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rochmphysica 4, 1- (1972)


{Met opsomming in Afrikaans)
(Avec resume en fran(ais)

N. G. REEVE and Μ. E. SUMNER, Departments of Soil Science, Agricultural Research Institute,

Cedara and the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg


The large pH dependent CEC in Natal Oxisols effectively limits the downward movement of lime.
Although heavy fertilization, particularly with acid-forming nitrogenous fertilizers, increases the rate of
movement, relatively small amounts of Ca salts having little ability to neutralize subsoil exchangeable A1
could be leached from limed topsoil. In contrast, bases equivalent to 80% of that applied leached rapidly
from gypsum-treated topsoil. Although gypsum could not entirely eliminate subsoil exchangeable Al, it
lowered the level of exchangeable Al in the subsoil more effectively than did lime. However, gypsum
caused severe loss of exchangeable Mg which could have serious nutritional consequences if not cor-

INTRODUCTION Ca from heavily limed topsoil reached a maximum depth

Since incorporation of lime at depths greater than of 45 cm. In soils treated with gypsum on the other hand,
normal plough depth is both costly and undesirable due Ca rapidly moved through the entire profile. However,
to exposure of infertile subsoil (Reeve & Sumner, 1971), exchangeable Ca in gypsum-treated soils increased large-
amelioration of subsoil acidity will depend on leaching ly at the expense of exchangeable Mg.
of surface applied amendments. Although some authors In most of the studies cited above, appreciable down-
indicate that subsoil liming does not increase yield ward movement of lime was obtained only where ex-
substantially if the topsoil is adequately limed (Houri- tremely heavy dressings of lime had been applied; in
gan, Franklin, McLean & Bhumbla, 1961; Estrada & Natal Oxisols, heavy liming could lead to a serious de-
Cummings, 1968) and that surface applied lime is as pression in yield (Reeve & Sumner, 1970a). The object
effective as lime incorporated into the plough layer of this paper is to investigate the downward movement
(Abruna, Vicente-Chandler & Pearson, 1964), others of Ca and the neutralization of subsurface exchangeable
have found appreciable increases in yield resulting from Al at rates of amelioration comparable with the actual
deep placement of lime (Pohlman, 1946; Kehoe & lime requirement of these soils (Reeve & Sumner,
Curnow, 1963). Liming subsurface horizons consider- 1970b) and which are therefore likely to be acceptable
ably increases root proliferation in the subsoil (Ragland in practice.
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& Coleman, 1959; Hourigan, et al., 1961; Kehoe &

Curnow, 1963; Estrada & Cummings, 1968; unpub- MATERIALS AND METHODS
lished data of the authors) and it appears that benefits For the purpose of this study, only one soil was used
gained from deep placement of lime are largely ascrib- since Reeve (1968) showed that Natal Oxisols can be
able to improved subsoil moisture utilization (Haynes expected to behave similarly with respect to the leaching
& Robbins, 1948; Rios & Pearson, 1964). of soil ameliorants. The Clovelly series, a typical Natal
Although neutralization of subsoil acidity, in parti- Oxisol (studied by Reeve, 1968; Reeve & Sumner,
cular the elimination of Al toxicity (Reeve & Sumner, 1970a, b) contains approximately 2 meq/100 g each of
1970a, b) would account for improved root penetration exchangeable Al, Ca, and Mg 3,3% oxidisable C, and
in Natal Oxisols, Ca is known to be an essential factor has a pH (KC1) of 4,1 and a CEC of 21 meq/100 g at
in the root environment due to poor downward trans- pH 7 (N N H 4 O A C ) in the topsoil (0 - 15 cm). The base
location by plants (Haynes & Robbins, 1948; Rios & status declines rapidly with increasing depth in the pro-
Pearson, 1964; Howard & Adams, 1965). Data of Reeve file (exchangeable Ca=0,5 meq/100 g between 15 and 30
& Sumner (1971) and Reeve (1970) show that Natal cm depth and <0,2 meq/100 g below 30 cm); exchange-
Oxisols are generally low in exchangeable bases at depth able Al and pH remain essentially constant to a depth of
in the profile; exchangeable Ca values <0,1 meq/100 g 90 cm (Reeve, 1970).
below a depth of 15 or 30 cm are not uncommon. It Seven sets of eight 100 g subsamples of airdry Clovel-
therefore seems imperative to consider subsoil acidity ly topsoil ( 0 - 1 5 cm) were each treated with increments
in the amelioration of acid soils both from the stand- (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 meq/100 g) of either Ca(OH)2 or
point of toxic factors and low base status. C a S 0 4 . 2 H 2 0 ; to three sets 1 meq N/100 g (140 ppm)
Although the downward movement of lime is en- was added either as NH4C1 or NaNO a and two sets
hanced by heavy dressings of acid-forming nitrogenous were superimposed on 100 g of untreated Clovelly sab-
fertilizers, the rate of movement is exceedingly slow soil ( 1 5 - 3 0 cm) to simulate a profile. The samples were
(Pohlman, 1946; Brown, Munsell, Holt & King, 1956; placed in 5 cm diameter polythene leaching tubes,
Pearson, Abruna, & Vicente-Chandler, 1962; Abruna, moistened to field capacity and incubated at 30°C for
et al., 1964; Adams, White, & Dawson, 1967). Un- 10 weeks. With the exception of one set, all samples
published data of the authors show that after 14 years were then leached with deionised H 2 0 (room tempera-
of cropping with maize, 12 m. tons of dolomitic lime/ha ture) at the rate of one pore volume per day (topsoil
( 0 - 1 5 cm) had little or no effect on exchangeable Ca basis; 1 pore volume = 40 ml H 2 0 = 2 cm). The ex-
and Al below a depth of 45 cm in a typical Natal Oxisol. perimental treatments are listed in Table 1.
Reeve (1968) obtained similar results in micro-lysi- Leachates were collected and analysed for Ca, Mg,
meters. After extensive leaching with de-ionised water, and Κ by flame photometry. When the amount of Ca

