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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools - Valenzuela
Valenzuela City School of Mathematics and Science
A. Pablo St., Malinta, Valenzuela City



A Business Plan Presented to the Senior High School

Faculty of Valenzuela City School of
Mathematics and Science

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements in


Submitted by:
Cabuga, Heart Gail Lyra P. Redoble, Ram Morpheus Ng.
Matildo, Jhemsyjane Marifane C. Rosales, Jeremiah Christian
Mendoza, Adrian M. Tangkengco, Ernestina S.
Mier, Faith Anne Valdres, Ralph Daniel M.
Padilla, Kimberly A. Velasco, Lorin Angela

Submitted to:
Catimbang, Robert DC.

January 2022

(02) 8291-5591
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
A. The Business Concept and Model ............................................................................. 2
B. Business Description ................................................................................................. 2
C. The Business Goals .................................................................................................... 3
D. The Business Offerings and Justification ................................................................. 4
II. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 5
III. The Business Proponents: Organizers with their Capabilities and Contributions .... 6
IV. The Target Customers ................................................................................................... 9
V. The Market (Market Justification, Macroenvironmental Factors, Market Justifications
based on Industry Dynamics, Threats in the Market, Size, Potential and Realistic Share of
the Market).......................................................................................................................... 10
Market Justification ....................................................................................................... 12
Macro Environmental Factors ...................................................................................... 13
Market Justification based on Industry Dynamics ...................................................... 14
Threats in the Market .................................................................................................... 14
Size, Potential and Realistic Share of the Market........................................................ 15
VI. Product and Service Offerings ................................................................................... 15
VII. Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery System ............................................... 16
Operating Plan ............................................................................................................... 16
Enterprise Delivery System .......................................................................................... 17
Gantt Chart..................................................................................................................... 18
VIII. Financial Forecasts and Expected Returns, Risks and Contingencies ................. 18
IX. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance .............................................................. 23
Environmental Compliance .......................................................................................... 23
Regulatory Compliance................................................................................................. 23
X. The Capital Structure and Financial Offering ............................................................. 23
XI. Appendices .................................................................................................................. 26
I. Introduction

A. The Business Concept and Model

Business Concept

Ubod Express is a SUPER affordable and SUPER delicious take on a must-

try Filipino cuisine: the Lumpiang Sariwa! Ubod Express brings to the table a truly

exquisite experience that will surely make people want to come back for more. This

product aims to provide the customers a wonderful time as they dine without having

to worry about emptying their wallets just to have a fantastic meal to fill their bellies.

Business Model

Ubod Express model is easy and simple. The capital will come from the

savings of the proponents. Lumpiang Sariwa with high quality and affordable price

combined with effective marketing strategies, huge sales, hardworking and skilled

staff, and good service will give us an edge from our competitors, which will help in

making the revenue reach its peak and making it efficient for the consumers.

B. Business Description

Ubod Express is a fusion of appetizing and healthy recipes that provides

essential nutrients and minerals for its consumers. The ingredients are mainly

composed of carrots, sayote, ground pork, and of course, the heart of palm or

commonly known as ubod. One serving consists of three pieces of spring rolls

wherein its estimated cost is Php 125 per serving. A market research will be

executed to identify potential customers and rate of consumption before proceeding

on the actual product production. Thereupon, the merchandise and retail will be done

online using strategic promotions on various platforms. Transactions could be made

online using mobile wallet applications or contact payments during meet-ups or paid

delivery, depending on the location and scale of purchases. An Ubod Express

Facebook page and hotline number will be provided for the contact information and


C. The Business Goals

Vision: To serve a high quality merienda and services that will respond to the needs

of people during this time of pandemic.

Mission: Aims to provide affordable and delicious food to the people that they will

surely enjoy to the last bite.

