infographic-conceptos-
de- ecosistemas-y-toxicologia-ambiental
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta Jaramilo, F., Rincón, A. R., & Rico, R.
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y) (2009). Toxicología Ambiental.
Concentración (%) % de inhibición
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
1 (Ed.), Toxicología Ambiental (p. 398).
68,78 Recuperado de: https://elibro-
10 91,01 er/unad/40705?page=1
30 94,48 K. Shameema, P.P. Anand, Y. Shibu
100 97,15 Vardhanan, (2021).Protective effect of
Catharanthus roseus plant extracts against
endosulfan and its isomers induced

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

impacts on non-targeted insect model,

Drosophila melanogaster and live brain cell
imaging, Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology Part C: Toxicology &
Pharmacology, Volume
Yangqing Liu, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu,
Kris AG Wyckhuys, Fangsen Xue, Lethal
and Sublethal Effects of Endosulfan on
Apolygus lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae),
Journal of Economic Entomology ,
volumen 101, número 6, 1 de diciembre de
2008, páginas 1805–1810 ,


toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

1. OBJECTIVE As a first measure, we mark the glass container

with the date and time, we place the paper towel
It is to apply a methodology in which we can and fertilized soil in the same container instead of
observe the behavior that some substances have filter paper and wet it with 4 ml of endosulfan, then,
on lettuce seeds with the codification of their the 20 seeds were placed, leaving a relevant space
physicochemical properties or simply their end. between each one of them so that their growth is
not affected to finish the glass container is covered,
it is placed with artificial light and in a place with a
Endosulfan is a toxic agent for our environment and temperature of 24 ° and inside a bag and thus
for the health of both the people who handle it and expect results for 5 days in a row and the same
the nearby communities, as well as the process is done with 4 more samples.
contamination of the terrestrial ecosystem which
has been invaded in a bioaccumulation process, in
which we found in the bioassay denotes the In the city of Tunja it is located at the coordinates 5
chemical identity and the process that occurred ° 32′7 ″ N 73 ° 22′04 ″ W and its longitude in relation
when applying this chemical in the soil of a lettuce to Bogotá is 0 degrees, 43 minutes and 0 seconds.
crop, this was carried out in the city of Tunja, in in a place with a temperature of 13 ° C.
order to study the process and determine the
results obtained from the step by step of the Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
methodology given previously, taking into account
its own characteristics and its development. Concentración (%) % de inhibición

1 -50,00
Endosulfan, toxicity, public health, agents, toxic 3 -100,00
and processes
10 -100,00

30 -50,00
100 -50,00
This is carried out under the model of a bioassay to
observe the toxicity and important changes in the .
physiology of plants such as lettuces, the
procedure that is carried out is contractions such as
1,3,10,30,100 with a known solution as endosulfan
which is soluble in water at 0.33%, on the other 5. CONCLUSION
hand, it was carried out as follows:
In the assembly, the seeds did not germinate since
there was a confusion because the fertilized soil

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

should not be placed but it was simply the filter and • Sobrero, M. C., & Ronco, A. (2004).
not to apply the poison.
Ensayo de toxicidad aguda con semillas de
There was total inhibition of germination which is
caused by death to the embryo or seed which does lechuga Lactuca sativa L. INEECC. Recuperado 15
not generate any type of setback in the process and
de noviembre de 2021, de
therefore of the hypocotyl and radicle.
The higher the lower concentration of the herbicide
such as endosulfan, the less development of the 3/cap4.pdf
lettuce seed and the environmental phytotoxicity
occurs when it kills.

We can say that this poison is harmful to all plants • Turaglio, M. E. (s. f.). “Degradación de
since it can act in a chronic way for our
imidacloprid en cultivo de lechuga y reducción de
environment, since in high quantities it generates
harmful effects for the living being which can be residuos por medio de lavado.” bdigital.
Recuperado 11 de noviembre de 2021, de
• Vázquez, R. R. (2021, 27 agosto).

