Development of Methodology For Assessing The Heating Performance of Domestic Microwave Ovens

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892 879

Development of methodology for assessing the heating

performance of domestic microwave ovens

C. James,* M. V. Swain, S. J. James & M. J. Swain

MAFF Advanced Fellowship in Food Process Engineering, FRPERC, University of Bristol, Churchill Building, Langford,
Bristol BS40 5DU, UK
(Received 10 June 2001; Accepted in revised form 3 May 2002)

Summary There is a need for standard methods of testing domestic microwave ovens that relate to
their reheating performance with chilled convenience meals. The investigations reported
here have produced a simple procedure for comparing the three most important reheating
characteristics of a domestic microwave oven: its ÔtrueÕ power; heating variability; and
repeatability. The tests are relatively simple to do, and require only a few additional items
of equipment to those that a laboratory performing existing output power tests would
already possess. Three identical tests are required: one with a liquid test material, one with
a solid and one with a combination of the two components. One additional stage is done
with the liquid test material. The data produced can be reduced to three numbers, which
are measures of the true power, variability and repeatability of the oven. A further simple
analysis, which weights the relative importance of each factor to the consumer, would
produce a single value for the oven’s relative reheating performance. Ovens with unusual
or extreme performance characteristics can therefore be identified easily.
Keywords Characterization, chilled convenience meals, power output, temperature variability, testing.

differences in heating effect between microwave

ovens was the lack of an agreed standard to define
Investigations in the last 10 years have revealed power output. Companies producing ovens have
considerable variability in the ability of different used up to ten different systems for defining power
models and types of domestic microwave oven to output. Since September 1990, microwave oven
reheat food (Burfoot et al., 1991). Studies have manufacturers have adopted a single standard for
also shown that Listeria monocytogenes can sur- measuring the power output for microwave ovens
vive in some of the cooler areas of chilled foods to be sold in the UK. This standard, International
after reheating in a microwave oven (Walker et al., Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 1988, uses a
1991). They have also revealed a large degree of 1 L water load and the test is made using a cold
non-repeatability during reheating. oven in defined ambient conditions.
A typical reheating instruction for a chilled food Studies have clearly shown that power output of
would specify Ôreheating for 3.5 min in a 750 W a microwave oven is influenced by the ÔfoodÕ load
microwave ovenÕ. Traditionally, reheating times in the cavity. Investigations in the USA (O’Meara,
for ovens with different microwave powers were 1989) looked at power output into load sizes
arrived at by modifying the time to produce a ranging from 50 to 2000 g. They showed that the
similar total energy input into the food. During heating rate of a water load in a 625 W microwave
investigations by Burfoot et al. (1991), it became oven varied by a ratio of approximately 25:1,
clear that one of the reasons for the apparent depending on the exact cavity loading. Studies by
FRPERC (James et al., 1994) have shown that, in
*Correspondent: Fax: +44(0)117 928 9314; addition to the effect of load, its position within
e-mail: the cavity, the length of time the oven has been in