Business Objectives

• To establish a food enterprise that will satisfy customer’s cravings in time of


• To cater and satisfy customers with clean and quality food

• To generate adequate profit to improve service

• To create jobs and income for people

Objectives Key Result Areas

To cater and satisfy customers with 1.1 Number of customers ordered

clean and quality food 1.2 Customer satisfaction rating
1.3 Percentage of repeat customers
1.4 Percentage of loyal customers

To generate adequate profit to improve 2.1 Net profit

service 2.2 Return on Equity
2.3 Return on Sales

To create jobs and income for people 3.1 Number of regular workers
3.2 Amount of bonuses
Table 1. Objectives and Key Result Areas

Key Result Performance Indicators


2021 2022 2024

Number of 500 1500 5000


Customer 9/10 10/10 10/10


Percentage of 15% 20% 10%


Percentage of 30% 50% 80%

loyal customers

Net profit ₱70,000 ₱110,000 ₱350,000

Return on Equity 15% 20% 35%

Return on Sales 12% 15% 20%

Number of 10 15 25
regular workers

Amount of Regular Pay + Regular Pay + 13th Regular Pay + 13th Month
bonuses 13th Month Month Pay + Pay + 14th Month Pay +
pay Christmas Bonus Christmas Bonus
Table 2. Key Result Areas and Performance Indicators

D. The Business Offerings and Justification

Ubod Express will offer Lumpiang Ubod, which is a well-known Filipino dish

among households. This project will sell Lumpiang Ubod as online food businesses

are a trend nowadays since people cannot go outside their house due to the

pandemic but that couldn’t stop us from craving the foods that we eat in our daily

lives. The owners are also willing to give their best not just to satisfy the customers’

cravings but also to give them an enjoyable experience through service and food.

Ubod Express showcases a fresh lumpia that will help the proponents to gain profit,

experiences, and have knowledge in the field of business. The capital that will be

used will also be provided by the proponents. The owners of Ubod Express will also

offer people a taste of what it’s like to experience Filipino delicacie

II. Executive Summary

Business Partners

A partnership is a business shared by multiple individuals. One of the

common types of partnership is general partnership. A general partnership is a

business arrangement where individuals agree to share in all assets, profits, and

financial and legal liabilities of a jointly-owned business. In this case, the proponents

are willing to invest to meet the working capital requirement and they agree to benefit

from any profits and sustain part of any losses. Currently, Ubod Express is looking

for business partners who want to have an agreement with the proponents. We

expect a financial return within the calendar year.


Ubod Express will sell Lumpiang Ubod in containers. There will be three (3)

Lumpiang Ubod in every one (1) container that will be presented to the customers. In

accordance with the rules and health protocols, transactions will be conducted online

and products will be delivered through nearby online food deliveries.

Since the main purpose of this project is to let entrepreneurs explore the

business field, gain profit and new experiences, while satisfying the customers’

cravings, competition outside the school is not prioritized. This will be an advantage

for proponents to maximize their capacities in showcasing their product. On the other

hand, there will be a pre-order system to avoid the overproduction of the products.

This can assure the company of knowing the exact number of orders to be


The target market are people of any age, gender, and occupation that are

willing to buy the product. Anyhow, residents around and nearby Valenzuela City are
the priority customers to maximize the capability and ensure a safe and fast

transaction and delivery within the area.

Since the business’s focal point is food consumption, the proponents are

stringent on proper handling and sanitation. The product is ensured to be kept in a

safe storage and prepared under strict protocols to avoid potential health hazards

that are prominent in this current situation.

Suppliers and Providers

Suppliers are a significant part of businesses. They play an important role in

running a business easily and quickly. The entrepreneurs of this business will source

raw materials in markets to see it personally in order to get a chance to choose fresh

ingredients. The proponents under the Ubod Express will get the ingredients and

supply from vendors in Valenzuela Market. Only the Intended amounts of ingredients

are to be bought in order to minimize the expenses. The supplies will be delivered

into the manufacturing location which will be held at the proponent’s residence. The

proponents will ensure to get high-quality ingredients that are budget-friendly at the

same time. The proponents will employ kitchen utensils that can be found at home in

order to save money. As a novice entrepreneur, it is essential to establish good

relationships with our supplier in order for the business to ensure service efficiency.

