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. Gilyah’na [Revelation] 1:14 HTHS*).


REAL IDENTITY most black people like the Jamaicans. Please take note that
Hebrew Israelites in Scripture and ancient Egyptian (Mitzrim)
Now let us look at the skin color of Musa (Moses). In the book of
Shemoth (Exodus) tells us that his hands become white (meaning
OF HEBREW were identical by complexion.
not originally white) because of leprosy.
“YAHUWAH said furthermore to him, Now put your hand inside your
ISRAELITES Archaeological evidence shows that ancient Egyptians and cloak. He put his hand inside his cloak and when he took it out,

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Hebrew Israelites were with wooly (kinky) braided and locked amazingly, his hand was leprous, as white as snow. 7 He said, Put
your hand inside your cloak again. He put his hand inside his cloak
There are many things we learned and believe that when we try to hairs. The Foot Stool of King Tut of Egypt were depicting an
again and when he took it out of his cloak, behold, it had turned
give some amount of time to search out it will amaze us of the inscription of all his enemies, this include the Hebrew Israelites. again as his other flesh.” (Shemoth [Exodus] 4:6-7 HTHS*)
opposite conclusion. The very reasons that I knew of is that a lot In that inscription shows the people are black and dark skinned. The notion that Moses was white is being destroyed and refuted
of “false flag” which evolved almost in every area of social Important to identifying the Yasarels how they looked is by this proof. If Musa (Moses) was white as the “Hollywood
influence and that religion is not an exemption. identifying how the Egyptians looked. The Scripture reveals that Zionists” are portraying him in their movies then it would be
Well majority of the people if not all, including myself before, AbraYA (Hebrews) and Ancient Egyptians (Mitzrim) could not impossible for you to notice his leprosy. Looked that after He
used to believe that the Hebrew Israelites of the Scripture looks tell apart. was healed by the Almighty his hand was not anymore white but
like the modern Caucasians with white pigmentation and blue Hebrew Israelites were mistaken as Egyptian such as Yosef returned to its original pigmentation.
eyes. The same Scripture of the Hebrew told us by the Messiah [Joseph] (Beresheeth [Genesis] 42:6-8 HTHS*), Musa [Moses] Here is another proof! Musa’s cousin MiriYaam experienced the
YAHUSHUA that in the latter days there will be impostors who (Shemoth [Exodus] 2:16-19 HTHS*) and Shaul [Saul] (Ma’aseh same with him when the latter murmured against the former.
would be claiming to be Yahudim-Judahites (aka Jews) and are Ha Shlekhim 21:37-38 HTHS*). This is a manifestation that “The anger of YAHUWAH was kindled against them and he departed.
not, but the “Synagogue of Shatan”. 10 The cloud removed from over the Tent and hear this, MiriYAam
ancient Egyptians and the Hebrew Israelites were identical in
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) (joined to YA and to his people) was leprous, as white as sand (snow
complexion. in KJV margin) AAHron looked at MiriYAam (joined to YA and to his
and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews
(Yahudim), and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” At the incarnation of the Messiah, He was hidden in Egypt during people) and hear this, she was leprous.” (Bamidbar [Numbers] 12:1-
(Revelation 2:9, KJV, Emphasis supplied) the time of King Herod. You can just imagine how can the 16 HTHS*)
Messiah would be hidden in Egypt if He was white while the
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they
are Jews (Yahudim), and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them
Egyptians were dark skinned.
to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BCE) below left
thee.” (Revelation 3:9, KJV, Emphasis supplied) shows the inscription of King YAHU (Jehu in KJV) of the
Many of whom I told, that the Hebrew Israelites of the Scripture Northern kingdom Israel giving tribute. It appears that King
were not white; they answered me that whatever the color of YAHU has a wooly, kinky hair.
them doesn’t matter.