 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd

880 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

operation and the supply voltage also influence the The next stage was to use practical trials to
power produced. Other investigations (George evaluate the response of the ingredients and basic
et al., 1992) have shown that not all ovens show building blocks to electromagnetic heating and
the same relationships. In some ovens there was hence their suitability as test materials.
little change in power output with load. In other Having selected the most appropriate building
ovens power output initially decreased as load size blocks, investigations were then done to determine
was reduced then rose as the size was further the best method for assembling reproducible ÔfoodÕ
decreased. Complex systems have been developed packs representing a range of ready meal type
for understanding the underlying factors that can products.
generate complex or unpredictable heat patterns in A method for deciding on the reheating time to
foodstuffs in microwave ovens and approaches for be used with a particular model of oven was also
modifying the food to control heating (Bows, developed. Only two pieces of data are available to
2000). the purchaser of a domestic microwave oven in the
Many of the tests currently used to assess the UK. One is the IEC power rating in Watts (IEC,
reheating of a foodstuff in microwave ovens are 1988), which measures the amount of power
either subjective, or use commercially produced delivered by a cold oven into 1 kg of water. The
chilled meals (IEC, 1988; Burfoot et al., 1991; second is a category rating used in the UK, from A
George et al., 1994). Previous studies have clearly to E, which relates to the amount of power
shown that there is considerable variability delivered into 350 g of water (George et al., 1992;
between individual packs of the same commercial MAFF, 1992). The simple method developed to
product (Swain et al., 1994). Consequently when calculate the reheating time was to multiply the
using commercial packs there is a considerable power delivered into a 350 g load by a constant
degree of uncertainty whether differences in per- factor that produced an average final temperature
formance between ovens are true differences and of approximately 70 C in the ovens tested. In
not artefacts caused by pack-to-pack variability. practice this would translate into a set time for
Additionally, it can be difficult to compare current each category.
tests with those done in previous years as a result The final part of the investigation was to
of changes in formulation, and in some cases the perform multireplicate reheating trials on the
unavailability of some of the meals previously simulated ready meals in a range of different
used. The investigations reported here were domestic microwave ovens. The resulting tem-
designed to provide a quantifiable test of the perature distributions after each trial were ana-
reheating performance of domestic microwave lysed to provide a measure of the heating
ovens. variability of each oven. Average temperatures
The initial purpose of this work was to develop after reheating were calculated as a measure of the
a range of ÔfoodsÕ that are suitable for assessing the relative energy supplied to the product. A second
reheating characteristics of domestic microwave estimate of the energy was obtained from a
ovens, i.e. basic Ôbuilding blocksÕ that can be used measure of the liquid test material’s temperature
individually or in combination to simulate meals after stirring. The resulting temperature distribu-
of varying complexity, from a simple soup or tion data was also tabulated and analysed using
sauce to a multicomponent meal. It was essential the standard deviation of the temperatures meas-
that the building blocks were as reproducible as ured at set positions to assess the repeatability
possible. Then any variation in reheating perform- after reheating.
ance would be because of variation in the beha-
viour of the microwave oven and not variations in
Materials and method
the composition of the meal. Therefore, the first
stage of the project was to identify Ôchemical The investigation was divided into the following
equivalentsÕ for the basic ingredients/building stages:
blocks. Where this was not feasible, ingredients Stage 1: Identification of reproducible basic
were sought that, as far as possible were not ingredients/building blocks for the substitute
subject to biological or processing variations. ready meals.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892  2002 Blackwell Science Ltd
Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 881

Stage 2: Practical trials to evaluate the response Generally, sauces are starch based solutions
of the ingredients and basic building blocks to containing varying amounts of water, carbohy-
electromagnetic heating and hence their suitability drates, proteins, lipids and minerals. As well as
as a test material. being the main constituents of food, all these
Stage 3: Determination of the best method for components have an important influence on
assembling reproducible ÔfoodÕ packs representing microwave heating.
a range of ready meal type products. Initial studies determined composition and
Stage 4: Multireplicate reheating trials using identified ingredient sources. The composition of
substitute foods, made up to be representative of a the final sauce (Table 2) was chosen after com-
range of ready meals, in domestic microwave paring published values for soups and sauces (Paul
ovens having a range of different characteristics. & Southgate, 1978).
Readily available sources of water, lipid, sugar
Characteristics of the microwave ovens
and salt were identified. Sodium caseinate was
Table 1 lists the six ovens used in the investigation, identified as a suitable protein source, as it was
and their characteristics. During each stage all six present as a stock item. It was decided that, to
ovens were tested, with each test being repeated at simplify sourcing, the starch component would be
least three times. All tests were performed using of natural origin, not a commercial modified
cold ovens, i.e. all ovens were left to cool for a starch. This meant that the sauce would have to
minimum of 8 h before being used again. be prepared by cooking up the ingredients, in
Standard IEC-705 1000 g tests (IEC, 1988) were order to gelatinize the starch component, but
made on the ovens to establish their characteris- would be widely available. Cornflour was found to
tics; standard UK 350 g tests (MAFF, 1992) were be the most suitable.
used as part of the Stage 2 evaluations. The specific heat capacity of the sauce was
calculated using the simple equation published by
Singh & Heldman (1984).
Stage 1: Identification of test materials
Sauce component
Initial investigations concentrated on developing a
Table 2 Chemical composition and ingredients of the sauce
simple homogeneous liquid food (sauce/soup) as a
test material. Amounts
The majority of microwaveable convenience Chemical Ingredient needed for
meals rely on an aqueous liquid component (sauce/ component used % 2-kg batch (g)

gravy/soup) as the main component for microwave Water Water 91.2 1824
energy absorption and heat transfer. This is because Starch Cornflour 3.1 62
this component contains a high amount of water, Lipid Household sunflower oil 2.1 42
which has good microwave absorption. Liquids Sugar Sucrose 1.9 38
Protein Sodium caseinate 1.2 24
also allow convective heat transfer, aiding the
Salt Cooking salt 0.5 10
dissipation of hot and cold spots.