III. The Business Proponents: Organizers with their Capabilities and


In order to better organize the distribution of work within the group, the

Business Proponents have decided to divide the 10 members into 4 teams:

Governance and Top Management Team, Resource Mobilization and Financial

Management Team, Technology Providing and Application Team, and Operating

and Support Team.

Governance and Top Management Team

The members of this team are Faith Anne Mier and Ralph Daniel Valdres.

They are in charge of governing over the different processes within the group and

ensuring that each task is being executed well. They are also responsible for making

executive decisions and developing various strategies for the benefit of the business.

Resource Mobilization and Financial Management Team

The members of this team are Jeremiah Christian Rosales and Ernestina

Tangkengco. They are responsible for securing necessary resources for the

business and regulating the flow of money within the group. All expenses necessary

for the business will be supervised by this team.

Technology Providing and Application Team

The members of this team are Jhemsy Jane Marifane Matildo, Kimberly

Padilla and Ram Morpheus Redoble. They are responsible for the proper utilization

of the technological resources of the group. Effective advertisement of the product is

also managed by this team.

Operating and Support Team

The members of this team are Heart Gail Lyra Cabuga, Adrian Mendoza and

Lorin Angela Velasco. They are in charge of helping carry out various integral tasks

within the group.

Organizational Chart

IV. The Target Customers

Ubod Express will bring a healthy, tasty, and budget-friendly merienda for all

ages. The target customers of Ubod Express are food consumers from social media

within Valenzuela City. The Lumpiang Ubod that we will be serving three (3) pieces

per container will provide a variety of nutrients for our consumers at an affordable

price. This is a popular dish not just amongst the older members of your family, but

kids will also love the crunchy vegetables and sweet sauce this meal has to offer;

their cravings for nutritional food will be fulfilled by simply messaging our people, and

we will ensure to follow health protocols for safe delivery to your doorsteps.
What makes our business unique is that it offers a savory taste and nutrition

that our customers can enjoy. Aside from that, we will ensure the cleanliness and the

proper handling and storing of our products as we serve it to our customers.

V. The Market (Market Justification, Macroenvironmental Factors, Market

Justifications based on Industry Dynamics, Threats in the Market, Size, Potential and

Realistic Share of the Market)


a. Less competition a. Uncommon product

b. Product as a possible b. Product’s shelf life
alternative c. Resource
c. High aesthetic appeal Requirement


a. Untested Market a. Continued economic

b. High demand for inflation
something new b. Uncertain popularity
c. Social media among younger age
marketing groups
c. People’s preference

Figure 1. SWOT Analysis of the business

As shown in the figure 1, the business’ strengths include less competition, the

product being a possible alternative to other similar products, and the products’ high

aesthetic appeal. There will be less competition for the product since the location

where we will launch our business will be relatively new to the coverage of our

product’s appeal. This will ensure that the business will encounter less competition

from other similar businesses. The product can also serve as a possible alternative

to other similar products as this will bring new, yet similar experiences to customers.
The product also brings an aesthetic appeal that will attract customers, ensuring a

wider market coverage of our product. The weaknesses of the market include it

being an uncommon product, the products’ shelf life, and the resource requirement

that the production needs. If the product is being launched in our desired location,

there is a possibility that its popularity will be affected due to it being an uncommon

product being sold. Next, the nature of our product can affect production and sales

as this was not meant to be stored for long periods of time due to the ingredients’

decomposing nature it possesses. Finally, the resource requirement of our product is

quite high since each batch will require multiple ingredients and will no doubtedly

require a considerably large sum of money.

