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Keisy Cordova p6 10/27/2020 District Writing Essay

Imagine having to be in school but in order to graduate you must do

community service. Most kids that are in collage or high school need to do that to
get a diploma, but some kids disagree to the idea that its obligatory and think
schools should change it. Some people believe that community service shouldn't
be mandatory in order to pass school. However, I believe that it should be
necessary in order to pass.
To begin with, schools should stick to the idea of making it mandatory to do
community service to graduate. In source 1 “Required Public Service: Good for
Students or Unfair” it says, “mandatory community service instills in students a
noble sense of giving and a proper sense of citizenship that lasts a lifetime”. In
source 2 “Should Students be Required to do Community Service to Graduate” it
also says, “potentially it leads students to build character and social awareness.”
This all means that when you do government provided services you better
yourself to make a better character, you learn to work with others, and it helps
you manage your time and focus better.
Furthermore, service learning should be compulsory in student's ordinary lives
to succeed in school because it helps you with your future. According to source 4
“What are the Best Reasons to Volunteer” it says “another great reason to
volunteer is that volunteerism can benefit a professional resume. Many
employers and schools look favorably upon volunteer experience. Also, while your
volunteering, you can learn new skills and sharpen old ones, honing your
communication, leadership, teamwork, and time management talents.” This is
important because it shows that whenever you get your job your most likely to
get in or get high paying jobs if you volunteer that way you earn more money and
have a better lifestyle. It also means that you can learn new things like
professionalism, confidence, organization, and problem-solving skills which is
In conclusion, being obligated to do community service or volunteering to
graduate can have many benefits in your life. It can help you in the near future
and even help you with the way you act and things you learn. Who knows maybe
when you get to high school or college you do community service and if you do,
see what it does for you?

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