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California History Project and Report

As part of our study of California, each student is required to do one

outside project and written report having to do with the history of our state.
The topic may be a person, place, entity, or event that has historical
significance in California. Your child should choose something that is of
interest to him/her. Please assist your child in setting a realistic goal.

This assignment has 2 parts: A project and written report

The Project: Must be NO larger than 23” x 17” (the size of a student desk) if
it is a model. A list of ideas is attached.

The Report: Must be 5 paragraphs in length. It may be hand written or

typed, but must be in FINAL DRAFT form by the indicated due date.

Report Outline
Paragraph 1: This is your opening paragraph. Introduce your topic and give
an overall, general idea of what the rest of your paper is about in this

Paragraph 2 & 3: These two paragraphs are the body of your report.
Include background information, historical facts, and details and descriptions
of your chosen topic.

Paragraph 4: This paragraph should include any unusual or interesting

facts not previously covered.

Paragraph 5: This is your closing paragraph. Restate some of the main

ideas from your paper and give an explanation of why this topic is significant
to the history of California. Make a case for why it is important.

Remember that this is a fact driven report and should be free of

your personal OPINIONS.

Please use at least three resources for the research of your topic.
The resources may include books, encyclopedias, personal
interviews, and articles found on the internet. Please attach a
listing (bibliography) to your report of the resources used.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar.............30
Neatness and effort......................................10


Ideas for the Project

I. Build a model
a. California Mission i. Hollywood
b. Gold Mining Camp j. Amusement park
c. CA Rancho k. San Fransisco Earthquake
d. Yucaipa Adobe l. Disneyland
e. Golden Gate Bridge m. Silicon Valley
f. Alcatraz n. Spanish Galleon
g. Sutter’s Fort o. Pacific Coast Trail
h. Calico Ghost town p. John Muir

II. Create a portfolio or scrapbook

- How they lived, what they did- John Sutter, James Marshall, Junipero Serra,
Walt Disney, etc.
-Can also make a scrapbook

III. Write a journal based on facts

-Coming to CA in a covered wagon or ship in the 1800’s, exploring the coast
with Cabrillo, being a part of the Bear Flag Revolt, living on a mission or
rancho, etc

IV. Visit a historic site and create a power-point or video

V. Project of your choice: See teacher for approval

Have Fun!!!

Due Date:_____________________________

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