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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 46, No.

7, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-016-5037-9
Ó 2016 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Coincidence Lattices and Interlayer Twist in van der Waals

Heterostructures: Application of the Coincidence Lattice Method
on hBN/MoSe2 Heterobilayer Systems



1.—Group of Semiconductor Materials and Nanotechnology, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica,

DCTA, 12228-900 São José dos Campos, Brazil. 2.— Institut für Festkörpertheorie und
-optik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany. 3.—e-mail: 4.—e-mail: 5.—e-mail:

Van der Waals heterostructures have great potential in large-scale integration

devices and exploration of new physics. Experimental investigations allow
flexible combinations of two-dimensional crystals in device fabrications. The-
ory, however, has limitations of supercell sizes and commensurability,
translated into computational effort. In this work, we demonstrate the
application of the coincidence lattice method to simulate two hBN/MoSe2
heterobilayers taking interlayer twist effects into account. We predict that
both systems are stable upon contact and interact via van der Waals disper-
sions. We found that electronic properties of MoSe2 are preserved for both
simulated systems, but hBN suffers from the increase of interface interac-
tions, as evidenced by band structures and density of states calculations. Fi-
nally, band discontinuities are obtained and charge transfer arguments
explain small shifts in band offsets with respect to natural alignments. We
conclude that hBN is a reasonable substrate for preserving useful properties of
MoSe2 for application in electronic and optoelectronic devices, and that
interlayer twist angles play a significant role in the physics of van der Waals

Key words: hBN, MoSe2 , coincidence lattice method, interlayer twist,

vdW heterostructures

INTRODUCTION devices,6 quantum wells7 and band alignment

The study of new two-dimensional (2D) materials
Another group of widely studied and interesting
over the last decade has expanded horizons for new
materials are transition metal dichalcogenides
electronics and its applications in spintronics, opto-
(TMDCs). Their unique electronic properties
electronics, solar cells, batteries and so on.1 Among
include layer-dependent band gap in the visible
the most popular 2D crystals is hexagonal boron
spectrum, which allows band engineering for flexi-
nitride (hBN). Its insulating properties in a mono-
ble and transparent optoelectronic devices and field-
layer crystal are used for enhanced dielectrics,2
effect transistors (FET).9,10 Molybdenum dichalco-
interface decoupling,3 avoidance of chemical degra-
genides are well-known examples of useful semi-
dation4 and tunneling barriers.5 The huge band gap
conducting compounds for electronic devices. FET
is also promising for ultraviolet optoelectronic
fabricated with MoS2 have displayed a current on/
off ratio as high as 108 and low power consump-
tion,11 while photosensitive devices have shown
(Received July 15, 2016; accepted October 6, 2016;
improved response when compared with gra-
published online November 3, 2016) phene.12 Molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2 ), on the

Coincidence Lattices and Interlayer Twist in van der Waals Heterostructures: Application 3911
of the Coincidence Lattice Method on hBN/MoSe2 Heterobilayer Systems