As for the market opportunities that we can take advantage of, we have an

untested market brimming with potential, a high demand for something new in our

current times, and the possibility of social media marketing which is widely used

nowadays. The untested market can potentially respond well to our product which

will effectively boost our business’ coverage. Combine that with a high demand for

new and more food choices in our current state, there is a high potential for our

product to fit our customers’ needs and wants. Finally, the effective use of social

media to advertise our business can also provide the same effects as this has

become an effective advertising platform used by numerous small businesses. The

potential threats to this market include, continued economic inflation, uncertain

popularity among younger age groups, and people’s preference. Continued

economic inflation has been a threat to a large number of businesses as the prices

needed to sustain production has gone up, which in turn, lowers demand due to high

prices. Our business faces the same threat as resources are a must for production.

Younger age groups have potentially different tastes to older age groups which are
more used to the type of product that we sell. This can somehow affect the demand

for our product in the market as well. Finally, customer preference is a highly valued

factor in any consumable products business as this will become a large factor in the

demand for our product.

Market Justification

Since Ubod Express offers its Lumpiang Ubod to people living in Valenzuela

City, it is important to consider the demand for Lumpiang Ubod in the region.

The target population for this product is all ages, meaning that anyone could

enjoy it whether they are old or young. The product is also very affordable compared

to most other products in the area with 3 whole lumpias being offered for merely


One of the major critical factors that could affect the demand for this product

is other similar products that the consumers could see as an alternative for lumpiang

ubod. However, due to the fact that Lumpiang Ubod is uncommon in Valenzuela,

there would not be much problem in its field as it offers a brand-new taste to people

who have most-likely never tasted it before in their lives. Thus, the demand can stay

high due to its low supply in urban areas.

Another major critical factor is the willingness of the consumers to try out

lumpiang ubod for themselves. Sparking interest into potential customers relies on

showcasing the uniqueness of the product with its affordable price, which is a quality

that Ubod Express has. It is also photogenic when served, which may lead to its

demand rising due to people posting pictures of it on social media websites.

Macro Environmental Factors

Social Political Economic Ecological Technological

* Consumer * TRAIN * Inflation of * Shortage and * Competition

attitude ― Law the ingredients excessive when it comes to
tastes, market price ingredients advertising
preferences needed

* Packaging
and waste
Table 5. Macro Environmental Factors

As presented in Table 5, various factors may affect the success of the

business from the present day up to the future. People have different and distinct

tastes and preferences which can affect the social environment of the entrepreneurs’

product. Due to TRAIN Law, sudden changes in tax for the ingredients of the product

may be observed that could affect the production of the Lumpiang Ubod. For the

economic factor, market price of ingredients increases over time and considering

that we are in a pandemic, it could possibly inflate or change anytime which can

affect the production and the quality of the products. Ingredients are one of the main

elements in creating products which could be affected ecologically because of the

decrease in food supplies in the market over time. On the other hand, since we are

using vegetables, just in case sellers aren’t able to reach their expected number of

productions per day, and considering that lumpiang ubod only lasts for a shorter

period of time than the other usual food products, ingredients and Lumpiang Ubod

could be put to waste. Packaging and waste disposal can also contribute to

ecological factors since consumers would just throw it after eating the lumpiang ubod

as well as the ingredients for the proponents. Businesses with wider reach in social

media and wider knowledge in technology may be a disadvantage for the business

to attract a larger range of consumers.

Market Justification based on Industry Dynamics

Since Valenzuela City is an urban area, it is common for “instagrammable”

food, or visually-appealing food that can be posted on social media, like milk tea and

shawarma to be popular with the younger generation. Seeing that the demand for

these kinds of food has increased, many businesses have tried their hands on these

products, resulting in the supply for them to increase in urban areas. This then

results in traditional foods like lumpiang ubod becoming more unknown to the

consumers as time passes by.

Therefore, the Lumpiang Ubod that Ubod Express offers can be treated as

“unique” for the customers, resulting in a possible sharp increase in demand as more

people become aware of this “new” product.

