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Lesson Math (Lesson 4 / Charts) Course Grade 4 Math

Title/Focus 10:30-11:30


● GLO: use patterns describe the world and solve problems
● SLO 3: represent, describe and extend patterns and relationships, using charts and tables, to solve problems

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Use a pattern in a chart to solve a problem


● Lesson plan (2 copies)
● Math booklet (answer key)
● Math booklet (on the smart board)
○ Whiteboard markers (red, green, blue)
● Students:
○ Premade booklet
○ Pencil crayons / crayons (red, green, blue)


● Pre made booklets with textbooks questions written out beside 100 charts and calendars to avoid confusion
with students and to avoid students having too many books on their desk (work book, textbook, charts)
○ This allows for differentiation in the sense that…
■ For _______ all the necessary information is on the 1 page in front of him, and there isn’t
several instructions on what workbooks/textbooks to take out and what page number to be
■ For ________, although the booklet contains textbook questions, it also contains a legend for
each question that is not in the textbook which adds more support and can be a good tool to
stay organized and avoid confusion when solving word problems.
■ For ________, since he needs glasses, he will be able to have the questions right in front of
him that I am doing on the board.
■ For _________, since he tends to be the first one to finish his work, there are extra questions
at the back that are not required to be completed, but they are there so that he (and anyone
else who grasps the material quickly and tends to finish quickly, still have something to work
on while others finish).

Introduction Time
● Recap of subtraction 5 min
○ Okay grade 4s so we all already know that any # - itself = 0
and any # - 0 = itself, but I wanted to know more subtraction tricks, so last night I
found a video that shows subtraction in a way that I never thought about it.
● Subtraction tips ( )
○ Practice some of them on the board prior to handing out 2 min test

Body Time

2 min math Hand out 2 min math (myself) 5 min

Hander-outers pick up 2 min math

Pre made Explain the “knuckle trick” for how many days are in a month 35 minutes
booklet (minimum)
Explain what we are going to do this class
1. Soon you will get this booklet. You will not put it in your duotang because I
am collecting them at the end of class. They are NOT worth marks, I just
need to make sure everyone did them.
2. Some of the information is new, so we are going to start by working on it
together. Then we are going to alternate between doing questions as a class,
and doing them individually.
3. I was thinking, since you all worked so well in art yesterday with the music
going, I am going to give you 2 options. When I am not at the front and we
aren’t working through questions all together on the board, I can play
music, but that means that the booklet needs to be worked on individually,
and if you have questions, you can quietly ask your neighbor or come up to
the front table and ask me. Another thing with working at our desks and not
playing music, is we will be sitting
a. So: working with the people at your group and no music
b. Or: play music, work individually, and if you have questions, you
can quietly ask the person you are sitting next to or come up and
ask me

P. 1 → gather materials

P. 2 (Q#1) work through this as a class (have the worksheet on the smart board)

P. 3 (Q#2) get the students started, have them finish it by working with the person
beside them
- Review it as a class

P. 4 (Q#3) have students do this on their own

P. 5 (Q#4) together

P. 6 (Q#5) have students do this with the people they are sitting with

P. 7 (Q#6) individually
P. 8 (Q#7) individually

If we get to question #8 and #9, we will turn the music off because those questions
need to be worked through with a partner

If time allows, we will do ch. 1 lesson 4 from the handout they have in their

At about 11:00 do a movement break 3 min

- Grade 4s I need everybody to stand up. I have 18 subtraction questions on
the board, I am going to start with _____ and when I say your name, I want
you to give me the answer to the subtraction question I am pointing to. If it
is not your turn you are at a level 1

If time allows: If there is time left,

practice - Find 1 partner (if there is an odd number, there can be 1 group of 3)
multiplication - You will need your times table that you finished last week
w/ - 1 whiteboard
- 2 whiteboard markers
- One person is going to ask the other person 1 multiplication question
at a time from your multiplication tables. The other person is going
to write the answer on the whiteboard and show the other person to
see if you got it right. Then you will take turns asking multiplication
questions, and writing the answer on the whiteboard.
- If I see anything other than math being written on the boards,
everyone puts their boards away and we will do multiplication
practice on the board.
- Math snowball fight ( unsolved math questions on paper crumpled
into a ball)

Conclusion Time

3-5 min
● Recap of lesson (wrap up the learning and bring it all together)

● Premade booklet (will have students hand these in)

Additional Notes:

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