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Tema 1: Present perfect Se usa para acciones que empezaron en el pasado y siguen en el
continuos presente.

Estructura del “Present perfect



1. I   been working all day.

2. She   been studying all morning.
3. You   been eating the whole time.
4. William   been sleeping for four hours.
5. Kate and Rian   been arguing for half an hour.

6. Claire (teach)   English since 2006.

7. We (look)   for that document all day.
8. Mr Smith (speak)   on the phone for two hours.
9. The students are exhausted because they (take)   a difficult test.
10. He (live)   here since he was a child.

11. (How long/we/wait/for her) 

12. (How long/she/learn/English) 

13. (How long/they/go out with each other) 
14. (How long/you/exercise
15. (How long/he/sit/there) 

16. Steve ____ (not/practice) enough lately.

17. What _____ you _____ (learn) in English class these days?
18. Sorry I'm late. _____ you _____ (wait) long?

Tema 2: Conditionals 0 1 2 3

Estructura de los condicionales

Exercises: 0, 1, 2 y 3
Conditional type 1
1. If you (go) ______ out with your friends tonight, I (watch) _____ the football match on
2. I (earn) _______ a lot of money if I (get) ______ that job.
3. If she (hurry/not) ________, we (miss) _________ the bus.

Conditional type 2
1. If he (try) _______ harder, he (reach) ______ his goals.
2. I (buy) ___________ these shoes if they (fit) _________.
3. It (surprise/not) __________ me if he (kwow/not) _______ the answer.

Conditional type 3
1. If we (listen) ________ to the radio, we (hear) _______ the news.
2. If you (switch) ___________ on the lights, you (fall/not) _________ over the chair.
3. She (come) ___________ to our party if she (be/not) _______on holiday.

Conditional 0, 1, 2 y 3
1. If It ________ (be) a nice day tomorrow, I ______ (wash) the car.
2. If I ________ (get) the job, I _______ (have) a better wage.
3. If you ________ (ask) me yesterday, I ______ (help) you but I can’t now because I
don’t have time.
4. If you ________ (tell) me you were coming, I ______ make a cake.
5. I ________ (go) to University in two years, If I _______ (pass) all of my exams.
6. If I _________ stronger, I’d help you carry the piano
7. If we ________ him tomorrow, we’ll say hello.
8. If I hadn’t studied, I _________ the exam.
9. If she ________ him every day, she’d be lovesick.
10. We’d be stupid if we __________ him about our secret.

Tema 3: Passives
Pero antes de ver los “passives” vamos a tomar ejemplos de algunos

verbos irregulares, en sus presentaciones: Infinitivas (presente), en pasado,

y en pasado participio.
En cuanto a los ejemplos, aquí tenemos algunos, para repasar, en diferentes
situaciones de tiempo:

**Curiosidades con respecto a la

gramática de los verbos “en su forma pasiva”. **


1. Somebody sends emails.

2. Somebody cuts the grass.
3. Somebody prefers chocolate.
4. Somebody plays loud music.
5. Somebody loves the London parks.
6. Somebody cooks dinner every day.
7. Somebody washes the cars every week.
8. Somebody builds new houses every year.
9. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ______________ by J K
10. Smith _____________ to five years in prison.
11. The gold ____________________ in a cave near the
top of the mountain.
12. VW cars _____________ in Germany and the Czech

Tema 4: Get passive


1. I don’t know why this class is always so dirty. It ______ (clean) every morning.
2. “Whose is that computer in the corner of the office?” I don’t know – it _______
(never use) by anyone.
3. When foreign films are dubbed into English, usually a lot of the original
meaning ______ (lose) in the translation.
4. If my car _______ (damage) by you, you will pay for the repairs.
5. Glenn Miller _______ (kill) in an aircrash in England in the 1940s.
6. Did you hear that Jane _______ (promote) to a management position at work!
What great news.

Tema 5: Past Perfect

Vale recordar que “Past Perfect” toma lugar antes de una acción en pasado. Ejm:
I noticed (past action) that he had left (past perfect) his books behind.
Gramática del “Past Perfect Tense”

1. When I arrived at the cinema, the film _______ (start)

2. After they ________ (eat) the shellfish, the began to feel sick.
3. Jessica didn’t arrive until after I _______ (leave)
4. When we ________ (finish) dinner, we went out.
5. The garden was dead ‘cause it ______ (be) dry all summer
6. The grass was yellow because it _________ (not/rain) all summer
7. The lights went off because we ___________ (not/pay) the electricity bill.
8. The children __________ (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble.
9. We couldn’t go into the concert because we __________ (not/bring) our tickets.
10. You ________ (not/study) for the test, so you were very nervous.