Table 1 Characteristics of the six domestic microwave ovens used in the study

Oven Oven make Cavity size Turn-table Cavity Wave-guide

code and model (m2) type Combination Grill coating entry

I Matsui M180TC 0.029 Glass No No Yes Side

II Samsung M6135 0.018 Glass No No Yes Side
III Moulinex FMB 735A 0.027 Glass No No Yes Top
IV Belling MW820T 0.022 Glass No No Yes Side
V Philips Whirlpool M914 0.026 Glass No Yes No Side
VI Philips Whirlpool M902 0.026 Glass No No No Side

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882 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

Preparation of sauce
Stage 2: Evaluation of suitability of ingredients
Ingredients and amounts are shown in Table 2.
and basic building blocks as test materials
The sauce was first prepared by combining
824 ± 0.1 g of cold water with the dry ingredients The solid component, i.e. mashed potato, was not
and oil in an electric blender. This mixture was evaluated experimentally as its use in previous
added to 1000 ± 0.1 g of boiling water in a investigations (Burfoot et al., 1991) was felt to
saucepan and heated to 90 ± 2 C, whilst stirring prove its suitability as a microwaveable test
continually. The liquid was then strained and material and its response to microwave heating.
poured into a suitable container, covered, and The response of the sauce to electromagnetic
chilled to 10 ± 1 C by placing it in a tempera- heating was evaluated by comparing it with water,
ture-controlled water bath overnight. The sauce as a test material in UK 350 g tests on the six ovens.
was always freshly prepared and used within 24 h. All tests were performed in a controlled environ-
ment room running at 20 ± 2 C. The power was
Solid component supplied to the ovens via a voltage stabilizer (VTR-
Investigations were done to determine a suitable 2500, Claude Lyons, Hoddesdon, Herts, UK)
solid component. Solid components in chilled providing an input voltage of 240 V ± 1%.
meals are either of animal or vegetable origin. The test liquids were held in conical flasks in a
Recognizing the inherent variability of meat and controlled water bath at 10 ± 0.5 C. They were
fish samples, consideration was given to using a removed from the water bath, stirred and the
structured protein such as soya protein, or temperature measured. Next, 350 ± 1 g of the
Quorn. However, little is known about the liquid was weighed into a cylindrical borosilicate
microwave properties of these products and their glass vessel. The vessel was placed in the centre of
continuing availability. A vegetable source seemed the turntable of the microwave oven. The micro-
to provide the most logical solution to the wave oven was then operated at maximum/full
problem. power for a time calculated to produce a tempera-
Of the vegetable types commonly available, ture rise of 10 ± 2 C. Immediately after heating,
potato was identified as the most suitable. the vessel was removed from the oven, the liquid
However, it was difficult to obtain accurately stirred and the temperature measured using a fast
cut shapes from raw potato and there was a reaction T-type (copper-constantan, 0.4 mm diam-
considerable degree of wastage. Potatoes have to eter) thermocouple placed on a stirring device.
be pre-cooked if they are to represent commer-
cially produced products and the cooking
Stage 3: Construction of multicompartment trays
operation changes the water composition within
the potato. It was therefore decided to use a Different ways of assembling ÔfoodÕ packs were
reconstituted mashed potato. Mashed potato has investigated. A twelve-compartment tray method
been previously used in many microwave oven was considered to be the best option. In this
investigations and identified as being a homo- system, the position and volume of each compo-
geneous and reproducible test material (Burfoot nent in the meal could be controlled and the
et al., 1991). temperature measuring sensors precisely posi-
tioned, enabling the determination of the posi-
Preparation of mashed potato tions of the hot and cold zones. In addition, the
Potato flake (Grade A, Larsen, ID, USA) was use of a tray divided into a 3 · 4 matrix allowed
combined with water at 70 C in a food mixer a simple analysis of the temperature distribution
(mixing with a whisk attachment at 190 r.p.m.) at in meals after microwave reheating. A compar-
a weight ratio of 14.3 : 85.7, respectively. The ison of the temperatures attained in matching
temperature of mixture was reduced to 10 ± 1 C compartments could be made, e.g. there are
by either placing it in a refrigerator or a tem- four identical corners that could be compared
perature-controlled water bath. The mashed for evenness of heating, two identical inner
potato was always freshly prepared and used compartments each side of the centre line that
within 24 h. could be compared, etc.