other hand, exhibits a direct optical band gap of functional.30 Integrations over the Brillouin zone
1.55 eV, which is close to the optimal value for solar use a 12  12  1 C-centered Monkhorst-Pack k-
cell applications.13 Moreover, FET manufactured points mesh31 even for supercells. Density of states
with MoSe2 have also been reported, displaying calculations use a 32  32  1 k-points mesh and are
properties such as high temperature dependence14 modeled using the tetrahedron method with Blöchl
and low noise.15 corrections.32 The kinetic energy cutoff is fixed to
Different semiconductors can be assembled to 500 eV and all 2D systems are calculated with a
take advantage of the amalgamated properties. In vacuum of thickness larger than 20 Å. The energy
the case of 2D materials, one efficient way of doing convergence criterion is 105 eV and atomic posi-
this is by stacking the layers to form van der Waals tions of all systems are relaxed until Hellmann-
(vdW) heterostructures.16 The wide library of 2D Feynman forces on atoms are smaller than 1 meV/Å.
crystals and the absence of lattice-matching con- Visualizations of supercells and structures are made
straints on vdW stacks broaden the possibilities for with the software VESTA.33
novel devices based on interface modulation, such as The coincidence lattice method24 consists in a
hBN-based quantum wells.17,18 Experimental tech- powerful tool to predict favorable supercells by
niques such as mechanical exfoliation of layered solving a system of linear diophantine equations.
crystals favor preparation of vdW heterostructures Starting from a set fa1 ; a2 ; c1 ; c2 g of lattice vectors
for different combinations of materials and orienta- from known 2D crystals, it is possible to find
tions. Effects such as interlayer twist and incom- coincidences which require little strain if a rotation
mensurability may induce changes in the structural is allowed. Thus, given a rotation matrix M and two
and electronic properties of the system.19,20 crystals, solving Eq. 1 as in Ref. 24,
Theory can help in understanding novel    
heterostructures. Numerical simulations of vdW m1 n1
½ a1 a2  ¼ M ½ c1 c2  ; ð1Þ
heterostructures are only possible in commensu- m2 n2
rable systems. In most cases, forcing a commensu-
rability implies dealing with long-range for the integers ðm1 ; m2 ; n1 ; n2 Þ within a range of
periodicities in real space by using Bravais super- tolerance and size, it is possible to minimize super-
lattices or some strain. In the first case, the size of cell sizes and computational efforts when simulat-
the supercell greatly increases the computational ing systems derived from these coincidences. Details
efforts necessary to analyze the system within the of the method are given in Ref. 24, in which more
density functional theory (DFT).21 On the other than 700 feasible heterostructures are demon-
hand, the application of an artificial strain may strated with less than 100 atoms/supercells and
incorrectly describe the electronic properties of the strain inferior to 1%.
materials when simulating vdW heterostruc-
tures.22,23 These trade-offs are optimized by employ- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ing the coincidence lattice method,24 which We start from the DFT-optimized 2D crystals and
demonstrates its effectiveness by obtaining smaller their Bravais lattices. According to predictions in
supercells within twisted systems. Ref. 24, if a hBN/MoSe2 heterobilayer would be
In this work, we analyze structural and electronic constructed without taking rotations into account, a
properties of two hBN/MoSe2 twisted bilayer sys- (4  4) hBN and (3  3) MoSe2 supercell could be
tems predicted using the coincidence lattice method. built if both layers were subjected to a biaxial strain
By means of ab initio calculations within the DFT, of 0.73%, compressive for hBN and tensile for
we show that both systems form a weakly-interact- MoSe2 . Furthermore, a supercell with 59 atoms
ing heterojunction via vdW bonds. Band structures would
and density of states indicate that the direct band pffiffiffi have
pffiffiffi to be simulated.

Creating a supercell of
a ( 7  7ÞR19.1 hBN on (2  2) MoSe2 , however,
gap of MoSe2 is preserved upon contact with hBN reduces the strain to make the system commensu-
for both simulated angles. Electronic properties of rate to an absolute value of 0.33% on both layers,
hBN such as its band gap, however, are influenced still compressive for hBN and tensile for MoSe2 .
by the rotation. Finally, band discontinuities are This supercell contains 26 atoms inside itself and is
calculated and shifts in natural band offsets are depicted in Fig. 1a. To further p expand
explained by means of charge transfer. ffiffiffiffiffiffi pinvestiga-
tions concerning
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi rotations, a ( 12  12ÞR30.0
hBN on ( 7  7ÞR19.1 MoSe2 supercell can be
created to minimize the strain necessary to make
DFT calculations are performed using the Vienna the system almost commensurate, as a biaxial
Ab-initio Simulation Package25,26 implemented with strain as small as 0.18% on both layers would be
the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method.27,28 enough to create the supercell. This last system is
The Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional29 is still smaller than the aligned heterobilayer super-
employed to describe exchange and correlation cell, with 45 atoms to be taken in consideration, and
potential. All structural relaxations take van der is represented by Fig. 1b. In this work, we simulate
Waals interaction into account by using the optB86b the last two systems, designated by their relative
3912 Koda, Bechstedt, Marques, and Teles