Competition is an integral factor in determining how well a business could do

in the market. However, in terms of businesses with similar products, there is

minimal competition for lumpiang sariwa in urban areas due to the increasing

popularity of different foodstuffs.

Threats in the Market

There are many critical factors that could affect the prosperity of the business,

and those include the possible “threats” to the business, such as the following:

Similar products that could act as Competition - Other businesses with a

similar concept may pull away potential customers from Ubod Express. However,

due to the limited number of businesses offering Lumpiang Ubod in Valenzuela, this

threat is minimal.

Interest in the product - The most integral part of selling a product is

ensuring that the customers are willing to buy it in the first place; without this sparked

interest, it is possible that the product may fail to sell out. However, due to its
photogenic nature when it is served, the product is expected to attract buyers without

much trouble.

Willingness of customers to buy again - It is one thing to get a customer to

try out a new product, and another thing for them to keep buying it after trying out the

new taste for the first time. If the customers deem the product unworthy of their

money, the business cannot flourish; in order to prevent this threat from occurring,

the product will be ensured to be a healthy product on top of being tasty.

Size, Potential and Realistic Share of the Market

As a new business, it is understandable for the business to start small at first.

The estimated demand of the product relies on the strategic marketing, awareness of

the target population, the availability of the product and its affordability. Taking into

account the fact the product is suited for all ages, quite affordable and visually

appealing, Ubod Express expects to be able to sell out all of its supply to people

interested in the product.

Ubod Express plans to do several strategies to gain potential and realistic

shares of this business. Reaching out to at least one karinderya in the area in order

to help the product reach out to more people may help to increase the market share.

Maximizing the use of technology to attract new customers that may have otherwise

purchased from other competitors. Nurturing customer loyalty can also be

considered as a useful tactic to retain the existing customer.

VI. Product and Service Offerings

Ubod Express features a natural and healthy dish that is considered as one of

the Filipino delicacies. It offers a mouthwatering fresh lumpiang ubod that is stuffed

with scrumptious and nutritious vegetables such as carrot, sayote, and ubod. The

garnishing touch that completes a fresh lumpia is the flavorful sauce drizzled on top
of it. Seemingly, potential customers have the option to purchase extra lumpia sauce

for a cheap additional payment alongside their orders for a more enjoyable snack

time. For future purposes, the business proponents anticipate adding side dishes

and drinks for more variation on product offerings. Customer accommodation and

affordability are one of the highly considered services in this commerce. It ensures

safe and hassle-free transactions that will surely bring satisfaction to our buyers.

Ubod Express will ensure a clean distribution of its products in order to

maintain safety to the customers. Not only will the product be safe, but it will also be

also delicious and tasty, especially it’s sauce for the children to like it. The most

important part of the offer is the supply of nutrients contained in the vegetable

ingredients of the Lumpiang Ubod making it available for everyone. Aside from the

product’s condition, the Ubod Express also offers its products that can be afforded

by many. Furthermore, the customer service will guarantee a good relationship with

its customers to make them welcome, secure and supervised. On the other hand,

Ubod Express is only limited to one type of product which is the Lumpiang Ubod, but

it’s tastiness will make the customers come back for more. The products offered

should be eaten within a day as well in order to avoid food spoilage.

VII. Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery System

Operating Plan

Ubod express business’ strategy will focus on attracting and serving

consumers in different areas in Valenzuela City:

Ubod Express will entice customers by posting creative shots of our Lumpiang

Ubod plating on various social media platforms. Making our product visually

appealing to the consumer will gain their interest in trying our Lumpiang Ubod, which

will undoubtedly provide them with a high-quality taste. The three pieces serving of
our Lumpiang Ubod will satisfy the customers craving for a merienda that will provide

them nutrition. It may have a greater number of pieces but for an affordable price.

Our product will be looking for a carinderia which we can ask to include our

Lumpiang Ubod in their menu. To maintain and establish a good connection with the

customers, we will be approachable and enthusiastic in entertaining their queries

about our product. Our customers can expect that the preparation of all our cooking

equipment and ingredients are 100% sterilized, clean, and properly stored.