Tema 6: Allow/Let and make

Make: Sirve para obligar/forzar a alguien a hacer algo
Let: Dejar que alguien haga algo
Allow: Permitir que alguien haga algo

*Cuando usas: “Let” le sigue,

la persona/cosa + Verbo (Sin
usar “to” y en su forma
*Cuando usas “Allow” le
sigue, la persona/cosa + verbo
(Usando previamente “to” y
en su formainfitiniva”

_______ me to help you with that suitcase, madam.
2. Do you think it is fair that you are _________  to do military service, even if you think
it is wrong?
3. He can’t _______ you do anything you don’t want to do.
4. If you do not behave yourselves, you will be _______ to stay  behind after school.
5. They _______ us run five miles every morning. We had no choice
6. This is an exam. No one is _______ to talk to anyone.
7. Unfortunately, they won’t  ________ you leave the country without a Passport.
8. Until what time did your parents  ________ you to say up when you were the?
9. We won’t ________ you to go into pubs until you are 18.
10. Why do u never ________ me have any fun?
11. I know! We could go to the seaside tomorrow. Daddy ____________ me use his car on
12. My cats __________ sleep on the bed (Negative)
A: Are you coming on the camping trip with us?
B: No, I _____________ (negative)
Tema 7: Used to

(+) Sujeto + Used to + verb (infinitivo)

(-) Sujeto + Verb aux. en negativo (Didn’t) + use to +
verb (infinitivo)
 Gramática que usas en
(?) Verb aux (Did) + sujeto + use to + verb (indfinitivo)
Used to


1. I ____________ live in a flat when I was a child.

2. We/go to the beach every summer?
3. She/love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He/not/smoke
5. He/play golf every weekday?
6. The both/have short hair
7. I/not/ hate school
8. When I started to work here, I needed a lot of help,
but now I ___________ (be +do) all the work on my
9. I'm afraid I'll never ____________ (get+ live) in this
place. I simply don't like it and never will. 
10. Mr Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy
company because he _______ (be + past + negative)
doing much work everyday
11. We were surprised to see her driving – she
_________ (negative + drive) when we first met her.

Tema 8: Gerund or Infinitive

1. She avoided ________ (tell) him about her plans.
2. I would like _______ (come) to the party with u.
3. He enjoys ______ (have) a bath in the evening.
4. She kept ______ (talk) during the film.
5. I’m learning _______ (speak) French.
6. I’ve finished _______ (cook)- come and eat!
7. He decided ______ (study) chemical
8. I dislike ____ (wait)
9. I promise _____ (help) u tomorrow.
10. I don’t recommend ______ (take) the bus – it takes 4ever!

Tema 9: Needn’t/Need to
Gramática al usar: Need to/ Needn’t to


Con los siguientes ejercicios, quiero probar si entendiste usar: Needn’t,
pero, en algunos ejercicios, tendrás que usar “Mustn’t”. El significado de la
palabra “Must” es “Deber” y se refiere a una obligación u algo que es
necesario que hagas.
1. I _______ take the umbrella. It won’t rain.
2. I _______ cross this bridge. It’s closed.
3. We _______ be late. The train will leave in ten minutes.
4. You _______ smoke in here. It’s forbidden. Look at that sign.
5. You _______ come if you don’t want to.
6. They _______ do the washing up, they have a dishwasher.
7. You _______ show this e-mail to anyone else. I’ll trust u.
8. The students ________ forget their homework.

Tema 10: Subject and Object questions

*When/Who/What puede
usarse en preguntas
subjetivas y objetivas. Sin
embargo, en las preguntas
Objetivas (usa verbo
auxiliar) y en las preguntas
Subjetivas (no se usa verbo

 Gramática de las

A continuación adjuntare unos ejercicios, para que los

resuelvas, ahí están las instrucciones, descuida, ante cualquier
duda, te ayudaré.
*Recuerda: Las preguntas Subjetivas, se basan en buscar el
“sujeto”, mientras que las preguntas Objetivas, se basan en buscar
sobre el “complemento”.
Tema 11: Relative Clauses
Un relative clause: Son oraciones que usamos para dar una información
extra la cual puede ser o no, relevante. Para poder crear un relative clause,
se requiere de usar los “Relative pronouns”
1. She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete)
2. I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia)
3. We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father)
4. She loves books (the books have happy endings)
5. The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)
6. The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John)
7. El pez es un animal que vive en el agua:
8. Los niños, a quien viste ayer, son mis primos.