interlayer twist angle of 19:1 and 10:9 , due to their simulated structures are shown in Fig. 2. The
lower strain and size compared to the aligned binding energy Eb is given by
system. In order to preserve the electronic proper-
ties of the strain-sensitive MoSe2 ,34 such as its ðEMoSe2 þ EhBN Þ  Ehet
Eb ¼ ; ð2Þ
direct band gap, we apply all the strain on hBN. Asupercell
This leads to biaxial strains on this layer of 0:67%
(0.37%) for the 19:1 (10:9 ) rotated system. The in which Ehet is the total energy of the heterobilayer
applied strain has small influences on the electronic for a given interlayer distance, EMoSe2 and EhBN are
properties of hBN. This commensurability strain the energies of the strained and isolated MoSe2 and
shifts the conduction band minimum (CBM) hBN monolayers considering their positions to form
upwards (downwards) by 0.05 eV (0.04 eV) and the the heterostructure, and Asupercell is the area of the
valence band maximum (VBM) downwards (up- supercell. Therefore, no contribution due to the
wards) by 0.02 eV (0.01 eV) for the 0:67% elastic energy is included in the binding energy, and
(0.37%) strain case. The tensile strain of 0.37% on the binding energy curve only takes into account the
hBN also leads to a indirect to direct band gap contact energy to analyze effects of rotation into the
transition. weak vdW binding. For each of the two interlayer
The stability for both bilayer systems is investi- twist angles investigated, a minimum is found.
gated first by varying the interlayer distance and Then, letting the heterobilayers with an interlayer
obtaining the energy as a function of the separation distance that minimizes the energy of the systems,
while keeping the atoms fixed in their positions i.e. their most stable configuration, atomic positions
within the monolayers. These curves for the are relaxed. Both systems are almost identical when
considering their binding energy curves, with a
binding energy of 21.2 meV/ Å 2 (21.1 meV/Å 2 ) for a
relative rotation angle of 19:1 (10:9 ). These values
are reasonable for molybdenum diselenides.35 Inter-
layer twists do not induce significant changes in the
equilibrium distance of the bilayer system because
of the planar structure of hBN, for which no
preferential stacking is found within the heterobi-
layer. Nevertheless, vdW interactions assure the
stability with the same binding energy regardless of
the interlayer twist angle.
For both heterobilayers on their respective equi-
librium positions, band structures are projected
onto atomic sites and represented with colors to
allow better interpretations of band formations, as
depicted in Fig. 3. Projected bands from each
monolayer differ from the ones of their 1  1 cells

Fig. 1. Coincidence lattices and atomic representation for the

MoSe2 /hBN heterobilayer for interlayer twist angles of (a) 19:1 and Fig. 2. Binding energy curves for the MoSe2 /hBN heterobilayer
(b) 10:9 .Blue (green) hexagons with solid (dashed) lines depict system for interlayer twist angles of 19:1 (solid black line) and 10:9
MoSe2 (hBN) Bravais lattices, respectively, while dark blue, light (dashed red line). The equilibrium distance for the 19:1 (10:9 ) ro-
blue, light green and dark green circles depict molybdenum, sele- tated system is 3.44 Å(3.48 Å) and the binding energy for the most
nium, boron and nitrogen atoms, respectively. Coincidence lattices stable configuration is 20.9 meV/Å2 (21.1 meV/Å2 ) if no relaxation in
are highlighted with green hexagons as a guide to the eye. atomic positions is performed.
Coincidence Lattices and Interlayer Twist in van der Waals Heterostructures: Application 3913
of the Coincidence Lattice Method on hBN/MoSe2 Heterobilayer Systems

