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Module II in

AE 191: Competency Appraisal

1st Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022

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Course Information:
Course Code : AE 191
Course Title : Competency Appraisal
Pre-requisite : Senior Standing
Co-requisite : None
Credit : 3 units
Semester Offered : 1st Semester
Number of hours : 3 hours a week (3 Lec)
Course Description : Review in AB mechanization, power, machinery and equipment and
allied subjects (AB power and tractor operation, AB machinery
management, extension and marketing, machine design for AB
production, fabrication/manufacturing and testing, agricultural
economics and marketing, AB engineering laws, professional ethics,
engineering contracts, specification and legal documents, algebra,
statistics, thermodynamics and heat transfer and fluid mechanics)

Course Instructors
AE 101: Course Audit 1

Engineering Economy

Simple Interest

Name Formula Cash Flow Diagram

Interest earned over n periods I = Pin

Future value related to present
value F = P(1 + in)

Present value related to future


Compound Interest

Name Formula Cash Flow Diagram

Future value related to present value F = P(1 + i)n

Present value related to future value P = F/[(1 + i) n]

Future value accumulated due to n

periodic deposits of amount A

Present value related to n future

deposits of A

Example 3. Suppose that you have just borrowed $7,500 at 10% nominal interest compounded
quarterly. What is the total lump-sum, compounded amount to be paid by you at the end
of a 10-year loan period?
F = P[(1 + i)n ]
0.1 10
F = $7,500[(1 + ) ]
F = $20,138.25

Example 4. How many deposits of $100 each must you make at the end of each month if you desire
to accumulate $3,350 for a new home entertainment center? Your savings account pays
9% nominal interest, compounded monthly.

AE 101: Course Audit 1
A[(1 + i )n − 1]
0.09 12x
100 [(1 + 12 ) − 1]
3,350 =
x = 2.5 years

2.5 years is needed to accumulate an amount of $3,350 by depositing $100 monthly. Thus,
the total number of deposits of $100 for 2.5 years is:

Total number of deposits = 2.5x12; = 30 deposits.

Example 5. You have used your credit card to purchase automobile tires for $340. Unable to make
payments for seven months, you then write a letter of apology and enclose a check to pay
your bill in full. The credit card company’s nominal interest rate is 16.5% compounded
monthly. For what amount should you write the check?
Effective i = (1 + )m − 1
0.165 12
Effective i = (1 + ) −1
Effective i = 0.1781

F = P(1 + i)N
F = 340(1 + 0.1781)7/12
F = $ 340.11

Problem Set 3. Engineering Economy. Solve the following problems on a piece of letter size
bond paper. Show your complete solutions.

1. By selling balut at P50 per dozen, a vendor gains 20%. The cost of the eggs rises by
12.5%. If he sells at the same price as before, find his new gain in %.
2. What will be the future worth of money after 12 months, if the sum of P25, 000 is
invested today at simple interest rate of 1% per year?
3. Find the compound amount and interest if P 2,500 is invested at 8% compounded
quarterly for 5 years and 6 months.
4. A certain savings and loan association advertises that it pays 8% nominal interest,
compounded quarterly. What is the effective interest rate per annum? If you deposit
$5,000 now and plan to withdraw it in three years, how much would your account be
worth at that time?
5. If instead you decided to deposit $800 every year for three years, how much could be
withdrawn at the end of the third year? Supposed that, instead, you deposit $400 every
six months for three years. What would the accumulated amount be?

AE 101: Course Audit 1

Definition of Terms Related to Fluid Mechanics

Some terms usually use in Fluid Mechanics (OpenStax, 2020). For more detailed discussions and
formulas, review your Fluid Mechanics course.

