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Lesson Plan (Daring)

Name : M. Hadi Rusadi Topic : Reading (Discriptive Text)

School : MA NIPA Rakha Skills : Reading Skills
Class/Semester: X / 1 Time : 1 x 15 minutes
School Year : 2021/2022 Learning Model : Communicative language
Meeting :3 teaching method

A. Learning Objectives
After participating in the learning process, students are expected to:
- Be able to recognize descriptive text
- Be able to read descriptive text with the correct way
- Be able to comprehend what descriptive text talk about
B. Learning Media, Method, and Learning Resources
- Media : Google Meet, What’s Apps Group,
- Approach : Communicative Approach
- Learning Model : Communicative language teaching method
- Learning resources : Learning materials, internet and other relevant sources.
C. Learning Steps
Preliminary Activities
- The teacher Open the class, greetings, saying Basmallah together
- The teacher Check students’ attendance via Google Form in What’s Apps group
- The teacher Linking to the previous material, Brainstorming, asking questions relevant to the material to be
- The teacher Convey motivation about what can be obtain of the topic

Core Activities
- The teacher Describe things to be studied and give some example that relevant to the material
- The teacher asking a random students to read a desciptive text and the teacher analyze the text.
- The teacher ask students to do an activity about disciptive text, and teacher also explain how to do the activity

Closing Activities
- The teacher check students understanding by asking them a bunch of questions
- The teacher provides conclusions from the material that has been discussed.
- The teacher reminding about the assignments and give the deadline and where to submit it
- The learning activity was closed by saying greetings and saying Halmdallah together.

D. Assessment
1. Attitude Assessment : The activeness of students during the learning process.
2. Knowledge Assessment : The students analyze discriptive text that they have read
3. Skills Assessment : In the form of assignment assessments sent via What’s apps group

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