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Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843

The influence of processing and product factors on the quality

of microwave pre-cooked bacon
Christian James *, Kerry E. Barlow, Stephen J. James, Mark J. Swain
Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC), University of Bristol, Churchill Building, Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU, UK

Received 15 March 2005; accepted 2 August 2005

Available online 21 September 2005


A selection of the main factors influencing the quality of microwave pre-cooked streaky and back bacon were investigated. Processing
parameters were initially investigated using a domestic microwave oven. It was found that the power-output, heating time and position
within the oven had a greater influence on the resulting product, in terms of weight loss, than the composition of the bacon. Positioning
the bacon 43 mm above the turntable of the oven and heating streaky at 1000 W for 3 min and back at 500 W for 5 min achieved the best
results. This resulted in a mean weight loss of 64.1% and 55.2% for streaky and back respectively. The temperatures reached during cook-
ing (100–145 °C) were sufficient to pasteurise the bacon.
Further trials were carried out using a pilot-scale industrial microwave-cooking tunnel. The optimum processing condition for both
types of bacon was found to be 6 kW for 115 s. This condition provided more uniform heating and resulted in lower weight losses (51.9%
streaky, 38.3% back) than were found in the domestic oven whilst producing bacon of similar organoleptic quality. Storage trials showed
that bacon produced under this condition had a shelf life of between 11 and 14 days when stored in vacuum packs at 4 °C.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bacon; Microwave cooking; Microwave processing

1. Introduction (MLC, 2000) has shown that every fourth sandwich in

the UK is a BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato). The UK
In recent years, the bacon market in the UK has seen market for pre-cooked bacon is divided into two different
many changes. The decline in popularity of the Ôgreat Brit- products; Ôcrispy baconÕ, which is used in the sandwich
ish breakfastÕ caused by changing lifestyles and a growing market, and Ôflat baconÕ, which is usually re-heated to be
awareness of healthy eating has seen the household con- used in products such as burgers, ready meals and airline
sumption of bacon drop from 257,000 tonnes in 1990 to meals. Predominantly streaky bacon (sliced cured belly
an estimated total of 209,000 tonnes in 1999 (Meat & Live- pork), or back (sliced cured pork loin), is used.
stock Commission, 2000), although catering use has ex- Conventional methods of cooking include oil frying, di-
panded with the rise of the Ôall day breakfastÕ. Faced with rect flame and infra-red (Smith, 1977). However, from the
the current downward trend in bacon consumption figures manufacturerÕs point of view, there are many advantages to
the bacon industry has diversified into new markets. One cooking bacon with microwaves, including lower energy
such market is pre-cooked bacon for sandwich, prepared consumption, a greater control of product shrink, as well
meal and fast food markets. This has been particularly as a general improvement in overall colour, appearance
spurred on by the rise of the sandwich market; research and taste (Decareau, 1985, 1986; Smith, 1980). Microwave
cooking limits the maximum surface temperature experi-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 117 928 9239; fax: +44 117 928 9314.
enced by the bacon thus limiting the loss of volatiles and
E-mail address: (C. James). the formation of nitrosamines (Smith, 1977). An additional
URL: (C. James). advantage is the recovery of rendered fat, which in the

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
836 C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843