due to band foldings that occur onto the first " #  

Brillouin zone (1BZ) when using a supercell to k~1 k1
calculate band structures. In order to understand ¼ B1 M T B : ð11Þ
k~2 k2
band foldings in arbitrary monolayer supercells, let
k be a point in the 1BZ, written as a linear
combination of a reciprocal lattice vector basis When the methodology from Eqs. 3 to 11 is
ðb1 ; b2 Þ as employed to calculate the symmetry points for the
supercells, it becomes clear that both the K and M
k ¼ k1 b1 þ k2 b2 : ð3Þ points ofpthe ffiffiffiffiffi
ffiffiffiffiffiffi 1p 1ffi hexagonal BZ are folded onto C
for a ð 12  12ÞR30 hexagonal supercell. An
We start from the three-dimensional vector basis immediate consequence
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiisffi that the direct band gap
ða1 ; a2 ; a3 Þ and use the definition of reciprocal lattice of monolayer ð 12  12ÞR30 hBN on K is folded
vectors from Ashcroft and Mermin,36 onto C. Other relevant symmetry foldings for super-
( a2 a3 cells used in this work are described in Table I.
b1 ¼ 2p a1 ða 2 a3 Þ Therefore, the use of monolayer supercells neces-
a3 a1 : ð4Þ
b2 ¼ 2p a1 ða sary for the construction of heterostructure cells
2 a3 Þ
may change the presentation of band structures
when compared with the original ones due to
The 2D Bravais lattice requires only two vectors folding. Analysis of electronic properties must be
to be described. Therefore, a3 may be adopted as done having in mind that original monolayer super-
½0 0 1T and the definitions from Eq. 4 reduced to two cells lead to different foldings when band structures
dimensions by simplifying the cross product. This are plotted, and that this procedure does not
leads to interfere with electronic properties of each material.
8   On the other hand, since coincidences between two
> 2p
a2y Bravais lattices define unit cells for heterostruc-
> b1 ¼ det A
< a2x tures, band structures for the interface such as the
 ; ð5Þ ones depicted in Fig. 3 should not be interpreted as
> a1y
> b2 ¼ 2p folded. Rather, no redundancy is presented within
: det A these band structures and no further simplifications
in which are allowed.
  For both simulated systems, the direct band gap
a1x a2x of MoSe2 is retained and does not deviate from the
A ¼ ½ a1 a2  ¼ : ð6Þ value of 1.50 eV obtained by simulation of the
a1y a2y
isolated monolayer. This illustrates an important
advantage for the use of hBN as a substrate for
Finally, the reciprocal lattice vectors can be optoelectronic applications using this TMDC. On
written as the other hand, electronic properties of hBN differ
  when rotation is included. An analysis of the
2p a2y  a1y
B ¼ ½ b1 b2  ¼ ¼ 2pAT : ð7Þ heterostructure bands by means of orbital composi-
det A a2x a1x tion indicates an out-of-plane overlapping of pz
orbitals from the hBN layer with dxz and dyz orbitals
Suppose the Bravais lattice symmetry is pre- from MoSe2 layer. Interlayer interactions, there-
served with a linear transformation, i.e. an opera- fore, may decrease the band gap projected onto hBN
tion M is applied to both direct lattice vectors a1 , a2 . due to the formation of hybrid bands with contribu-
The new lattice vectors are, therefore, described by tions of both monolayers. However, an interlayer
twist of 19:1 keeps sharper distinctions between
A~ ¼ MA ¼ ½ a~1 a~2  ¼ ½ Ma1 Ma2 ; ð8Þ hBN and MoSe2 conduction bands in the k-space, as
can be seen in the projected bands of Fig. 3a. This
and the reciprocal lattice is transformed into
can be compared to the mixed-contributions con-
B~ ¼ 2pðMAÞT ¼ 2pM T AT : ð9Þ duction bands at C in the k-space when an angle of
10:9 is imposed to the heterobilayer to assume that
relative rotations can influence electronic properties
Therefore, the coordinates of the point k after the of the monolayer hBN substrate. The opposite effect
change of basis, denoted here by k, ~ seems to happen to the valence band. The 19:1 -
" # rotated bilayer presents more interlayer overlap,
~ ¼ k~1 b~1 þ k~2 b~2 ¼ B~ k1 ;
k ð10Þ
which is seen in Fig. 3a next to the K point for
k~2 energies close to 5:8 eV. Meanwhile, the hBN
valence band for the 10:9 system distinguishes
are calculated by itself from the MoSe2 bands.
3914 Koda, Bechstedt, Marques, and Teles