Producción y aplicación de un biosurfactante

producido por el consorcio microbiano para la

biorremediación de suelos agrícolas contaminados

con endosulfán. CINEVESTAF. Recuperado 25 de

noviembre de 2021, de
Maira Camila Barrera Soto


toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

The main objective of this article is to show the It was analyzed at a general level that the different
results of the bioassay revealing its methodology, toxins are poisons for living beings, causing
which refers to the toxicity generated by a pesticide disorders, due to the chemical effects they contain,
that affects the soil by experimental method. referring to pollutants we can say that they are
substances that enter the system generating
Keywords: Bioassay, toxicity, pesticide, abnormal alterations, both in health and in the
Experimental method, soil environment, doing a general damage that in some
cases takes place until death.
This activity was developed in the department of
Boyacá, in the Sogamoso municipality, based on To carry out the bioassay, a soil sample is taken
the problem of pesticides that affect the soil, which which is from a crop that uses a type of pesticide in
are widely used to end insect pests or the municipality of Sogamoso, department of
microorganisms that affect crops, but that affect Boyacá, we want to know and analyze how it can
both the soil as well as those who consume these affect the germination of seeds.
foods that are harvested. Through the bioassay, it
is revealed which point of toxicity and how it Germinación
generates damage to plants and soil, affecting their
growth and production.
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta
The types of pesticides used in crops are different Ordenada
but they affect the soil, the water, the ecological, the Abscisa (X) (Y)
health of living beings, as a result of the different % de
chemicals that they pollute. Concentración (%) inhibición
1 3,03
According to the data collected from the affected
areas, the population affected by pesticides was 3 3,03
not exactly established, but it is not ruled out that
due to lack of knowledge or / and orientation of the 10 36,36
population, they have not demanded to change the
way of spraying crops non-existence of statistical 30 9,09
data of the cases presented due to pollutants
100 39,39

It can be established that pesticides is the

composition of chemicals that, although it kills
insects, affects water, soil and air, as well as human
health, in the case of soil we can see that its toxic
residues cause infertility, properties and nutrients It
ends up eroding the land.

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

Hipocólito turn the health of living beings, this by the exposure

and subsequent entry into the body and
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta environmental part.
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
With this bioassay we can know the toxicity
Concentración (%) % de inhibición generated on a small scale showing this problem
18,08 that we experience every day
30 P.K. Gupta, R.C. Gupta,(1979). Pharmacology,
2,85 toxicology and degradation of endosulfan. A
100 review, Toxicology, Volume 13, 1979, Pages 115-
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - K. Shameema, P.P. Anand, Y. Shibu Vardhanan,
(2021).Protective effect of Catharanthus roseus
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y) plant extracts against endosulfan and its isomers
induced impacts on non-targeted insect model,
(%) % de inhibición
61,55 Drosophila melanogaster and live brain cell
1 imaging, Comparative Biochemistry and
13,61 Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology,
3 Volume
74,50 240,(
10 /pii/S1532045620302167)
30 Yangqing Liu, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu, Kris AG
20,39 Wyckhuys, Fangsen Xue, Lethal and Sublethal
Effects of Endosulfan on Apolygus
lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae), Journal of Economic
Entomology , volumen 101, número 6, 1 de
5. CONCLUSIONS diciembre de 2008, páginas 1805–1810
It was possible to detail the different effects and
studies of toxic agents, as well as to determine that
pollutants when they are not treated in an adequate
way, come to contaminate the soil, water, air and in
toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago


ARTICULO GRUPAL This activity was developed in the department of
Boyacá, in the Sogamoso municipality, based on
1. ABSTRAC the problem of pesticides that affect the soil, which
are widely used to end insect pests or
Endosulfan is a toxic agent for our environment and microorganisms that affect crops, but that affect
for the health of both the people who handle it and both the soil as well as those who consume these
the nearby communities, as well as the foods that are harvested. Through the bioassay, it
is revealed which point of toxicity and how it
contamination of the terrestrial ecosystem which
generates damage to plants and soil, affecting their
has been invaded in a bioaccumulation process, in growth and production.
which we found in the bioassay denotes the
chemical identity and the process that occurred The types of pesticides used in crops are different
when applying this chemical in the soil of a lettuce but they affect the soil, the water, the ecological, the
crop, this was carried out in the city of Tunja, in health of living beings, as a result of the different
order to study the process and determine the chemicals that they pollute.
results obtained from the step by step of the
According to the data collected from the affected
methodology given previously, taking into account areas, the population affected by pesticides was
its own characteristics and its development. not exactly established, but it is not ruled out that
due to lack of knowledge or / and orientation of the
population, they have not demanded to change the
way of spraying crops non-existence of statistical
2. OBJECTIVE data of the cases presented due to pollutants