1. Absolute pressure
Sum of gauge pressure and atmospheric pressure
2. Archimedes’' principle
Buoyant force on an object equals the weight of the fluid it displaces
3. Bernoulli's equation
Equation resulting from applying conservation of energy to an incompressible
frictionless fluid:
p + ½ ρv2 + ρgh = constant
4. Bernoulli's principle
Bernoulli's equation applied at constant depth:
p + ½ ρv12 = p + ½ ρv12
5. Buoyant force
Net upward force on any object in any fluid due to the pressure difference at
different depths
6. Density
Mass per unit volume of a substance or object
7. Flow rate
Abbreviated Q, it is the volume V that flows past a particular point during a time t,
8. Fluids
Liquids and gases; a fluid is a state of matter that yields to shearing forces
9. Gauge pressure
Pressure relative to atmospheric pressure
10. Hydraulic jack
Simple machine that uses cylinders of different diameters to distribute force
11. Hydrostatic equilibrium
State at which water is not flowing, or is static

12. Ideal fluid

Fluid with negligible viscosity
13. Laminar flow
Type of fluid flow in which layers do not mix
14. Pascal's principle
Change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all
portions of the fluid and to the walls of its container
15. Poiseuille's law
Law rate of laminar flow of an incompressible fluid in a tube:
16. Poiseuille’s law for resistance
Resistance to laminar flow of an incompressible fluid in a tube:
17. Pressure
Force per unit area exerted perpendicular to the area over which the force acts
18. Reynolds number
Dimensionless parameter that can reveal whether a particular flow is laminar or
19. Specific gravity
Ratio of the density of an object to a fluid (usually water)
20. Turbulence
Fluid flow in which layers mix together via eddies and swirls
21. Turbulent flow

AE 101: Course Audit 1
Type of fluid flow in which layers mix together via eddies and swirls

22. Viscosity
Measure of the internal friction in a fluid

Equation in Fluid Mechanics

Some of the equations in fluid mechanics are presented below (OpenStax, 2020).

Density of a sample at constant density ρ = mV

Pressure p = FA
Pressure at a depth h in a fluid of
p = 𝑝0 + ρgh
constant density
Change of pressure with height in a dp
= −ρg
constant-density fluid dy
Absolute pressure pabs = pg+patm
Pascal's principle F1 F2
A1 A2
Volume flow rate dV
Continuity equation (constant density) A1V1 = A2V2
Continuity equation (general form) ρ1A1V1 = ρ2A2V2
Bernoulli's equation p+ ½ ρv2+ρgy = constant
Viscosity FL
Poiseuille’s law for resistance 8ηl
R= 4
Poiseuille’s law (p2 − p1 )πr 4

Problem Set 4. Fluid Mechanics. Solve the following problems on a piece of letter size bond
paper. Show your complete solutions.

1. A vertical cylindrical tank is 2 meters in diameter and 3 meters high. Its sides are held
in position by means of two steel hoops, one at the top and the other at the bottom. If
the tank is filled with water to a depth of 2.1m, determine the tensile stress in each hoop.
2. A cylindrical container 8 m high and 3 m in diameter is reinforced with two hoops 1
meter from each end. When it is filled with water, what is the tension in each hoop due
to water?
3. Gas is flowing through a square conduit whose section gradually changes from 150 mm
(section 1) to 300 mm (section 2). At section 1, the velocity of flow is 7 m/s and the
density of gas is 1 kg/m3 while at section 2 the velocity of flow is 2 m/s. Calculate the
mass flow rate and the density of the gas at section 2.

AE 101: Course Audit 1

4. The pump shown draws water from reservoir A at elevation 10 m and lifts it to reservoir
B at elevation 60 m. The loss of head from A to 1 is two times the velocity head in the
200 mm diameter pipe and the loss of head from 2 to B is ten times the velocity head in
the 150 mm diameter pipe. Determine the rated horsepower of the pump and the
pressure heads at 1 and 2 in meters when the discharge is 0.03 m 3/sec.

5. Water flows freely from the reservoir shown through a 50-mm diameter pipe at the rate
of 6.31 lit/sec. if the head lost in the system is 11.58 Joule/N, determine the elevation of
the water surface in the reservoir if the discharge end is at elevation 4 m.

OpenStax. (2020). Contributed by Samuel J. Ling, Jeff Sanny, and Bill Moebs. Retrieved on
September 11, 2020 at

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