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Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 883

Twelve compartment jigs to fit standard PET test, but with the following changes to the proce-
(polyethylene terephthalate) ready meal trays dure:
(BXL plastics 1182, Kunstaffwerke GmbH, Werk, 1 The 350 g of water was poured into the twelve-
Dietenheim, Germany) were designed and con- compartment PET tray rather than a cylindrical
structed and installed in trays (Fig. 1). Jigs were glass vessel.
constructed from 3 mm thick PTFE plastic sheet- 2 At the end of the heating period, the door was
ing. PTFE was selected for its ability to withstand opened and a Ôtemperature hedgehogÕ was
boiling temperatures and its low dielectric loss placed in the tray in the oven cavity to measure
properties. Each jig was manufactured using fric- the temperature within each of the twelve
tion fitting without glue, which could affect the compartments. The Ôtemperature hedgehogÕ
microwave field. The jig was not a watertight fit so consisted of twelve K-type (chromel-alumel,
that small gaps would allow liquid to filter through 0.4 mm) thermocouples, each attached to a
from one compartment to another to reach a vertical 3-mm diameter Tufnol rod held in place
constant level. This removed the need to carefully by a polycarbonate sheet. The ÔhedgehogÕ was
fill each compartment to a set level or volume. located on top of the water load so that the
thermocouples were in the centre of the com-
partments (plan view) and at a height of 14 mm
Stage 4: Multireplicate reheating trials
from the base of the tray (half the depth of
Part 1: 350 g water load heated by 10 ± 2 C water). The thermocouples were allowed to
in a twelve-compartment PET tray equilibrate thermally for 10 s before the data
Investigations were made to study the effect of was recorded using a data logging system
replacing the glass vessel as used in the standard (Magus, Measurement Systems, Newbury,
UK 350 g test, by the PET trays containing the UK).
twelve-compartment jig. Load tests used the same 3 After the compartment temperatures had been
mass of water and heating times as for a UK 350 g recorded the tray was quickly removed from the

43 mm 43 mm

41 mm

90 mm 41 mm

173 mm

42 mm
35 mm

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of PET

ready meal tray with twelve-com-
partment jig inserted. 140 mm

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884 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

oven, the jig removed from the tray and the 4 In the case of water and sauce tests, after the
temperature of the water measured using a fast compartment temperatures had been recorded,
reaction T-type thermocouple placed on a the tray was quickly removed from the oven,
stirring device, as used in Stage 2. the jig removed from the tray and the tempera-
Each test was replicated three times in each of ture of the liquid recorded using a fast reaction
the six microwave ovens, and the results tabulated. T-type thermocouple placed on a stirring device
(as used in Stage 2). When the PET tray was
Part 2: 350 g load heated to a target mean removed from the oven, it was placed on a
temperature of 70 C in a twelve compartment polystyrene mat to reduce heat loss from the
PET tray tray to the bench.
These investigations were designed to provide data
on the temperature/power distribution within a
Results and discussion
ready meal tray after heating to an average
temperature of approximately 70 C. In addition,
Characteristics of the ovens
these tests also determined whether the UK 350 g
test category remained constant during a longer, The results of standard IEC-705 and UK 350 g
more representative, heating time. tests on the six ovens are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Tests similar to those in Stage 4: Part 1 were The range of microwave ovens selected for the
done on the six ovens (three replicates). The tests included ovens with UK 350 g power-outputs
differences were: ranging from 614 to 954 W. The measured output
1 Water, the sauce and mashed potato were used power of ovens I and V exceeded the manufac-
as test materials. As well as single component turers E category rating; this has been indicated in
tests, tests were also made with mashed potato/ the tables by >E. Ovens II and III were declared
sauce combined loads. In this case, the two to be C and D category ovens, respectively, but
components were arranged as shown in Fig. 2. were B and >E when tested. Ovens IV and VI had
2 The heating time for each oven (t2) was calcula- no declared category. Both ovens were found to
ted using the following equation, as temperature exceed the E category rating.
increase rates were approximately linear:
t2 ¼ 70t1 DT1 Stage 1: Identification of test materials
where t1 is the heating time used in Stage 4: Part Sauce/soup component
1, and DT1 is the mean temperature rise in stage It was found that, with careful preparation of the
4: Part 1. sauce, a homogeneous liquid with characteristics
3 The Ôtemperature hedgehogÕ was allowed to similar to that of a thick soup or sauce was
equilibrate for 15 s instead of 10 s before produced. Some separation of components was
readings were noted, this being found to be encountered on storage, but stirring of the prod-
adequate for the higher temperatures. uct prior to testing seemed to alleviate any
Mashed potato The specific heat capacity of the sauce calcula-
ted using the Singh–Heldman equation was
Sauce 4.115 kJ kg)1 C)1, and this value was used in
calculating the power-outputs into the sauce.