Table I. Folding symmetry for 1BZ points in hexagonal supercells

Supercell Original point Folded onto point

11 K K
22 K K
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi M C
( 7  7ÞR19.1 K K
pffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi M M
( 12  12ÞR30 K C
Original point corresponds to the symmetry point as seen in a 1  1 cell. When the linear operation described in the Supercell column is
applied to the unit system, the original point is folded onto the 1BZ according to the relationship shown in the Folded onto point column.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Projected band structures for the MoSe2 /hBN heterobilayer system with an interlayer twist angle of (a) 19:1 and (b) 10:9 . Blue triangles
and green circles depict contributions from MoSe2 and hBN, respectively, to the specific eigenvalue for each k-point. Greater relative contri-
butions are represented by larger markers. The vacuum level of the MoSe2 side is set as the reference and the red line identifies the top of the
valence band.

The analysis of the density of states (DOS) for

both systems agrees with this inferences. Figure 4
shows the density of states calculated for both (a)
bilayer heterostructures, from which three impor-
tant features can be noted. Firstly, the MoSe2 DOS
is not influenced close to the valence and conduction
bands for both heterobilayers, thus underpinning
the preservation of electronic properties of this
TMDC upon contact with hBN. Secondly, the con-
duction band of hBN can be distinguished from the
overlapped states with MoSe2 bands because of the
falling edge followed by a rising edge at 1:25 eV. (b)
Evidently, the DOS for hBN above the CBM should
be substantially greater than zero. The same cannot
be seen in the 10:9 rotated system, which has a
non-zero density of states for energies above
1:50 eV. Furthermore, the magnitude of the DOS
for energies close to the CBM of hBN is close to that
from hBN itself, indicating the presence of signifi-
cant hBN states above 1:50 eV. Finally, the den-
sity of states for the valence band of both systems
Fig. 4. Density of states for the MoSe2 /hBN heterostructure with an
show that a step-like DOS for the VBM of hBN in interlayer twist of (a) 19:1 and (b) 10:9 . Gray, blue and green lines
the 10:9 system is coherent with the low-interfer- depict total states, states from the MoSe2 and from the hBN layers.
ence between bands. Alternatively, the valence The vacuum level of the MoSe2 side is set as the reference.
band analysis for the 19:1 heterobilayer shows
Coincidence Lattices and Interlayer Twist in van der Waals Heterostructures: Application 3915
of the Coincidence Lattice Method on hBN/MoSe2 Heterobilayer Systems

that the spiky DOS should be consequence of (a) (b)

interlayer effects for bands close to this energy.
With the electrostatic potential of the vacuum set
as the reference for all calculations, it is possible to
make a comparison between the band discontinu-
ities given by the separated layers (the natural band
alignment) and the band offset of the calculated
heterostructure. However, charge transfer effects
must be taken into consideration by means of the
dipole step in the vacuum level. In both simulated
heterobilayers, the vacuum on the MoSe2 side is
taken as reference. With respect to this zero, CBM
and VBM of MoSe2 do not shift when compared to
its natural alignments. However, hBN suffers a (c)
shift down, as the VBM shifts downwards by
0.25 eV (0.44 eV) with respect to their VBM for
their 0:66% (0.37%) strained and isolated counter-
parts simulated within the 19:1 (10:9 ) systems.
This shift could also be responsible for enhancing