Received 13 May 1971


ο Ο
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σ σ
ω ω
ε Ε
Oi Oο
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ω ω

σ> σ>
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CalOHh appWed/toegedien (meq/100g)

FIG. 1 Total bases leached from Clovelly topsoil (0-15 cm) treated with lime (set B), lime 4 NaNO3 (set C), and lime + NH4CI (set D)
FIG. 1 Totale base geloog van Clovelly bogr,,nd (0-15 cm) bebande/ met kalk (stel B), kalk + NaN03 (s/el C), en kalk } NHtCl (ste/ D)'

TABLE 1 Experimental treatments applied to sets of Clovelly top- Ca, Mg, and Κ leached from the limed soil are presented
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soil treated with increments of lime or gypsum in Fig. 1 and from the gypsum treated soil in Fig. 2.
TABEL 1 Proefbebandelings toegedien aart slelle Clovelly bogrond bebandel Κ lost from individual treatments is not shown since
met inkremente van kalk of gips the maximum Κ lost was <0,05 meq/100 g and <0,12
Amelio- Sub- meq/100 g from lime and gypsum-treated soil respective-
Set No. Leach rant Topsoil soil ly. Although application of NaNO s and NH4C1 m-
Stclnr. Loog Verbete- Ν Bogrond Onder-
ringsmiddel grond

A No Ca(OH)2 No Yes No
Β Yes Ca(OH)2 No Yes No
C Yes Ca(OH)2 NaN0 3 Yes No
D Yes Ca(OH)2 NH4C1 Yes No
Ε Yes C a S 0 4 . 2 H 2 0 No Yes No
F Yes Ca(OH)2 NH4C1 Yes Yes
G Yes C a S 0 4 . 2 H 2 0 No Yes Yes

in each pore volume displaced became <0,02 meq/100 g

(<0,05 meq/100 g in the case of set E) the experiment
was terminated, the soils air-dried and analysed for ex-
changeable Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH 4 , and net CEC (samples
were saturated with NH4C1, washed free of salt with
H a O and adsorbed NH 4 determined by Kjeldahl dis-
tillation; exchangeable NH 4 was displaced with 0,2N
KN0 3 ). Exchangeable A1 was taken as the difference
between net CEC and total exchangeable bases (Reeve
& Sumner, 1971). Subsoils were analysed in the case
of sets F and G. Nitrate was determined in leachates
0 2 4 6 8
from sets Β and D.
RESULTS CaS0 4 . 2H 2 0 appliedltoegedien (meq/100 g)