Corner a Side b Side c Corner d

Stage 2: Evaluation of suitability of ingredients
End e Centre f Centre g End h and basic building blocks as test materials

Corner i Side j Side k Corner l

The results of the 350 g sauce load output power
tests performed on the six selected domestic
microwave ovens are shown in Table 4. For
Figure 2 Arrangement of sauce and mashed potato in cells. comparison, the mean UK 350 g category, mean

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Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 885

Table 3 Results of IEC-705 1000 g and UK 350 g power-output tests

Oven Declared IEC-705 IEC mean output Declared UK UK 350 g mean True UK
code power-output (W) power (s.d.), W 350 g category output power, W 350 g category

I 800 797.0 (8.5) E 811.4 (8.1) E

II 600 605.3 (6.7) C 613.6 (13.3) B
III 1000 1012.3 (8.0) D 954.4 (20.3) >E
IV 800 833.6 (13.5) – 828.7 (12.9) >E
V 1000 972.7 (16.4) E 899.4 (5.8) >E
VI 1000 1005.3 (20.9) – 948.6 (19.0) >E

s.d.: Standard deviation.

Table 4 Mean category, mean output power (W) and standard deviation (s.d.) of five replicated tests using two different
350 g loads in a cylindrical glass vessel (UK 350 g power-output test)

Oven Water mean output Water Sauce mean output Sauce Water/sauce Water/sauce
code power (s.d.), W category power (s.d.), W category difference, W difference, %

I 811.4 (8.1) >E 792.1 (8.0) E 19.3 2.4

II 613.6 (13.3) B 608.6 (9.7) B 5.0 0.8
III 954.4 (20.3) >E 968.7 (15.4) >E )14.4 )1.5
IV 828.7 (12.9) >E 839.3 (16.8) >E )10.7 )1.3
V 899.4 (5.8) >E 927.0 (13.6) >E )27.6 )3.1
VI 948.6 (19.0) >E 981.6 (7.8) >E )33.0 )3.5
Min 613.6 (5.8) 608.6 (7.8) )33.0 )3.5
Max 954.4 (20.3) 981.6 (16.8) 19.3 2.4
Range 340.8 (14.5) 373.0 (9.0) 52.3 5.9
Mean 842.7 (13.2) 852.9 (11.9) )10.2 )1.0
s.d. 126.9 (5.7) 140.7 (3.9) 19.7 2.3

The differences between the mean output powers are shown in Watts and as a percentage. The min, max, range, mean and s.d. at
the foot of the table refer to the columns above them.

UK 350 g power-output (W) and standard devi- The percentage differences between the water
ation (s.d.) of five replicates are also given for each and sauce output powers varied from )2.5 to
oven. Both tests were in identical glass vessels. 3.4%, with a mean difference of )1.0%. The results
Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between the indicate little difference between power-outputs
use of the two test materials for measuring into either of the two solutions when measuring
microwave oven power-output. The best straight power-output using the UK 350 g method.
line fit yielded the relationship: sauce output
power ¼ )76.091 + (1.1024 · water output
Stage 3: Construction of compartment trays
power), with a correlation coefficient of 0.989.
The repeatability of the sauce output power The twelve-compartment trays were tested in a
tests, as measured by the standard deviations of range of ovens. No problems were encountered in
the five replicates, ranged from 7.8 to 16.8 W for terms of localized over-heating, degradation, etc.
the six ovens, compared with 5.8–20.3 W for the
water tests. There was no consistent relationship
Stage 4: Multireplicate reheating trials
between the standard deviation of sauce output
power tests and the standard deviation of water Part 1: 350 g water load heated by 10 ± 2 C
output power tests for the same oven. However, in a twelve-compartment PET tray
overall, the repeatability of the two test methods A comparison of the results of the Stage 4: Part 1
was very similar, with mean s.d. values of 11.9 W PET tray test with the results of the UK 350 g
for sauce and 13.2 W for water output powers. standard vessel load output power tests, performed

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886 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.