interlayer interactions in both heterobilayers,
specifically for the conduction band, and partly
due to the charge transfer between the two layers.
We report a ratio between the conduction and
Fig. 5. Band alignments (in eV) calculated with respect to the vac-
valence band of approximately 80:20 (75:25) for uum level for the hBN/MoSe2 bilayer when an interlayer twist angle
the 19:1 (10:9 ) system. Figure 5a and b summa- of (a) 19:1 and (b) 10:9 is taken into account. The natural band
rizes this findings. These effects on band disconti- discontinuities for hBN are from the 0:67% (0.37%) strained
nuities can be explained by means of charge monolayers which form the 19:1 (10:9 ) heterobilayer. (c) Differ-
transfer mechanisms. By using the differential ential charge density (Dq, black solid lines) and transferred charge
(Q, red dashed lines) for the 19:1 bilayer system. Positions of the
charge density given by hBN and MoSe2 layers are represented with the individual cells. The
ZZ 10:9 system is analogous and is suppressed.
DqðzÞ ¼ qhet ðx; y; zÞ dx dy
qMoSe2 ðx; y; zÞ dx dy  qhBN ðx; y; zÞ dx dy; and 10:9 into account. Small strains were applied
to the hBN layer to make the system commensu-
ð12Þ rate, slightly modifying natural band discontinu-
and the total charge transferred as a function of the ities. Both systems have almost equal binding
z position, energy and are stabilized by weak vdW interactions.
Z z Electronic properties are simulated for both rotated
QðzÞ ¼ DqðnÞ dn; ð13Þ systems. The direct band gap of MoSe2 is preserved
0 upon contact with hBN, demonstrating great poten-
tial for optoelectronic applications. Electronic struc-
a charge transfer analysis can be plotted as in ture for hBN suffer from interlayer interactions and
Fig. 5c. For both analogous systems, electrons are orbital overlaps. DOS for both systems are calcu-
transferred from the hBN layer to the MoSe2 layer, lated and agree with the analysis of bands in k-
creating a dipole in the interface. Evaluating Q(z) in space. Charge transfer between the two layers
the interface between hBN and MoSe2 , it can be indicate the formation of a dipole in the interface,
seen that the charge is negative. This means hBN is responsible for shifting band discontinuities and
depleted from electrons, while MoSe2 receives elec- creating a potential barrier between the two layers.
trons. Thus, the positive electric charge in hBN Thus, interlayer interactions and twists play a role
shifts down the band edges, in agreement with the in slight modulations of the hBN substrate, but
dipole step in the interface. electronic properties of MoSe2 are kept unchanged.
In summary, we demonstrate the application of a This work was supported by the Brazilian funding
useful methodology for theoretical investigation of agencies Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
vdW heterostructures concerning interlayer twist Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (Grant No. 311060/2013-7),
and supercells requiring low computational efforts. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São
The coincidence lattice method is employed to Paulo (Grant No. 2012/50738-3) and Coordenação de
simulate MoSe2 /hBN heterobilayers with small Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior
supercells and taking interlayer twists of 19:1 (Programa Professor Visitante do Exterior, Grant
3916 Koda, Bechstedt, Marques, and Teles

No. 88881.068355/2014-01 and scholarship grant) 17. S. Dufferwiel, S. Schwarz, F. Withers, A. Trichet, F. Li, M.
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nyshkov, G. Malpuech, K. Novoselov, J. Smith, M. Skol-
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Woods, P. Blake, S. Haigh, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, I.
Aleiner, A. Geim, V. Fal’ko, A. Tartakovskii, and K. No-
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