Tema 12: Can and Be+ able to

Can: Significa “poder” logar una habilidad que tienes o tener la
capacidad de hacer algo, en tiempo presente, además de hablar de
posibilidades, o de peticiones informales. O mejor dicho de algo que eres
capaz de hacer.
*Ejemplo: My wife can make very great a beef.
Able to: Significa “Ser Capaz de poder” y se usa para hablar de lo que
las circunstancias nos permiten hacer (y no de nuestras habilidades). Se
usa más en tiempo pasado y futuro, es poco común en tiempo presente,
para eso se usa “can”.
*Ejemplo: Next year I will be able to Speak French.

En cuanto a la Gramática, tenemos lo siguiente:

1. Do you think you ____________ write that report by Tuesday? I
know you’re very busy.
2. I _________ touch my toes. See!
3. I __________ never seem to get the temperature right.
4. ___________ you play any instrument?
5. I’m afraid I ______________ attend the meeting, I’m on business in
6. They ___________ save the men from the sinking ship.
7. My brother ___________ cook very well. He’s a professional chef in
a Italian Restaurant
8. I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow night so I _____ (not)
come to the party. I’m very sorry.
9. Kevin lived in Spain for 6 years, so he must __________ speak
Spanish quite well. He will help u with ur homework.
10.Despite the arrival of the storm, they ____________ finish the
football match.
11.The house was totally empty all day yesterday and I __________
finish that book I was reading.
12.I hope to ____________ speak English very well after this course

Tema 13: Noun & Quantifiers

“Few < A few”
SOME/ANY: Significa
algún/alguna; pero su uso es
Some: Lo usas en oraciones
afirmativas y para
sustantivos contables o
Any: Lo usas en oraciones
negativas o interrogantes. También se usa para sustantivos contables e
Exercises: A LOT OF = LOTS OF
1. There are ______ biscuits in the packet (a few/a little/a lot)
2. We’ve got ______ time before the plane leaves (a few/a
little/a lot)
3. ‘Few of my students remember the third person singular “s”
ending on verbs’ (not many students understand [maybe 2 or
3]/ some students understand [maybe 6 or 7]/ none of my
students understand [0 students])
4. She has ________ friends (lot of/ lots of/ a lot)
5. He earns ______ money (a lot/a lot of/ lots)
6. Do you like rock music? Yes, _____ (lots of/ much/a lot)
7. They have _______ information on their website.
(much/few/very little)
8. They have ______ customers (very little/ very few/ a lot)
9. He has _____ free time. (lots/few/a lot of)
10. You smoke ______ (much/a lot/ few)

Tema 14: Adjectives and Adverbs

*Los adjetivos describen a los sustantivos; ejm: This is a NICE dress.
*Los adverbios describen al verbo; ejm: He left the room QUICKLY.
1. Sue is a (careful) __________ girl. She climbed up the ladder
2. The dog is (angry) ________. It barks ________.
3. He acted (excellent) _________. He’s an ___________ actor.
4. They learn English (easy) ___________. Thet think English is an
________ language.
5. Max is a (good) _________ singer. He sings __________.
6. It’s (awful) _________ cold today. The cold wind is ___________.
7. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme good)
_______________. If that is true, why does dog food smell so
(terrible) ____________?
8. The little boy look (sad) ___________. I went over to comfort him
and he looked at me __________.
Tema 15: Reflexive Pronouns
Los “Reflexive pronouns” son palabras que acaban en “self” (En su
forma singular) y en “selves” (En su forma plural) y son solos usados
cuando el sujeto y objeto de una oración, son similares.
Ejemplo: I (subject) did it by myself (object).
Un “reflexive pronoun” puede actuar como un objeto directo o
indirecto. Se dividen en 2 categorias: Singular y plural.

Complete the following sentences
1. He burnt ________ with the matches.
2. ¡Be careful! ¡You might electrocute _______!
3. Ow! I’ve cut _________.
4. The cat has scratched ____________.
5. They’re taking photos of ____________.
6. We’re going to hurt _________ if we’re not careful.
7. Tim and George, if you want more orange juice, help __________.
8. My cat and my dog are hitting ___________.
9. Emma, did you take the photo by ________?
10.We helped ______ to some Coke at the party.

Este material fue hecho por: W.A.R

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