UK 350 g output power (W) – Sauce analogue




Figure 3 Plot of mean sauce output

600 power against mean water output
700 800 900 1000
power for six ovens (error bars
UK 350 g output power (W) – Water ± 1 s.d.).

on the six selected domestic microwave ovens is standard deviations calculated from the replicated
shown in Table 5. The percentage differences tests (data not shown). These standard deviations
between the two tests, measured power-outputs varied from 0.0 C (oven I, position Corner i) to
varied from )1.3 to 7.9%, with a mean difference 1.2 C (oven IV, Corner a). These standard
of 1.8%. The results indicate little difference deviations compared well with previous results
between either assessment methods when measur- for thirty-six ovens (five replicates) where standard
ing power-output. deviations varied from 0.04 to 3.03 C (Swain
The repeatability of the Stage 4: Part 1 tem- et al., 1995).
perature distribution data were judged by the

Table 5 Mean category, mean output power (W) and standard deviation (s.d.) of replicated tests using a 350 g water load
in a cylindrical glass vessel (UK 350 g power test) and a PET tray (Stage 4: Part 1)

Oven Water Water mean output 4: Part 1 4: Part 1 mean output UK/4: Part 1 UK/4: Part 1
code category power (s.d.), W category power (s.d.), W difference, W difference, %

I >E 811.4 (8.1) >E 809.9 (20.4) 1.6 0.2

II B 613.6 (13.3) B 604.5 (6.1) 9.1 1.5
III >E 954.4 (20.3) >E 967.2 (19.5) )12.8 )1.3
IV >E 828.7 (12.9) E 763.6 (15.4) 65.1 7.9
V >E 899.4 (5.8) >E 893.6 (10.0) 5.7 0.6
VI >E 948.6 (19.0) >E 931.0 (17.2) 17.6 1.9
Min 613.6 (5.8) 604.5 (6.1) )12.8 )1.3
Max 954.4 (20.3) 967.2 (20.4) 65.1 7.9
Range 340.8 (14.5) 362.7 (14.3) 77.9 9.2
Mean 842.7 (13.2) 828.3 (14.8) 14.4 1.8
s.d. 126.9 (5.7) 133.2 (5.6) 26.8 3.2

The differences between the mean output powers are shown in Watts and as a percentage. The min, max, range, mean and s.d. at
the foot of the table refer to the columns above them.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892  2002 Blackwell Science Ltd
Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 887

The least uniform temperatures overall were found

Part 2: 350 g load heated to a target mean
in the multicomponent trays containing mashed
temperature of 70 C in a twelve-compartment
potato and the sauce, with mean overall Ôcold spotÕ
plastic tray
and Ôhot spotÕ temperatures of 36.7 and 91.8 C,
Temperature distribution Table 6 shows a sum- respectively.
mary of the minimum, maximum and mean tem- The mean temperature distributions in the
peratures recorded in each of the 12-compartments twelve-compartment trays for each of the ovens,
using the temperature ÔhedgehogÕ, for the three in relation to the test materials, were calculated for
replicated tests. each oven, and each test material, and shown as
The range of temperatures in the ÔmeanÕ twelve- frequency distribution charts (Figs 4–9). Ovens V
compartment tray was used as an indicator of the and VI showed the smallest temperature distribu-
potential for an oven to produce hot and cold tions overall with all the test materials, and oven II
spots in a meal tray; the greater the range, the the largest.
greater the severity of hot and/or cold spots. The
minimum temperature range was 7.0 C (oven VI, Repeatability of temperature data The repeatabil-
water), the maximum temperature range 55.1 C ity of the Stage 4: Part 2 temperature distribution
(oven II, mashed potato/sauce). data can be judged by the standard deviations
The most uniform temperature distributions calculated from the replicated tests. These stand-
were found in trays containing water, correspond- ard deviations varied from 0.0 C (oven III, posi-
ing to overall mean Ôcold spotÕ and Ôhot spotÕ tion Side k, test material water) to 15.8 C (oven
temperatures of 61.7 and 83.9 C, respectively. IV, End h, mashed potato).

Table 6 Summary of the minimum, maximum, range, mean, and standard deviation (s.d.) of mean temperatures (C)
measured in the 12-compartment trays taken from Stage 4: Part 2 data sheets for the six microwave ovens tested

Oven code Test material Minimum Maximum Range Mean s.d.