USA has found a ready market as a food-flavouring addi- temperature of 20 ± 1 °C. The power was supplied to the
tive (Decareau, 1985, 1986). ovens via a voltage stabiliser (VTR-2500, Claude Lyons,
What little data that has been published on the produc- Hoddesdon, Herts, UK) providing an input voltage of
tion of pre-cooked bacon using microwave heating has 240 V ± 1%. A voltage stabiliser was used as variations in
been in reference to US-styles of bacon (Decareau, 1985, voltage have been shown to effect the power of domestic
1986; Smith, 1977, 1980), which are different to that con- microwave ovens (James et al., 1994).
sumed in the UK, and contain no details on processing
parameters. No publications have been located on the 2.3. Characterisation of domestic microwave oven
cooking of UK-style bacon. The primary aim of this work
was to establish the processing and product parameters The following tests were carried out to assess the heating
that would give an adequate cooked product for the UK characteristics of the domestic microwave oven.
market. Since industrial scale/specification microwave
ovens are both relatively expensive and scarce, initial trials 2.3.1. IEC 705 power rating
were carried out using a domestic microwave oven, before Water load tests to measure the power-output of the
being scaled-up to an industrial pilot-scale continuous oven were carried out in accordance with IEC 705 (Interna-
oven. tional Electrotechnical Committee, 1988). The method for
calculating power-output is calculated using the time the
2. Materials and methods magnetron is producing a full power-output. Filament
warm-up time (the time for the magnetron to attain full
2.1. Specifications of bacon power, as determined by the flicker of the lamp in the oven
cavity and a stable reading on a power analyser) was taken
Two cuts, back and streaky, of unsmoked rindless pre- to be 3 s as determined in previous work carried out using
sliced bacon (Harris Pork and Bacon Group, UK) were this oven (Phillips et al., 1994).
used. Both types of bacon were supplied in two batches
from the manufacturer (20 kg per batch per type of bacon). 2.3.2. Effect of load size and warming on power-output
The first batch was used for the domestic trials, the second To determine the effect of load size and warming, tests
for the pilot-scale industrial trials. The bacon was supplied were adapted from the method described in IEC 705 (Inter-
already sliced and vacuum packaged, and was stored at national Electrotechnical Committee, 1988). In addition to
0 ± 1 °C prior to use, all bacon was used within 2 weeks the standard water load of 1000 g trials were also carried
of delivery. Mean rasher (slice) weights were approximately out with water loads of 350 g, 250 g, 150 g, 100 g, 50 g
20 g for streaky bacon and approximately 25 g for back ba- and 25 g. In all cases the oven was pre-warmed by heating
con. Limited trials were also carried out using smoked back 1000 g water loads for three consecutive 10-min periods.
bacon. This procedure was carried out because research (James
Uncooked samples of the bacon were analysed using et al., 1994) has shown that there is a drop in power-output
standard methods in order to assess the composition of associated with time in use, however after 30 min of semi-
the bacon. Samples were analysed for moisture content continuous use there is no further drop in power-output.
(Helrich, 1990), extractable fat (British Standards, 1970) The trials were then repeated but with the oven set on half
and sodium chloride (Watson, 1994). power (500 W). In all cases five replicated trials were
carried out.
2.2. Specifications of domestic microwave oven
2.4. Trials using domestic microwave oven
The domestic microwave oven used in the preliminary
trials was a Sharp Model R-10R50(B) Combination Inver- 2.4.1. Cooking trials
ter-Micro 1000 W (Sharp Electronics (Europe) GmbH, In all of the cooking trials the oven was pre-heated using
Hamburg, Germany). It operated at a microwave fre- the standard method already outlined (heating a water load
quency of 2450 MHz, had a stainless steel interior cavity for three consecutive periods of 10 min).
with a volume of 36.7 l, a metal turntable and was supplied Rashers of bacon were heated on a ceramic plate placed
with a high and a low level circular metal food support directly upon the microwave turntable, and were covered
rack. This particular oven was chosen because it had con- using a piece of paper towel, according to the recom-
tinuously variable rather than on–off power control thus mended method in the ovenÕs instruction manual. A bacon
reflecting the control method used by industrial ovens. In load of 100 ± 12 g (approximately five streaky or four back
addition, previous work (Phillips, Swain, Foster, & James, bacon rashers) was used in each trial, the rashers were
1994) had shown that the power-output of this oven was placed side by side on the plate. Trials were carried out
more stable in response to size of load or length of opera- for 3 min at 1000 W, 3 min at 800 W and 5 min at 500 W.
tion in comparison with other domestic ovens. In addition, the effect of the height of the bacon within
All experiments using the domestic oven were carried the oven was investigated. This involved elevating the plate
out in an environmentally controlled room with a constant within the oven cavity using standard microwave oven
C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843 837