Enterprise Delivery System


Money: Ingredients of the Ubod ✓ Positioning ✓ High

Contribution of product will be Express will satisfaction of
300 pesos per bought in the bring a ✓ Product: customers/
member for cheapest selling healthy, Lumpiang consumers.
resources. market - carrots, tasty, and Ubod
sayote, ground budget- ✓ Return of
Men and pork, and ubod. friendly ✓ Packaging: capital and
Management: merienda Lumpiang generation of
The The product will be for all, the Ubod will be profit.
entrepreneurs made and Lumpiang served in a
will prepare the delivered as soon Ubod. paper meal ✓ Good
food while the as the customer box. marketing
trusted places an order to performance
personnel will ensure rapid ✓ Place:
be selling
- Further business the service and high
development It will be sold
products. satisfaction of within the
customers. Valenzuela
Machines: City area.
Using usual
cooking ✓ Price:
equipment and Three pieces
utensils. of Lumpiang
Ubod for 125
Materials: pesos.
- Carrots
- Sayote ✓ Promotion
- Ground Pork
- Ubod ✓ People
Gantt Chart

VIII. Financial Forecasts and Expected Returns, Risks and Contingencies

The following sections outline our financial plan:

● Cost of Start-Up

● Projected Sales

● Projected Returns

● Business and Financial Risks

Approximated Cost of Start-Up

The approximated cost of start-up is only projected for the first working day.

Start-Up Expenses Cost


Ground Pork Php 640.00

Ubod Php 180.00

Lumpia wrapper Php 100.00

Sayote Php 150.00

Lettuce Php 200.00

Carrots Php 200.00

Celery Stem Php 70.00

Cornstarch Php 100.00

Seasonings Php 60.00

Onion Php 90.00

Garlic Php 90.00

Soy Sauce Php 70.00

Fish Sauce Php 70.00

Peanut butter Php 200.00

Brown Sugar Php 140.00

All-purpose flour Php 100.00

Cooking oil Php 110.00

SUBTOTAL Php 2,570.00


Paper Meal Box Php 300.00

SUBTOTAL Php 300.00

Fare Php 130



Source and Use of Funds

The total start-up costs are estimated to be Php 3, 000.00. Most of the costs

are coming from the raw materials going to be used in making the product that costs

Php 2,570.00. Equipment that is going to be utilized in selling the product totaled

Php 300.00. The fare costs Php 130.00. Each shareholder will contribute Php 300.00

that will account for Php 3, 000.00. The estimated total start-up cost per day is Php

890.00 and the remaining amount will still be used for the production.


a. Projected Daily Sales

Product Price List

Lumpiang Ubod - ₱55/ piece

- ₱95/ 2 pieces

- ₱125/3 pieces

Additional: Sauce - ₱5/ sauce

Number of Customers-10

Number of Products Sold

6 pack of 3 Lumpiang Ubod ₱750

4 pack of 2 Lumpiang Ubod ₱380

2 Extra Sauce ₱10

Total ₱1140
From the approximated daily sales of ₱1140, the proponents’ expected

annual revenue is ₱296,400. The proponents also look forward to a stable sales

increase through the years.

Figure 8.1 shows the financial forecast of Ubod Express. The expected return varies

every day with the 3rd day as the anticipated day to gain the highest amounts of

sales. The first and second day are expected to sell less due to the product launch.

Fig 8.1. Graph of Ubod Express’ Expected Sales

b. Returns

1. Return on Sales

RoS = net income / sales

RoS = (1140-890) / 1140

RoS = 21.93%

2. Return on Assets

RoA= net income / assets

RoA = (1140-890) / 300

RoA = 83.33%

3. Return on Equity

RoE= net income / shareholder’s equity

RoE = (1140-890) / 300

RoE = 83.33%

Risks and Contingency Plan

As the proponents go through the business, they have identified some potential

risks which may have an impact on the success of the business. The potential risks

in creating Ubod Express are:

● Lack of Finance - The group would require a substantial amount of currency

for them to be able to operate the business. The problem emerges when they

are unable to raise the necessary funds to carry out the operation.