The rate of Ca removal dropped to the specified

limits after six pore volumes of water had passed FIG. 2 Bases leached from Clovelly topsoil (0-15 cm) treated with
gypsum (set E). The dotted line represents the level of Mg
through treatments B, C and D and after 16 pore vol- in the untreated soil
umes had passed through treatment E. Leaching of FIG. 2 Base geloog van Clovelly bogrond (0-15 cm) bebandel met gips
both treatments F and G was terminated after 16 pore {stel E). Die gestippefde lyn dui aan die boeveelbetd Mg in die
volumes of water had passed through the soil. Total onbebandelde grond

Ν. G . R E E V E & Μ . Ε. S U M N E R

creased the loss of bases from lime-treated topsoil, the CF^C accounts for the minimal movement of bases from
maximum amount leached (1,5 meq/100 g) was far less limed soil. F^xchangeable Al decreased to zero with
than in the case of gypsum-treated soil where total increased rates of lime application as expected. In agree-
bases leached were equivalent to 80% of that applied. ment with the findings of Reeve & Sumner (1970b),
At low levels of ameliorant more Mg than Ca was re- the neutralization of exchangeable Al is not a preferen-
moved supporting the earlier finding (Reeve, 1968) that tial reaction; the neutralization of other forms of acidity
in these soils Mg is considerably less strongly absorbed
than Ca. NaNO., and NH4C1 increased the removal of
Mg from limed soil but losses were nevertheless not
appreciable. In the case of gypsum-treated soil, how-
ever, serious losses of Mg occurred, more than half the
native exchangeable Mg (1,7 meq/100 g) being lost for
gypsum applications above 3 meq/100 g. Comparison
of Fig. 1 and 3 shows that the greater loss of Ca, Mg,
and Κ from Ν fertilized soil is adequately accounted
for by the increase in exchangeable Na (set C) and large-
ly by the increase in exchangeable NH 4 (set D). Nitri-
fication increased with increased rate of liming as ex-
pected (Fig. 3); the quantitative agreement between the
decrease in exchangeable NH 4 and the increase in N 0 3
produced (set D) indicates that nitrification of added
NH 4 takes place preferentially to that of native organic
N. On the other hand, the considerable nitrification of
organic Ν which took place in the unfertilized soil (set
B) is further evidence that cation exchange rather than
physiologically produced acids is mostly responsible for
the increased loss of base from limed soil fertilized with
N. In support of this, field experiments in Natal fre-
quently show little or no crop response to Ν on newly
Ca(OH) applied toegedien (mcq'lOOg)
cultivated soils.
Neutral salt or "field pH" CEC is known to increase
FIG. 3 Nitrate leached (sets Β and D) and exchangeable Na and
with liming due to neutralization or replacement of NH4 remaining in limed Clovelly topsoil (0-15 cm) ferti-
initially non-salt exchangeable "H" with salt exchange- lized with NaNO3 (set C) and NH4C1 (set D) after leaching
able Ca (Bhumbla & McLean, 1965; Reeve & Sumner, with de-ionised water. Soil not fertilized with Ν contained
1971). CEC values obtained at different levels of negligible amounts of Na and NH4 after leaching
Ca(OH)2 are shown in Fig. 4 (set B). CEC values for the FIG. 3 Nitraat gelooj,; (stelle Β en D) en uitruilbare Na en NH4 mat oor-
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bly in gekalkde Clovelly bogrond (0-15 cm) hemes met NaNOa

Ν fertilized soil (sets C and D) and unleached soil (stel C) en NHtCl (stel D) na loging met gedeiooniseerde water.
(set A) were not significantly different from those in Grond nie hemes met Ν bet onbenullige boeveelbede Na en NH}
Fig. 4 and are therefore not presented. The increase in bevat na loging

Set/Stel Β Set /Stel Ε


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

C a ( 0 H ) 2 appWed/toegedien (meq/100g) CaS0«- 2 Η2Ο applied/toegedien (meq/100g)

FIG. 4 CEC and exchangeable cations in Clovelly topsoil (0-15 cm) treated with lime and gypsum after leaching with water
FIG. 4 Κ UK en uitruilbare katione in Clovelly bogrond (0-15 cm) bebandel met kalk engips na loging met water


Ca(OH) 2 in topsoil//>7 bogrond (meq/100g) C a S 0 4 - 2 H 2 0 in topsoil//>7 bogrond (meq/100g)