Show the results of the bioassay 3. RESULTS

revealing its methodology through the
experimental method, referring to the It can be established that pesticides is the
toxicity generated by an Endosulfan composition of chemicals that, although it kills
pesticide used in different crops that insects, affects water, soil and air, as well as human
generates contamination to the soil and health, in the case of soil we can see that its toxic
various environmental resources in residues cause infertility, properties and nutrients It
general. ends up eroding the land.

we can also add that these bioassays seek to It was analyzed at a general level that the different
confirm how harmful these products are in general toxins are poisons for living beings, causing
terms, they want to ratify the reason why they disorders, due to the chemical effects they contain,
should be withdrawn from the market. referring to pollutants we can say that they are
substances that enter the system generating
Keywords: Bioassay, Toxicity, Pesticide, abnormal alterations, both in health and in the
Experimental method, Soil. environment, doing a general damage that in some
2. METHODOLOGY cases takes place until death.
toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

4. BIOASSAY Radícula

To carry out the bioassay, a soil sample is taken

which is from a crop that uses a type of pesticide in
the municipality of Sogamoso, department of
Boyacá, we want to know and analyze how it can Datos de la Gráfica Dosis -
affect the germination of seeds. Respuesta
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y)
Germinación Concentración
(%) % de inhibición
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta 61,55
Ordenada 1
Abscisa (X) (Y) 13,61
% de 3
Concentración (%) inhibición 74,50
1 3,03 10
3 3,03 30
10 36,36 100

30 9,09 taking into account the recommended and

consulted articles, that these bioassays were
carried out at home. However, they provide and
100 39,39
ratify basic information on the effects of these
products not only on the soil but also on the same
crops in a collateral way.
Datos de la Gráfica Dosis - Respuesta
Abscisa (X) Ordenada (Y) It was possible to detail the different effects and
studies of toxic agents, as well as to determine that
Concentración (%) % de inhibición pollutants when they are not treated in an adequate
18,08 way, come to contaminate the soil, water, air and in
1 turn the health of living beings, this by the exposure
17,60 and subsequent entry into the body and
3 environmental part.
10 With this bioassay we can know the toxicity
32,66 generated on a small scale showing this problem
30 that we experience every day

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

P.K. Gupta, R.C. Gupta,(1979). Pharmacology,
toxicology and degradation of endosulfan. A
review, Toxicology, Volume 13, 1979, Pages 115-

K. Shameema, P.P. Anand, Y. Shibu Vardhanan,

(2021).Protective effect of Catharanthus roseus
plant extracts against endosulfan and its isomers
induced impacts on non-targeted insect model,
Drosophila melanogaster and live brain cell
imaging, Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology,

Yangqing Liu, Yanhui Lu, Kongming Wu, Kris AG

Wyckhuys, Fangsen Xue, Lethal and Sublethal
Effects of Endosulfan on Apolygus
lucorum (Hemiptera: Miridae), Journal of Economic
Entomology , volumen 101, número 6, 1 de
diciembre de 2008, páginas 1805–1810

toxicología ambiental, Ingeniería ambiental 2021
Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Maira Camila Barrera soto, José Ismael Franco Ramírez, María José Chavarro Rojas, Cesar
Arturo Sosa Marín, Daniela Catalina Escobar Buitrago

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Materials, 416, N.PAG. https://doi-
Bonfim, F. P. G., das Dores, R. G. R., Martins, E. .jhazmat.2021.125779
R., & Casali, V. W. D. (2010). Germination and
vigor of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) pelleted Kataoka, R., & Takagi, K. (2013).
Biodegradability and biodegradation
with homeopathic preparations Alumina and
pathways of endosulfan and endosulfan
Calcarea carbonica subjected to toxic levels of sulfate. Applied Microbiology &
aluminum. International Journal of High Dilution Biotechnology, 97(8), 3285–3292.
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