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Running head: PLAN OF CARE 1

Plan of Care Assignment

Cherie Boyer

Delaware Technical Community College

Health Assessment 320

Faith Hughto


Individualized Plan of Care

In this world we like to think each person's plan of care is the same, for example each

person that has high blood pressure we try to treat the same. But that doesn't always work

because each person is not the same and even though they are diagnosed with the same thing

their care is individualized to them.

My patient DC is a 32 year old male that lives a rather healthy man. He works out at

least 5x a week and eats rather healthy on a daily basis. He experiences minor trouble with

palpitations after working, he takes vitamins regularly and overall makes sure he is taking good

care of himself. The one thing I could see him working on and getting better with is his mental

health could be more focused on. He also could benefit from sports nutrition to better help

with the palpitations. Regular working out is different then sports working out. It sometimes

requires more calories than the average person working out because of the extensive amount

of calories being burned and the one on a regular basis.

DC is at risk for potential heart problems due to the history of palpitations. For this

reason I did some research to find a some cardiologist resource to make an appointment with

Dr. Pastore to make sure the palpation is not related to something more serious. Based on

where DC lived and the insurance he has I wanted to make sure I gave him a reputable person

to get the best fcare he could. With going to see the cardiologist this could help DC understand

why he is having these palpitations and make sure that they no longer happen again. Studies

show that after exercise, the body’s adrenaline level remains high for a period of time while the

heart rate decreases back to normal. Due to the higher adrenaline level in this period, the

palpitations can occur at an increased rate or frequency (Philadelphia, 2021.) To evaluate this

making sure DC makes regular visits in case something does come up and just to make sure

nothing comes up later due to his history, This way he can be ahead of the potential unknown.

Referring to a nutritionist for DC is to better help and make sure he truly is getting the

best nutrition based on the activity he is doing each day. Although he is stating he is eating well

this is based on his assessment and could be missing meals and or not eating enough calories in

a day which could be harmful to the body when not getting enough fuel throughout the day.

Christana Care has a nutrition consultant office in Newark. In this office they offer a sports

nutrition assistant. Although DC is not an athlete he does play sports often and could benefit

from a nutrition that meets the demand of his active lifestyle. He could set up monthly

appointments to evaluate how effective the change in his diet has affected his performance.

Since DC appears to be on the more healthier side I feel like these two are the main

things that I believe will benefit him. Continuing his yearly physicals as well and continuing to

take care of himself will be the key things to preventing long term health issues and setting him

up for a long healthy life.


Philadelphia. 2021. Wellness. Retrieved from


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