metal racks. Trials were carried out at heights of 0 mm (i.e. the bacon ÔboiledÕ and would not crisp. Since the pilot-scale
directly on the turntable), 43 mm and 99 mm. industrial unit had a solid belt a package had to be devel-
After cooking, the bacon was examined and tasted, and oped to allow the juices to be drained from the bacon while
subjective observations recorded by an informal taste panel it was cooked.
of at least five people. The panellists were directed to con-
sider the degree of doneness, crispiness, severity of drying, 2.6.1. Construction of a package for use in the industrial
and uniformity of the cooking. microwave
Trials were also carried out using the domestic oven with Packages (similar to those used by James, Swain, James,
both dummy packs (see Section 2.6.2) and the packs with & Swain, 2002) were constructed using a standard PET
rashers (see Section 2.6.1), developed for the industrial trials. ready meal tray (BXL plastics 1182, Kunstaffwerke GmbH,
Werk, Dietenheim, Germany), containing a grid con-
2.4.2. Temperature measurement structed from 3 mm thick PTFE plastic strips and a cover
Temperatures were monitored during heating using a made from the cutoff base from another, slightly larger,
four channel fibre-optic system (Fibre-optic Thermometer PET tray. PTFE was selected for its ability to withstand
FT1110C, Takaoka Electric MFG Company Limited, To- boiling temperatures and its low dielectric loss properties.
kyo, Japan). The fibre-optic cables were threaded through Each grid was manufactured using friction fitting without
a 4 mm hole in the roof of the microwave oven. In order glue, which could affect the microwave field. This grid
that the fibre-optic cables did not become damaged during raised the bacon 38 mm above the base of the tray, there-
the rotation of the turntable inside the oven, the oven was fore allowing the juices rendered from the bacon during
placed upon a specially developed turntable system (Model cooking to drain away. These trays were sufficiently large
21035, Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Re- for a load of 100 g of bacon to be cooked provided they
search Centre (FRPERC), University of Bristol, UK). This were placed in a shingled (overlapping) arrangement.
rotated the oven in the opposite direction to the turntable
inside the oven, thus holding the food still in space so that 2.6.2. Cooking trials
temperature measurements could be made without damag- In order for the industrial oven to operate it was essen-
ing the fibre-optic cables (Phippen & Burfoot, 1990). No tial that it was fully loaded at all times as it contained a
visible movement of the fibre-optic probes was detected safety mechanism that switched the magnetrons off when
during the cooking process. there was no load within the cavity. Dummy loads were
In order that the cables could be easily inserted, a wide therefore developed that would act in a similar way to
bore (0.5 mm) hypodermic needle was used to create a the bacon, as utilised by Burfoot et al. (1988). The load
channel in the bacon through which the fibre-optic cable consisted of a PET ready meal tray containing 20 g of
could be threaded. Probes were inserted into four specific absorbent paper and 80 g of 5.7% brine solution (the con-
areas within the bacon: (1) the fat on a rasher of bacon centration of the brine solution being calculated on the ba-
at the edge of the plate; (2) the lean on a rasher of sis of the salt and moisture content of the bacon). Using
bacon at the edge of the plate; (3) the fat on a rasher of these proportions of brine to paper, the paper completely
bacon in the middle of the plate; (4) the lean on a rasher absorbed the brine solution present whilst still retaining a
of bacon in the middle of the plate. wet surface, similar to that found with bacon.
Temperatures were logged at 10 s intervals using a com- Trials were carried out using packs with dummy loads in
puter-controlled data logging system (Magus, Measure- the domestic oven and the weight loss under different heat-
ment Systems Limited, Newbury, Berkshire, UK). ing conditions determined and related to the results ob-
tained with bacon rashers. Trials were then carried out
2.5. Specifications of pilot scale industrial cooker using the dummy packs in the industrial pilot plant to iden-
tify conditions that produced similar weight losses. This
The pilot scale industrial cooker was constructed by provided a guideline to find a suitable cooking procedure
APV Magnetronics (Burfoot, Griffin, & James, 1988, for the bacon using the industrial oven.
1989; Self, Burfoot, Wilkins, & James, 1990) with a 6 kW Once an optimum cooking procedure had been found, a
power-output provided by four 1.5 kW magnetrons. The total of 22 loads of streaky bacon (each load was
cooker operated at 2450 MHz, and was capable of process- 100 ± 12 g, approximately five rashers) and 38 loads of
ing 0–50 kg of product/hour with a product depth of up to back bacon (each load was 100 ± 12 g, approximately four
50 mm. The speed of the conveyer belt could be changed to rashers) were cooked and the weight losses recorded. The
alter the heating time in the cavity. cooked bacon rashers were then separated from their shin-
gled arrangement, two rashers randomly selected from each
2.6. Pilot-scale industrial trials pack and vacuum-packed.