Well, there is an existing “identity crises” in relation to the
people of the Almighty in the Scripture. And this is truth and if
truth doesn’t matter to you then there might be something wrong
within your mind or intellectual aspect. Maybe because that was
the product of what Hollywood Zionists who manifested to us
through their movies about the Messiah, Musa (Moses),
Shalomah (Solomon), Dauwid (David), Shamson (Samson), etc.
that they are white. Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III Behistun Rock of Darius I the great
How is it that to you if I can prove you historically, scripturally
The Behistun Rock above In the book Lamentation (Ekah), it states that the skin of the
and archaeologically that the Hebrew Israelites of the Scripture
right shows the captives of Hebrew Israelites were black and becoming blacker like an oven
including the Messiah when incarnated were all, either dark
Darius I the great (515 BCE). in times of famine.
skinned or black? Would you change your mind or would you “Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine.”
just continue with what you believe before, in spite of the Among the captives were the
(Lamentation 5:10, KJV)
incontrovertible evidence that shutters our unverified beliefs? Yahudim (Judahites). In other
In modern scientific discovery there is confirmation to this; that
inscription on the right shows
Let’s take first at how the hairs of the Hebrew Israelites appear. that the Judahites have wooly,
when a Caucasians or white people get sick he becomes whiter while
The Scripture declares that a Hebrew Nazar Bereith (Nazarite) a black person when he is in sickness becomes blacker.
braided and locked hairs, thick The Almighty YAHUWAH talked to prophet Amos comparing the
like Shamson, Yahuchanon (John) the Immerser and the noses and thick lips.
Messiah have wooly (kinky), braided and locked hairs. Israelites in likeness to the Cushite.
(We’Dabar [Numbers] 6:5; Shoftem [Judges] 16:13; [Daniel] 7:9;
“Are you not as children of the Cush (Sudanese Empire) to me,2 O “10 From beyond the rivers of Cush (Sudan) the ones who pay homage The Lemba claims that their people crossed the Red Sea from Sanaa,
children of Y‟sra‟el? Says YHWH. Have not I brought up Y‟sra‟el out to me, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring my offering. 11 In Yemen into Ethiopia, and from there they splinter off into two
of the land of Mitzrayim (Egypt)? And the Plushtim from Caphtor, and that day shall you not be ashamed for all your doings, wherein you have groups. One is the Beta Yisra’el settled in Ethiopia and the other, the
the Assyrians from Kir?” (Amas [Amos] 9:7 HTHS*) transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of you Lemba settled in South Africa. These testimonies of the Lemba
The Greek for the word Ethiopia (Cush) is Aithiop meaning them that rejoice in your pride, and you shall no more be haughty people conform as a fulfillment of the Scripture (ZacherYAHUW
blackamoor or a dark skinned person. (Strong’s Greek Dictionary because of my Set-Apart mountain. 12 I will also leave in the midst of [Zechariah] 14:5).
Number G128) you an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of
YHWH. 13 The remnant of Y‟sra‟el shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; “Ashanti” means “the people of Ashan”. The suffix “ti” in West

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Even King Shalomah (Solomon) admitted himself that he was black.
neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall African Languages means “people of or race of” and Ashan means
“I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of
Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. (Tzephan’yah smoke as in burning city figuratively the destruction of Jerusalem in
black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children [Zephaniah] 3:10-13, HTHS*) 70 CE by the Romans.
were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but Before the impalement of the Messiah YAHUSHUA to the After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE, the Romans expelled the
mine own vineyard have I not kept.” (Song of Songs 1:5-6, KJV) execution pole, He prophesied that the people Israel will be taken remaining three tribes of the original Yahudim (Jews) that were left
The Hebrew word for black in the above passage is “rxf - Shachor” again into captivity. in Judea, and they fled into Africa. In fact, the majority of people
which is literally dusky, swarthy or black. (Strong’s Hebrew “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away living in Sub-Saharan West Africa are descendants of the Israelites.