FIG. 5 CEC and exchangeable cations in Clovelly subsoil (15-30 cm) after leaching with effluent from ameliorated topsoil
FIG. 5 KUKen uitruilbare katione in Clovelly ondergrond {15-30 cm) na loging met uitvloeisel van verbeterde bogrond

leading to an increase in CEC takes place simultaneous- and the small loss of bases from limed soil (Fig. 1).
ly. For gypsum-treated soil on the other hand, the CEC Thus on liming, sites which were formerly not salt-
remained unchanged, exchangeable Ca increasing large- exchangeable become so at least semi-permanently (that
ly at the expense of exchangeable Mg and to a lesser
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component of the pH dependent CEC which is due

extent exchangeable Al. Although the decrease in ex- to organic matter would be slowly lost on decomposition
changeable A1 may be due in part to replacement by Ca of the organic matter). For this reason downward
and loss by leaching, gypsum has been shown to reduce movement of bases from limed topsoil is largely de-
exchangeable Al, probably by sulphate-induced Al poly- pendent on fertilization. Fig. 3, 4 and 5 show that added
merization by ligand exchange for hydroxyl groups re- NH. is quantitatively adsorbed and that native ex-
sulting in a "self liming" effect (Reeve & Sumner, changeable Κ is subject to little loss by leaching. Since
1970a). Κ and NH 4 have similar hydrated ionic radii, applied
With a view to assessing the acid neutralizing capacity Κ is also likely to be preferentially adsorbed (Duthion,
of effluent from lime and gypsum-treated topsoil, sets 1968). Thus heavy fertilization with NH 4 and Κ would,
D and Ε were superimposed on untreated Clovelly over a period of time, effect a considefable downward
subsoil (sets F and G). In neither case was the CEC of movement of Ca by simple cation exchange. In addition,
the subsoil increased and only a small reduction in ex- acids produced during nitrification would assist this
changeable Al occurred where the topsoil was limed process. Assuming that the overall nitrification reaction
(set F; Fig. 5). For gypsum-treated topsoil (set G) the is
reduction in exchangeable Al in the subsoil was com- NH4+ + 2 0 2 N 0 3 - + H 2 0 + 2H+
parable with that obtained in the topsoil (set E, Fig. 4).
Again, exchangeable Mg was considerably reduced. the NH4+ ion should be particularly efficient in the
removal of Ca from limed topsoil both from the stand-
point of dissolving unreacted lime and by causing pro-
DISCUSSION tonation of pH dependent exchange sites. Comparison
The pH dependent increase in CEC in acid soils of the total bases leached from unfertilized soil (set B,
arises from (a) deprotonation of weak acid sites on or- Fig. 1) with the N 0 3 " produced (set B, Fig. 3) shows
ganic matter or freeing of exchange sites as complexed close agreement if two equivalents of H + are produced
Al is precipitated (Helling, Chesters & Corey, 1964; for each equivalent of N 0 3 " as in the above equation.
McLean, Reicosky & Lakshmanan, 1965); (b) release However, as mentioned earlier, physiologically produced
of initially blocked isomorphous substitutional negative acids are unable to account entirely for the increased
charge by deprotonation of positive hydroxy alumina loss of bases from Ν fertilized soil (Fig. 1). From Fig. 5
(De Villiers & Jackson, 1967); and (c) amphoteric be- it is clear that Ca leached from limed topsoil, whether
haviour of iron oxides also by deprotonation (Sumner, by cation exchange or due to the nitrification reaction,
1963). Although in general deprotonation of weak acid moves downward in the form of a neutral salt; the ab-
sites is involved, such sites are not easily hydrolysed as sence of an increase in CEC or decrease in exchangeable
evidenced by the agreement found between CEC values Al in the subsoil indicates that the effluent from limed
of leached (sets B, C and D) and unleached soil (set A) topsoil has little basic character.


Fig. 1, 2 and 5 show that gypsum is far superior to efficace que la chaux. Par ailleurs le platre causa des pertes
lime in increasing subsoil base status. The small amounts severes de Mg echangeable. Et ceci pourrait avoir de serieuses
of Ca leached from lime-treated topsoil (Fig. 1) were repercussions sur les consequences nutritives si cela n'etait pas
entirely adsorbed in the subsoil ( 1 5 - 3 0 cm) (Fig. 5): corrige.
in the case of gypsum, at the respective levels of appli- REFERENCES
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