Trials carried out in the domestic oven showed that a 2.6.3. Shelf-life of the microwave pre-cooked bacon
large amount of juices came out of the bacon during cook- The vacuum packed samples were stored at 4 ± 1 °C for
ing. If these juices were not drained away during heating, 18 days. The main factor determining the shelf life of
838 C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843

cooked bacon is the rate at which oxidation of the lipids 8.24%; p < 0.01) and a higher sodium chloride content
take place causing the bacon to become rancid. Tests for (4.2% compared with 3.6%; p < 0.01).
rancidity development were therefore carried out at regular A statistical comparison of the two batches of bacon
intervals (day 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 16 and 18) during storage was carried out in order to assess if there were any signifi-
using the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method (Tarladgis, cant differences. The comparison of the two streaky bacon
Watts, Younathan, & Dugan, 1960; Zipser & Watts, 1962). batches showed no significant differences between %mois-
ture (p = 0.79), or %fat (p = 0.83); there was however a sig-
2.7. Trials using smoked bacon nificant difference between the %sodium chloride
(p < 0.001), with the second batch of streaky bacon show-
In order to determine if there were any significant ing the greater content. The comparison of the two batches
differences in the effects of microwave cooking on plain of back bacon showed that there was no significant differ-
or smoked bacon, heating trials were carried out using ence between the %moisture (p = 0.13). The %fat was sig-
smoked back bacon in the domestic microwave oven. The nificantly greater (p < 0.05) in the second batch of back
smoked back bacon used was rindless and pre-sliced and bacon, and the %sodium chloride was significantly greater
a load of 100 g consisted of approximately four rashers. (p < 0.001) in the first batch of back bacon.
The temperature trials were carried out using a plate ele- The variation in fat content between batches of bacon is
vated 43 mm above the floor of the oven and subjecting the explainable with pigs coming in from different suppliers,
bacon to 500 W for 5 min, and also in the industrial cook- being fed different diets and being killed at different ages.
ing container using 500 W for 4 min. The same method was The variation in salt content is in line with the variations
used as described previously. reported by James and Bailey (1987), who reported that
the within batch variability in mean salt content from 10
2.8. Statistical analysis UK suppliers was between 0.7% and 2.4%.

Results were analysed using the data analysis package 3.2. Characterisation of domestic microwave oven
for Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Excel X for Mac, Microsoft
Corporation, Redmond, USA). A single factor ANOVA 3.2.1. IEC 705 power rating
was used in all instances. The mean (n = 5) measured IEC 705 power rating of the
Sharp Inverter-Micro 1000 oven was 1133.7 W. The IEC
3. Results and discussion 705 power rating is rounded to the nearest 50 W, so the
power-output stated by the manufacturer should have been
3.1. Analysis of bacon 1150 W, rather than the 1000 W they quoted.

The composition of the batches of streaky and back ba- 3.2.2. Effect of load size on power-output
con are shown in Table 1. Significant differences were As noted by James et al. (1994) a slight decline in power-
found between the composition of streaky and back bacon. output was found when using the oven in a pre-warmed
Back bacon contained significantly more moisture than the state. The mean (n = 5) power-output into a 1000 g load
streaky (68.8% compared with 65.7%; p < 0.05). Streaky from the oven with a warmed up magnetron at the
bacon had both a higher fat content (12.7% compared with 1000 W setting was approximately 1001 W. At a full
(1000 W) or half power (500 W) setting the measured
power-output into water loads of different sizes declined
Table 1 as the load size declined (Fig. 1). The mean (n = 5) mea-
Composition of uncooked streaky and back bacon sured power-output into a 100 g water load was 468 W at
%Moisture %Fat %NaCl full power and 337 W at half power.
Streaky-raw As previously known, the power-output of a domestic
Batch 1 microwave oven into a water load is very dependent on
Mean (n = 5) 65.9 12.9 3.8 the size of the load and declines as the size is reduced
SD 3.6 4.3 0.3
(James et al., 2002). The power delivered into the 100 g
Batch 2 water load is likely to be more representative of that deliv-
Mean (n = 5) 65.5 12.5 4.7 ered into the bacon load than the IEC rated power-output
SD 1.4 1.6 0.3
which is based on a 1000 g water load. With the specific
Back-raw oven used, the power-output delivered was approximately
Batch 1 half of that delivered under the standard IEC test. How-
Mean (n = 5) 70.1 5.8 3.9 ever, the dielectric properties of a product such as bacon,
SD 1.2 1.6 0.2 which contains significant amounts of fat and salt, will be
Batch 2 different to water. Also during the cooking process, mean
Mean (n = 5) 67.6 10.7 3.2 weight losses of up to 64.1% were measured which will sub-
SD 3.0 3.9 0.2
stantially change the dielectric and thermal properties of
C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843 839