Dictionary Number H7838) captive into all nations: and Yerushalim shall be trodden down of the Numerous Israelite communities exist in Africa to this day, for
The prophet Yob (Job) who is also a Hebrew Israelites admits that he Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Lukah [Luke] example: the Ethiopian Hebrews, the Lemba Hebrews of South
is black. 21:24, HTHS*) Africa, Abayudaya of Uganda, etc. Centuries later, the merchants of
“My skin grows black and peels from me. My bones are burned with This was fulfilled during the siege of Yarushalem (Jerusalem) by the slavery captured and sold some of their descendants of the African
heat.” (Iyob [Job] 30:30 HTHS *) Romans in 70 CE. Until the last revolt of the Israelites managed by Israelites to America as slaves; European Zionists (they are from
Several times in the Bereith Ha Chadasha (New Covenant), that Bar Kochba in CE 135 wherein the rest of the Israelites were Khazaria who adopted Judaism) were involved trading the original
there are Hebrew Israelites which came from Cyrene, Pamphylia forbidden by the Romans to enter Jerusalem on pain of death. Hebrew Israelites in the slave trade. The descendants of the original
and Alexandria. In other occasions they are called black like So our ancestors fled from the persecution of the Romans in CE 70 Israelites of the Scripture (the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi)
Simeon the Niger (black). and escaped to Africa via Egypt. This thing of taking refuge into are amongst the Sub-Saharan Africans, the Black Americans, West
Now there were in the church (Cahal-Congregation) that was at Africa was usual evidence even in the Old Testament time that when Indians and Afro-Latinos. The Tribes if Yasarel (Israel) were not lost
Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that ever there was famine in Canaan, the tribes of Ya’acob (Israel) but are scattered throughout the earth. They are today ignorantly
was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been settled in Africa. being called: Hispanics, Indians, Blacks, Africans, Moors,
brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.(Acts 13:1, KJV, Sephardim, Pashtuns, Sakai, Temiar, Karen, Negritos and
Emphasis supplied) HISTORICALLY: Aborigines of the Pacific; whose DNA markers will never match
“And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene (North Africa), The Zondervan Dictionary of the Bible Pictorial Edition Page 412 that of Ashkenazy impostors proving that these European so-called
Shimon by name: him they compelled to bear his execution stake.” asserts under the heading “Ham”: “The youngest son of Noah, born Jews are not Israelites! Black history is about World History because
(Mattityahu [Matthew] 27:32, HTHS*) probably about 96 years before the Flood, and one of the eight where ever the White Westerners went to colonize; there are there
“Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about persons to live through the Flood. He (Ham) became the progenitor black people whom they marginalized. It is the history of the Hebrew
Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,” (Acts 2:10, of the dark races-not the blacks, but the Egyptians (Mitzrim), Israelites whose identity ceased because they forgot the true Name
KJV, Emphasis supplied) Ethiopians (Cushites), Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen. 10:6-20, YAHUWAH hwhy(Dibarim [Deuteronomy] 32:26). For more
“And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they Emphasis supplied). We can see here that Ham’s decendants were information about this subject, because this small pamphlet could not
were come to Antioch, spake unto the Grecians, preaching the Master dark skinned Noah has other sons Shem were the Shemite derived contain the details, you may contact the mobile phones and email
[vwhy.” (Ma’aseh Ha Shlekhim [Acts] 11:20, HTHS*) who were identical to the Hametic race. address below.
And a certain Jew (Yahudim) named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an Nathan Ausubel a historian wrote: “In 16th century the famous Note: HTHS*= Quotations from “Hidden Truth Hebraic Scroll”
eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. (Acts geographer Leo Africanus said: The Abyssinians claim that a numerous KJV = King James Version
18:24, KJV, Emphasis supplied) people of Hebrew origin is found living on the shores of the Nile towards
Written By: Rabbi Roberto F. Fortu
Geographically, Cyrene is located in North Africa particularly in the West under a mighty king, some of our newer geographers located
Libya while Pamphylia and Alexandria were in Egypt still part of an unknown mountainous region at the Equator between the Congo and If you want to avail a copy of the Book “Ha’Emet (The Truth)” or if you
Africa. It is well documented that even prior to the incarnation of the Abassia which they call „The Land of the Hebrew‟.” (Pictorial history want a free Hebrew Lesson you may call or send text to Mobile No.
Messiah YAHUSHUA, there are a lot of Hebrew Israelite colonies of the Jewish People by Nathan Ausubel Page. 227) 00639084442866, 00639281940640 or email to
throughout Africa. And during the Pentecost a lot of African Hebrew “The Dominicans when they undertook Mission work in Africa in the This is an Educational Materials of
Israelites attended this Hebrew Feast Bachur (First Fruits). thirteenth century, required of their missionaries a knowledge of Hebrew African-Israel International
as well as Arabic” (Hebrewism of West Africa Page 240) Union of Y’sraelite Qahalim Copy Right
The prophet Zephanyahu (aka Zephaniah) told us that among the
Published By: at ALEPH TAU Publications Int’l 2012-2014
worshippers of the Almighty YAHUWAH are from beyond the In the Book written by Mungo Park recorded that there were many
rivers of Cush which is Ethiopia and part of the land is now being Jews (Yahudim) living in Africa and among the “Negroes” he found
called Abyssinia. copies of the Torah. (Travels in the Interior of Africa, Mungo Park
Page 253, and Emphasis supplied)

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