● Stall location - Having a perfect location is extremely important in starting a

business. In the present time, the proponents will find it difficult to look for a

location due to the risk of COVID-19.

● Operational Risks - This refers to mechanical failure, system failure, or any

other unforeseen external events

Once the potential risks are identified, the proponents formulate a plan to mitigate

these risks. For the potential risks listed above, the corresponding responses are:

● In case they lack funds for future projects, they intend to seek financial

assistance in order to increase their budget.

● For the location, the proponents might look for cafeterias or carinderias to sell

the product and use social media for selling it online.

● Lastly, the proponents will make sure to have back-up materials or plans in

case an operational malfunction occurs.

As of now, these are the only risks that the proponents have identified. However, as

the business grows and expands, they expect to identify more.

IX. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance

In order to ensure that the production of Lumpiang Ubod is healthy and eco-

friendly, Ubod Express plans to legally adhere to the following necessary rules and


Environmental Compliance

R.A. 8749, otherwise known as the Clean Air Act, states that all stationary

sources must comply with the National Emission Standards for Source Specific Air

Pollutants (NESSAP) and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Ubod

Express will ensure that there will be no production of waste that can impact the

surrounding air or the atmosphere during the Food Processing phase. R.A. 9275,

otherwise known as the Clean Water Act, states that operating facilities that

discharge regulated water pollutants without the valid required permits or after the

permit was revoked is prohibited. Ubod Express will ensure that there will be no

production of waste that can impact any body of water and the water supply during

the Food Processing phase.

Regulatory Compliance

In order to protect the honesty, integrity, and reputation of the business, Ubod

Express ensures that all necessary regional, national and international laws and

regulations will be followed to avoid non-compliance.

X. The Capital Structure and Financial Offering

The proponents of Ubod Express are willing to share to have a total capital of
₱3000. The money will be used to buy the ingredients and packaging needed. Ubod

Express will make sure that the investment is adequate to evade too much risk. We

expect a financial return of at least ₱1000.

Ubod Express is worth it to invest in because the product is visually

appealing, high quality yet budget friendly. The crunchy vegetables and sweet sauce

this meal has to offer will be liked especially by the children. Considering the fact that

Lumpiang Ubod is uncommon in Valenzuela, Ubod Express offers a brand-new taste

of meal which will surely make the demand high due to its low supply in the said city.

Several strategies will be used to maximize the sales of this product.

Reaching out to at least one karinderya in the area in order to help the product reach

out to more people. Maximizing the use of technology to attract many customers that

are not that aware about the new product. Nurturing customer loyalty to retain the

existing customer and attract new customers. The business will gain more profit

because of these strategies. Therefore, Ubod Express expects a good financial

return to the owner, investors, financiers and partners.

Service Revenue


Operating Expenses:

Lumpiang Ubod and Sauce

3 ½ Kg Ground Pork Php 640.00

3 Kg Ubod Php 180.00

90 PCS Lumpia wrappers Php 100.00

1 ½ Kg Sayote Php 150.00

2 Kg Lettuce Php 200.00

10 PCS Carrots Php 200.00

5 Celery Stems Php 70.00

Cornstarch Php 100.00

Seasonings Php 60.00

5 PCS Onion Php 90.00

5 PCS Garlic Php 90.00

Soy Sauce Php 70.00

Fish Sauce Php 70.00

1 Bottle of Peanut butter Php 200.00

Brown Sugar Php 140.00

All-purpose flour Php 100.00

1 Bottle of Cooking oil Php 110.00

Paper Container

Paper Meal Box Php 300.00


Fare Php 130

Total Expenses Php 3,000.00

Total Net Income Php 1,950.00
XI. Appendices


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