1000 W 500 W set to 1000 W produced the best results, the overall repeat-
1000 ability being best with the bacon positioned 43 mm above
Measured power-output (W)

the turntable. The mean weight loss of 64.1% measured
with this treatment was not significantly different to that
measured at a height of 99 mm (Table 3).
With back rashers all treatments carried out at 1000 W
resulted in dried muscle areas (Table 4). At 800 W excessive
300 drying of the edges of the bacon occurred. Using a cooking
200 treatment of 5 min with the power-output set to 500 W
100 produced the best results, the overall repeatability being
0 best with the bacon positioned 43 mm above the turntable.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
The mean weight loss of 55.2% measured with this treat-
Load size (g)
ment was not significantly different to that measured at a
Fig. 1. Relationship between measured power-output and load size in the height of 99 mm (Table 5).
domestic microwave oven. The results showed that elevating the plate above the
floor of the oven using a metal rack made a significant
the bacon. The lost mass will consist of evaporating water difference to the subjective quality and uniformity of
and melting fat. Therefore, it is not possible to accurately the cooked product. This was most likely due to the
estimate the microwave energy input into the bacon during microwaves being reflected off the turntable and being
the cooking process. transmitted through the plate, and absorbed through the

3.3. Trials using domestic microwave oven Table 3

Statistical analysis of weight losses (mean of five samples) of streaky bacon
cooked in Sharp domestic microwave oven
The preliminary trials showed that processing factors
(i.e. power-output and cooking time) had a greater influ- S8 NS
ence on the quality of the cooked product than product S6 NS *
factors (i.e. type of bacon, chemical composition). S5 NS NS NS NS
*** *** *** *** ** *
3.3.1. Bacon cooking S3
*** *** *** *** ** *
All cooking treatments carried out at an oven setting of S2 NS
* *
500 W resulted in very dry, blackened edges to the streaky
rashers (Table 2). This is most likely due to drying out and Treatments S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
overheating of the exposed edges caused by the relatively NS = not significant.
long heat process. At 800 W edge effects were also apparent p < 0.05.
and in most cases the rashers appeared undercooked. p < 0.01.
p < 0.001.
Using a cooking treatment of 3 min with the power-output

Table 2 Table 4
Effect of treatment on weight loss (mean of five samples) and appearance Effect of treatment on weight loss (mean of four samples) and appearance
of streaky bacon cooked in Sharp domestic microwave oven of back bacon cooked in Sharp domestic microwave oven
Treatment Mean weight Comments Treatment Mean weight Comments
loss (%) loss (%)
S1: 1000 W, 3 min, 0 mm 55.1 Bacon crispy and brown B1: 1000 W, 3 min, 0 mm 54.8 Slight edge effects, some
but with slight edge effects areas of the muscle
S2: 1000 W, 3 min, 43 mm 64.1 All rashers brown and dried out
crispy—no edge effects B2: 1000 W, 3 min, 43 mm 59.4 Severe drying of muscle
S3: 1000 W, 3 min, 99 mm 61.7 All rashers brown and B3: 1000 W, 3 min, 99 mm 59.1 Severe drying of muscle
crispy—no edge effects B4: 800 W, 3 min, 0 mm 52.8 Marked edge effects, some
S4: 800 W, 3 min, 0 mm 45.1 Some areas crispy, drying out of the muscle
slight edge effects B5: 800 W, 3 min, 43 mm 52.2 Edge effects, centre
S5: 800 W, 3 min, 43 mm 49.9 Edge effects—middle pieces uncooked,
rashers look uncooked edge pieces dried out
S6: 800 W, 3 min, 99 mm 49.3 Edge effects—middle B6: 800 W, 3 min, 99 mm 50.7 Edge effects, centre pieces
rashers look uncooked uncooked,
S7: 500 W, 5 min, 0 mm 48.6 Severe edge effects—outer edge pieces dried out
rashers very dry, centre B7: 500 W, 5 min, 0 mm 52.1 Crispy, slight edge effects,
rasher underdone no drying out
S8: 500 W, 5 min, 43 mm 53.3 Severe edge effects B8: 500 W, 5 min, 43 mm 55.2 Crispy, no edge effects
S9: 500 W, 5 min, 99 mm 52.7 Severe edge effects B9: 500 W, 5 min, 99 mm 55.6 Crispy, no edge effects
840 C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843