I Water 67.2 75.8 8.6 72.6 2.0

Sauce 56.3 92.2 35.9 75.4 10.8
Mashed potato 76.4 90.3 13.9 82.9 4.5
Mash/sauce 58.4 91.2 32.8 76.6 9.5
II Water 66.1 76.0 10.0 71.5 3.2
Sauce 45.9 91.9 46.1 72.5 16.3
Mashed potato 43.2 91.5 48.3 78.1 16.8
Mash/sauce 36.7 91.8 55.1 72.6 16.1
III Water 67.1 80.2 13.1 74.0 3.6
Sauce 50.9 91.3 40.4 75.2 13.4
Mashed potato 73.8 90.4 16.6 84.6 5.8
Mash/sauce 47.2 90.3 43.1 77.5 12.6
IV Water 67.1 76.2 9.1 71.2 2.8
Sauce 46.9 93.4 46.5 69.1 16.2
Mashed potato 55.9 92.8 36.8 79.1 12.7
Mash/sauce 49.2 90.4 41.2 71.2 14.2
V Water 61.7 77.1 15.4 73.0 3.9
Sauce 62.1 88.3 26.3 77.7 9.3
Mashed potato 77.1 88.8 11.7 84.1 3.5
Mash/sauce 60.2 91.1 30.9 79.6 9.7
VI Water 76.9 83.9 7.0 80.1 2.5
Sauce 66.8 87.4 20.5 76.7 7.1
Mashed potato 76.4 91.5 15.0 85.6 5.0
Mash/sauce 73.1 90.8 17.7 83.4 6.1
Overall Water 61.7 83.9 22.2 73.7 3.0
Sauce 45.9 93.4 47.5 74.4 12.2
Mash 43.2 92.8 49.6 82.4 8.1
Mash/sauce 36.7 91.8 55.1 76.8 11.4

 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892
888 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

Figure 4 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven I.

Figure 5 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven II.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892  2002 Blackwell Science Ltd
Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 889

Figure 6 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven III.

Figure 7 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven IV.

 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892
890 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

Figure 8 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven V.

Figure 9 Frequency distribution

chart of Stage 4: Part 2 tempera-
ture distribution in 12-compart-
ment trays in oven VI.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892  2002 Blackwell Science Ltd
Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al. 891

Table 7 Summary of Stage 4: Part 2 mean standard deviations

Test Oven I Oven II Oven III Oven IV Oven V Oven VI Overall

material (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C)

Water 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.7 1.3 1.0

Sauce 5.2 3.2 3.8 3.2 4.7 9.1 4.9
Mashed potato 4.6 3.8 7.0 6.8 5.1 5.1 5.4
Mash/sauce 4.9 6.0 4.8 6.0 6.6 5.3 5.6
Mean 4.1 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.2 4.2

In order to make an overall analysis of the 80

repeatability data, a mean of the 12-compartment
temperature standard deviations was calculated
for each oven, and each test material (Table 7).
These mean values varied from the most repeat-

Sauce temperature (˚C)

able, 0.7 C (oven V, water) to the least repeat-
able, 9.1 C (oven VI, sauce). Of the test materials
themselves, the most repeatable was water, 1.0 C, 65

and the mash/sauce combination the least repeat-

able, 5.6 C, with a combined overall mean 60

standard deviation value of 4.2 C. The most

repeatable oven was oven II, 3.5 C, and the least 55
repeatable oven was oven VI, 5.2 C.
Stirred temperature There was no consistent rela- 55 60 65 70 75 80
Water temperature (˚C)
tionship between an oven’s ability to heat the
sauce and its ability to heat a water load of the Figure 10 Average stirred temperature in 350 g water
same size, in the same container being heated for and sauce when both were heated under equivalent condi-
the same time (Fig. 10). Some ovens were more tions (error bars ± 1 s.d.).
efficient at heating sauce, others water.
This indicates that some models of oven are more
efficient at heating foodstuffs than other ovens.
The test can therefore be used to rank the
The initial stages of these studies showed that performance of the different ovens in terms of
substituting the sauce for water produced very delivered power and consequently heating effi-
similar results in power output tests. The results ciency.
also demonstrated that a UK 350 g test using a As would be expected, after a test using water,
PET tray again gave very similar results to that very small temperature differences were measured
performed using the standard borosilicate cylin- within the packs. However, much larger tempera-
der. It can therefore be concluded that the UK ture differences were measured in the liquid food
350 g rating is representative of the microwave analogue after similar reheating tests. More
power delivered to a food under the test condi- importantly, the results revealed substantial dif-
tions. ferences between different models of microwave
Heating a 350 g water load to approximately oven in terms of temperature variability after
70 C and then repeating the procedure using the reheating. The test can therefore be used to rank
same time but with the liquid food analogue the performance of the different ovens in terms of
produced results that show the potential of the reheating uniformity. Comparing the results from
analogue in characterizing oven performance. replicate trials it can be clearly demonstrated that
Some ovens produced higher average tempera- some ovens perform more consistently than other
tures in water than the analogue, others lower. ovens. The test can therefore be used to rank the

