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Radio personality Paul Finebaum, left, and Cecil Hurt prepare for media days in the Wynfrey Hotel during SEC Media Days in Hoover on July 23, 2008. MICHAEL E.

Continued from Page 3A

ers. There will never be another Cecil.

Ryan Hall

I first met Cecil when I was 16. I'd

been reading him for years. I was on the
Central High School student paper and
we toured the newsroom when you guys
were still downtown. And for a while,
The Tuscaloosa News occasionally ran
pieces from local students. And I had a
couple of pieces published. And one of Cecil Hurt (right) with his brother,
the pieces I wrote while sitting in the Cary, and sister, Caren. SUBMITTED
newsroom. It was an opinion piece
about David Palmer after he declared for
the NFL Draft. And Cecil actually gave
me some feedback on it. I didn't listen
because I was not only a stubborn kid,
but I was also intimidated by being in
that newsroom. Cecil Hurt (left) with his mother, Carol Messina, and brother, Cary Hurt. SUBMITTED
Cecil became a pretty regular guest
on the show I produced for Doug Layton
once upon a time. I don't think I truly ap- Blake Davenport tion and make you feel like the most im-
preciated what I had by having Cecil's portant person in the world was un-
knowledge every week. Also, I don't As a 48-year-old UA alum, the best I matched.
think I appreciated what I had by having can capture it is that I honestly felt like I Over the last decade, when it bene-
Doug Layton as a mentor as well. lost a friend – and he didn’t know me. fited him in absolutely no way shape or
I've long since left the media, though form, he poured his wisdom into me,
I do have a podcast and write all the Martin Stokes teaching me far more than I realized.
time. Cecil had a brilliant mind, he was a Cecil did this for so many of us, more
gifted writer and was a beautiful man. I was a freshman at UA in 2009 ma- than even he probably knew. I'll forever
And my hometown and my alma mater joring in journalism. My English 101 be eternally grateful for his constant
are less brilliant now that he's gone. class read Malcolm Gladwell's “Outlier” and unwavering support and friend-
that fall, and our instructor assigned us ship, and of course his always perfectly-
Riley Chandler to write a profile on an outlier in the Tus- timed wit. Young Cecil Hurt SUBMITTED
caloosa area.
Only Cecil seemed to write when oth- My choice was pretty easy – Cecil Kevin Johnson
ers were speechless. His piece after the Hurt. I sent him an email to see if he wrote compelling analysis when the
death of Luke Ratliff has been on my would be willing to do it. He replied a I met Cecil on a plane ride to Arizona Tide thrived in success – but during
mind all afternoon. “I had to hurry so I few days later saying he would, so I went for the national championship. We those painful DuBose/Franchione
could be here to greet you.” What strong to his office the Wednesday following struck up a conversation on the plane years, I have to say he was at his abso-
words from someone who had just lost a Mark Ingram's South Carolina perfor- and talked all the way to Phoenix. He lute best when the teams were bad. I’d
friend. mance. We talked for about 30 minutes, was so genuine and real. He talked to me never read a columnist so brutal about
and he provided great information. Be- like he knew me his whole life and he the home team. It almost staggered me
Brant Waddell fore I left, he asked if I would like to join didn't know me at all, but that was the to read fresh copy like that. But his un-
him for Nick Saban's midweek press kind of guy that he was just a joy to be flinching commentary was unapologet-
I really don’t know what to say. He conference at 6. Of course, I jumped on around. ic. More importantly, it was the unvar-
was truly a giant in his field. Cecil’s col- it. nished truth.
umn was must-read content in every We met at the Mal Moore Building, David Cooper
Tuscaloosa News paper I ever read. As and he took me into the press confer- Ross Steelman
many have said – it wasn’t news until ence to get a feel for how everything I was hired at The Tuscaloosa News
Cecil corroborated it. You can argue went. in 1997. It seemed like coming across the I never met him, but I referred to him
whether it is or is not common for a writ- His simple gesture was something map with a wife and a new baby kid, I all the time to my wife. Whether it was
er or journalist to truly stand out that has stuck with me. He didn't have had to cut my teeth and it was going to about Slim Charles or Prince, I was al-
amongst their peers – whatever your to extend that invitation, but he did. take a while to do it right. But reading ways saying “Cecil said.”
stance on the commonality of such indi- Cecil’s work in those first months, it was Every football game comes with what
viduals. Cecil was truly a giant in his Mattie-Lou Chandler like reading the tablets coming down feels like 20 commercial breaks, and ev-
field and one that will very likely never from Sinai. If you wanted to understand ery time the digital countdown clock
be surpassed. The void he leaves is not There is no “short form” for what Cec- Tuscaloosa, the university, and the came on the field I grabbed my phone to
possible to fill. He will always be a leg- il Hurt meant to me, or any of us who heart of Alabama sports – especially the see what Cecil had to say on Twitter.
endary figure. had the privilege to know him or read his religion that is Tide Football – you had to Lastly, I arrived early to a basketball
I’m sorry I don’t have the words to do work. He was a giant among men. His read Cecil closely. game several years ago and there he sat
him justice. ability to take even the smallest interac- I will say this; people think Cecil at the press table … reading a book.

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