Table 5 160
Statistical analysis of weight losses (mean of four samples) of back bacon
cooked in Sharp domestic microwave oven
B7 NS 120

Temperature (°C)
** ** ** ** *
** ** ** ** *
B2 NS NS 80
Treatments B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 60

NS = not significant.
p < 0.05. 40 Edge Fat
** Edge Muscle
p < 0.01.
*** Middle Fat
p < 0.001. 20
Middle Muscle

bottom of the food (Knutson, Marth, & Wagner, 1987), 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
since the turntable of this particular oven was metal. How- Time (s)
ever, it was interesting to note that although elevation af-
fected the results compared to placing the plate on the Fig. 3. Mean (n = 3) temperatures in 100 g loads of back bacon
positioned 43 mm above the oven turntable during cooking for 5 min at
turntable at the base of the oven, the height of elevation
500 W in the domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD).
did not have a significant effect. Therefore, although it
was important to elevate bacon when cooking in this par-
ticular oven (with a metal turntable) the height was rela- mean temperature at all the measured points was above
tively unimportant. 100 °C after 100 s in the streaky rashers and after approx-
imately 200 s in the back rashers.
3.3.2. Bacon temperature during cooking Temperatures at the edge of the rashers, especially in the
Temperatures measured during heating in streaky and fat, tended to rise faster than at other positions but due to
back rashers under the two preferred treatments identified the variability between rashers, as shown by the large over-
in Section 3.3.1 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. In lapping standard deviations on the heating curves, there
both cases the edge of the fat showed the highest rate of was no significant effect of measurement position. The final
temperature rise. At the end of the cooking period temper- temperatures reached by the bacon (between 100 and
atures measured in the streaky rashers were higher (range 145 °C) were likely to be sufficient to destroy any bacteria
in mean from 122 to 145 °C) than those measured in the that may have been present on the bacon.
back rashers (range in mean from 105 to 120 °C). The Work carried out by Lee, Gray, and Pearson (1983)
showed that in conventional cooking of bacon the adipose
160 tissue shows an increased rise in temperature over that
found in the muscle tissue (165 °C compared to 145 °C).
140 This is because with conventional cooking methods the
low water content and low specific heat of fat generally re-
120 sults in more rapid heating of the adipose tissue than the
lean. Fats also have a low dielectric loss and this combined
Temperature (°C)

with the properties described above means that fats are
inefficient at converting microwave energy into heat (Lyng,
Zhang, & Brunton, 2005). However, once heat has been
generated conventional heat transfer mechanisms apply.
Fats can reach very high temperatures above the 100 °C
limit of water due to their higher boiling points, and since
Edge Fat
Edge Muscle fats have a much lower specific heat capacity than water
20 Middle Fat they can heat faster in a microwave (Ohlsson, 1983). This
Middle Muscle would explain why streaky bacon showed more even heat-
0 ing than back bacon. The temperature rises experienced in
0 50 100 150 200 the middle rashers of bacon within the load were signifi-
Time (s) cantly higher in the streaky compared to the back bacon.
Fig. 2. Mean (n = 3) temperatures in 100 g loads of streaky bacon This could be due to the proportions of fat to muscle
positioned 43 mm above the oven turntable during cooking for 3 min at and their distribution within the rasher. Streaky bacon
1000 W in the domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD). has an almost ÔstripedÕ arrangement of fat to lean tissue,
C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843 841

with only small areas of each type of tissue. Therefore, if 160

the fat in a rasher of streaky bacon heats very rapidly this
increase in temperature would very quickly become equili- 140
brated across the plate. However, back bacon has very little
fat located at the edge of the rashers and so large increases 120
in the temperature of this would not be so easily conducted