 2002 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892
892 Heating performance testing of microwave ovens C. James et al.

performance of the different ovens in terms of Burfoot, D., James, S.J., Foster, A.M., Self, K.P., Wilkins,
reheating repeatability. T.J. & Phillips, I. (1991). Reheating in Domestic Micro-
wave Ovens: Testing Uniformity and Reproducibility.
Similar results were found when using the solid
Microwave Science Series Report no. 3. London: MAFF
food and the combination of liquid and solid food. Publications.
These tests therefore provide further information George, R.M., Richardson, P.S., Hooper, G.I. & Burnett,
that can be used to rank the performance of the S.A. (1992). Microwave Reheating of Ready Meals: Char-
different ovens in terms of reheating uniformity acterisation and Categorisation of Domestic Microwave
Ovens Based Upon a 350 g Water Load. Microwave Science
and repeatability.
Series Report no. 6. London: MAFF Publications.
It should be noted that these tests relate George, R.M., Hooper, G.I. & Richardson, P.S. (1994).
specifically to an oven’s ability to reheat standard Evaluation of Testing Procedures for Microwave Oven
chilled convenience meals in rectangular contain- Performance and Acceptability Criteria. Microwave Sci-
ers. While chilled convenience meals come in a ence Series Report no. 9. London: MAFF Publications.
International Electrotechnical Commission (1988). Methods
variety of different shaped containers, the majority
for Measuring the Performance of Microwave Ovens for
are of similar dimensions to those used. Trials Household and Similar Purposes. IEC Publication 705,
have not been done to assess the affect of different 2nd edn. Geneva: International Electrotechnical Com-
packaging geometries or materials. Further mission.
experiments will be need to be made to see if James, S.J., Foster, A.M., Phillips, I.C., Wilkins, T.J.,
Swain, M.J. & Burfoot, D. (1994). Effects on Microwave
these tests can be directly related to different
Power-Output of Size of Load, Continuous (Intermittent)
configurations. Use, Position of Load and Variation in Mains Supply
Because all the trials are quantifiable, it is easy Voltage. Microwave Science Series Report no. 11. Lon-
to analyse the results to provide numerical don: MAFF Publications.
values for an individual oven’s performance. MAFF (1992). A Voluntary System for the Categorisation of
Domestic Microwave Ovens for Heating Small Food Loads
The data produced in each test can be reduced
and for the Consequent Labelling of Domestic Microwave
to three numbers that are measures of the true Ovens and Microwaveable Foods. Guidance Note (Revised
power, variability and repeatability of the oven. October 1992). London: MAFF Publications.
Further simple analysis, which weights the O’Meara, J.P. (1989). Variable power – a dilemma for the
relative importance of each factor to the con- microwave oven user. Microwave World, 10, 12–16.
Paul, A.A. & Southgate, D.R. (1978). Mccance and
sumer, could produce a single value for the
Widdowson’s the Composition of Foods. London: HMSO.
oven’s relative reheating performance. Any sim- Singh, R.A. & Heldman, D.A.T. (1984). Introduction to Food
ple spreadsheet program could reduce the 195 Engineering. Pp. 100–101. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
individual pieces of temperature data gathered in Swain, M.J., Foster, A.M. & Philips, I.C. (1995). Develop-
the total procedure to a measure of oven ment and evaluation of an alternative microwave oven
performance test protocol. In: Fifth International Con-
ference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, Pp.
G6.1–G6.4. UK: St John’s College, Cambridge Univer-
Swain, M.J., Foster, A.M., Philips, I.C. & James, S.J.
The authors would like to thank the Consumer (1994). Variation of Uniformity of Microwave Reheating
Within Commercial Chilled Convenience Meals. Micro-
Association for funding this work.
wave Science Series Report no. 10. London: MAFF
Walker, S.J., Bows, J., Richardson, P. & Banks, J.G. (1991).
Listeria Survival in Chilled Retail Products: Effect of
Bows, J.R. (2000). A classification system for microwave Recommended Microwave Cooking. Microwave Science
heating of food. International Journal of Food Science and Series Report no. 1. London: MAFF Publications.
Technology, 35, 417–430.

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2002, 37, 879–892  2002 Blackwell Science Ltd

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