Temperature (°C)
throughout the bacon rasher. This phenomenon would ex- 100

plain the high incidence of edge effects when cooking back

bacon in a microwave oven, particularly when high power-
output levels are used for a short time. Therefore, cooking
back bacon at a lower power-output level for a longer per-
iod of time actually gives a longer equilibration time for the
40 Edge Fat
bacon, and thus results in a more acceptable product. Edge Muscle
Middle Fat
3.3.3. Trials in domestic microwave oven using container Middle Muscle
designed for industrial cooker 0
Higher weight losses were measured in both back and 0 50 100 150 200
streaky bacon placed in open industrial packs and then Time (s)
cooked in the domestic oven (Table 6) in comparison to Fig. 4. Mean (n = 3) temperatures measured in 100 g loads of streaky
those recorded when cooking on the plate. Using a lid on bacon when cooked for 2 min with 1000 W in the industrial container in
the pack made little difference to the weight loss (Table the domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD).
6). Reducing the heating time by 1 min with both types
of bacon produced cooked bacon with a similar appear-
ance to that previously identified and a lower weight loss. 160
Temperatures measured during heating in streaky and
back rashers under the two preferred treatments are shown 140
in Figs. 4 and 5 respectively. In both cases the edge of the
rasher showed the highest rate of temperature rise. At the 120
end of the cooking period mean temperatures measured
Temperature (°C)

in the streaky rashers range from 109 to 124 °C and those 100
measured in the back rashers from 104 to 139 °C. The
mean temperature at all the measured points was above 80

100 °C after 68 s in the streaky rashers and after approxi-

mately 170 s in the back rashers.
Mean weight loss in the dummy packs was 36% after
40 Edge Fat
4 min at 500 W and 35.6% after 1000 W for 2 min. Edge Muscle
The container in which the bacon was cooked had a sub- Middle Fat
stantial effect on both the weight loss and length of time re- Middle Muscle
quired to achieve the desired degree of cooking. This is
possibly due to the container influencing the microwave 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
field intensity within the oven cavity. With back bacon, Time (s)
the presence of the pack reduced the cooking time by
Fig. 5. Mean (n = 3) temperatures in 100 g loads of back bacon when
1 min (25%) and in the streaky by 1 min (20%). The combi- cooked for 4 min with 500 W whilst in the industrial container in the
nation of the pack and the shorter cooking time reduced domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD).
the mean weight loss from 64.1% to 57% for streaky
rashers and from 55.2% to 50.6% for back rashers. the bacon were similar with and without the use of the pack
Subjectively, the degree of cooking and the crispness of when the time was reduced to compensate for its presence.
Table 6
Weight loss found for various treatments in the domestic microwave oven 3.4. Trials using pilot-scale industrial microwave cooker
using the industrial container
Treatment Mean % weight loss A series of trials using dummy packs and different con-
veyer speeds in the industrial pilot plant showed that a
Streaky bacon, 1000 W, 3 min, no lid 72.4
Streaky bacon, 1000 W, 3 min, using lid 69.7 115 s heating time in the microwave cavity with a total in-
Streaky bacon, 1000 W, 2 min, using lid 57.0 put power of 6 kW resulted in a mean weight loss of
Back bacon, 500 W, 5 min, no lid 59.2 approximately 36%. Streaky and back bacon rashers
Back bacon, 500 W, 5 min, using lid 59.1 heated under these conditions had the desired appearance
Back bacon, 500 W, 4 min, using lid 50.6
and crispness. The mean weight loss from 22 packs of
842 C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843

streaky bacon and 38 packs of back after heating for 115 s the floor of the oven using 500 W for 5 min was not signif-
at 6 kW was 51.9% (Standard Deviation 4.6) and 38.3% icantly different to unsmoked back bacon. When cooked in
(SD 4.8), respectively. the industrial pack the mean weight loss of 63.3% (SD 1.1)
Subjectively, the degree of cooking and crispness ap- was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than that from un-
peared more uniform after cooking in the industrial system smoked back under the same conditions.
than that observed in the domestic heating trials. Since the The measured rate of temperature rise and final temper-
bacon is conveyed through the microwave field in the atures produced in the smoked back bacon was similar to
industrial system, the effect of any areas of high or low field that in unsmoked back bacon under similar processing
intensity will be reduced thus producing more even cook- conditions (Figs. 6 and 7).
ing. The different position of the magnetrons may also have
an influence. In the domestic oven, the single magnetron
was at the side compared to the top and bottom magne-
trons in the industrial oven. Cooking the bacon in the 160

industrial oven produced an acceptable crispy bacon, suit-

able for use as a sandwich filling, with less weight loss than 140

experienced in the domestic oven. It was also interesting to

note that the shingled bacon rashers that had been cooked
in the industrial oven were easier to separate than those

Temperature (°C)
cooked in the domestic oven. This was probably again
due to the more even cooking produced by the industrial
3.4.1. Shelf-life of the bacon
Mean TBA values rose to 0.74 and 1.308 mg malonial-
40 Edge Fat
dehyde (MDA) per kg of sample in streaky and back ras- Edge Muscle
hers respectively after 18 days storage at 4 °C (Table 7). 20
Middle Fat
The results of the shelf-life tests showed no differences in Middle Muscle
shelf-life between the two types of bacon. The threshold be- 0
low which consumers are unlikely to detect off-flavours is 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
considered to be about 0.5 mg MDA kg 1 sample (Gray Time (s)
& Pearson, 1987; Sheard et al., 2000). Using this value, a
Fig. 6. Mean (n = 3) temperatures measured in rashers of smoked back
shelf-life of between 11 and 14 days for both types of bacon bacon when cooked for 5 min at 500 W whilst raised 43 mm above the
can be safely concluded based on maximum TBA values. floor of the domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD).
This shelf-life is slightly less than those quoted by some
manufacturers (>18 days).

3.5. Trials using smoked back bacon
The mean weight loss of 54.5% (SD 3.0) from smoked
back bacon when cooked on a plate raised 43 mm above

Table 7
Temperature (°C)

Change in cooked vacuum packaged bacon rasher TBA values (mg MDA 100
per kg of sample) with storage time
Sample Days at 4 °C 80

1 3 4 7 11 14 16 18
1 0.103 0.105 0.177 0.229 0.231 0.727 0.441 0.931
40 Edge Fat
2 0.191 0.191 0.162 0.259 0.277 0.372 0.274 0.731
3 0.074 0.132 0.118 0.29 0.231 0.372 0.365 0.558 Edge Muscle
20 Middle Fat
Mean 0.123 0.143 0.152 0.259 0.246 0.490 0.360 0.740
Middle Muscle
SD 0.061 0.044 0.031 0.031 0.027 0.205 0.084 0.187
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
1 0.044 0.118 0.162 0.229 0.354 0.388 0.395 1.489
2 0.044 0.118 0.147 0.229 0.324 0.453 0.426 1.132 Time (s)
3 0.059 0.147 0.147 0.168 0.339 0.598 0.654 1.303
Fig. 7. Mean (n = 3) temperatures measured in rashers of smoked back
Mean 0.049 0.128 0.152 0.209 0.339 0.480 0.492 1.308
bacon when cooked for 4 min with 500 W using the industrial container in
SD 0.009 0.017 0.009 0.035 0.015 0.108 0.141 0.179
the domestic microwave oven (error bars indicate ±1 SD).
C. James et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 77 (2006) 835–843 843

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The most effective cooking settings in the domestic oven supply voltage. Microwave Science Series No 11. London, UK: MAFF
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heating of food. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 20,
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Acknowledgments MAFF Publications.
Phippen, N., & Burfoot, D. (1990). Continuous measurement of temper-
The authors would like to thank the Harris Pork and atures in microwave ovens with turntables. Laboratory Practice, 39,
Bacon Group who sponsored this project, and in particular 9–11.
Self, K. P., Burfoot, D., Wilkins, T. J., & James, S. J. (1990). Microwave
Clive Davis and Hannah Bendon at Harris Ipswich for pro-
pasteurisation of pre-packed sliced ham. In R. W. Field & J. A. Howell
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In addition, we would like to thank Rose Ball for carry- and quality assurance (pp. 33–44). London, UK: Elsevier Science
ing out the bacon analysis and Ben Hewett for his assis- Publishers.
tance in carrying out the TBA tests. Lastly we would like Sheard, P. R., Enser, M., Wood, J. D., Nute, G. R., Gill, B. P., &
Richardson, R. I. (2000). Shelf life and quality of pork and pork
to thank Michelle Hibbard, Jenny Thorpe and Laurence
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Ketteringham for their assistance. Smith, F. J. (1977). Microwaves cook bacon. Food Engineering(June),
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